wspaper Devoted Complete News Pictures Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly ,,!! \ma\ Coverage And. Impartially Each Week vkrterCARTERET, Nd. J., FRIDAY, APRII, 24, 1959 tntcn* u tnd CiM M*n •I r. O, Cutcnt. N. 1. PRICE TEN CENT8 Service Last-Minute Accord by Kinal Run of Sound At Foster Wheeler Shore Branch to Itr Made Today Evangelistic CARTERET - Today marks Hutnick Fond'; Corpora- l.lie final run of the Sound Shore from or to Carteret and K0 to add a few Series to be ; in its earnings, New York nnd way stations. mi emissary Thpro will be no stops at At Helm iy. California, West, CHIUMKI on the Long Ended Tonight Branch Division. That limited could persuade CARTFRET - The Calvary ii Amerl- service -was eliminated several Baptist church will close its years ago. So that Carteret will ,w John Chnrles wrrk nf pvnnEellstlc effort at On Pact r, tlinilne Ills wipe br without direct passenger l.lie church at 7:30 o'clock to- rail service. •< mrrbit. which to nirht CARTERET — The manage- r The determination to do away ran- knowledge no Rev. Robert Graves of Clifton ment of Poster Wheeler Cor- 1 with what remained of the K ••» flhli to dupll- will be the speaker and Rev. poration and Local 440, Inter- Sound Shore Branch service, AID CIVIL DEFENSE: Photo shows member* of thr Civil Defense (iroup and Fire Brigade at the Cartrret plant of William Blaoklcy of Newark national Union of Electrical three trains each way. was de- Metal & Thermit Corporation. Shown from left to richt are: Charles Reidel. Joseph Tomlco. Al Rozanskl. Eddie Ryan. will be the sotutleader. Follow Radio and, Machine Workemr- cfded at a public hearing April 1 . | Welsh rnrrbit Julius Nary, Anthony Wawnynnkl, Fire Chief Edward Zanat, Joseph Moliur, Plant Nurse Evrtyn Toth, Adam Oren- inc the service there will be a APL-CIO yesterday afternoon f i7th. It appears checks of the in our life cxak, Assistant Fire Chief Roccn Simeone. Plant Enirinwr Donald C. Pratt, Personnel Manager Robert C. Goodrich social in the church hall with reached an agreement for a service indicated at limes no ;i riwrlM Thomas and John Mazur. (Toth Photo.) the Ladies' Guild in charge, three-year contract, averting t passengers at all use some of ,;, Hint delicary Refreshments will be served. possible strike at the plant, ;,-,,-rt in New York the runs. The survey Indicated Special music will be presented John Hutnick, for man* ns n.:n Since then, practically all those who used oy the Junior and Senior Installation of Metal & Thermit Unit any of the trains paid cash years president of the Local in v,(| H taste for it. Church to Note JOHN KOLIBAS loirs. f maklnb th« announcement of ' \\vwi rurrblt was fares and there was practically TO BE HONORED: A testi- Sunday Services no regular commuter users. the agreement, described it ai :nii.iiit menu we or- monial dinner honoring John "Salvation: Pull and Free" New Officers Is Training for CD Work a fair contract. :i IH'VIT tasted like St. Mark's Feast At the April 17th hearing the Kollbas, who was recently ill be the sermon topic of Rev. CARTERFT — Realizing the jWulf, Equipment includes railroad was given permission elected to the Board of Kduca iomer Tricules, pastor at the A membership meeting was need for preparation, a Civil crane, trucks, switch engine, by the Public Utility Commis- tlon, will be held Saturday May A.M. service. called for 2:30 P.M. yesterday, Set by Hadassah Here on Sunday sion to drop 27 of the 374 pas- imiR period of JDefense Group and Fire Bri- etc. 2, by th« City Line Civie and Sunday School will be at ten nut at that hour, management CARTERHTT—Carteret Chap senger trains on all its lines. pleasure to Defense Coordinator and Fire CARTERET — The Feast of Welfare Association in its club- •lock; for all ages beginning and union leaders were still rtiir ter of Hadassah has set May 21 Kade at the Carteret plant of The Sound Shore railroad HIM with Mr. Chief, E, Zanat; Assistant Fire St. Mark, the patron saint of rooms. Stephen Alach Is chair- ith Infants and going through arguing about some points and as the date for the Installation the Metal and Thermit Cor- bridge across the Rahway River . tins time In a Chief, R. Simeone; Assistant St. Mark's Episcopal Church man. Others on the committee dult Bible Study. At the eve- a final agreement was not of new officers. It will be heldPcatto" is undergoing fire- will no longer be In service. The siTt paradise. Fire Chief, H. Johnson; Sal- will be observed on Sunday, Include Harry Alleri, Patsy ilng devotional service the reached until 3:30 VM. at the Catholic War Veterans fighting and Gtvll Defense bridge will be left In an open ids