E1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 8, 1998 many of these same seniors also decide to icaid or any other federal health program, and recently released report of the Anti-Defamation skimp on drugs to treat potentially serious di- who pay an extra premium under Part B for League (ADL) entitled Explosion of Hate: The agnosed conditions, including leg swelling and Medicare drug coverage. Growing Danger of the National Alliance. This diabetes. I am introducing this bill, roughly modeled comprehensive and well-written document ad- This year, I have heard from many, many on the 1994 legislation, so that consumers, dresses the activities and proclivities of one of distraught seniors who have written to tell me pharmaceutical providers and others can study the most dangerous hate groups in America, they are going broke trying to pay for drugs the issue over the winter, comment and sug- the neo-Nazi National Alliance. their doctor told them they must take. I believe gest changes for a revised bill to be intro- The stated goal of the National Alliance is to that some will wind up in worse health when duced at the beginning of the 106th Congress. secure ``a racially clean area of the they decide to forgo or cut back on the very I am leaving the numbers for the deductible, earth . no non-whites in our living drugs designed to keep them clinically stable. the caps, and the premiums blank, so that space . a thorough rooting out of Semitic The absence of a prescription drug benefit groups can comment on what they think the and other non-Aryan values and customs ev- in Medicare that forces elderly people to skip appropriate combination of figures should be. erywhere.'' To achieve this warped end, this and skimp on drugs is inexcusable. It is time In a separate statement, I am reprinting organization of intolerance pledges ``to do for Congress to debate and enact legislation some of the literature that is available on the whatever is necessary to achieve this White that will provide all seniors who want it access cost of different prescription drug benefit plans living space and to keep it White. We will not to affordable Medicare-sponsored drug cov- at different deductible levels. Clearly, there is be deterred by the difficulty or temporary un- erage. a tradeoff between the size of the benefit and pleasantness involved.'' Indeed, the ADL re- There really aren't any good alternatives. its affordability: Striking the right balance is the port details the depths of ``temporary unpleas- Trends in employer-sponsored retiree health key to the passage of successful legislation. antness'' to which the National Alliance has There is a critical distinction between pre- coverageÐwhich has traditionally featured a sunk in its pursuit of its depraved agenda, vious proposals for Medicare drug coverage drug benefitÐshow it is eroding. A somber tracing numerous cold-blooded murders and and the legislation I am introducing today: If General Accounting Office report released last other terrorist activities to National Alliance you already have an adequate prescription members. Declared National Alliance leader summer warns that ``while an estimated 60 to drug benefit, you will not have to ``pay again'' William L. Pierce: ``We should not flinch from 70% of large employers offered retiree health in higher Part B premiums. If you have cov- this. We should not focus on the fact that it coverage during the 1980's, fewer than 40% erage, there will be no change and no new will be horrible and bloody, but on the fact that do so today, and that number is continuing to cost to you. If you do not have a prescription it is necessary, and because it is necessary it decline despite the recent period of strong drug benefit, you will face a higher Part B pre- economic growth.'' That's a polite way of mium, but if you are low income, you will get is good.'' The dramatic growth of this frighten- pointing out that the number of U.S. compa- assistance in paying for it. While it is tempting ing organization over the past several years nies offering their retirees health coverage in to say that the decision to enroll in the pre- should alarm us all. Mr. Speaker, I would like to enter into the the last decade has been dropping like a scription drug benefit could be voluntary, the RECORD selected portions of ``Explosion of stone. adverse risk selection (i.e., only sick people Hate: The Growing Danger of the National Alli- For those seniors who don'tÐand won'tÐ needing lots of costly prescriptions would be have retiree health coverage, purchasing a likely to sign up) would make the cost of pre- ance.'' I hope that my colleagues will read the supplemental policy with good drug coverage miums to those enrollees prohibitive. entire report on the ADL's web site at may soon be unaffordable. Supplemental