and Railroad Man’s Magazine Issued Weekly Sword AND Anvil Jby George FoxhaU $400 A COPY A YEAR The only way you can discharge an Iver Johnson is to pull the trigger all the way back You often read of tragedies caused by the accidental discharge of revolvers. Per¬ haps this is why you haven’t a revolver in your home. Do you know that an accident is im¬ possible with an Iver Johnson? The only way you can discharge it is to pull the trigger all the way back. Three Booklets IVER JOHNSON FREE —the Only safe revolver for the home. There is nothing to fear from an Iver Johnson for the man or woman who owns it. Its safety is automatic and sure. There are no levers to adjust or forget to adjust. It simply can’t go off unless you want it to. Hammer You can even “hammer the hammer” without dis¬ charging an Iver Johnson Revolver. Iver Johnson Revolvers embody the simplest, Hammer safest principles of mechanism and construction. No flat springs in an Iver Johnson—all springs are made of the finest piano wire, drawn tempered— they will last a lifetime. And the perfect rifling of the barrel means straight shooting. The Iver Johnson shown here has the "Western” Walnut Grip. Other models have “Perfect” Rubber and Regular Grips. IVER JOHNSON’S ARMS & CYCLE WORKS 140 River Street, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 99Chambers St., New York 717 Market St.,San Francisco ADVERTISING SECTION. 'YbuCanTake Hills on Hioh Without A Knock If you will keep your motor free from carbon. That knocking in your engine—the difficulty you have climbing hills— poor pick-up—lack of power—noisy motor—pre-ignition—in fact 80% of engine trouble is caused by carbon. Clean it out with and your engine will run like it did the first 500 miles—quietly and full of “pep.” And your gasoline consumption will drop 12% to 25%. You Can Do It Yourself For 65c—five minutes time—and no labor you, yourself, can remove all carbon deposits. Pour or spray an ounce of Johnson’s Carbon Remover into each cylinder through the petcocks or spark plug openings. Let the car stand for half to three-quarters of an hour; then take your car out on the road, drive it 10 or 15 miles at a fairly good rate of speed. You will be surprised at the wonderful improvement. Use It Every 500 Miles If you will use Johnson’s Carbon Remover at regular intervals, giving carbon no chance to accumulate, you will automatically eliminate most valve trouble and your engine will always be at its highest efficiency. ARGOSY In answering this advertisement it it desiralle that you mention this magazine. EH‘ ■■■■■■ ■ :^.=Xski- ■■■■■■ ' . f=5K° I ArgosyI AND RAILROAD MAN’S MAGAZINE Voi. cviii ISSUED WEEKLY number 2 CONTENTS FOR MAY 24, 1919 FOUR SERIAL STORIES SWORD AND ANVIL. In Three Parts. Part I...GEORGE FOXHALL 177 CHAPTERS I-V BLUE FLAMES. In Six Parts. Partin...ETHEL and JAMES DORRANCE 236 CHAPTERS XIV-XVIII THE DUKE OF CHIMNEY BUTTE. In Five Parts. Part IV. CHAPTERS XIX-XXII GEORGE WASHINGTON OGDEN 292 THE DEVIL’S RIDDLE. In Six Parts. Part VI.EDWINA LEVIN 316 CHAPTERS XXXVII—XLU TWO COMPLETE NOVELETTES WHEN LUDLOW STREET LAUGHED.raber mundorf 209 “ PIZEN ! ”.CHIEF HENRY RED EAGLE 264 SEVEN SHORT STORIES 0 WATCH THE YANKEE!......william Dudley pelley 194 BREAKING LOOSE.Wallace m. sloane 226 A CHINAMAN’S CHANCE.....H. a. lamb 253 THE PATIENT THAT WASN’T.keene Thompson 282 ONE HUNDRED PER CENT... lee landon 305 THE WILD WOMAN.lyon mearson 339 FOUND.ROYCE BRIER 344 THE LOG-BOOK.the editor 349 Four of a Kind—the Best! “ BULLY BESS,” by Katharine Eggleston “THE HIGHER STRAIN” by John Frederick “THE WANDERING STEW” by Roy W. Hinds “BETWEEN CRIBS,” by Norman Springer NEXT WEEK ADVERTISING SECTION Send Only With Coupon and we will ship you this This stunning style is made of a very fine grade of silk taffeta. 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When he found I had been studying at home with the International Correspondence Schools he knew I had the right stuff in me— that I was bound to make good. Now we can move over to that house on Oak¬ land Avenue and you can have a maid and take things easy. I tell you, Nell, taking that course with the I. C. S. was the best thing I ever did.” Spare-time study with the I. C. S. is winning promotions for thousands of men and bringing happiness to thousands of homes all over the world. In offices, shops, stores, mines, mills and on rail¬ roads, I. C. S. trained men are stepping INTERNATIONAL COrIeSPONDENC? SCHOOLS up to big jobs, over the heads of older BOX 2216. SCRANTON, PA. •—-t obligating me, how I can quality (or the poll, men, past those whose only qualification ibject, before which I mark X. □ SALESMANSHIP is long service. H ADVERTISING Thereis a jobahead of youthat someman is going to be picked for. The boss can’t take chances. When he selects the one to hold it he is going to choose a trained man with sound, practical knowledge of the work. Get busy right now and put yourself in line for that promotion. You cap do it in spare time in your own home through the International Correspondence AUTOMOBILE OP Schools, just as nearly two million men h ave done in the last twenty-eight years, just as more than 100,000 men are doing today. The first step these men took was to mark and mail this coupon. Make your start the same way —and make it right now. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Scranton, Pa. Montreal, Can. this advertisement desirable that mention this magazine. ADVERTISING SECTION. Real People what the doughboys called The Salvation Army ers on the battle-fields and back of the lines in They were “real people” to the soldier, because they were just like the folks back home, with hands accustomed to work and eyes always ready to smile. And now these same “real people,” back from the war with new laurels, have built their trenches in the Streets of Poverty in America. They will wage the fight for the poor and unfortunate at home, just as they have done for years, but on a larger scale. The Salvation Army conducts Rescue Homes—Day Nurseries— Homes for the Helpless Aged—Lodging Houses for the Down and Outers—Fresh-Air Farms—Free Clinics. It must extend this service everywhere where Misery and Poverty exist. It must continue to reach down and lift up the men, women and children who have fallen. Will You Help? THE SALVATION ARMY HOME SERVICE FUND MAY 19 TO 26 In anitcering thii advertiiement it i* ittirable that you mention thit magatine. ADVERTISING SECTION. T BECOME A Traffic manager-i Over half a million large ship. 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