Adriatic Flyway – Closing the gap in bird Conservation preface 1 Adriatic Flyway – Closing the gap in bird Conservation Edited by: Damijan Denac, Martin Schneider-Jacoby and Borut Stumberger EuroNatur, 2010 Konstanzer Str. 22, D-78315 Radolfzell, Germany http://www.euronatur.org/ All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Euronatur Geschäftsstelle Radolfzell Konstanzerstr. 22, D-78315 Radolfzell, Germany phone +49(0)7732 - 92 72 - 0 or +49(0)7732 - 92 72 - 0 fax: +49(0)7732 - 92 72 -22 email: [email protected] ISBN 978-3-00-032626-4 Recommended citations: Denac, D., Schneider-Jacoby, M. & Stumberger, B. (eds.) (2010): Adriatic flyway – closing the gap in bird conservation. Euronatur, Radolfzell. Schneider-Jacoby, M. & Spangenberg, A. (2010): Bird Hunting Along the Adriatic Flyway – an Assessment of Bird Hunting in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia. – In: Denac, D., Schneider-Jacoby, M. & Stumberger, B. (eds.). Adriatic flyway – closing the gap in bird conservation. Euronatur, Radolfzell, pp. 32–51. Cover design & design: Jasna Andric´ Language editor: Henrik Ciglicˇ Typesetting by Camera d.o.o. (Slovenia) Printed and bound by Schwarz d.o.o. (Slovenia) Number of copies: 700 MAVA Foundation supported the project “Protection of Priority Wetlands for Bird Migration (Adriatic Flyway) in the Dinaric Arc Ecoregion through Integrated Site and River Basin Management” This publication was supported by National Institute of Biology (Slovenia) Cover photo: Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola), Kolansko blato, Pag, Croatia, 17th August 2010 / photo D. Tome (www.davorintome.si) 2 Adriatic Flyway – Closing the gap in bird Conservation CONTENTS Contents Preface Protection of migratory birds (Ursula Loos) 7 Looking Forward to Saving the Adriatic Flyway (Martin Schneider-Jacoby and Borut Stumberger) 9 Acknowledgment of Appreciation for the Support Given to the Successful Conference (Damijan Denac, Martin Schneider-Jacoby, Borut Stumberger) 19 Opening speeches Peter Platte - German Ambassador in Montenegro 21 Predrag Nenezić - Minister of Tourism and Environment Protection, Montenegro 23 Uwe Riecken – German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation 27 Adriatic Flyway project results Bird Hunting Along the Adriatic Flyway – an Assessment of Bird Hunting in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia (Martin Schneider-Jacoby and Annette Spangenberg) 33 International importance of three Adriatic Flyway priority sites: Livanjsko Polje, the Neretva Delta and Lake Skadar-Shkoder with the Bojana-Buna Delta (Borut Stumberger and Martin Schneider-Jacoby) 53 Wetlands of the Eastern Adriatic coast – perspectives for waterbird conservation (Borut Stumberger and Peter Sackl) 59 A classification of karst poljes in the Dinarides and their significance for waterbird conservation (Borut Stumberger) 69 Habitat mapping of the Livanjsko Polje (BA), the Neretva Delta (HR, BA) and Lake Skadar-Shkoder (ME, AL) (Ulrich Schwarz) 79 Guidelines for the Zonation of Lake Skadar-Shkoder (Martin Schneider-Jacoby) 89 Zonation Concept for Lake Skadar-Shkoder and the Bojana-Buna Delta (Martin Schneider-Jacoby, Borut Stumberger and Ulrich Schwarz) 103 Transboundary Zonation concept for the Neretva Delta including Hutovo Blato (Martin Schneider-Jacoby and Borut Stumberger) 117 Zonation concept for the Livanjsko Polje Ramsar Site (Borut Stumberger, Martin Schneider-Jacoby, Ulrich Schwarz and Peter Sackl) 125 Rapid Assessment of the planned Hydropower Plants on the Drin River near Ashta (southeast of Shkodra) (Ulrich Schwarz and Martin Schneider-Jacoby) 135 3 Adriatic Flyway conference – plenary session The importance of the Adriatic coast for waterbird migration (Nicky Petkov) 143 Protecting migratory birds along their entire flyway: why others should do it (Joost Brouwer) 145 The role of a single stopover for the conservation of an endangered migratory waterbird population (Juan G. Navedo) 149 The far southern end of the Adriatic Flyway: important wintering sites in North and sub-Saharan Africa (Mike Smart and Hichem Azafzaf) 151 WWF’s actions to protect wetlands along the Adriatic Flyway (Francesca Antonelli) 155 Adriatic Flyway - The Benefits of Travelling Birds for Tourism (Martin Schneider-Jacoby) 159 Adriatic Flyway conference – oral presentations Birds and wind farms: Can they coexist? (Manuela de Lucas) 165 Habitat use by Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) on spring migration at the stopover site on the SE Adriatic coast (Urška Koce and Damijan Denac) 167 Ring recoveries and possible migration routes of Garganey (Anas querquedula), Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), Common Crane (Grus