Down Syndrome Association Malta December 2009 ISSUE NO. 36 NEWS & VIEWS Newspaper Post The Association Indirizz mill-President G˙eΩieΩ membri u ˙bieb, tag˙na huwa li ntejbu l-˙ajja u s-servizzi ta’ wliedna. G˙aldaqstant hemm bΩonn li ninbidlu The Association promotes the interests, Din hija r-raba’ pubblikazzjoni tal-magaΩin u nimxu maΩ-Ωminijiet. Jin˙tie© li jkollna miri developments and inclusion in society of persons News & Views li permezz tag˙ha qeg˙da tajba u sodi u mhux biss, imma fuq kollox biex with Down Syndrome. nwasslilkom il-messa©© tieg˙i, illum b˙ala na˙dmu fuq dawn il-miri tag˙na biex naraw u l-President tal-G˙aqda. n˙ossu r-riΩultati tag˙hom g˙all-uniku skop – g˙all-benefiççju ta’ wliedna li g˙andhom Tajjeb tkunu tafu li fl-a˙˙ar AGM saru xi emendi Down syndrome. SERVICES: fl-iStatut tag˙na fosthom dik li l-G˙aqda 45, South Street, titmexxa minn President u mhux iktar minn Il-grupp biex iwettaq dawn il-miri u biex • Parental Support Valletta VLT 1101, Malta Chairman/Chairperson. jag˙mel il-brainstorming hemm Tel: 2123 5158 qieg˙ed – huwa l-Kumitat. Imma • Speech Therapy (by appointment) http://www.dsa.org.mt e-mail: [email protected] Il-bidliet jg˙inu ˙afna – dan kemm- dan wa˙du ma jistax i©ib ir-riΩultati • Aerobics, weekly il darba l-bidliet isiru g˙all-a˙jar. li nixtiequ a˙na lkoll. Intom membri Founded 1981 g˙andkom irwol kbir fi ˙dan • Mass and Tombola, First Friday of month F’dan iΩ-Ωmien li ilni fil-kariga Member of the se˙˙ew bidliet mhux ˙aΩin – kemm l-G˙aqda – li tissapportjaw lill- • Social activities: three times yearly bidliet fiΩiçi fil-premises tag˙na (u Kumitat, li tressqulu sitwazzjonijiet, • Talks and fora hawn in˙e©©e© lil dawk li g˙adhom informazzjoni u su©©erimenti ma rawx it-tibdil li sar fiç-Çentru sabiex ikun jista’ ja˙dem fuq issues • Christmas Party and Disco Federazzjoni Maltija ta’ l-Organizzazzjonijiet Persuni b’Dizabilita (F.M.O.P.D.) biex ti©u personalment taraw il-frott li direttament jolqtu lil uliedna. Din • Book, audiotapes and video library tal-˙idma tal-Kumitat fir-rigward, l-istedina mhijiex l-ewwel darba Associate Member of g˙all-benefiççju tag˙na lkoll) kif ukoll bidliet li smajtuha ming˙andi u l-anqas ser tkun • “News & Views” magazine: yearly o˙ra b˙al per eΩempju fl-iStatut – emenda li l-a˙˙ar darba. Jiena nemmen li lkoll g˙andna • Members Newsletter saret f’dan id-dokument kien li issa wliedna li g˙al qalbna lil uliedna, li lkoll nixtiequ naraw g˙andhom 16-il sena u aktar ser ikunu mniΩΩla tibdil g˙all-a˙jar f’dak kollu li jolqothom, li lkoll PATRON fir-re©istru tag˙na b˙ala membri (full members) nemmnu f’uliedna. G˙alhekk huwa mportanti H.E. The President of Malta f’isimhom stess. Dan huwa pass u bidla kbira ˙afna li a˙na stess, a˙na l-©enituri, nifhmu MEMBERSHIP: HON. PRESIDENTS u mportanti ˙afna g˙all-Assoçjazzjoni tag˙na. kemm flimkien nistg˙u nwettqu ˙afna, kemm Mary Runza Minn hawn nirringrazzja lill-avukat tag˙na Dr flimkien nistg˙u niksbu riΩultati g˙al uliedna. John L. Peel Full members: Robert Tufigno li ˙adem biex iffaçilita’ u g˙enna Ejja ma n˙allux dan il-kompitu f’idejn ˙addie˙or. Annual: €2.50 Life: €25 PRESIDENT biex inwettqu din il-bidla. Ejjew ilkoll flimkien ning˙aqdu ferm aktar u Marthese Mugliette nag˙tu l-kontribut tag˙na mill-ewwel u f’waqtu. Associate members: SECRETARY GENERAL U xi ng˙idu g˙all-pass kbir ie˙or li g˙amilna In˙e©©e© lil dawk li mhumiex membri tag˙na Annual: €5.00 Life: €35 Antoine L. Gauci meta, g˙all-ewwel darba, irnexxielna biex jissie˙bu mag˙na ˙alli l-bidliet li nixtiequ nibbenefikaw minn fondi Ewropej? Dan il-pass naraw, ise˙˙u fl-inqas Ωmien possibbli. TREASURER Anthony Wetz g˙andu jitqies b˙ala l-bidu ta’ bidla – bidla li ©©ieg˙elna nibdew na˙sbu u nimmiraw biex Nixtieq nag˙laq billi nirringrazzja lis-Sur Alister MEMBERS noffru opportunitajiet diversi u diretti lil uliedna Cachia, li g˙al ˙afna Ωmien kien l-Editur ta’ dan EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Pio Fenech, Helen Mifsud, Patrick Umanah, Charles Vassallo, membri li g˙andhom Down syndrome. Dan il- il-magaΩin. Grazzi g˙al tant xog˙ol li wettaq Esperjenzi, artikli u ittri mill-qarrejja g˙al dan il- Joe Borg Bonello bidu seta’ jsir grazzi g˙alikom iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ u fir-rigward. Nirringrazzja wkoll lis-Sur Saviour magaΩin huma dejjem milqug˙a. (rep. of the A/Members) intom il-©enituri li ssapportjajtu dan il-pro©ett. Dimech li g˙al din l-a˙˙ar sena u nofs ta CHIEF ADVISOR (Araw aktar informazzjoni dwar dan il-progett l-kontribut tieg˙u fi dan il-Kumitat. Experiences, articles and letters from our Dr Isabella Borg fil-pa©ni segwenti). readers to this magazine are always welcome. MD,MSc(Clinical Genetics)(Lond),PhD(Cantab), G˙an-nom tal-Kumitat nixtieq lilkom ilkoll, MMCPath, MMCFD, RGN (Lond) Consultant Medical Geneticist and Head Bidliet ... miri ... Ωmien ... riΩultati! X’inhi ˙biebkom u familjari tag˙kom Milied ˙ieni u Association Contacts: Clinical Genetics and Cytogenetics Unit Assoçjazzjoni volontarja b˙alma hi sena mimlija kuntentizza u sa˙˙a. [email protected] LEGAL ADVISOR l-Assoçjazzjoni tag˙na? Wa˙da mid-diversi Dr. Robert Tufigno tifsiriet tg˙id li G˙aqda Volontarja hija grupp ta’ Tel: 21 235 158 individwi li, fuq baΩi volontarja, jid˙lu fi ftehim SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR: Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Borg Bonello biex jiffurmaw grupp biex iwettqu g˙an. L-g˙an page 2 page 3 Contents Editorial Dear Members, the Committee of our Down Syndrome The Association ...................................................... 