2 SOCIETY.' THE ST T XT)AT STATE WASTITNGTOX. T). C.. AUGUST IT 1028-PART 7. SOCIETY. Record of Social Events Washington Society Folk WASHINGTON GIRLS WHO ARE FAR AND NEAR FOR THE SUMMER SEASON 1 In Calendar o( Week The Undersecretary of State and —— | Mrs. Ogden L. Mills entertained at Listed in Personal Mention dinner Friday evening at the third an- | nual dinner at the Brook at Saratoga Springs, the climax of the festivities Prominent Residents Spending Summer at Recre- attendant on the racing season there. Others having guests at the dinner ation Resorts—Cottage Lite Popular— Many ; were Real Admiral Cary T. Grayson Mr. and Mrs. William F R. Hitt and Visiting in Other Cities. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Royall Hol- combe entertained at dinner last eve- Capt. and Mrs. o. C. Calhoun arc ¦. in Denver, Colorado Springs and Salt ning In the villa at Newport which they entertaining at their countryplace Mrs. ! Lake City, returning to Washington in are occupying for the season. Calhoun’s aunt, Mrs, R. w Knight, . | September. who has just returned from England, Mrs. Frank Presbrey of Greenwich, where she spent a year. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Dawson, Miss Eva Rup- formerly of Washington, was enter- Clarence C. Bryan of Kentucky, nephew pert and Mr. Frank A Dawson started tained at bridge and tea Friday afi/r- and niece of Capt Calhoun, are also I this morning by motor for the north- --noon in the Casino at Saranac Inn by guests, and Mrs Charles W. Waring. western part of New York State and M. Green of Montclair in Mrs. Henderson Mrs. Calhoun’s daughter, arrived yester- i Canada They will stop Atlantic and Mrs. Charles Presbrey of New York. day to remain with her during j City and at Delaware Water Gap en shared honors with Mrs. mother route Mr Dawson recently com- Mrs. Presbrey this week, when they will leave together ; home. John M. Shaw. for a series of visits in the North. Mr. : pleted a fortnight's tour of duty as Waring will join Mrs. Waring later on. j lieutenant at Fort Howard. Md. Miss Clyde Shuman will entertain a Mrs. Jtysephine Marr Witherspoon of company of about 50 at a tea Saturday Mrs. Ida S Elliott has returned to Grace E! Paso. Tex., and Mrs. Josephine Marr Washington after in Atlantic afternoon, August 25, at the ! a stay Dodge Baldwin of Harrisburg. Pa., cousins of j City. Hotel. Mrs. Calhoun, have recently been her Page Mr. John Sweeney, son of Mr and guests. Miss Ada and Miss Betty Wilson, will be who are spending the Summer at Buena Mrs. Thomas Bell Sweeney, Mr and Mrs. George von L. Meyer, host at dinner tomorrow evening at the j Vista Springs, spent several days in with •on and daughter-in-law of Mrs. George Washington last week. Kimball House at Bar Harbor and von L. Meyer and the late Sec- | his guests remain for the dancing retary of the Navy, have left their Mrs. Havener, accompanied by her | later. Summer home in the Myopia district of daughters and sons, Miss Nannie Bell Hamilton. Mass., and gone to West Havener and Miss Ruth Havener and Miss Eliza Mitchell, daughter of Dr Chop, where they will be for the re- Mr. Dannis Havener. Mr. Clyde Havener and Mrs. James F. Mitchell, was mainder of the month. and Mr. Glenn Havener, have returned hostess at dinner in the Mitchell cot- from a short stay in Monterey, Va. tage at Bar Harbor before the per- Mrs. Francis G. Newlands and Mrs. j formance which her brother. Mr. James E Newlands Johnston were last week Mrs. Mark O. Davis and daughter F. Mitchell, assisted in staging for the in Boston, where they stayed at the Mary Suzanne have returned to Wash- benefit of a local charity. Hotel Somerset. ington after a three weeks' visit to At- lantic City. Asbury Park. Ocean Grove, Miss Ruth Abell entertained at din- Mrs Godfrey Lowell Cabot loaned her j i Spring Lake, Lock Arbour, Allen Hurst ner Wednesday evening at the Grace Summer home. The Oaks, at Beverly and Media. Pa. Dodge Hotel. There were covers for 20 Farms. Mass. Friday morning for one ! oi the series of talks which Rev. Carroll : Mr. and Mrs Haskal Steele have re- Percy of Ipswich is giving. j turned to their home in Lancaster. S. C., University Women Have after a brief visit to the former's cousin. Mrs H Rozier Delaney sailed yester- Mr. P. Fred McDaniel, of the Albe- Special Tea Program day aboard the Celtic for Europe to marle Apartments, this city. spend the late Summer and early The American Association of Uni- Autumn. