------------------------w VOL. XXIII NO. 130 THURSDAY I APRIL 18, 1991 i · .THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S . .. SUFR stages day-long sit-in in Registrar's office Observer Staff Report attention "We want immediate negotia­ A group of 60 students staged tions with core members of a day-long sit-in Wednesday in SUFR and the administration," the Registrar's office said Manuel Espino, junior. "We demanding open negotiation chose to stage the sit-in in the with University President Registrar's office because it is Father Edward Malloy regard­ more visible ... Monk's (Malloy's) ing the demands raised by office on the third floor would members of Students United for not be as visible." Respect (SUFR). The sit-in, held on the first • Press conference I page 6 floor of the Administration Building, began at 8 a.m. and • SUFR timeline I page 6 ended just after 7 p.m. • Prof's reaction I page 7 Throughout the day, the sit-in attracted upwards of 150 black, The sit-in was planned as a white, and Hispanic peaceful event to impress upon demonstrators outside and in­ Malloy the group's desire to side the office, complete with meet with him. "We are in no blankets, pillows, radios, and way trying to incite any vio­ often chanting, "What do we lence," said Michele Cage, ju­ want? ... Respect. When do we nior. "We don't think that ask­ want it? ... Now." ing for a meeting with Malloy Demonstrators bore signs that during regular office hours is read, "God is not color blind," too much to ask." and "No queremos 'SUFRir Espino said that he believes mas," which is Spanish for "We the University has made don't want to suffer/SUFR progress in cultural diversity, anymore." but that the progress has come After almost 12 hours of dis­ "very slowly." cussion and negotiation, the "They have to make cultural students agreed to leave the diversity a priority," added office, A smaller group of stu­ Azikwe Chandler, sophomore. dents, under the auspices of Kenneth Durgans, director of Student Government, were Minority Student Affairs, de­ scheduled to meet with Malloy clined to comment on the sit-in. in his room at 12:30 a.m. today. According to Joe Wilson, stu­ SUFR said they planned to dent senator and SUFH mem­ regroup at 7:30 a.m. today in ber, the students are dissatis­ the 24-hour lounge of LaFor­ fied with the commitment made tune Student Center. After dis­ by the University to address cussing the meeting with Mal­ their original demands, issued The Observer/ Eric Bailey loy, the group would decide Jan. 21. Students united for respect eat lunch in the Registar's office of the Administration Building Wednesday dur­ whether to stage another sit-in ing the sit-in of Students United for Respect. The sit-in lasted a total of eleven hours. today. see SUFR I page 4 Students want Malloy's U.S. troops move north to scout sites for refugee camps lSIKVEHEN, Turkey (AP) - Turkey and its border and Iraq had agreed to cooperate lief, the officials said. military said. U.S. speeial forces helicoptered nearly 1.5 million others have with U.N. relief efforts for the Even as helicopter-born At the sprawling Isikveren into northern Iraq on Wednes­ sought safety in Iran and along Kurds. troops crossed Iraq's northern settlement on the mountainous day to begin scouting sites for its frontier, according to the But U.S. officials said they frontier for the first time, U.S. Turkish border, thousands of Western-supervised camps. But latest estimates. didn't expect Iraq to interfere forces completed their with­ refugees burst into applause as hunger, disease and cold took The Iraqi News Agency with the foreign troops. If drawal from all of southern a column of about 30 U.S. spe­ an ever-mounting toll of lives at quoted Iraq's foreign minister, Baghdad wants U.N. permission Iraq except a narrow zone bor­ cial forces arrived carrying an the sprawling camps along the Ahmed Hussein Khuddayer al­ to sell nearly $1 billion in oil to dering Kuwait. The remaining American flag. Turkish border. Sammaraei, as saying it was buy emergency food and other 18,000 troops will protect and The soldiers grinned and About 800,000 of Iraq's 4 "unnecessary" for allied troops supplies, it will have to feed refugees until effective al­ slapped hands with the million Kurds have fled to to protect the refugees because cooperate with the Kurdish re- ternatives are found, the U.S. refugees. Intelligence played major role in the Gulf War, says CIA director Webster By BRADLEY GALKO world." NPws Writer Webster said that good intel­ ligence allowed the allies to lntelligfmce played an impor­ "develop the modus operandi" tant role in the Gulf War in of Saddam Hussein and prevent combating tPrrorism. enfordng many incidents of terrorism. sanctions, selecting targets and "I'm amused when people bomb damage assessment, ac­ talk about how we cording to William Webster, di­ overestimated the terrorist rector of the Central Intelli­ threat," said Webster, "but we gence Agency (CIA). know what we did to keep the Webster spoke to a packed li­ terrorist incidents from taking brary auditorium Wednesday place." night as part of the Student Enforcement of sanctions Government sponsored "Public ...'