Green Bay May 16 — Mrs. F. U. West en- tertained at a luncheon in her home on Friday. Invited guests were Mrs. R. T. Redd. Mrs. John A. Love, Mrs. R. H. Mor- gan. Mrs. Henry Weaver. Mrs. Hugh Jenkins. Mrs. J. R. Nun- nally, Jr., and Mi’s. R. B. Wil- son. Mrs. J. R. Nunnally, Sr., was a Saturday overnight guest of Mi’, and Mrs. T. H. Fowlkes, of Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Williams and family, of Richmond, visit- USDA 1NSPESTE0—A^PS FINEST ed Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cheat- QUALITY BROILERS OR ham last Sunday. Visiting their parents. Mr. and if not all the should— Mrs. C. T. Redd, on Mother’s you're getting savings you or worried about when save— Day were Mr. and Mrs. John you're quality you WHOLE Sowder and family; Mr. and |then you should be shopping at A&P! The store- Mi's. W. S. Saunders and Mrs. wide low prices plus the many special va'ues ONLY Hallie Saunders and Mr. and I. assure you of savings every week! And you Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Robcitson, can be confident that you're saving on fine-quality all of Richmond: Thomas Redd foods ... all guaranteed to please. Shop with and children and Mrs. Frances confidence take the if out of thrift lb. Sears, of West Point: Mr. and shop A&P! Mrs. R. E. Williams. Jr., of Vic- a different name at toria. and Mr. and Mrs. John MEDIUM SIZE RAW A&P's price policy assures you of the icp grade labeled under higher prices Redd and boys, of Ellerson. CUT-UP FRYERS .. 29c whole, quartered or cut-up Broiling or Frying at A&P! Take your choice for quick, delicious Other guests in the Redd home ! Chickens at the advertised prices. You won't were Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow LEG QUARTERS 29c see the same grade Chickens wrapped and meals for you and your family. Wilson, of Burlington. N. C j Mr. and Mrs. John Redd and j BREAST QUARTERS 33c NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! Ricky and Johnnie were dinner : guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Beck. Having dinner with Mr. and j "SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT Mrs. Bobbie Wilson and family OR GWALTNEY'S Sunday were Mrs. R. B. Wilson, COUNTRY CURED of Prospect, and Miss Mary Lou Raiford HAMS lb. Mrs. G. W Palmer entertain- ed at a coke party Tuesday SUNNYBR&OK GRADE A FRLSH SMOKED morning honoring her niece. FRANKS Mrs. Guy Hammond, of Black>- CENTER CUTS burg. Mrs. Hammond has been ll>. visiting her grandmother. Mrs. PORK CHOPS Lela Love, and Mr. and Mrs. L. EGGS A. Love for the past several days. BY THE PIECE Dr. Harry Love, of Blacks- ] 289° ii). burg, and Thorburn Love, of Pe- ; loo RRICQUETS OF tersburg. visited their mother. Size ■ Bacon 2 85c Beef Liver sliced 43c Mi’s. Lola Love. Sunday. 3;;ri CHARCOAL 10*65° A“??DCD ;£.45c In Ion a 'CAP H JOHN'S by.the.piece mi. sliced , Mrs. W. L. Price will leave JANE PARKER—FRANKFURTER Liverwutst 39c Pork Liver 29c — in.. by train Thursday lor Ottumwa. flounder fillet pUR. Oicnnd Gh^ck delicious in. 88c Meat Losf ■„ 57c Iowa, where she will visit her BA“%V0ERAKL ixeusioi wm>to ROLLS 12** 33° son-in-law and daughter. Mr. Bataionteo Steaks ,„.S|39 Fat Back 18c Pork Feat 19c and Mrs. A. B. Hayden, and chil- 1BEEF STEAKS ^Jc dren for three weeks. f;.. Mrs. L. T. cMIDWICH STEMS 55c Nunnally has re- | turned —1_—- home after several j LIBBY'S FROZEN FIRM weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. j GRAPE GOLDEN Paul Manns at Bowling Green HULftPUNCILORANGE... DELICIOUS RIPE! lb. Mrs. Manns is visiting Mr. and CHICKEN, Mrs. Nunnally for a few days. BANANAS 10 Mrs. G. W Palmer. Mrs. C. BEEF or TURKEY B. Bock, and Mrs. W. R. Berry, of Meherrin. toured homes and DRINKS gardens in and around Black- "MADE FRESH" BRAND stone on Friday afternoon. s Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Redd were FRESH CORN 6 29 Friday night supper guests of Mrs. Roxie Jones and Mr. and 00 A1 NEW WHITE Mrs. Allen Rrisentine. of Pros- ia" k pect, at Mrs. Jones' cabin. SEBAGOES Mr. and Mrs. Redd attended 1 the Pruice Edward POTATOES 10 Academy 3- 39 Junior-Senior banquet and dance LARGE LEMONS JUICY GRASS SEED regalo 4 i"’; H.89 the past week end. PREMIUM CRACKERS >„<■ \£ 29c Mrs. E. M. Sbinault celebrat- CINNAMON CRISP nV;V 39c GREEN CABBAGE TENDER lb. 6c MICHIGAN PEAT 100 * *1.85 ed her 78th birthday last Thurs- day, May 9. With her were two CHUNK TUNA Sttr 