WASHINGTON STATE SENATE 59TH LEGISLATURE 2005 REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 10 - APRIL 24 . LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR BRAD OWEN, PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE SENATOR ROSA FRANKLIN, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SENATOR PAULL SHIN, VICE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE TOM HOEiVlmN, SECRETARY OF THE SENATE Washington State Senate Roster of Members Brad Benson (R-6) Margarita Prentice (D-I I) Don Benton (R-I7) Mike Hewitt (R-16) Craig Pridemore (D-49) Jean Berkey (D-38) Jim Honeyford (R-15) Marilyn Rasmussen (D-2) Dale Brandland (R-42) Ken Jacobsen (D-46) Debbie Regala (D-27) Lisa J. Brown (D-3) Stephen L. Johnson (R-47) Pam Roach (R-3 I) Mike Carrell (R-28) Jim Kastama (D-25) Phil Rockefeller (D-23) Alex A. Deccio (R-14) Karen Keiser (D-33) Dave Schmidt (R-44) Jerome Delvin (R-8) Adam Kline (D-37) Mark Schoesler (R-9) Mark Doumit (D-19) Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-36) Tim Sheldon (D-35) Tracey Eide (D-30) Rosemary McAuliffe (D-I) Paull H. Shin (D-21) Luke Esser (R-48) Bob McCaslin (R-4) Harriet A. Spanel (D-40) Darlene Fairley (D-32) Bob Morton (R-7) Val Stevens (R-39) Bill Finkbeiner (R-45) Joyce Mulliken (R-13) Dan Swecker (R-20) Rosa Franklin (D-29) Bob Oke (R-26) Pat Thibaudeau (D-43) Karen Fraser (D-22) Linda Evans-Parlette (R-12) Brian Weinstein (D-41) James E. Hargrove (D-24) Cheryl Pflug (R-5) Jon Wyss (R-6)* Mary Margaret Haugen (D- 10) Erik Poulsen (D-34) Joseph Zarelli (R-18) • Pursuant to Rc..-W 73 .16.041, Jon Wyss was temporarily appointed by the Spokane County Council to serve as the 6th district state senator during Senator Benson's absence (April 14-16, 2005). Senator Benson was called up for several days during the end of the 2005 legislative session for active duty with his Air National Guard unit. Statewide Legislative District Map \ '1 Ferry } ! Pend \ Stevens i Oreille ~ 7 I Puget Sound ( J. Legislative rJ I r""l }'" I Districts -.. '-/-;~ i lincoln j _.......-.......... Grant Adams Whitman 19 I _ District Boundaries -- --­ County Boundaries INDEX 2005 SENATE ROLL CALL VOTE TRANSCRIPTS Washington State Senate Index to Senate Roll Call Votes 2005 Regular Session Roll Call No. Bill No. Subjects Chapter No. and (Item Senate Bills ES SB 5002 Camping resort contracts 112 58 (11) SB 5006 Aquacultural products 113 52(7) S SB 5013 Highway sign panels 47(12) ES SB 5034 Campaign funding 445 66 (16) 101 (8) S SB 5035 Forensic pathology 166 47(4) 97(2) S SB 5038 Failure to yield 413 58(47) 99(2) SB 5039 Milk and milk products 414 58(38) 100(14) 2SSB 5041 Deadly weapons & firearms 66(19) S SB 5042 Statute of limits/felonies 59(33) SB 5044 Rural pblc hospital district 114 58(45) E SB 5045 Title insurance companies 115 45 (3) SB 5046 Ethics complaints 116 45(2) SB 5048 Tobacco product sampling 17(2) E SB 5049 Mold in residential units 465 31(5) 100(21) S SB 5052 Uniform estate tax act 332 64(7) 99(3) SB 5053 Parenting plans 117 52 (3) S SB 5054 Health care information 59(26) 2SSB 5056 Archaeology & history 333 60(26) S SB 5058 Vehicle fuel tx payment date 260 65(26) SB 5059 Transportation bond payment 52 (5) ES SB 5060 Traffic safety cameras 167 64(20) S SB 5064 Electronic medical records PV 261 64(22) 99(5) S SB 5065 