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Montgomery. versity Women members are availing Col. and Mrs. G. J. Feiberger, Miss themselves, despite the hot weather of Dr and Mrs J Ogle Warfield, jr.. Julia Feiberger and Col. and Mrs. W. ; an unusual opportunity for fellowship are spending several weeks at Beach B. Ladue all of Washington, and Lieut, j with women from other American na- Haven. N. J.. after visiting Mrs. War- and Mrs. Amos T. Akerman of Fort j tions. As guests of honor for the Monday field's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Humphrey. Va.. are at the Thayer. West teas during August the club will have Baldwin, in Baltimore. Point, N. Y., for a few days. members from the Inter-American Com- of Tomorrow Clara Mrs. John Buchanan has gone mission Women. Miss to her j Mrs. Minnie C. Hermann of 3504 Gonzales, Panama’s first woman law- Summer home on Georgian Bay near ! Runnymede place, Chevy Chase, is Sum- ! Toronto, Canada, yer, who is here studying our juvenile and en route North j mering in the Canadian Laurentians , women's reformatories was the guest for a day or two of Maj. with courts and our relatives. She will visit Montreal, i for her government, will speak. Miss and Mrs Phillip B Fleming at West Toronto and Quebec before returning by Point. i Gonzales, who will be introduced : in September. Miss E. Agnes Dillon of the hospitality Mrs. Robert Jasperson, who with her Mrs. Kramer, mother of Mr. Frank H. committee, will talk informally on the mother, Mrs. H. L. Wrenn of Washing- Kramer and Mr. Howard Kramer of i feminist movement in Panama. ton. and her sister. Mrs. S Hallock du ; this city, spent last week in Newport, ) The card tables will be in readiness I guests who Pont of Wiimington. has been at the j; and is now' visiting Swamscott. Mass. for those members and care Cavalier for the past 10 days, was to play until 4:30. The hostesses for ;o:ned yesterday by Lieut. Jasperson.! Miss M. E. Robinson of Gain ford-on- - the afternoon are Mrs Harris T. Bald- and they will Pees, in Durham County, England, is j win, Miss E. Agnes Dillon and Mr motor to Annapolis today.! i rs. Mrs Wrenn and Mrs. du Pont will re- j passing the week end in Washington [m Lynn and Daughter \ James G. Cumming. main at the Cavalier for another week I at the Mayflower with her uncle. Mr.! * Thomas P, Harrison of Cleveland, at Return From Trip Abroad • i a Mrs. Pauline s I H. Arnold has returned i| whose home she has been a guest for Mrs. Richard Henry Lynn and her HadassaH Sponsors to her apartment on New Hampshire s ; the past year. avenue after a fortnight’s visit at the ! daughter, Miss Lalla Harrison Lynn, re- Benefit Card Party Homestead. Hot Springs, where she ! Mr. George Brooks has gone to turned yesterday from several months motored with Mrs. James McConville, | Monterey, Va., and is spending por- j An al fresco card party will be held a abroad. at who is again in her apartment by the Hadassah Tuesday evening in the j tion of August with Mr. W. W. i Isa- Rochambeau, and Dr. ‘ Samples. jys Miss Lynn will be a debutante of the 8.30 o’clock In the garden of Mrs. Robert T dore Kahn at 5709 Sixteenth street McCrystal. % i coming season and will make her for- Mr. Louis S. is to- \ for the benefit of the Summer emer- Dergans leaving mal bow at a tea dance in the ballroom Mrs. K. C. Lowndes has gone to! morrow for Gloucester. Mass., where Ir? j gency fund. The committee in charge 1 refreshment; Monterey, Va., to spend the remainder he will pass the remainder of the Sum- of the Mayflower Christmas afternoon, has arranged prizes, and of the month. mer. and will return to Washington December 25. will be served. i early in Mr. and Mrs. : September to his new studio Barklie McKee Henry at the Lombardy, 2019 Eye street of Philadelphia, who were guests over the week end of the latter’s grand- northwest. mother. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, in Mrs. Kolley. hostess of the Columbia her Summer home. The Breakers, at Junior High School Parent-Teacher As- ... ... Newport, have been cruising bo lovely so captivating so full aboard the sociation. is visiting in her former home yacht Whileaway of Mrs. Henry’s in Hannibal. Miss., close mother. Mrs. Harry Payne to the birth- of charm. Superb interpretations of the Whitnev. place of the late "Mark Twain." who in Mrs. Whitney accompanied Mr and his youth close ultimate in smartness and tailoring. Mrs. Henry from was a friend of Mrs. New York to New- Kolley's parents. Mrs. Kollev's grand- ’ Vacation Season Observed port and has remained with her graduated mother, Mrs son from the Columbia Junior Vanderbilt, through his High School in June.
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