2 Association, Malta, is working hard to make It is both an honour and a pleasure for Indirizz mill-President ............................................. 3 it a reality here in our society. me to be appointed the editor of this Contents ................................................................. 4 renounced magazine of our Association. I I have every confidence in our Association’s would then like to thank all the members united efforts together with all members’ Editorial .................................................................. 5 of the Committee for this opportunity given contribution; we will be able to move to me and promise that together, we work forward like other countries, work in “One Youth For All” continually to ensure a better and fulfilling collaborations with Ministries concerned Pro©ett Iffinanzjat minn Fondi Ewropej ............. 6 future for all persons who have with Education and Employment Il-Punti li ˙ar©u minn dan il-pro©ett ....................... 8 Down Syndrome. to see that there are special work programmes designed for adults Anything is Possible– Lara’s Story! ....................... 9 As one of the proud and happy who have Down syndrome; so parents of Rachel, I am used to that they can hold regular jobs. L-Opinjoni Tieg˙i … il-Vot Tieg˙i ......................... 10 the phrase “Children who have Down Syndrome” which has In this sign of the times, I would Memorandum ....................................................... 11 become one of the house hold like to invite all parents of children Mill-Kalendarju tal-Assoçjazzjoni ......................... 12 object in our Maltese society. who have Down Syndrome to NEWS&VIEWS On a positive note, the same register in the Association so that is a bilingual Publication: Ringrazzjamenti ................................................... 14 society has become fully aware in one voice and movement, we mouthpiece of the Down Syndrome Association of the cause of this genetic disorder and take all the needed learning programmes Malta. It is issued twice yearly and is distributed AIWA ..................................................................... 15 free. supports the sterling work done by our on board to see that our children and adults Down Syndrome Association. are living their life to the fullest. Pubblikazzjoni bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ, ma˙ru©a mill- Luttu (bereavement) ............................................. 16 G˙aqda Down Syndrome Malta, darbtejn fis-sena u mqassma b’xejn. Eugenio Galea ..................................................... 18 As we all know, the primary aims of our Finally, as faithful parents of these gifted Association are among other related ones: children, let us help them to learn what they EDITORIAL BOARD Imfakkar il-Jum Dinji tad-Down Syndrome .......... 19 working hard for the implementation of live. If a child lives with encouragement, Patrick Umanah High-level Action Plan and Strategy of he learns confidence. If a child lives with Marthese Mugliette Diskors Amministrattiv tas-Segretarju John L. Peel seeing children who have Down Syndrome praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child Ìenerali April 2009.......................................... 20 to be accorded the same legal rights of lives with fairness, he learns justice. If Views expressed in this magazine may not necessarily eduction, employment and independent a child lives with approval, he learns to be those held by the Editor or by the Down Syndrome Association. living like their peers. like himself. And when a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to L-artikli u l-veduti mi©juba f’dan il-magaΩin mhux bilfors juru l-opinjoni ta’ l-Editur jew tal-G˙aqda Down Today, in some countries, for example, in find love in the world. Syndrome. the U.K, an increasing number of adults REPRINT PERMISSION who have Down Syndrome live semi- Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year, The Down Syndrome Association (Malta) gives independently in community group homes permission to reprint original material printed here. where they take care of themselves, Mr. Patrick Umanah Please credit thus: “Reprinted from ‘News & Views’, M.A, B.ED (HONS), B.A (HONS), B.A. DSA, Malta. Permission to reprint other material participate in household chores, develop must be solicited from the original source.
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