.4 against Iraq also required the Forum on Contemporary Is­ William Webster support of the world's intelli­ sues" leeture series. gence communities, he said. "The global scope and use of against Iraq's aggression," he Sanctions were "only important intelligence during the Gulf War said. if we could make sure they was extraordinary," said Web­ "That activity wasn't around continued," Webster said, "and ster. ten years ago," added Webster. in that respect intelligence "Intelligence on issues rang­ "It was just beginning to take played an important role." ing from Iraqi military capabil­ place, reminding that nations Human intelligence and signal ities to sanctions busting to can cooperate on important is­ intelligence (the monitoring of The Observer/ Michelle Roch counter-terrorism, all helped sues such as this and that the radio and other signals) were Sunning or studying? intelligence communities can toward the international coop­ Maureen Ebben studies in front of Haggar College Center. The eration and resolve that we saw work with each other to try to see WEBSTER I page 4 make this a safer and better warm sun brought hopes of a tan to this Saint Mary's student. -~ --- ----~ -~-- -~--~--~------------ Thursday, April 18, 1991 page 2 INSIDE COLUMN Gripes and complaints about anything H L 46 34 85 62 45 32 Like any Notre Dame 44 40 student, I have my 55 40 occasional gripes and 78 63 64 35 complaints about this 60 45 place. Unlike most Notre 83 70 Dame students, however, 83 69 69 50 I'm not content with 50 37 65 54 laying them o~ my Rich Kurz 63 46 roommates and fnends. 82 73 Furthermore I have the Associate Sports 55 37 resources to l~t the entire Editor 83 62 ----=---- 61 54 campus know about them. 52 37 • Why can't someone get some food on this 75 53 55 46 campus after 1:00 am? It only makes sense 72 41 for the Oak Room or the Huddle to be open 77 56 past one. Most college students, myself in­ 59 48 59 41 cluded, stay up past one o'clock. And some of 75 63 us happen to get hungry after these venerable institutions have closed and have to resort to 86 54 stealing our roommate's car (which he doesn't let any of us drive) while he's sound asleep ··:·. and going to Azar's. Hey, University Food Services, get on the ball and keep a place to get food open a little later. • While on the issue of food on this campus, TODAY AT AGLANCE why do the dining halls find it so difficult to keep certain items, like yogurt for example, WORLD was found in a field Newport in December 1982. Little cold? Personally, I don't particularly enjoy said he planned to return to his post as chairman of the warm yogurt, and an informal survey of ANC rebuffs call conference a 'ploy' others up here at The Observer found that •JOHANNESBURG, South NATIONAL absolutely no one likes their yogurt warm. Africa - Black leader Nelson Congress votes to end rail strike And really, how difficult can it be to keep Mandela rejected government yogurt cold? plans Wednesday for a conference •WASHINGTON - Congress voted Wednesday night to •Being a Philadelphia native maybe I'm a on township violence, saying it was put a quick end to nationwide strike by 235,000 rail little biased, but these balls of grease the a ploy to win international support workers that threatened an already weak economy. A dining halls try to pass off as "Philly for President de Klerk. The African bill establishing a new emergency board to resolve the Cheesesteaks" just make my stomach turn. If National Congress leader said his remaining disputes and impose a settlement in 65 days, only I could take these heathens to Pat's organization would not take part in was approved under special parliamentary procedures Steaks on South Street in Philadelphia, maybe the conference. But the rival Inkatha Freedom Party wel­ without dissent by the Senate after passing the House I could convert them to my way of thinking. comed the idea. Law and Order Minister Adriaan Vlok 400-5. Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner, hoping Until then, I'm doomed to turn my head in said earlier the government planned to bring all affected strikers would be ordered back to their jobs before disgust whenever they serve those damn parties together in a bid to end township clashes that Thursday's working day.
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