‘ -;c i - • _ • 1 ' THE WBAfBEE AVEBA<» DAILT CnCCLATION Faaaeaat af 0. S. Waathar Bhtaaa, fer tlie Hontb of Jnlj, IMS H s r t t c r d .......................... 1 II - . *■' i t" : Partly doody; ceattmed eool ta- '•y 5,159 nlght; Toead^r fair, aot aa ead. % Member of the Audit Bnreso oooL of Orcalotioiia. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LH., NO. 269. (CtaMlfled Advertlstng on Poge 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1933. ET TOOK TWO EGGS AS MOB SACKED PRESIDENTIAL PALACE IN HAVANA FIVE ARE HURT TO MAKE THIS ONE Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 14.—^It CUBA IS QUIET TODAY; was a funny kind of a shell game AS CAR UPSETS that the prize Rhode Island Red hen of Mrs. Edgar F. Culp play­ ed on her. INNO.raVENTR¥ The hen laid a huge egg. quite U. S. WARSHIPS ARRIVE unlike any Mrs. Culp ever saw. On breaking the shell, nothing came out of it except the white None Seems Cridcally In- of the egg. Looking further, Mrs. Culp Some Outbursts Of Looting found another sh^ inside the Reporters in Cuba ior Although All Are In first. She cracked this shell and And Soldiers Ordered To fotmd that it containeo the yolk Hospital Machine Skids of the egg and nothing else. The outer egg was about twice Tell of Experiences Shoot Persons Violating the size of an ordinary one, Against Guard Rail. while the inner one was of aver­ Public Order— Carlos De M age size. New York, Aug. 14— (AP) — A<£toey forced him into a machine and -»■ torilling and nearly tragic story of after handling his roughly, threw A mother and two sons, Mrs. adventure and adversity was pieced him out ifi toe outskirts of Havana. Cespedes, New Presi­ Valeda Robillard, 46,. and sons, Al­ together today from cabled bits of Another Associated Press camera­ Havana news—toe story of toe man, Jose Garcia, who last week fred, 22, and Norman, 9, of 306 Mc­ SPECIAL SESSION heart breaking battle of Associated was dragged to safety as be was dent— Warships To Pro­ Gowan street, Fall River, Mass., Press staff photographers to fill an photographing toe mEissacre ot cele­ and two passengers in the car driven “assignment,” against odds to brating Cubans by soldiers before tect American life And by Alfred Robillard, Mrs. Eva Daig- ASKED BY MCNEIL revolution, bloodshed and rioting. toe presidential palace, dug out nault, 48, of 926 Rodman street, A s toe last o f a relay o f plEmes, from vaults duplicate “shots” ot toe iinti Mrs. TriA. Lamothe, 44, of 1050 i dropped to Newark airport at noon rioting ot toe week-end. These pic­ Property--PIan No Inter­ Stafford road, the same city, were wt with a realistic pictorial account of tures, taken almost at the same seriously injured when the heavy Writes Letter To Governor the Cuban revolt, it marked toe suc­ time and places as those ot Ress, sedan in which they were returning cessful conclusion of another “news­ were prepared for delivery. Other vention. to Fall River from Hartford, skidded paper story” that cost many thous­ pictures obtained from Havana oo the wet highway near the North Saying That It Is Neces­ ands o f dollars and Efimost cost toe newspaper members of toe Associ­ Coventry church, crashed through lives of two Associated Press ated Press were included. Havana, Aug. 14.— (AP)—A i two Despite toe fact news reel a highway guard rail and landed up­ * ^ ^ / cam eram en. United States ships of war steamed sary To Aid Recovery. Seymour Kess, Associated Press cameramen and other photograph­ side down in a nearby field at 9:30 into Havana harbor today to pro­ this morning. ^ * \ photographer, lost bis camera, and ers were keeping films locked in Five at Hospital precious plates Saturday afternoon vaults for safekeeping during toe tect American property, renewed rioting, toe Havana “AP” staff at Alfred Robillard, driver of the New Haven, Aug. 14.—(AP)—-A S' / ''i at toe bEuid. of eui hysterical mob outbursts of looting and (uson Im­ car, received a possible fracture of which descended on toe FEui-Ameri- once made preparations to fiy their pelled toe Cuban military authori­ new plea for a special session of the second batch-of pictures to Miami J? 1 the right leg and the others in the can airways dock to prevent toe ties to order their soldiers to fire on f i General Assembly to act on the escape ot Cjolonel Orestes Ferrara, fdr distribution over toe United party received cuts, bruises and ^1 persons violating public order. ilj possible internal injuries. All were various phases of the Federal re­ former secretary ot state. States. Carlos Manuel De Cespedes, toe