Christos Dikeakos Curriculum Vitae Education Selected Solo Exhibitions

Christos Dikeakos Curriculum Vitae Education Selected Solo Exhibitions

Christos Dikeakos Curriculum Vitae Born 1946, Thessaloniki, Greece Lives and works in Vancouver Education 19 ! B"#, $niversity o& British Colum'ia, Vancouver (elected (olo E)hibitions *!14 Chistos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, +alter C, -oerner Librar%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC, .une *! / #u0ust 1 Nature Morte, -elowna #rt Galler%, -elowna BC, .une *! / 1ctober 2 *!1* Christos Dikeakos: Pâtisserie Duchamp/Puis-je fumer?, Con&ederation Centre #rt Galler%, 3amilton 14 *!11 Pâtisserie Duchamp/Puis-je fumer?, 5cMaster 5useum o& #rt, 5cMaster Universit%, 3amilton 14 *!1! Puis-je fumer? May smoke Duchamp? 5useum London, London 14 *!!9 !he Apartment, Vancouver, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver Panorama Pictures, #kau 6nc, Toronto 14 *!!2 Christos Dikeakos, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!* Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 1997 Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names and Recent 'orks, #rt Galler% o& 4orth 8ork, 4orth 8ork 14 1996 Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names: Athens, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 1994 Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, #rt Galler% o& +indsor, +indsor 14 Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, 5endel #rt Galler%, (askatoon (- Skwachays/)ole in *ottom, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 199* Christos Dikeakos: Sites and Place Names, Contemporar% #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 1977 Canadian #rcheolo0ical 6nstitute, #thens, Greece Epipeda Galler%, #thens, Greece Canadian Culture Centre, :ome, 6tal% 1976 Christos Dikeakos, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 1972 Christos Dikeakos: Recent 'orks, Cobur0 Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 1 4ova (cotia Colle0e o& #rt, 3ali&a), 4( 1969 Mirror Reflection, (tudent Union Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Paper and Felt nstallation, (tudent Union Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Process Grass Sculpture, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC 1 (elected Group E)hibitions *!14 (atellite Galler%, Vancouver BC, "ebruar% 14 / 5arch *9 *!1; Cindy Sherman meets Dzunuk'(a, from the Michael.s and nna /.*rian Collection, 5orris and 3elen Belkin0 Galler%, $niversit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC !he Photo Sho( 0121/3405, #3VA #udain Galler%, $niversit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC "uto Moti%e, 1akville Galleries, 1akville 14 *!1* 0121-0163: Christos Dikeakos# Charles Duke# Peter Miller & Ale8ander Ste(art, Ro9ert Smithson, Volker Bradke, Düsseldor&, German% *ack to the :and, 4ational Galler% o& Canada, 1ttawa 14 C;01<5: Part , =resentation 3ouse Galler%, Vancouver BC 'orks from the Permanent Collection Modern and Contemporary Art, Utah 5useum o& "ine #rt, (alt Lake Cit%, UT, $(# *!1! !raffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 012=-011<4, .ustina 5, Barnicke Galler%, Universit% o& Toronto, Toronto 14, travelled to: #nna Leonowens Galler%, 4(CAD Universit%, 3ali&a) 4(? Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC? #rt Galler% o& #l'erta, Edmonton, #B? Badischer -unstverin, -arlsuhe, German% !he Game Sho(, (urre% #rt Galler%, (urre% BC *!!9 )omage, Contemporar% #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!7 Photo>raphy 040, Con&ederation Centre o& the #rts Galler%, Charlottetown =E6 /ur Chan>in> :andscape: Perspectives on and nterpretations of *ritish Columbia (series @, Burna'% #rt Galler%, Burna'% BC $isions of *ritish Columba: A :andscape Manual, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!6 Fakin> Death: Canadian Art Photo>raphy, .ack (hainman Galler%, 4ew 8ork 48, $(# /ut of the *lue, #bin0ton #rt Centre, .enkintown =#, $(#? travelled to: Galler% Ber0en, =aramus 4., $(# Radical Re>ionalism# :ocal Ano(ledge and Makin> Places, 5useum London, London 14? travelled to: -elowna #rt Galler%, -elowna BC 6= Bears of Collectin>: First Nations: Myths and Realities, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 36C Dast 0st, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!2 Curb Appeal, Con&ederation Centre #rt Galler%, Charlottetown =E6 *!!4 Future Cities, #rt Galler% o& 3amilton, 3amilton 14 Reality Check, 6llin0ton -err Galler%, #lberta Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, Cal0ar% #B *!!; Robert Smithson in Vancouver, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC Enfinished *usiness: Vancouver Street Photo>raphs 01== to 01<=, =resentation 3ouse Galler%, 4orth Vancouver BC *!!