Dedicated to those MSU students stationed in the Middle Vol. 83 No.25 • The As soc1ate· d stu d ents of Montana State University • Bozeman, MT • Tuesday, January 22, 1991 In this issue A captive audience Ca.mpus News • "Bikes not bombs" peace rally held -Page 2 • MLKDay celebrated at MSU -Page 6 • Write to MSU students in the gulf -Page 4 Features • ''Winter Solstice" concert reviewed -Page 9 • George Burns elebrates his 95th irthday -PagelO ~po~~kerson hines in victory ver Idaho State -Pagel3 • MSU tennis The crowd in the NorthWest lounQe watching the progress in the Middle East proves that MSU students aren't ~'-'°""'"'!Qr""' earn preview for apathetic about everything Chris Lohss c:atches up on the days events in USA Today while a roomful of students he 1991 season tune 1n to CNN. The big screen telev1s1on 1n the NW lounge hos been tuned into CNN since the crisis began on last -Page 15 Wednesday night. ontanans worry as missiles fly King supporters rally HELENA, Mont. (AP)-AboutlOOpeople gathered at the state "She sounded real good," he said. "She feels Capitol on Monday to remember i\1artin Luther King Jr., and :Sc;>ZEMAN (AP) - The firing of Iraqi Scud secure in her situation, as secure as she can be." ls1les at targets in Saudi Arabia is causing issue calls for Montana to join 47 other $lates that h<•\t' a holiduy Others with loved ones fighting beneath the commemorating the slain civil-rights leader's birthday. e moments for Montana families with rela­ missile-tom skies in the gulf are relying on out­ s stationed in the Gulf, as they wait for first­ The rally began as a Senate commiltee concluded a hearing on dated letters and broadcast news for updates. a bill that would replace a moveable state holiday' callHl llt-ritat:.'.t' bd updates by telephone. Jenny Siemers hasn't received a single phone Day with one honoring King, on the third l\lorHl<l\ 111 ,Junuar.' 'Jorma Tatarka of Bozeman received a call call from her brother, Air Force Senior Airman Ed The rally was the centerpiece of activities in :\Iontana, where hday night from his daughter, Air Force Lt. Siemers, 21, who is somewhere in Saudi Arabia. Monday's federal holiday for Klng is considered a day of obser· l:>: Tatarka, who is stationed at an American She received a short letter on Wednesday that was vance. e m the. Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh. Only Montana, Arizona and New Hampshire do not have state .She ~aid the missile attack last night was dated Jan. 4. At that time, her brother was tired of waiting to holidays marking King's birthday. !1tenmg to say the least," he said. "I hope this fight and sick of the "disgustin~ food. He also said Sen. Harry Fritz, !>Missoula, who is sponsoring the King I"'~ ~orst of it." he was frustrated with an Air F"orce Jetter that told holiday legislation, said King should be properly remembered as ~~h tary spokesmen says none of the nine Scud his mother the morale, food and weather wne the leader of America's last great revolution. J1es la.unched at Saudi Arabia hit its target satisfactory. He said in truth, morale was sagging, Independence Day commemorates the Revolutionary War and lpay.. Eight were shot down and one landed in the food was disgusting and the temperatures its spokesman Thomas Jefferson, while the Civil War and its ers1an Gulf. leader Abraham Lincoln are honored with the President's Day told her parents that she wasn't were scorching. ~ollyTartarka "It didn't seem like that big of a deal when he holiday, Fritz said. mg.enough sleep, because air-raid sirens wrul was first sent over there," Jenny Siemers said -1 "So we need one for Martin Luther King and the third great i:.tmittent~y all night, forcing troops to don gas never thought I'd see a war in my time." revolution in the name of liberty and equality," the history ~s~md air-raid gear. Kindergarten teacherCharlo~te Orr i~ also rely­ professor said. I ll\Benson of Belgrade said his daughter, 22- ing on letters from her son who 1s 10 miles from a r -o d Af:ny Spc. Lisa Benson, stationed in telephone and 30 miles from any buildings. see 'King, page 2 firan with a medical unit, sounded confident calm when she called from Saudi Arabia see 'Missiles', page 2 ay. 2 • Tu esday, January 22, 1 991 • ASMSU Ex ponent Kuwait invasion: Lurching from "Bikes not Bombs" peace rally held impasse to impasse by David Lee Exponent news writer Last Saturday, about 30 demonstrators