Injuries from health care 118 60 (23) E2SSB 5069 Family leave insurance 65 (35) SB 5070 Superior court judges 47 (5) ES SB 5084 Foster youth education 58(50) S SB 5085 Child car seats 415 31(4) 97(3) SB 5086 Rural Washington loan fund 47 (7) E SB 5087 Community college faculty 119 59(46) E SB 5089 Off-road vehicle noise 168 62(13) S SB 5092 Beginning farmers loan prgrm 120 61(12) E SB 5094 Conservatn dstrct assessment 466 66(44) S SB 5097 Public works/apprenticeship 3 24(2-4) ES SB 5098 Energy efficiency/products 61(35) S SB 5101 Renewable energy incentives 300 61(32) 101(5) S SB 5104 Keep kids safe license plate 62 (11) S SB 5105 WTUC certification 121 61 (13) SB 5106 Hazardous materials 54 (7) E SB 5110 Regional trans planning orgs 334 61(26) 97(4) E2SSB 5111 Solar energy systems 301 61(33) 101(6) S SB 5112 Veterans' benefits 255 58(15) 99(22) SB 5117 Land surveyors 58(26) ES SB 5121 Air transportation needs 316 62 (15) 99 (12) SB 5127 Victims of human trafficking 358 58(14) 99(6) S SB 5132 Public employee information 61(16) SB 5134 Disabled hunt/fish committee 47 (2) SB 5135 Vlntr firefghtrs & officers 37 66(30) SB 5136 Fire protection districts 122 66(17) S SB 5139 Tolling authority PV 335 38(3) 99(13) ES SB 5140 Surplus funds of candidates 467 65(29) 97(5) SB 5142 Elevators & warehouses 138 45 (5) S SB 5145 Boater safety & education 392 66(18) 97(6) S SB 5146 Quality improvement comm 169 58(10) El Denotes Ch. in 1st Sp. Sess. E2 Denotes Ch. in 2nd Sp. Sess. 1 Index to Senate Roll Call Votes 2005 Regular Session Roll Call No. Bill No. Subjects Chapter No. and (Item SB 5148 Slander of a woman 13 38 (5) S SB 5150 Marine pilots 26 59 (19) ES SB 5151 Metropolitan park district 4 19 (2) 2SSB 5154 Historical prprty tx exmptn 170 65 (6) S SB 5157 Fingerprint 10 system 64(35) ES SB 5158 Uniform health care info act 468 64(23) 100(3) SB 5159 Health care disputes 58 (4) E SB 5160 Cell phone use in cars 65(33) S SB 5161 Accident reports 171 31 (3) ES SB 5164 Mitigation fees 64(17) SB 5168 Voluntr ambulance personnel 38 65(34) S SB 5169 Biotoxin testing funds 416 61(15) 99(7) ES SB 517l School safety info sharing 54(9) ES SB 5173 Uniform mediation act 172 52(8) SB 5175 International companies 135 54(8) S SB 5176 CTED programs 136 59 (7) S SB 5177 Trans benefit district PV 336 58 (39) 104 (30) S SB 5178 Specialty hospitals 39 64(24) SB 5179 Forest health study 53 (6) SB 5180 Economic finance authority 137 45 (6) SB 5181 Vehicle parts 173 59 (6) S SB 5182 Cemetery interment space 359 31(2) 97(7) ES SB 5186 Physical activity 360 61(23) 99(8) S SB 5190 Commercial feed 40 58 (35) E SB 5194 Longshore & harbor workers Vetoed 58(25) SB 5196 Emplyr-owned life insurance 337 45(4-7) 99(32) SB 5198 Medicare supplemental insrnc 41 58(40) 2SSB 5202 Health savings account 59(25) S SB 5204 Chattel liens 59(28) S SB 5207 Ports providing pilots 123 61(34) E2SSB 5213 TANF & WorkFirst 174 64 (21) 2ES SB 5219 Primary dates 57(2) 61(40) SB 5221 Veterans' & military affairs 58 (13) E SB 5222 Insanity defense 66(8) S SB 5227 wildlife harvest reports 418 104(14) S SB 5229 Endngrd wildlife lic plate 62(3) S SB 5230 Wildlife license plate 42 62(4) SB 5232 Turkey tags 60(17-21) S SB 5234 Hunting access 65(42) S SB 5237 Workers' comp reporting 64 (8) SB 5241 District court judges 54(10) S SB 5242 Inmates