2 ;*“• 63c of her daughters. Mrs. John , , MRO K Trear. of Farmvillc. and Myrtle CANNED HAM 2 [„ S2.I9 BE SURE TO REDEEM YOUR Bratton, of Chase City They BALLARDS BISCUITS,,,, ^ .3 V 29c also visited her again on Moth- i DINNERWARE COUPONS THIS WEEK! WHITE HOUSE HERSHEY INSTANT jar er s Day. 29‘ TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF of CAIIC Sunday guests Mrs. R. H COCOA Mix 43c V;;- 89c OUC A 4-PC. PLACE SETTING ; ORVC Morgan and were Mr. family WITH COUPON 3 A and Mrs. E I Healy, Mr. and JADE-ITE Mrs Charles Healy and chil- COFFEE - TOWARD of a 25‘ dren. of Saluda, and Mr. and MUGS 4 49® SAVE 50c thcerefaumrecrhase Mrs. Wesley Foster, of Drakes S-PIECE GLASS MIXING WITH COUPON 3-B Bra nch. BOWL SET *-* 69e Sp-4 George J Barton and 39‘ 6-TRANSISTOR Miss Sylvia Ann Morris, of Fort. With Far phones Gordon. Ga.. were week end RADIO and Carrying Case oo guests of his parents, Mr. and $g95 $ Mrs. J. M. Barton. CORN OIL MARGARINE PRICES j ANN PAGE MARGARINE 2 49c ANN PAGE Side rtll’g lit. Sunny PURE jar FLEISCHMAN Margate 2 ^b, 79c 95‘ PY-OMY FROSTING OR May iti Billy Horst, one of BUNKER HILL GRAVY AND MAZOLA margar ne 30 Virginia students, has boon 2 C\Z: 79c accepted for a six-week course lb CAKE MIKES BEEF CHUNKS 45' in Mineral Engineering for the KRAFT margarine m 1 2 ctns. 75c PY-OMY INSTANT BUNKER HILL GRAVY AND Summer Science Course at VPI beginning June 17. MRS. FILBERT’S =>«<> 2 79c 'Billy has also been elected POTATO MIX BEEF 49c TRY ANN PAGE BRAND the Additional SLICED president of the Bela Club and AND SAVE UP Redeem Following TO 15c PER ROEERTS MARSHMALLOW TOPFED ANN PAGE PLUM co-capiam of the football team POUND. YOU MUST BE from Your Mailed Booklet! Coupons 01 »*. Mrs. Martin Kunkle. of Fort PLEASED OR WE WILL GLADLY --O.S Lauderdale. Fla., is REFUND THE PURCHASE " COOKIES PRESERVES 2 I 49' spending PRICE BUFFERIN 69' coJK^e some time with her parents. Mr. 8 »t. nil si; 1’HK i s effective TURF MAY 18 and Mrs. Alan Morrison, and <;ms j-d BISCUITS«^^>n3 TOOTH PASTE'S"'." 25' family. Other members of the IN FARMV1LLE. VA„ AND VICINITY COFFEE ,‘SS, Z sl39 coupon family who have also visited at the home were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrison. Mrs. L u c \ DON’T MISS THESE FIAVOR-FUU BUYS! Horst, and Miss Florence Mor- JANE PARKER rison and Mrs. Tommy Nickols TIDE IVORY SNOW and daughters, of Richmond DETERGENT DETERGENT CLEANS'R Mrs. Leslie Jenkins was in the To enjoy x-;: neighborhood Saturday. l;irce AT. is »/. E. D Blackwell. Jr., of Rich- pkK. hottli* mond. visited his father. E. D. 34® JJJC COOKIES Blackwell. Sunday. COFFEE MILL 1 -LB., 8-OZ. TWIN PACK Mrs. J. D. Proffitt has return- t SPECIAL PRICE! ed to her work at the Women's JOY BLEACH Farm. Goochland after a few SALVO 39 FLEECY WHITE days at home. v FLAVOR y LIQUID DETERGENT DETERGENT (FUDGE, OATMEAL, SUGAR or LEMON) Mrs. W. E. Hughes, of Char- <* 11 :< t lottesville. was Mother's Day l’or.. AP. Other Jane Parker Values! bottle neck end guest of the Goodman bottle fresh flavor can’t in a can! vks? I8 1 lb., b-cz. save 30c faintly. On Saturday she and ground you get 43« Raisin Pie There's Mrs. Herbert, Hindlo Goodman nothing like fresh-ground coffee. So choose one of three A&P whole-bean Cof- save 4Bc attended the luncheon of t. h e freshly-roasted Blackberry Pie [o'; fee blends. it DEFEND Cumberland Woman's Club at See custom-ground in the store pre- CLOROX DEXOLA the Zimmer home. Lakeside cisely right for your coffccmaker. Ear mb., 3-« save 35c BLEACH SALAD 0!L FREEDOM Spanish spprl:lI. Village. Mild and Mellow ) Mrs. Herbert Goodman spent BUY US. Solden Loaf Cake lo-.i-cz. 25; a few days last week with Miss ; EIGHT O’CLOCK COFFEE i»v Sul Selina Kindle in Amelia. 39® 4Jo [SAVINGS Chocolate Brownies w^Ss 59c Mrs. George Lewis Cart er [eighth bonds PLAIN spent last week at the Carter I reuse*. 1 Hi. \ / farm. Mi'. Carter dro\e to his IcovVf* s^ve tc bag DEXO Vienna Bread l’0af spena. 19c work at Byrd Airport each morn- COMET 55 SHORTENING SLICED ENRICHED ing. Sunday morning they re- CLEANSER turned to their home in Rich- White Bread ms. loaf vab,!?r 20c mond. RED CIRCLE 1-L*. r<jc ,‘Jt.Sf.i BAG Dl 3 .L*'& M71 (EVERY BIT AS GOOD AS THE BEST YET COSTS YOU I ESS) 77 r an For fast results use the Herald ::rz\, bokar V“: Me 3 BAG S1 2 3^c 3 69* Marvel Sliced Bread 2 29c classified page.
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