JrCj < y *****************' D T YOUR " 3 j WASHINGTON: Eifablished June, 1893 LOWELL. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. JUNE 29. 1950 Number 9 REVIEW I Mr. and Mra. Howard Bartlett have sold their home on N. Monroe Lowell Rotory Club street to Richard Schlernltzauer, Mrs. Alice R. Gardner manager of the Franks 5 and 10c Kent County Gains Installs Offlctrs D. S. Editors Annuai Goodwill Tour Passes in 90th Year Brady Motors Play Store. It is understood possession At Failosburg Park will be given soon. Alice Rosabell Gardner died at * • • Over Last Census E. C. Foreman was general chair- her homo on East Main St., Lowell, Moose Here Friday I The Gamble Store was closed a man for the Rotary Club meeting Through Ontario a Great Success Saturday, June 24, 1950 at the age couple of days the first of the week held at the Shelter House at Fai- of 89 years HHand 7 mosL . Thihis week Friday the Brady!; while Albert Hermans, manager, Total of 40,682 losburg Park this week Wednesday, The Seventh Annual U. S. Editors' Born November 10, 1860 at Ber- Motors of the Michigan Fastball: l i, l e 1 few was in Ionia, where,>ie waa called at which time the newly elected Goodwill Tour of Ontario with lln, Mass., the daughter of Abel 'eague will come to town. This ls D^, ^'l .° 'a" weeks the r, tlflh by the death of his father, John Kent County has a population of officers were Installed as follows; Harold Jefferles of the Lowell and Rosabell Halladay she came one of the fastest and most color- ® , ^a^or Party really showed Hermans. Mr. Hermans' death oc- 287,020, an increase of 40,682 or Ledger one of the Michigan repre- to Michigan In the year 1863 and M teams to ever play In Lowell, . ^"vU.nv 16.51 per cent over the 1940 figure | Top Amateur Talent curred in his home at Ionia Sunday sentatives, was ten days filled with settled with her parents on a farm^he Brady outfit boasts of one of ln Th. i "2 of 246,338, according to figures re- a and funeral services were held on hoBp||allty and gracious treotment In Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co. .the finest pitchers In the country "o Tuesday. v leased by the Fifth District Census such as few Americans find in this in «..ii -ruia i u. ...ii tne Schumann Plan for the mte- Sought By Showboat On November 27, 1884 she was Thia game should be well Bration of lhe coa, and Bteel * • * Supervisor Friday. country. th Th H, . , j united in marriage to Charles E. I seeing and a record attend- f France Germany and The Showboat baa been brought Cities and Villages The tour was sponsored by the J^Z'Z U6U1.> |r;ar,inpr .Tf Innl1°"'n« PCon . wherWb.re. thiw other Euro p.™ "r"- into homo port and is being made Population of cities and incor- r.t lr.n i WtWin Two lin„ Row lous. Woblow In our all-ou.l^t t figh...htt ready for its trips down the river, porated villages in«the county as a aln8t the Hotel Association of the Province the annual "Seorch for a Star"I* «hlch they spent in Lowell.i The LowgH Moose added two fe spread of Communism. 'round Cattail Bend during 1950 compared with the 1940 census, the To thlH un,on Ight will be held July 15 to select were oorn 7 chll- more wins to their victory string j ' wns mighty glad to see the Showboat week. The color scheme 1950 census figure first, is as fol- tlren 2 in the repainting Job has not been w several acts for this year's . dying In Infancy and the,when they defeated Greenville by Wrongly worded condemnation of lows: liowboat. I youngest daughter. Roxana, passed a 9 to 3 margin at Recreation Park ,he Labor Party stand by Mr. Paul made public but the committee has 1950 1940 awa ln 1,11 1916 and oldMt ch,ld a very attractive outline and prom- ! Canadian National and Canadian Anyone may compete, and vocal ! y AP last week. Hoffman, head of the European Re- Grand Rapids, 175,647-164,292 EdBO ises this year's Showboat will out- East Grand Rapids, 0,367—4.899. Pacific Railways. Instrumental and specialty acts are n, October 1943. j Thc j^oose took the measure of shine all previous attempts to give Lowell, 2,180—1,944. Niagara Falls from the Air wap.-ed to uncover the best new Her husband preceedcd her In the Grand Rapids American Le- .h<. LmJh ® Lowell's out-door entertainment talent around the state. Sparta, 2,317—1,945. The tour started on Thursday — d..th June 26. 