INDEX Abbot, Wyman, 146, 165. Alton, British coins from, 174; Abbot's Worthy, British village at, Brooches from, 133. 5 n- Amiens, Church maze at, 271. Abbotsbury, 254. Anderida, Forest of, 171. Abcrcromby, Lord, Bronze Age Pottery, Anderson, Furneaux & (see Furneaux) 140, 141, 142, 144, 155, 163. Andover, British coins from, 174. Abington Pigotts, Settlement at, 163. Arbury Banks, Pottery from, 164. Acts of St, Catharine, legendary, 249. Archaeological Institute, the, 279 n. Adams, Wykehamica, 260 & n., 276 n. Ariadne, 270,271. 278 n., 282 & n., 283, 28411. Armsheim, Grave at, 131. Acdui, 172. Armsley, Settlement at, 164. Aegean area, the, Bird-figures in, 127. Army, the British, 283. Aeneid, the, 269, 273. ' Arnpaldi period, 130. AfTrique, Camp d\ 74. Arnold-Forster, Miss F., Studies in Agricola, 83. Church Dedications, 248 n., 250 n., Aisne, 81. 253 n., 2j6n. Aix-en-Provence, Church maze at, 271. Arras, 171 ; Church maze at, 271. Alexandria, 248, 249. Arretine pottery, 170. Alfred's Castle, 38. Aryan peoples, 150. Alkborough, Turf maze at, 269, 270, Ashmolean Museum, 245 ; Pottery 271, 273. in, 163, 165. All Cannings Cross, 3, 143 & n., 149, Ashwell (see Arbury Banks). 157, 166, 181. Athelstan, King, 251, 252. Culture of, 79-81, 84, 131, 170. Athelwulf, King, 192. Pits at, 31, 43 & n. Atkins, Martin, 67. Pottery from, 20, 34, 78, 88, 97, 99, Atrebates, British, 170, 187 ; Gaulish, TOO, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, "171. in, n6, 119, 120, 121, 144 & n., Attic black-figure vases, at Camp du 145, 153 n., 156 & n. Chateau, 74. Chalk discs from, 123. Atwick, 145, 167; Pottery from, 99, Needles from, 126. - 106, 112, 119. Oyster shells from, 136. Aubrey, John, on St. Catharine's Querns from, 12;. Hill, 10, 12 n. ; on mazes, 272. Ribknifc from, 126. Augustodunum, 172. Spindlcwhorls from, 134. * Augustus, Emperor, 3, 171, 172. Swan-neck pin from, 133. Auly-Auly, 265. Whetstones from, 134, 181. Aunjetitz culture, 150. All Hallows', Stanyng, 255. Austria, 150; Bird-figures in, 129; AUcroft, A. Hadrian, Earthwork, of Churches in, 205. England, 67, 68, 82, 83 n. Autun (see Augustodunum). Alonso, 272 n. Avaricum, Murus Galliots at, 65. Alpine folk (lake-dwellers), 142, 146, Avington, British coins from, 192. 150, 151, 161 (sec also Swiss Aylesford (see Swarling - Aylesford lake-dwelling culture). Cremation Culture). Alpine skulls at Old England, 149. Alps, the, 150, 158. Alrcsford, British coins from, 174; Canal to, 234. Badger, William, 263 n. Alsace, Finger-print pottery in, 151. Balingen, 55. Altehofe, 81. Ball Court (Win. Coll.), 265. Alter turner mserer beidnischen Vor^eit, Ball, Historical account of Winchester 128, 131, 151. (1818), 28211. Altkonig, 81. Bampton, Calais Farm, 165. 292 INDEX Bantham Camp, 68. Bibracte, 172 (and see Beuvray, Mont). Barbonne, Late Bronze Age pottery Bigbury Camp, 49, 173. at, 156 & n. Bingham, John, 277 n. Bardfield, Little, 250. Birchington, Bronze hoard at, 147, Barmby Moor, 250, 252. .67. Barnard, F. P., 244 & n. ; The Casting^ Birkbcck, F. J., 8. Counter, <&, 243, 244. Bishop's Waltham, 2/ Barrow Bottom, Inhumation at, 168. Bitterne, Roman fibula from, 139. Barter, Warden, 278 ; recuts Laby­ Black Death, the, 253, 254, 256. rinth, 279 n. Blackbridge, Winchester, 265, 276. Barton Farm, Hessian Camp