University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 4 Article 1 Number 6 April, 1974 4-1974 University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 4 Number 6 (April, 1974) Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/lf Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation (1974) "University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 4 Number 6 (April, 1974)," University of Baltimore Law Forum: Vol. 4: No. 6, Article 1. Available at: http://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/lf/vol4/iss6/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@University of Baltimore School of Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Baltimore Law Forum by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@University of Baltimore School of Law. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 1. No.6 April,1974 Catalyst Of Many Innovations by Gloria Sodaro .. Associate Dean Ri chard A. to the United States Housing system to tiike the place of I he Buddeke, wi nner of this years A uthority and its successor t he rough procerl urI' oncl' USP'!. With outstanding Faculty Member F ederal Public Housing lhp "(lnputerizin g of sch!'duli ng. Award. has devoted the past four Authori ty, as Assistant Ge neral not only do the \)pans hav" more years to improving the student Counsel to the Secretary of lim,' to work with the sub· body, revam.ping the curriculum Defense. and as Assistant slantive aspects of law sc hool and exam schedul es. a nd So li citor for the Department of nl'eds. but th<,y also ha ve mor" remolding t he· acade mic Interior. I ime to spend wilh sturl ents. structure of our law school. As governm ent work per· In lhp law school. Ikan A r e lative newcomer to mitted, he handled some private Huddeke works mainly behind Ba ltimore. the Associate Dean litigation and tax work in tl.e lhe scenes. I-Ie regarrls. as among pu rsued most of his previous firm where he had become a his most gralifying ac· ca reers in Washington. D.C. He junior partner. bpfore his comp lishments. the new facility acq uired an A.B. and J.D. degree government emplojlment. of computerized schedulin g for I'rom George Washington Along with recently serving courses and exams. When ap· University. and furthered his as National President of the proached. he said. "Before w(· l'd ucation at Columbia Judge Advocates Association, were just coping . with U ni versity whe r e he was Dean Buddeke served as judge registration I'or .only 500 persons. awarded an L.L.M. His thesis advocate and reserve officer with Now we've broadened our views combined his two preferred the U.S. Navy where he handled with regard to scheduling and fields of law and is entitled "The some fifteen hundred cases. curriculum for 1200 pe rsons. Immunity of Governmental Legislature became another Comp uterization has released us Instrumentalities from Taxation. specialty of his and in serving as from paper work and sensitized Law School Names As is typical of many '~egis l at i ve Program Director for us to student needs. We had professors here. Buddeke ,he Defense Department and more time-·and took more time·· Placement Director orig inally combined teaching 'lASA. he had occasion to to arrange for in ternships and with law practice. He taught monitor legislative inquiries in other programs." by Michael B. Hare Mr. Watson's background is taxation and government-related liaison wilh t he President's In speaking of achievements, In September of this yeat, the well suited to his new duties courses of eighteen years at Executive Office ~ nd Co ngress. he always spoke in terms of the University of Baltimore School of supplying him with numerous Ca tholic University School of Buddeke ca me L" the administration and expressed Law will take a major step in contacts with the members of the Law on a part-time basis. He Un iversity in 1970 as a full time high regards for Dean Curtis. assisting its graduates find loael and state bar associations. enjoyed three years teaching .J rofessor and in 1972 was ap· Though a catalyst of many in· employment opportunities in an He plans to spend this summer government. politics, and con· pointed Assistant Dea;n, (later novations. he modestly deems ever tightening job market. Mr. organizing his program and in s titutional systems at the changed to Associate Dean). himself only a part of our rapidly William Isedore Weston has been June will attend a conference on University of Virginia, North In his position as Assistan· advanci ng school of law. named Associate Director of law placement. His office will be Virgi nia center . t! Associate Dean. he has done Dean Buddeke realizes that Placement for the Law School. located in the Placement Office, In addition to teaching, Dean wonders with course registration all is not yet perfect. but marvels Mr. Weston, who is currently first floor, Academic Center . Buddeke worked for the Federal and exam sched uling. The need a t our progress over the last four teaching