Australian' Birds

Australian' Birds

Q2..4e:.3(; ~2-- Nfb'>i' ~ THE 'LITERA TU·RE OF AUSTRALIAN' BIRDS: .. A HISTORY AND A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN ORNITHOLOGY " , . By HUBERT MASSEY: WHITTELLt a.B.E . .; "~ ,1954 , PLATE 1 PATERSON BROKENSHA PIT. LTD. T'\ •.•_ •.t.. ,V7 Co!oured III-awing of the Lyre-bird by Licutenan1-Grneral Thomas Dn\'ips. I I I 'LOGY A BIBUOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN ORNITHOLOGY 769 WHITLOCK. F. L. and WHITTELL, H. M. See WHITIELL. (239), May 15 : 17. I WHITLOCK, F. L.• SERVENTY, D. L., and POLLARD, J. Gaz., 5 (243), .June 1929. Report of R.A.O.U.Committee Appointed at Perth. 1927. Emu, 28 (4), April 1: 285-287. [On the encouragement ::md training of young I rrs' Gaz., 5 (247). collectors.] (252), August 14: 7. WHITTELL, Henry Rawes (1857- AustraZian (Perth), I Born in Sydney, June 8, 1857. From 1874 to 1878 was on survey work in Central Australia under the Government of New South Wales. In Depart• Gaz., 5 (256) Sep• ment of Mines. N.S.W., till 1891. Government Assessor under Land Tax Act of 1895. Secretary Horticultural Society of New South Wales and President, I (260), October 9: 5. Metropolitan Branch, Fanners and Settlers' Association of New South Wales. 6 (269). December An original member of New South Wales Branch Royal Geographical.Society. Member Linnean Society of New South Wales (Council, 1882). His oological ), April 1: 263-267. collection is mentioned by. E. P. Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 1882. 's of 1929 and 1930.J 1881. Linnean Society of New South Wales. Meeting of Janual'Y 27, 1881. .pril 1 : 271-272. Mr. Whittell exhibited a fine collection of Insects and Birds' Eg~s April 2 : 319-320. collected in the Albert and Darling Districts. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., ~, 34 (4), April 2: 1: 169. , -is). Emu, 34 (4), WHITTELL, Hubert Massey (Major)· (1883- ). Born in London, March 24, 1883. Educated at Edinburgh University, October 1 : 184. where he studied Zoology under Professor Cossar Ewart, and birds under Jber 1 : 184-185. the tutelage of Dr. Eagle Clarke, who was then in charge of the bird section ".A.>. Emu, 36 (1). of the Museum of Science and Art. COmmissioned Royal Sussex Regiment 1904; went to India in 1905 and transferred to Indian Army 1907. Served Jy 1: 13. in World War I, in France and Belgium and with the Aden Field Force; ·alia. Emu, 37 (2), in Third Afghan War, 1919; in operatiOns in Wazi.ristan, 1919-20. Despatches ] twice; O.B.E. Retired 1925 and settled at Bridgetown, Western Australia. 2), October 1 : 115- Chainnan Checklist Committee R.A.O.U.• 1939-1950, President R.A.O.U., 1941-1943; Member Fauna Protection Advisory Committee of Western Aus• il 1 : 438-442. tralia, 1944; Honorary Life Member Western Australian Naturalists' Club. 3.1ia. Emu, 39 (1), Portrait:- The Emu, 43, 1944, Plate 12. 