1941. Tw^ o ,o„, Hueh K>-101|„n1 buy au 2iO3 tIUo !o .corncurc. aIttl Reer.aI\ecreil-- , vullh t'oSvnur Vrindfrlnn^la. nn<l .1nlllou ^ »r. feature a beautiful background. lr.e six winning acts will appear otf BirminghamRirmlncrhnm,. LylL.vlea of OaOnk Park|tloPark i«ir.nn Pard„-ik. Monday night behinK«kind.i '' l i> ui .me. ,in Ius an..^nnpd allie. s to Grandvllle, 2,020-1,566. morning, June 15, from Buffalo, ' "''"."'.Z "V xfro' vf„hoi " ththe mnxmaxiumum , 0or don'nn t expect nnanvy • • * Rockford, 1,987—1,778. i 0onee of lhthe rereculnu,ar r JJulu| v 24.20 and daughter. Mrs. Mabel Scott of.thi * two-hit. PltCh,nnltchlncg - nflrfnrmnnrerformancc e . .. N. Y.. with a plane trip to Toronto, " « * Q y ^hiM^n « ^ P further financial aid from the During the olectric storm Friday Cedar Springs, 1,373—1,101. the plane circling several times fhowboat performances. Several of ^well six grandchildren 9 Rreat" of Seeley. United gtate8- tho,e night there was some damage to over the Niagara Falls to give a ••'wted in past years have granchlldren and "ne sister, Mrs.| The hl h, publlciied game be- Thfl ap0i0KiBta are savincr "Oh the Light and Power Plant and 110 on t0 vvere y 8ucce ful rot L1Uian Merrl,, at Sunf,eld Burvlve beautiful view of the cascading 'P 1 " P ^ ' - tween the Moose and the Rockford that deSlSon by the Britlsh Labor Townships 8lonal lines here which kept the men busy water. Lunch was served In Toron- careers, Mrs. Gardner was a member of j Wolverines at the Rockford Home-ip ty executive council doesn't Population of townships as com- ar for a few days making repairs and to at the Royal Canadian Yacht All entries should be sent to C. H. the Lowell Methodist Church and coming was rained off at the end j mean much." The apologists are keeping the service running with- pared with 1940 census: Club by the Toronto Convention Runciman, show chairman, as early will be graatly missed by her of three complete Innings with the [ 100% wrong. England at the mo- out interruption. 1960 1940 Jay 8. Boelens and Tourist Association, after which a* possible to avoid error. friends and relatives. score tied at three all. ment Is controlled by Prime Minis- Other minor damages are report- Ada. 1,996—1,491. The new president is Jay 8. the group was taken on a boat trip Funeral services were held Tues- ter Attlee and the members of the ed throughout the rural areas but Algoma, 1,798—1,403. Boelens; vice president, Daniel H. around the Toronto waterfront. A Busy Schedule Next Week Treleven; secretary, Frank F. 14th Annual West Mich. day afternoon at two o'clock at Labor party. If the labor party nothing serious. The rain was most Alpine, 2,944—2,118. reception and dinner was held that The Moose* lads face a busy Bowne, 1,106—1,118. Coons' treasurer, John A. Abrahtm; Roth Funeral Home, ttie Rev. C. , . , . , . .. , bosse"uoocos saBayy thme partpuny IBs againsagainaLt welcome as fields were getting dry evening In the Royal York hotel by Black and White Show schedule next week when they play , cooperation with France, Byron, 4,178—8,161. directors. King Doyle and WiUlam E. Pollock officiating. Interment econom c and farm crops needed the mois- the Ontario Government after which host to the West Leonard Mer- Germany and the rest of western Caledonia, 2,046-1,605. Lee; and sergeant-at-arnn, I. W. f. „ .p . : Thmee 14ti«nh annual Weswest MichigaMicmgan was made In Danby cemetery. ture. chants at Recreation Park Monday j Europe, then the British la also * • * Cannon. 1,608—1.088. McFall. llil ™ VST '•IS. Btack .no Whit. Show, nponsored Ionia County. We,t night. Tuesday, July 4, the Moose 0pp0sed to such joint action, Mrs. Byrd Beachum, Grand Cascade, 1,694—1.266. Features or tne dinner was the ToronU) Rf mHniJht ^ Michigan Holsteln Breed- Toronto at midnight by special erg> Aaaooiatlon will be held Wed ^lll pl.y .t ^l,nd .t t.o o'clock i Ulllted [ew Courtland, 1,260—1,010. out-door broiling of Pedigreed t tl ,0 O Guardian of International Order " ™ :. '^ .1 he g Gaines. 3,289—1,930. 11 « , , T ^ years has bent over backwards to of Job's Daughters reports that White Leghorns generously con- Holland Moose will come to Lowell. i Grand Rapids, 9,231-6,069. Friday, June 16, the editors ar- grounds, Marne, Mich., with one work wlth free democritlc natlonj| the local girls, Marian Parker, wno tributed by Mr. Foreman and ex- rived at Ottawa and were Immedi- Lowell Hi Students Grattan, 1,022—886. day district show. "Bucky", Sports Reporter throughout the world, Including was selected Bethel Queen; Julie pertly broiled by Howard C.
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