grus) and Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) from the Balkans (Damijan Denac) 169 ANSER2 project “Adaptive management of Adriatic waterbird populations: from trophic relationships to sensitivity and vulnerability factors” (Gabriele Facchin and Fabrizio Florit) 171 Raptor migration across the Mediterranean Sea: how, where and when (Ugo Mellone) 173 Bird migration and wintering on Gruža Reservoir – Central Serbia (Miloš Radaković) 175 Adriatic Flyway conference – poster session Abundance and community composition of waterbirds during a yearly cycle in three coastal wetlands of Southern Croatia (Lino Casini, Gvido Piasevoli and Gabriele Facchin) 177 Abundance and community composition of waterbirds during a yearly cycle in two coastal wetlands of Albania (Lino Casini, Taulant Bino, Klodian Ali, Djana Gumeni and Gabriele Facchin) 179 The experience of ANSER project for waterbird integrated monitoring in Adriatic coastal wetlands: from data integration to result dynamic presentation (Gabriele Facchin, Fabrizio Florit, Tatsiana Hubina, Giuseppe Frangiamone, Claudio Fiesoli, Paolo Bonazzi, Lino Casini, Stefano Gellini and Lorenzo Serra) 181 Importance of the temporary former course of the Western Mostonga River for birds during autumn migration near Sombor (NW Serbia) (Thomas Oliver Mérő) 183 The Importance of the Adriatic Flyway for the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) during migration (Thomas Oliver Mérő, Jelena Kralj, Norbert Mátrai and Antun Žuljević) 185 Important bird species in Sečovlje Salina Nature Park (Iztok Škornik and Brane Koren) 187 Guidelines for waterbird monitoring in Adriatic coastal wetlands and wetland management for the Friuli Venezia Giulia (NE-Italy) coastal area (Stefano Sponza, Gabriele Facchin and Lorenzo Serra) 189 International research of the Sand Martin (Riparia riparia) population in the Central Danube Floodplains (Žuljević Antun, Kalocsa Béla, Tamás Enikő Anna, Mikuska Tibor, Mórocz Attila and Nagy Tibor) 191 4 Adriatic Flyway – Closing the gap in bird Conservation CONTENTS Adriatic Flyway conference – annex The Ulcinj Declaration 193 Adriatic Flyway exhibitions Adriatic Flyway Exhibitions 197 Livanjsko polje – Evropska prirodna baština (Livanjsko polje – European natural heritage) 198 Delta Neretve – spona između Jadranskog mora i Dinarida (Neretva Delta – contact point of the Adriatic Sea and Dinaric Alps) 200 Solana Ulcinj (Ulcinj Salina) 202 Lumi Buna – Bojana Dhe Delta (Bojana – Buna River and Delta) 204 Organism index 206 5 Migrating Eurasian Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) in front of the Prokletije Mts, Bojana-Buna Delta, 15th March 2010 / photo P. Sackl 6 Adriatic Flyway – Closing the gap in bird Conservation preface Protection of migratory birds Ursula Loos They made it – arriving at dawn from Africa, the Purple Herons landing among reeds. We are standing on a dike inside the Ulcinj salina in Montenegro, watching birds: Night (Nycticorax nycticorax) and Squacco Herons (Ardeola ralloides), Stone-curlews (Burhinus oedicnemus) and other waders; an Eleonora`s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) wheels over the landscape. We are the participants of the first „Adriatic Flyway Conference“, organized by Euronatur in the Bojana-Buna delta on the very boundary between Montenegro and Albania. Why are we meeting here? Euronatur is attempting to unite ornithologists and conservation managers, politicians and local tourist agencies from East and West. The non-profit foundation for the protection of nature intends to draw attention to the value of this landscape, which is essential for the survival of migrating birds, but additionally yields economic chances to Montenegro and Albania and especially to the local people. This is an extraordinary opportunity for nature tourism und bird watching – but only if everybody contributes to the protection of this region. The salina will earn The mouth of the Bojana-Buna River is situated in the border money by selling tickets area of Montenegro and Albania. It is providing miles and and souvenirs, such miles of Adriatic beaches and vast wetlands in the hinterland. as the flower of salt, Together with Lake Skadar-Shkoder – both under protection while tourists will be of the Ramsar Convention – it is predestined for Ecotourism. Since this area is an important stepstone for migrating birds, it able to exploit the is highly essential for their survival. The protection of migrating excellent bird watching birds could well go hand in hand with the development of capacities: the dike tourism. serves as a walking path to the watching The Ulcinj salina provides a good example for collaboration between local enterprise and a nature
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