Christos Dikeakos Curriculum Vitae Born 1946, Thessaloniki, Greece Lives and works in Vancouver Education 19 ! B"#, $niversity o& British Colum'ia, Vancouver (elected (olo E)hibitions *!14 Chistos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, +alter C, -oerner Librar%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC, .une *! / #u0ust 1 Nature Morte, -elowna #rt Galler%, -elowna BC, .une *! / 1ctober 2 *!1* Christos Dikeakos: Pâtisserie Duchamp/Puis-je fumer?, Con&ederation Centre #rt Galler%, 3amilton 14 *!11 Pâtisserie Duchamp/Puis-je fumer?, 5cMaster 5useum o& #rt, 5cMaster Universit%, 3amilton 14 *!1! Puis-je fumer? May smoke Duchamp? 5useum London, London 14 *!!9 !he Apartment, Vancouver, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver Panorama Pictures, #kau 6nc, Toronto 14 *!!2 Christos Dikeakos, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!* Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 1997 Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names and Recent 'orks, #rt Galler% o& 4orth 8ork, 4orth 8ork 14 1996 Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names: Athens, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 1994 Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, #rt Galler% o& +indsor, +indsor 14 Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, 5endel #rt Galler%, (askatoon (- Skwachays/)ole in *ottom, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 199* Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, Contemporar% #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 1977 Canadian #rcheolo0ical 6nstitute, #thens, Greece Epipeda Galler%, #thens, Greece Canadian Culture Centre, :ome, 6tal% 1976 Christos Dikeakos, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 1972 Christos Dikeakos: Recent 'orks, Cobur0 Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 1 4ova (cotia Colle0e o& #rt, 3ali&a), 4( 1969 Mirror Reflection, (tudent Union Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Paper and Felt nstallation, (tudent Union Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Process Grass Sculpture, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC 1 (elected Group E)hibitions *!14 (atellite Galler%, Vancouver BC, "ebruar% 14 / 5arch *9 *!1; Cindy Sherman meets Dzunuk'(a, from the Michael.s and nna /.*rian Collection, 5orris and 3elen Belkin0 Galler%, $niversit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC !he Photo Sho( 0121/3405, #3VA #udain Galler%, $niversit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC "uto Moti%e, 1akville Galleries, 1akville 14 *!1* 0121-0163: Christos Dikeakos# Charles Duke# Peter Miller & Ale8ander Ste(art, Ro9ert Smithson, Volker Bradke, Düsseldor&, German% *ack to the :and, 4ational Galler% o& Canada, 1ttawa 14 C;01<5: Part , =resentation 3ouse Galler%, Vancouver BC 'orks from the Permanent Collection Modern and Contemporary Art, Utah 5useum o& "ine #rt, (alt Lake Cit%, UT, $(# *!1! !raffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 012=-011<4, .ustina 5, Barnicke Galler%, Universit% o& Toronto, Toronto 14, travelled to: #nna Leonowens Galler%, 4(CAD Universit%, 3ali&a) 4(? Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC? #rt Galler% o& #l'erta, Edmonton, #B? Badischer -unstverin, -arlsuhe, German% !he Game Sho(, (urre% #rt Galler%, (urre% BC *!!9 )omage, Contemporar% #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!7 Photo>raphy 040, Con&ederation Centre o& the #rts Galler%, Charlottetown =E6 /ur Chan>in> :andscape: Perspectives on and nterpretations of *ritish Columbia (series @, Burna'% #rt Galler%, Burna'% BC $isions of *ritish Columba: A :andscape Manual, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!6 Fakin> Death: Canadian Art Photo>raphy, .ack (hainman Galler%, 4ew 8ork 48, $(# /ut of the *lue, #bin0ton #rt Centre, .enkintown =#, $(#? travelled to: Galler% Ber0en, =aramus 4., $(# Radical Re>ionalism# :ocal Ano(ledge and Makin> Places, 5useum London, London 14? travelled to: -elowna #rt Galler%, -elowna BC 6= Bears of Collectin>: First Nations: Myths and Realities, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 36C Dast 0st, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!2 Curb Appeal, Con&ederation Centre #rt Galler%, Charlottetown =E6 *!!4 Future Cities, #rt Galler% o& 3amilton, 3amilton 14 Reality Check, 6llin0ton -err Galler%, #lberta Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, Cal0ar% #B *!!; Robert Smithson in Vancouver, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC Enfinished *usiness: Vancouver Street Photo>raphs 01== to 01<=, =resentation 3ouse Galler%, 4orth Vancouver BC *!!