1933. The Birds of the Bridgetown District, South-West Australia, Emu, ~u, 39 (2), October 32 : 182-189. White Variety of Demigretta sacra in South-West Australia. Emu, nu, 39 (2), October 32 : 225-226. Notes on the' White-breasted Robin. Emu, 32: 236-240. CoL pI. & January 1 : 176-178. photo. [Quoyornis georgianus.] t, 42 (3), January The Nest of the Osprey {Pandion haZiaetusJ at Cape Mentel!e, South-West Australia. Emu, 32: 305.. t, 43 (3), .January The Mallee-fowl (Leipoa oceZZataJ in South-West Austr-alia. ETI!.1t. 32 : 315-316. 2 photos. O. The White-breasted Robin· (Quoyornis georgianusJ Emu, 33: 22-23 ?9 : 75. [Phoebetria 1934. Occurrences of the Large Sand-Dotterel in South-West Australia. Emu, 33 : 249. [Charadrius ZeschenauZti.] Crested Penguin at Cape Naturaliste, South-West Australia. Em1~, (3), December 15: 33 : 320-321. [Eudyptes cristatus.] I 'Wrote-breasted Robin. Emu, 33: 322-323. 2 photos. [Quoyornis Birds. West. A ustr. georgianus.] The Swamp-hen (Porphyrio) in Western Australia. Are there two I ~ch : 84-85. species? Emu, 34: 85-95. Col plate. :ustr. Nat., 1 (5), The Grey-headed Albatross (Diomedea chrysostoma). A third r€cord for Western Australia. Emu, 34: 99-100. I -niZis. Emu, 49 (1), 1935. An Australian Analysis of Volumes i and ii of Check-List of Birds of the World (Peters). Emu, 35 : 49-52. I I I I I 770 THE LITERATURE OF AUSTRALIAN BmDS WHITTELL. H.. M.~ntinued. 1935. The Bristle-birds of Western Australia. ,Emu., 35 : 197-201. Col. pI. &: 2 photos. [D~ornis.· Includes field-notes by F. L. Whitlock.) Cockatiels and Bronzewings in Western Australia. Emu., 35 : 332. 19.36. The Red-capped Robin (Petroica goodenq'!)1i) in South-Western Australia. Emu., 35 (4), April 1 : 356... Marsh Crake. Emu., 35 .(4), April 1: 359-360. RA.O.U. Checklist. Emu, 36 (1), July 1 : 60-62. Obituary. Dr. F. M. House. Emu, 36 (2)<,October 1 : 142. 1937. Adelle Penguin in Western Australia. 'Emu; 37 (1), July 1: 65-66. Review of Peters' Check-List of Birds of .the World, Vol. iii. Emu, 37 (2), October 1 : 162-165. [Remarks on the recorded distribution of some Australian species.] . 1938. Natural History Notes. Blackwood Times (Bunbury, W.A.J January 1. [All notes refer to birds.] The Birds of the Bridgetown District, South-western Australia. Part ii Emu., 38 (1), July 1: 54-59. Photo. The Cuckoo. Blacku'vJod Times, February 18. Owls. Blackwood Times, March 4. Pterodroma macroptera in Western Australia. Emu., 38 (l),. July 1: 78-79, Gould's Western Australian Birds: with Notes on his Collectors. Emu, 38 (2), October 1: 175-186. Notes on Field-Trips of J. T. Tunney. Emu, 38 (3), November 1: 322-326. Poru-ait. The Kookaburra. Blackwood Times, November 4. 1939. John Gilbert in Western Australia. Emu, 38 (4), Jz.nuary 2: 419. [See also Emu., 38, 1939 : 534.] The Night Parrot. Emu, 38 (4), January 2: 418-4..20. [Refers to location of preserved specimens.] . The Red-wL'1ged Wren. Emu. 38 (5), April 1: 429-438. Col. plate. (MaluTU$ elegans.] The Night Parrot fGeopsittacu.s oc~ntalis). Emu, 38 (5), April 1 : 524-525 .. Recent Records of the Western Whipbird. Emu .. 39 (2). Octobe:• 2 : 129-131. 1940. The Fa.'1taiJ-Warbler in Western Australia. Emu .. 39 (3), January 1 : 239-240. [Cisticola.] . Frederick Lawson Whitlock. Emu, 39 (4), April 1: Z79-286. Portrait. [A biography.] Trinomials and Mathewsian Names. Emu .. 