a course in Professional Using an active rather than a government in many capacities. was there. with the expansion of years. Ad hering to the motto. Responsibility at the law school, passive approach to placement, He served as Attorney·Advisor the law school. to provid e a new "There's always room for im· in addition to priva.te practice, is Mr. Watson indicated that he provement," he is presently Executive Director, The Bar plans to use hi s contacts to revamping our course offerings. Association of Baltimore City, stimulate interest in University The first year has been given serving concurrent ly as of Baltimore law graduates and the most attention. The In· Executive Director, Baltimore to make sure students are trod uction to Law Course will be Bar Foundation and Lawyer notified of available op· changed under his and Kathy Referral Service, Inc. He portunities. His program will Sweeney's direction. Criminal previously served as Assistant also include guidance counseling. Law and Procedure have become Executive Director and Director Mr. Watson, taking mandatory during the first and of Public Relations, The cognizance of t he shortage of second sl'mester of the freshman Maryland Bar Association. Inc. jobs in t he Baltimor e· year. He is a graduate of the Washington area fo r lawyers, The theme that seems to have University of Maryland School of noted that although he is not a taken form is the desire by both Law (June 1971) and of Loyola miracle worker, the stature of Deans Curtis and Buddeke and College (June 1968). He is a the law school has risen con· Professor Davidson. to "draw an member of the America n, siderably in the eyes of t he advocacy thread through the Maryland, and Baltimore Bar members of the legal profession three years of instruction by Associations, The Maryland Trial with the realization that this law increasing the advocacy ex· Lawyers Association, and school is a growing and vibrant perience of the students." Ad· American Judicature Society institution, and that this should locacy training, something . among others and is in volved in do much to improve both the which the student will be able to numerous community activities. (cont. on pg. 6) Associate Dean Buddeke receiving benefit from his entire legal A wards Banquet. [cont. on pg. 5] Page 2 April. 1974 The Forum uniform method of application. Math, Myth eq ual share of the estate to each which D is entitled, propor­ Those who would oppose the III. ARGUMENTS POSSIBLE such child. tionately (Le., ratably) from the or validity of the statute provisions children A, B, and C and con­ IN SUPPORT OF STATUTE Social Equity (b) The after-born child may under consideration could ad­ temporaneously preserve to the PROVISIONS recover the share of t.,he Clay Stuart maximum extent possible the vance several arguments in Whereas it may be argued testator's estate to which he is testamentary intent of the support of their contention_ that it is inequitable to diminish INTRODUCTION el1titled._.from the other testator as provided in EPTL 5- It might be averred that the dollar estate share of a child Upon first reading section 5- children ... ratably, (emphasis 3.2(b), the structure of the when applied, the statute specifically named in a will for 3_2 of the Estates, Powers and added) out of the portions of such proportionate recovery becomes provisions produce inequitable the benefit of an after-born child, Trusts Law, one unfamiliar with estate passing to such persons readily apparent. results as the after-born child or it may be equally argued that it the statute may be left with a under the will. In abating the To have remaining children will receive a greater would be inequitable to deprive somewhat vague and indecisive interests of such beneficiaries, dispositions as nearly as was dollar share of the estate after an after-born child of an estate interpretation, with respect to the character of the intended by the testator, after a recovery than will be ultimately share for the reason of time of the subject portions_ testamentary plan adopted by portion of the original disposition received by some of the children birth, over which the after-born The initial inference may be the testator shall be preserved to passes to after-born child D, for whom specific provision was child had no controL that application of the subject the maximum extent possible_" children A, B, and C should made in the will, As was ob­ In attempting to support the portions produces an inequitable To illustrate the application retain respectively the same served in the illustrative validity of the statute provisions result as to some of the parties of the aforementioned statute proportionate share in the examples, such result is quite as written, the underlying affected thereby and that the provisions, assume th&- following $75,000 remaining for them as probable_ purpose of the provisions must statue appears partially illusory circumstances.
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