on, 282 n. Blackbridgc House, Winchester, 279n. Basingstoke, Pottery from, 164; Blackmdrc Museum, Salisbury," Pot­ British coins from, 174. tery in, 166. Basyng, Prior William, 195. Blackrod, 253. Batavi, 152. Blackstone, Charles, M.S. Book 0/ Bate, Miss Dorothea, 135, 247. Benefactions to Win. Coll., 282 n. Bath, 172; St. Catharine patroness Blcwburton Hill, Pottery from, 163. of, 252 & n. Blois, Bishop Henry de, 223. Batheaston, 250. Bodleian Library, Engravings in, Battery Hill, Late La Tene settlement 282 n.; MSS. in, 10. at, 176, 188. Bogoudonou, Urn with Bronze hoard Inhumation at, 176, 177 (see also at, 154. Stanmore). Bolton, 253. Bayeux, Church maze at, 271. Borlase, 204. Beacon Hill, Burghclcre, 28. Bosch-Gimpera, 150 n.; Die Vor- Beaker peoples, 150. geschicbte der Iberer, 1 j 3 n. Beaulieu Abbey, 196. Botetourt, Lord, 197, 282 (and see Behn, Beitrage %ttr Urgescbichte des Berkeley, CoK Norborne). Houses, 56 n. Boughton Green. Turf maze at, 269, Festung in ReaJ/exikon der Vorge- 272. schicbte, 72 n., 79 n., 80 n., 81 n. Bourbon, Abbot Jean de, 203 n. Priihistorische Festnngstore, 81 n. Bouzonvillc,'Bronzcs from, 132. Belgae, the, Bowerchalke, Pottery from, 166. Immigrations of, 3, 80, 160, 161, Bradford-on-Avon, 253. 171. 173. 177, 182. Braintrce, Pottery from pits at, 163. Woodland and valley habitation Brambridge, 192. of, 84, 173, 187. Brandon, Inhumations at, 168. practise cremation, 176. Brenner in Nassauiscbe Heimatblatter. Pottery of, 92, 138. 74 n. Teutonic blood in, 173. Brentford (see Old England). Gaulish, 171, 187. Bristol, Cat and Wheel Inn at, 255 n. in neighbourhood of Winchester, Britain, . 4, 122, 138, 170. Survival of Stone Age stock in, 161. at Winchester, 172, 17s, 183, 187, Immigrations into, 140 ff. 188. Woodland and valley settlement in, at Worthy Down, 185. 84, 173. Bellarmine ware, 266. Connection with Channel Islands, Bembridgc limestone, Cist at Sheep- 177- wash of, 176. Trade with France, 154. Berkeley, Col. Norborne, 282, 285 Connection with Spain, 79, 80. (and see Botetourt, Lord). Celts in, 3, 149, 150, 155. Berkshire Downs, the, 147. ' Belgae in, 3, 171-2, 187. Bermondsey Abbey, 203 ; Abbot of, Tribes in Roman, 170. 203. Iron introduced into, 2. Bersu in Fundbericbte ai/s Scbn'aben,' Early Iron Age buildings in, 55. 70 n., 74 n. Early Iron Age pottery in, 120-2 ; Bcuvray, Mont, 81, 170, 172. finger-print, 104-5, M2- Beverley, St. Mary's, 21 r. * Hallstatt Culture in, 153, 159-60. INDEX 293 Britain,' . Caburn, the, La Tenc Culture in, 159, 169. Entrance to, 77 map, 82: La Tcne 1 brooches in, 132, 158-9. Palisade at, 168-9. • , War and peace in, 63-4. Pottery from, 103; 115, 116, 145, Timber fortifications in, 67 ft". - 166.' Hill forts in, 72 ff., 173. Deerhorn implement from, 12;. Pastoral enclosures in, 78 ff. Oyster' shells at, 136. Contracted burials in, 181. Caerdroia, 273. Native coins in, 171, 174; found Caerleon, Roman amphitheatre at, 15. in Winchester, 185. Caesar, Julius, 3, 49, 64, 171, 172, 173 ; Foreign coins in pre-Roman,, 187. de hello Galiico (quoted), 38 & n., Devcrel-Rimbury urns in, 104, 49 n., 65, 81 n., 171. Italian brooches in, 133. (140 ff. Calais Farm, Bampton, 165. •Oysters eaten in, 136. Calendar of Charter Rolls,. 193 11. Bronze swords in, 142. Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VI, Briteiros, 79. 