39 (4), April 1: 311-312. Herman Fra.'1z Otto Lipfert. Emu, 40 (2). August 1: 118-119. Portrait. [A biography.] Coots, Moor-hens and Swamp-hens. Gould League Notes 1940. December: 13-15. 1941. AI: Early Item of Ornithology in Western Australia. Emu, 40 (5\. April 1 : 420-421. Date of Publication of Gould's "Handbook". Emu, 41 (1), July 7: 68. First Report of the Checklist Committee. Emu, 41 (1), July 7 : 87-88. Grey Petrel. Emu, 41 (2), October 6: 111. [Finding at Bunbury (error for Busse! ton) of a sDecimen of Procellaria cinerea,j 1941 A Review of the \Vork of J~hn Gilbert in Western Australia. Em!:., to 41 (2), October 6: 112-129: (3). January 6, 1942: 216-242: (4), APe:! 1942. 10: 289-305. 3 photos and 2 sketch maps. 1941. Pink-eared Duck in southern Western Australia. Emu, 41 (2), Octo be:?:"6: 164-165. A BIBUOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN ORNITHOLOGY TRALIAN BmDS WHl'.rl·.t.:l..L. H. M.'--continued. 1941. Brush Bronzewing in South-west Australia. Emu, 41 (2), 6: 165. Jia .. Emu, 35 : 197-201. Col. pI. & John Gilbert. Gould League [Western Australia] Notes, 1941 -notes by F. L.Whitlock.J 1942. An Early Bird-man. Viet. Nat., 58 (11), March 4 : 177: [John L .ern Australia. Emu, 35 : 332. Elegant Parrot in the Bridgetown District, S.W.A. Emu, goodenovii) in South-Western July 1 : 50-51. 6. The. Toxic Properties of the Bronzewing Pigeon. Emu, • 1 : 359-360. JulY' 1 : 56-57. ly 1 ; 60-62. What is Turdus volitans Latham? Emu, 42 (1), July 1 : 61-E (2), October 1 : 142. 1943. The Noisy Scrub-bird (Atriehornis elamoSus). Emu, 42 (4) 1.'Emu, 37 (1), July 1: 65-66. 1: 217-234. 2 photos. [Presidential address to R.A.O.U.] ~ds of· the World, Vol. ill. Emu, Mathews' Cervinipitta kimbleyensfs. Emu, 43 (1), July 15: ~ks on ~he recorded distribution Why Birds Come and Go. Gould League [Western Australia] 1943-1944 : 4-5. rimes (Bunbury, W.A.J January 1944. The Next Check-list and its Systematics. Emu, 43 (3), Janu:. 168-176. [Presidential address to R.A.O.U. For correction so: ;trict, South-western Australia. Emu, 43, 1944 : 304.] Photo. John Leadbeater of the National Museum. Viet. Nat., 60 (11). lary 18. 9 : 180. [See also Victorian Naturat1.8t, 61, 1944: 23.] Black-shouldered Kite in Western Australia. Emu, 43 (4), AD: Australia. Emu, 38 (1),. July 294-296.. 1945. Gilbert. Grey, and Macgillivray. Emu, 45 (2), October 1: ::. with Notes on his Col1ectors. John Gilbert. Gould League [Western Australia] Notes, 1945 8-9. ey. Emu, 38 (3), November 1: 1946. The Banded Stilt. Emu, 45 (3), January 15: 247. November 4. The Ornithology of Francis Thomas Gregory (1821-1888). E: (4), April 11 : 289-297. Sketch map. Emu .. 38 (4), January 2; 419. An Early Note on Pterodroma macroptera in Western AtE anuary 2: 418-4...20. [Refers to Emu, 45 (4), April 11: 327-328. [The name leueoptera is' . heading in error.] April 1: 429-438. Col. plate. The Type Specimen of Pedionomus. Emu, 45 (4), April 11 : 2. Hybrid between Lyrebird and Common Fowl. Viet. Nat., t i.dentalis}.

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