sprawling vage Equipment Director, F. April 26. Shaul, Deputy Chief Charles lastor will bring the message When Mr. Hutnick presented Hall. raining. Murray C. Oautch, position after 11 A.M. Monday, •!!. Mr. Thomas Sleklerka; Mutual Aid Director,! There will be a patronal com Makwinskl and Sft. Stanley ntitled "Walking and Talk- the outline of the three-year plant manager, is directing the April 27th. t' kitchen and The new officers are: Mrs. R. C. Goodrich. munion service at 9:30 A. M. al Siyba. ng" from the last chapter of contract which goes into effect activities of the unit. No one appeared in person Welsh rarebit Jack Stein, president; Mrs. A First-Aid Group has also which all parishioners are asked he book of Colossians. This is today, to the membership about from this ai*%at the hearing Avenue TestaU- Philip Drourr and Mrs. Leon A break-down of the Oroup been formed which has recent- to make a corporate commun- he next to the last message of 4 P.M., it was quickly ratified. to protest the elimination. A Greenwald, vice presidents; and their directors is as fol- ly taken an approved Red Cross ion. At 4:00 P. M. a service of he series of Bible studies that Mr. Hutnick said that th« letter of protest was received ms been conducted Sunday Mrs. Isidore Brown, treasurer; lows: Equpmelnt Director, D. First-Aid training course given commemoration will be hel< Honor Society ;w agreement provides for an Mrs. Benjamin Klang. record- Pratt, Plant Engineer; Mo- by the Carteret First - Aid with a procession and special after the hearing. The compa- Evenings on this New Testa- ;i;rh «HS Charles Increase of 8 cents an hour In Ing secretary: Mrs. Alexander bile Equipment Director, J Squad under the direction of music and an address by the ny alleged on its 3 runs to Car- ment Book, The service begins hr, who has for- pay the first year; 7 cents for Mooney, corresponding secre Magner; Assistant/Director, G Joseph Cumba. vicar. This will be followed by teret it earned only 13 pas- Inducts Staff at 6:30 PM. iibnili' at Cape the second and third years. tary; Mrs. Joseph Welsman, a program in the parish nooms sengers and a total of 23 on 3 Choir rehearsals resume their f'lnnrla, and Is in which the choir and the trains bound out from Carteret. also provides a 1 financial secretary; Mrs. Eman- lormal time this week with the hntiii at Apple At Ceremony r vacation for em- uel l#fkowita, Mrs. Max Brown church school will participate. This was not contradicted by unior Choir rehearsing at 5:45 f°u ker confided to US 1 who have been and Mrs. Harry Oinchansky Council Awards Legion Advances A covered dish supper will be the Public Utility Engineering CARTERCT — The Cartere on Sunday evening and te '•• !M.I friendship board members. served. This }s being contrib- staff, that checks such matters. Chapter of the National Honoi Senior Choir Wednesday night company for 25 years, begin- iiiMiiiis since boy- Contracts for uted by parishioners. The high- Society held its annual induc- at the midweek prayer meeting ™"ng in 1961. There are also ^ nut t>wn able to At the last meeting Educa- Grcus Details light of activities will be the tion ceremony for new memben which Is held at 7 P.M. This eight paid holidays and lnequl- presentation tion chairman Miss Floryce CARTERET — Carteret Post of a donation Anniversary is on Wednesday afternoon. Thii Sunday the Junior Choir will ties in five classifications total- toward the .ted as part of the Garbage Trucks !83, The American Legion, to- new siding fund tee seniors and ten juiors we: be having a party and refresh- ling 10 cents an hour. .mil i^illld lu.i CimFUI- evenrnf** program a brilliantly day Was underwritten on a one from every wage earner "in th received Into the society, mem ments during the rehearsal Mr. Hutnick said that the CARTERET — Borough bership in which is based on thi <• nornthy, built a Uustrated visual aid on the million dollar Insurance policy parish. Mapped by IOOF period. union negotiating committee Council last night held a special attributes of character, schola •••• tlii'insflves that Is study of the Bible. Hadassah by. the Hunt Brothers Three CARTERCT1 — Final plans Tuesday night at 7:30 the was able "to knock out" a man- forl tie purpose of re It Is hoped that It will be pos- ship, leadership, and service. r>! :i!l who visit Ap- believes service to education Is Ring Circus, stated Joseph sibte to announce the amount *" made by Carteret Sunday School Teachers will agement proposal that would celvinj bids for two garbage !• •• Krom this spot, one of the highest forms one 'letUsrer, post finance officer.
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