rode their bikes through Bozeman during a moving peace rally entitled "Bikes Not Bombs." The group assembled at Cooper Park, several participants display­ ing signs stating their support for relatives and friends in the Persian Gulf as well as opposition to the war there. At noon, the mobile rally proceeded down Eight Avenue and along several blocks of Main Street, where the bicyclists took up a laneoftraflic. The pack then turned off Main Street, looped back on Mendenhall and ended their ride at the Federal Building. Being a highly visible demonstration, the rally received several shouts and honks along the way, both in support and in opposition to the demonstrnlion. At one point, the group was harassed by the patron ofa downtown bar. On another occasion, a carload of angry men shouted insults at the group. Honks ofsupport were also heard. The differing responses to the rally reflected the polarization of public opinion about the war, in Bozeman and across the nation. In interviews with the Exponent, "Bikes Not Bombs" participants were asked why they joined the rally. Geoffrey Mason, who helped Aug 28 r :ro Mlfl '~'"aS. ng womtm organize the event, said its purpose was to call for an immediate end O• Ctag€ f J IJ s I oops dee \.. hen to the Middle East War and to promote bicycling as an alternative ,, .p 1 *crashes to petroleum-based transportation. Other participants agreed. One Sept 6 ilud A lb ;t ,1grees 10 pa'f woman, riding a bicycle she bought used in 1954, said she rides her •.,. 1 a ()pt! d'ion Oeser- St~ bicycle year-round and hoped more people would join her. Another Sept 9 t:jU h Gatb.K.hev Show SOI a.rnty 1 cyclist said he joined the demonstration in order to gel people to • 1'"' 1ovg•1 ':lllO ·l9.3 nst S.1dd~m think more about the broader implications of the war, rather than Sepl 14 Iraqi troops n 1\i..•\.lil tm!t'f 1 just about winning it. He hoped lo remind people that many nations t •1b,1 1 Syr1tnUS rt .1tionsv...lfm it>olot>,-0....,lt do not support the war in the Middle East. Another man was at the Bikers from around Bozeman mode their feelings about the 1 Sept 17 A Force g.~a t •ed I°' rt.>rn.Jr~ rally to allay his feelings of helplessness and to regain a sense of ~ r iO tQ diplomats t..>•Pt ed trom EurQPt Middle East crisis known on Saturday in o ·Bikes not Bombs control because the situation in the Gulf had gollen out of hand. peace rally. Another march for peace rs scheduled for this Sept 23 r 1q 'hrt•.llt!OS to dt>Stroy Mdt>ast Another rally for peace in the Middle East, to be held al noon this iO rP.SpOnse 10 l t 1ng emo..irgo Saturday at noon in Cooper Pork. Saturday, includes a march down Main Street and a simple meal at Sept 25 · U N vott}S 10 cut ott :i r trattic to the Methodist Church. 1 \d 1·0 .1q Sept 27 V\JOO Oii poo_ t t, $.' J a b.lHel Oct 2 · S. t'e ""''Bush< d"l>IOy-nent ol ' OD t Phone numbers for Oct 11 Ar Foret! lt>mpc>f.111 y ha Is Ciull American pilot saved t· l ~ 19 t '<P''~ atlt"r a ""t>f.·~ ot .i r crasht!'s Oct 14 S.1ud Ar.lt;)..-, d scov~rs huge n£·w ~ :rudPOtlf~t.'S troops available in desert rescue r.cr~ase by 200 000 !or tot.1 ot '1l0ft: U\.lr"l 400 000 troops These arethe current toll-free numbers for families ofm'ilitary , 1 Nov. 19 aq sends "'50CX>O more uoops to personnel attached to Operation Desert Storm ... b y Fred Bayles k.1 .,... , ' S.:v t.>ts won I endorse use 01 torce The numbers are available 24 hours a day AP writer , 1 Nov 22 BuSh \1 ~· lrC>OpS Tt Jr "':i-9 1.i1ng D.w Gen. Info for the Army Nov 28 formet"tontchletsotsta"Uf9t.-• 1-703-614-0739 C.h1t()n fl Gutt ,•tl s.mchons l.11\e hOld Gen. Info for the Air Force DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP)-The besie"'ed Ba"'hdadgover one vote au1nonz ..:. 1-800-253-9276 ment turned captured pilots into "human shields~ a"ainst the alli• "":;; '°' ~ .191 nst Iraq "ii·: J.10 1S Gen. Info for the ?\avy air assault M_onday. I?ut one American flier got l~cky - pluck 1-800-732-1206 from the Iraqi desert 111 a bold rescue mission. Dec~~.~""'"'''~"" refe lse For Family ofKavy Personnel . A search-and-rescue helicopter picked up the 'avy A6 Intrud 1-800-255-3808 p1~ot aft.er he was _found ~y two Air Force AlO attack planes th Dec,,, 8 tJS o~ic 1'rc>ttnlb.."l ~., For Family of Marine Personnel crisscrossed the skies for eight hours and refueled four times in thi 1-800--523-2694 search.
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