* Ne( Media, Artwork from the 24.s and 64.s in Vancouver, Burna'% #rt Galler%, Burna'% BC !his Place, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!! !he Sin>le !ree, London :e0ional #rt 5useum, London 14 * !raversin> !erritory, =ortland 6nstitute o& Contemporar% #rt, =ortland 1:, $(# 1999 Recollect, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC $ertical Cities: Documentin> )on> Aon> and Vancouver, Charles 3, (cott Galler%, Emill% Carr Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, Vancouver BC 199 !he Ghost of the Machine# Enrealized Public Projects, Charles 3, (cott Galler%, Emil% Carr Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, Vancouver BC Road Movies in a Post Colonial :andscape, The #rt G%m at 5ar%lhurst Colle0e, =ortland 1: 1996 !he Culture of Nature, -amloops #rt Galler%, -amploops BC !he Permanent Collection, #rt Galler% o& 4orth 8ork, 4orth 8ork 14, 1992 Survey Results sho(F, 4ational Galler% o& Canada, 1ttawa 14? travelled to: 1akville Galleries, 1akville 14? 4ickle #rts 5useum, Universit% o& Cal0ar%, Cal0ar% #B? :odman 3all #rts Centre, (t, Catherine 14? +innipe0 #rt Galler%, +innipe0 5B Displaced )istories, Canadian 5useum o& Contemporar% =hoto0raph%, 1ttawa 14 !he Recovery of the Public 'orld, Con&erence and Festival in 3onour o& :obin Blaser, 9oster desi0n with #le) 3oss 'orld !ea Party, =resentation 3ouse, 4orth Vancouver BC 1994 Marian Penner *ancroft, Christos Dikeakos# an 'allace, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 199; Artropolis .15, Vancouver BC /raf 7 Christos Dikeakos# an 'allace, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 'orkin> Documents: Drawin>s 9y Vancouver Artists, #rtspeak, Vancouver BC 199! North of the *order: Contemporary Vancouver Art, +hatcom 5useum o& #rt, Bellin0ham +#, $(# !ranspositions, (k%train (tation 6nstallation, Vancouver BC 1977 t's Classical, (urre% #rt Galler%, (urre% BC Er9an Subjects, site@speci&ic installation, Vancouver BC 197 "rtropolis, Vancouver BC )omage to Marcel Duchamp, Forest Cit% Galler%ALondon :e0ional #rt Galler%A5cIntosh Galler%, Universit% o& +estern 1ntario, London 14 1976 nau>ural D8hibition, Galler% T.1,1,, Vancouver BC Makin> )istory: Recent Art from the Pacific 'est, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC /pen Site# the Centre 'hich s !ime, Dazibao Galler%, Champ de Visiur, Champ de "ouilles, 5ontreal CC 19 *ris9ane D8chan>e, =ender (treet Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 ; Canada !rajectories .65, 5usDe dE#rt 5oderne de la ville de =aris, =aris, France $ancouver Sho(, (eattle =aci&ic 4orthwest Galler%, (eattle +#, $(# 'est Coast Vibrations, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 * "rt Probe, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC Scan: A Survey of Canadian Art No(, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 1 Collage Sho(, Fine #rts Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Contact 60, (eattle #rt 5useum, (eattle +#, $(# mage *ank Postcard Sho(, Fine #rts Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC ; C=G 54. N H 65G 52' I nventory, (ir Geor0e +illiams Universit%, 5ontreal CC /vum04, Galler% Dumunem, Brno, Czechoslovakia Posters of Collage 'orks, 5ezzanine Galler%, 4ova (cotia Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, 3ali&a) 4( Tokiwa Galler%, Tok%o, .apan =aw Galler%, Bennin0ton VT, $(# 19 ! mage 6: *C Almanac, 4ational Film Board, 1ttawa 14 Ne( Attitudes in Photo>raphy ?!he Photo Sho() Dd Ruscha, *ruce Nauman# Ro9ert Smithson# Dan ,raham# Dou>las )eubler# *ill Vazan# llyas Pagonis# Robert Sandilands# Robert Ainmont, N;D;!hin> Co;# Donald *ur>y, (tudent Union Buildin0 Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC 1=4#444, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 1969 ,roups, (tudent Union Buildin0 Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC; travelled to: (chool o& Visual #rts, 4ew 8ork 48, $(# =ublic #rt Commisions *!1; !he Music Lesson, Canada House, London, $nited -in0dom *!!! !he :ookout, 9roduced in colla'oration with 4oel Best, "alse Creek, Vancouver BC (elected Public Collections 5orris and 3elen Belkin Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Canada Council #rt Bank, 1ttawa 14 Canadian 5useum o& Contemporar% =hoto0raph%, 1ttawa 14 -elowna #rt Galler%, -elowna BC 5endel #rt Galler%, (askatoon (- 5useum o& Canadian Contemporar% #rt, Toronto 14 4ational Galler% 1ttawa, 1ttawa 14 Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC (urre% #rt Galler%, (urre% BC 1akville Galler%, 1akville 14 $tah 5useum o& Fine #rts, (alt Lake Cit% UT 4 (elected Biblio0ra9hy Books and E)hi'ition Catalogues #rnold, Grant, Topo0raphies, Vancouver: Vancouver #rt Galler%, 1996, #rnold, Grant (ed,G, Tra&&ic: Conceptual #rt in Canada 1962@197!, Toronto: Dou0las H 5c6nt%re, *!1*, #rnold, Grant et al, :obert (mithson in Vancouver: # "ra0ment o& a Greater Fra0mentation6, Vancouver: Vancouver #rt Galler%, *!!4, Bellamy, Dick et al, $n&inished Business> Vancouver (treet =hoto0raphs 1922 to 1972, Vancouver: =resentation 3ouse Galler%, *!!;, Beller'%, Gre0 and Trevor Bodd%, Vertical Cities, Vancouver: Charles 3, (cott Galler%, 1999, Berrin0er, =atricia, I4othin0 has Chan0ed, Ever%thin0's Di&&erent,J in Christos Dikeakos: (ites and =lace 4ames, Vancouver: Contemporar% #rt Galler%, 199*, 99, 17@19, Blaser, :obin, I5ind Canaries,J in Christos Dikeakos, Vancouver #rt Galler%, 1976, Blaser, :obin, I5ind Canaries,J in The Fire: Collected Essa%s o& :obin Blaser, Berkele% and Los #n0eles: $niversit% o& Cali&ornia =ress, *!!6, Blaser, :obin and (cott
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