255 n. British Archaeological Association Calendar of Wills, 255 n. meets in Winchester, 197. Caley, Ellis and Bandinel, editors of British Museum, Dugdale, 192 11. Pottery in, 102, 103,.IOJ, no, 112, Calleva Atrebatum, .170, 171 (& sec 113, 118, 145, IJI, 163-8. Silchcster). Bouzonville Bronzes in, 132. Calstone Fields, Calne, 229. Currency bars in, i8z. Can/bridge Ancient History(scc Navarro). Rings in, 245. Canterbury mint,.the, 243. Browne Age' Guide, 5 n., 128. Canute {see Cnutus). Early Iron Age Guide, 158 n., 184. Carausius, Coin of the Emperor, 26, Catalogue of English pottery in the, 139. 234, 236, 240.. Carew, Survey of Cornwall, 204. (Natural History), 135, 136. Carlisle, 254. Cathedral, 253, British War Office, Manual of Field Cam Brca, 80. % • Engineering, 69. Cartailhac, E., Brittany", Les ages pr/historiques dans UEspagne Bronze Age culture of, 154. et dans le Portugal, 79 n. Slate in, 203-204. Carthaginian coins in Britain, 186. Britton, 278. Castcrlcy Camp, Brixton Deverell, Settlement near, 166. Entrance to, 77 map, 82. Broadstairs, 164. Pit in entrance of, 31. Broadway, Winchester, Finds under, Pottery from, in, 138, 166. 183,' 187. Belgac at, 170.- Brockley Warren, 5 n. Castle Hill (see Scarborough): Brooke, G. C, .139, 174, 185, 24311. Castle'Law, Forgandcnny, 67.ru- Brown Bess, 283. Cat and Chapel (inn^sign), 255. Brunanburh, 251. Cat and Wheel (inn-sign), 255. Brute, King, 273. Catharine, St. (sec St. Catharine). Brythonic Celts and tongue, 142, 149, Catharine Hall, Cambridge, 254. 151, 160, 161. Catharine Wheel (inn-sign), 255. Bubb's Cross, Winchester, 261, 262. Cathcrington, 250. Hue, Flenri, 255.- Catioroc, the, Inhumation.at, 177. Bulliot, Fotiitles du Mont bewray, 81 n. Catuvellauni, 165. , Burbage, 256. Cavenham Heath, 165. Burghclerc, Beacon Willi 28. Celts, the, 141; 142, '150 (sec also •Burghcad, 67 n. Goidcls & Brythons). Burne (quoted), 5 n. Invasions of, 79, 149, i6r. Burnett, F. J., 287. Migrations of, 15 3 ff. Burnswark, 77 map, 83. Admixture with the Germans, 75, Bushe-Fox, J. P., 143, 147, 149, 154, t 84, 153, 156, 160. 164, 170 11., 171. in Central Europe, 150. Buxton, L. H. Dudley, 247. in Germany, 80. :294 I'NDEX Celts, . ., Christ Church, Book of Evidences, on the Lower Rhine, 75, 153. the, 194. - . in. Spain,-.7.9, 153.1 '•' Christchurch, Hants, 253; Prior of, in France, 80, 153. 253. in S.W, Britain; 122, 129, 147,,165, Christian basilica, Maze in an early, 173, 181.V • -, . • • . 270. Upland settlements of, 172. Christison, Early Fortifications in Scot­ Fortifications of, 65, 70, 8i, 17.3. land, 67 n.t 82. "Celtic Lords," 142,,150. Chun Castle, 79, 80. Cerne Abbas, 255. ... Cimbri, 81. • Certosa type of brooch, 13T, - Cirencester Church, 254. Chale,. 253 & n., 256, 257.. • Cissbury, 166; Construction of earth­ Chalfield Magna, 252. works' at, 14. Chamber Court (Win. Coll.), 262. City Museum (see Winchester). • Chalk Pit (on St. Catharine's Hill), 284. Civil Wars, the, 272, 273. Champagne, . '•'••• Clapham, A. W., 222 n. Celts in, 153, 156-159. , *. ' Claudius, Emperor, 187. Chariot burials in, 159 n. ', .,. Clay, Dr. R. C. C, 78 & n., 87 n., 96, Chandler, Warden, 261, 262; , his 104, 140, 145, 148, 158 n., 161, MS., 261 n.
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