tAiren to the Manchester Memorial As toe pilot took off In a hail ot But it was not imtil toe state de­ ^4 covery drive was sent to Governor Hospital where emergency treat­ bullets wlto toe secretary, and ^ te partment at Washington had <n'er- ment was given. All members of Wilbur L. Cross today by Archibald safely aboard^ toe infuriated mob vened, was government “sanction” the group remained as patients at McNeil, chairman of the Connecti­ bore down on Ress and destroyed obtained to permit a plane to leave the hospital. cut Public works advisory commit­ bis camera Emd plates—which ere toe island. And then—there were Stephen Loyzim of Coventiy, for­ tee. to have gone to Miami aboard toe no planes. President Gerardo merly of this town, was an eye wit­ The Democratic National com­ plane. Machado had taken toe last one in ness to the accident. He said he mander expressed the opinion there A t toe jK>int o f pistols and rifles. his escape. was standing in the doorway of a would be no altemaU'''e other than shop across the road from scene of call for a special session, to act on the ac(^dent as the car came down a public works program, including the hill past the church at a. fast construction of the Merritt high­ As word swept over the embattled city Of Havana that the tyrannical regime of President Gerardo Ma­ chado WEUS at an end, thousands of joyful celebrants swept into the presidential palace to loot add destroy. rate of speeo sUdded on the mac­ way, and on problems sudsing from S L O O D S IN CHINA NEW LONDON OPENS The result of the mob’s frenzy Is sMkingly pictured above. Windows and doors were smashed; rich fur­ adam road near the guard rails at the Federsd Home Loan Act. the edge of a culvert. The car, out nishings pulled down and canied away; state papers and records tossed into the court in a littered maif. McNeil said that work on the of control, struck the last post in Here you see members of the mob searching the debris, and others carrying loot from the palace. the rail and catapulted, end-over- Merritt highway could be started ^ SPREADING RUIN HOME LOAN OFFICE end into the field. The top was immediately if applications for Fed­ 'A om off the heavy sedan, grinding eral funds is made to the committee heavy {date glass into the interior he heads. of the ear as it was dragged by Mesmwhlle, officials of savings DR. D O U N NAMES Five Breaks In Dykes In Yel­ Business Brisk On First Day momentum across the grass, resting banks studied the opinion of Ernest STATE-WIDE MILK STRIKE on the roofless sidewalls 15 feet out L. Averill, deputy attorney general, In the field. as to what extent these institutions low River: Villages And As Information Is Sought Miraeoknu Escape may accept bonds of the Home FITE COLLECFORS All of the occupants of the car Owners’ Loan Corporation in ex­ HAS BEEN DECLARED OFF were thrown dear as if by a change for mortgsiges. Farmlands Innndated. By House Owners. mirade. One of the .Tomen was left Averill ruled that the bonds may In the path that the car had recent­ not be suxepted as legsd invest- One For la c k Congressional ly taken as it ground its way down ment^i^ut lhat they nuiy be jx - Prof. Charles A. Jeard .RAIflO’S AVIATORSt ^^mtanghat, A ug. 14.'— (A P )— Flood New London, Aug. 14.—(AP)— the hank into the Another sifJttg^r'1>ahks“ i^d Waters of toe Yellow river were re­ The New London District offices of woman was deposited, painfully hurt District--Those C lu ^ ported t(«lay to. be spreading oVef saviz^ departments of other In­ Credited With Preventiiig the Federal Home Loan Board were Carlos Manuel De Oeepedee and bleeding from her mouth' from stitutions for delinquent mortgages. a still greater area in North Cen­ possible Internal injuries, across Peter M. Kennedy, state msuuiger HONORED BY ITALY tral provinces, with ftirtoer deaths opened this morning at 330 State the rear seat which had been For The Positions. street, and throughout toe day a new President, completed a Cabinet a l the loan corporation, who con­ Holiday; State Producers aild property damage. • which virtually ignored toe claims whisked out of the car when it From Tsiananfu came word that large number of persons filed into turned over. Norman Robillard, ferred with the governor Isust week, of all toe old pollticEil parties, and fioods have now swept into western toe office in search of information aged 9, was lying nesu- a large on the advisability a t a special ses­ toe principal followers of toe de­ Were Against It, Hartford, Aug.
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