* Ne( Media, Artwork from the 24.s and 64.s in Vancouver, Burna'% #rt Galler%, Burna'% BC !his Place, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC *!!! !he Sin>le !ree, London :e0ional #rt 5useum, London 14 * !raversin> !erritory, =ortland 6nstitute o& Contemporar% #rt, =ortland 1:, $(# 1999 Recollect, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC $ertical Cities: Documentin> )on> Aon> and Vancouver, Charles 3, (cott Galler%, Emill% Carr Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, Vancouver BC 199 !he Ghost of the Machine# Enrealized Public Projects, Charles 3, (cott Galler%, Emil% Carr Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, Vancouver BC Road Movies in a Post Colonial :andscape, The #rt G%m at 5ar%lhurst Colle0e, =ortland 1: 1996 !he Culture of Nature, -amloops #rt Galler%, -amploops BC !he Permanent Collection, #rt Galler% o& 4orth 8ork, 4orth 8ork 14, 1992 Survey Results sho(F, 4ational Galler% o& Canada, 1ttawa 14? travelled to: 1akville Galleries, 1akville 14? 4ickle #rts 5useum, Universit% o& Cal0ar%, Cal0ar% #B? :odman 3all #rts Centre, (t, Catherine 14? +innipe0 #rt Galler%, +innipe0 5B Displaced )istories, Canadian 5useum o& Contemporar% =hoto0raph%, 1ttawa 14 !he Recovery of the Public 'orld, Con&erence and Festival in 3onour o& :obin Blaser, 9oster desi0n with #le) 3oss 'orld !ea Party, =resentation 3ouse, 4orth Vancouver BC 1994 Marian Penner *ancroft, Christos Dikeakos# an 'allace, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 199; Artropolis .15, Vancouver BC /raf 7 Christos Dikeakos# an 'allace, Catriona .e&&ries Galler%, Vancouver BC 'orkin> Documents: Drawin>s 9y Vancouver Artists, #rtspeak, Vancouver BC 199! North of the *order: Contemporary Vancouver Art, +hatcom 5useum o& #rt, Bellin0ham +#, $(# !ranspositions, (k%train (tation 6nstallation, Vancouver BC 1977 t's Classical, (urre% #rt Galler%, (urre% BC Er9an Subjects, site@speci&ic installation, Vancouver BC 197 "rtropolis, Vancouver BC )omage to Marcel Duchamp, Forest Cit% Galler%ALondon :e0ional #rt Galler%A5cIntosh Galler%, Universit% o& +estern 1ntario, London 14 1976 nau>ural D8hibition, Galler% T.1,1,, Vancouver BC Makin> )istory: Recent Art from the Pacific 'est, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC /pen Site# the Centre 'hich s !ime, Dazibao Galler%, Champ de Visiur, Champ de "ouilles, 5ontreal CC 19 *ris9ane D8chan>e, =ender (treet Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 ; Canada !rajectories .65, 5usDe dE#rt 5oderne de la ville de =aris, =aris, France $ancouver Sho(, (eattle =aci&ic 4orthwest Galler%, (eattle +#, $(# 'est Coast Vibrations, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 * "rt Probe, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC Scan: A Survey of Canadian Art No(, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 19 1 Collage Sho(, Fine #rts Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Contact 60, (eattle #rt 5useum, (eattle +#, $(# mage *ank Postcard Sho(, Fine #rts Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC ; C=G 54. N H 65G 52' I nventory, (ir Geor0e +illiams Universit%, 5ontreal CC /vum04, Galler% Dumunem, Brno, Czechoslovakia Posters of Collage 'orks, 5ezzanine Galler%, 4ova (cotia Colle0e o& #rt and Desi0n, 3ali&a) 4( Tokiwa Galler%, Tok%o, .apan =aw Galler%, Bennin0ton VT, $(# 19 ! mage 6: *C Almanac, 4ational Film Board, 1ttawa 14 Ne( Attitudes in Photo>raphy ?!he Photo Sho() Dd Ruscha, *ruce Nauman# Ro9ert Smithson# Dan ,raham# Dou>las )eubler# *ill Vazan# llyas Pagonis# Robert Sandilands# Robert Ainmont, N;D;!hin> Co;# Donald *ur>y, (tudent Union Buildin0 Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC 1=4#444, Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC 1969 ,roups, (tudent Union Buildin0 Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC; travelled to: (chool o& Visual #rts, 4ew 8ork 48, $(# =ublic #rt Commisions *!1; !he Music Lesson, Canada House, London, $nited -in0dom *!!! !he :ookout, 9roduced in colla'oration with 4oel Best, "alse Creek, Vancouver BC (elected Public Collections 5orris and 3elen Belkin Galler%, Universit% o& British Columbia, Vancouver BC Canada Council #rt Bank, 1ttawa 14 Canadian 5useum o& Contemporar% =hoto0raph%, 1ttawa 14 -elowna #rt Galler%, -elowna BC 5endel #rt Galler%, (askatoon (- 5useum o& Canadian Contemporar% #rt, Toronto 14 4ational Galler% 1ttawa, 1ttawa 14 Vancouver #rt Galler%, Vancouver BC (urre% #rt Galler%, (urre% BC 1akville Galler%, 1akville 14 $tah 5useum o& Fine #rts, (alt Lake Cit% UT 4 (elected Biblio0ra9hy Books and E)hi'ition Catalogues #rnold, Grant, Topo0raphies, Vancouver: Vancouver #rt Galler%, 1996, #rnold, Grant (ed,G, Tra&&ic: Conceptual #rt in Canada 1962@197!, Toronto: Dou0las H 5c6nt%re, *!1*, #rnold, Grant et al, :obert (mithson in Vancouver: # "ra0ment o& a Greater Fra0mentation6, Vancouver: Vancouver #rt Galler%, *!!4, Bellamy, Dick et al, $n&inished Business> Vancouver (treet =hoto0raphs 1922 to 1972, Vancouver: =resentation 3ouse Galler%, *!!;, Beller'%, Gre0 and Trevor Bodd%, Vertical Cities, Vancouver: Charles 3, (cott Galler%, 1999, Berrin0er, =atricia, I4othin0 has Chan0ed, Ever%thin0's Di&&erent,J in Christos Dikeakos: (ites and =lace 4ames, Vancouver: Contemporar% #rt Galler%, 199*, 99, 17@19, Blaser, :obin, I5ind Canaries,J in Christos Dikeakos, Vancouver #rt Galler%, 1976, Blaser, :obin, I5ind Canaries,J in The Fire: Collected Essa%s o& :obin Blaser, Berkele% and Los #n0eles: $niversit% o& Cali&ornia =ress, *!!6, Blaser, :obin and (cott

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