possessing weapons 361 59(27) SB 5247 LEOFFRS plan 1 ex spouse 88(31) S SB 5250 Job order contracts 58(51) SB 5254 Legislative youth council 355 58(12) 99(14) S SB 5256 Misdemeanors 362 59(32) S SB 5262 Drvr's lic suspension review 62(14) S SB 5266 Customer financial transactn 338 59(43) 97(8) SB 5267 State patrol officers 124 58(16) SB 5268 Water-sewer districts 43 52(2) S SB 5270 Vessel registration 62(17) SB 5272 Aquatic lands statutes 58(23) SB 5274 Real estate appraisers 339 59(5) 100(15) ES SB 5275 Consumer credit histories 53 (2) S SB 5278 Ocean policy review comm 66(25) E1 Denotes Ch. in 1st Sp. Sess. E2 Denotes Ch. in 2nd Sp. Sess. 2 Index to Senate Roll Call Votes 2005 Regular Session Roll Call No. Bill No. Subjects Chapter No. and ( Item SB 5279 Recreational actlvlties 61 (31) S SB 5282 Earned release 61(18) ES SB 5285 Water quality development 469 65(32) ES SB 5287 House-banked card games 103(14) S SB 5288 Juveniles in custody 59(36) S SB 5289 Running start program 125 65 (31) S SB 5290 Theft of livestock 419 47 (3) 104(31) ES SB 5305 Mercury-containing vaccines 65(8) SB 5307 Amusement rides 58(22) ES SB 5308 Child abuse reporting 417 59(10) S SB 5309 Sexual misconduct with minor 262 59 (37) SB 5311 Autism task force 259 64(42) 97 (9) S SB 5316 Parks & rec license plates 44 62 (5) S SB 5317 Insurance comm examinations 126 58(24) SB 5319 Animal trapping 58(21) SB 5321 Vehicle owners' addresses 340 54 (11) 100(16) SB 5325 Community revitalization 64 (11) S SB 5326 Home rule charter cities 61(17) SB 5327 Privacy protection office 58(27) SB 5329 Cluster-based economic dev 47 (6) SB 5330 Economic development grants 64 (5) E SB 5332 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 90 58(44) SB 5340 Military department accounts Vetoed 64(25) SB 5347 Nursing home temp managers Vetoed 58 (19) ES SB 5348 Electrical appliance repair 175 54(2-3) ES SB 5349 Dyslexia pilot program 61(19) SB 5352 Animal cruelty 60 (31) SB 5354 Flood control zone districts 127 59 (9) E SB 5355 Salmon & steelhead recovery 308 58 (5) 97(10) SB 5356 State route 290 14 47 (9) SB 5358 Speech-language pathologists 45 59 (8) S SB 5360 Running start eligibility 58(20) 2SSB 5370 Economic dev strategic acct 427 65(14) 103(24) E SB 5381 Academy of sciences 305 61(24) 97 (11) S SB 5385 Invasive species council 65 (36) S SB 5390 State health care programs 47 (11) SB 5391 Tricare sup insurance policy 46 58(46) ES SB 5395 Voting devices/paper records 242 54 (5) 99 (33) ES SB 5396 Habitat conservation prgrms 303 66(41) 100(30) S SB 5406 Medicare 47 59(16) S SB 5407 Incarcerated parents 38 (7) S SB 5414 Aviation fees and taxes 341 62(20) 105(28) ES SB 5415 Military borrowers 256 58(28) 99 (9) E SB 5417 Alcohol offense penalties 60(20) E SB 5418 Credit reports 342 52 (4) 100(20) E SB 5423 Special license plates 210 62 (6) 99(10) SB 5424 WA lighthouse license plate 48 62 (7) ES SB 5426 Truancy and dropouts 60 (10) ES SB 5432 Oil spill oversight council 304 65 (25) 102(19) SB 5433 Judicial conduct commission 15 58 (6) S SB 5436 Commercial motor vehicle law 58(42) E2SSB 5441 Education finance study 496 53(7-9) 99(24) S SB 5442 Long-term care financing 59(24) ES SB 5445 Initiative 297 60 (32) S SB 5449 Model toxics control 211 64(26) 99(15) E1 Denotes Ch.
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