Adding an outpatient drug benefit to Medi- www.adl.org. Medigap policies now costs on average more care is not cheap. But IF prices are set at the EXPLOSION OF HATE: THE GROWING DANGER OF than $1,200 per year, according to the Amer- ``wholesale'' level that physicians, medical THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE ican Association of Retired Persons. But suppliers and other purchasers pay, and IF all INTRODUCTION: THRIVING ON HATE Medigap policies with drug coverage can cost budgetary savings are not immediately ear- The Most Dangerous Organized Hate Group far more. The range in costs for Medigap poli- marked for tax cuts, then Medicare drug cov- A new ADL investigation reveals that the cies with drug coverage is also large: In Los erage is affordable. neo-Nazi National Alliance (NA) is the single Angeles, Bankers' Life Insurance and Casualty In the next Congress, we will have another most dangerous organized hate group in the sells a drug-Medigap policy for $6,381 at age opportunity to reshape Medicare to make it a United States today. The NA sprang to na- 65. At age 75, the same policy costs $9,174! better program. As we work to stabilize the tional attention several years ago, when it was discovered that a fictitious incident in The difficulty that seniors have in affording program's financing, we must also improve it The Turner Diaries, a violent and racist comprehensive supplemental insurance is il- for those it was created to serveÐour nation's novel written by the NA's leader, might have lustrated by the fact that in 1994±95, a mere seniors. been used as a model for the Oklahoma City 15% of seniors purchasing a Medigap policy Without drug coverage, more and more sen- bombing. Convicted bomber Timothy had drug coverage. iors will fall through the widening cracks of a McVeigh was a devoted reader of The Dia- The hard fact is that a Medigap policy with health care system that is getting leaner and ries, which features a bombing scenario that drug coverage is not nowÐand will never meaner. is eerily reminiscent of the April 19, 1995 beÐwithin the financial reach of millions of Without drug coverage, we'll see more sen- blast. The book was also the blueprint for The Order, a revolutionary terrorist group Medicare beneficiaries, particularly the very iors who can't afford to take their medications treated in the emergency room, where health that robbed and murdered its way to fame in old, who are spending down their assets. the early 1980s. The ringleader of The Order That brings us to Medicare managed care. care costs are highest. was an organizer for the NA. Remember, one quarter of those who are en- Adding a prescription drug benefit to Medi- Now, the National Alliance has leaped to rolled today don't have any drug coverage. care along with a requirement that costs be prominence again. In the last several years, Those who do are facing ever-higher held to reasonable levels and a reasonable dozens of violent crimes, including murders, deductibles and copayments, and ever-lower rate of growth is a clear way out of this di- bombings and robberies, have been traced to annual reimbursement caps. In Massachu- lemma. It is legislation that is 33 years over- NA members or appear to have been inspired due. I hope my colleagues will join me in vig- by the groups's propaganda. At the same setts, where state law has long required all time, the National Alliance's membership HMOs to offer drug coverage, Medicare man- orously advocating for passage of the Medi- care Prescription Drug Coverage Act in the base has experienced dramatic growth, with aged care plans are now asserting that last its numbers more than doubling since 1992. year's Balanced Budget Act says they don't 106th Congress. The group, headquartered near Hillsboro, have to comply! f West Virginia, is led by former University of Only recently have seniors begun to under- THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE: HA- Oregon physics professor and veteran anti- Semite William L. Pierce. stand that the comprehensive drug benefit TRED AND BIGOTRY IN ITS Active Cells From Coast to Coast they were promised in glossy HMO marketing MOST FRIGHTENING FORM materials is the equivalent of a ``low introduc- With 16 active cells from coast to coast, an tory rate'' pitch made by credit card compa- HON. TOM LANTOS estimated membership of 1,000 and several nies. It's great while it lasts. But after that, you thousand additional Americans listening to OF CALIFORNIA its radio broadcasts and browsing its Inter- could be in trouble. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES net site, the National Alliance is the largest The Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Thursday, October 8, 1998 and most active neo-Nazi organization in the Act is carefully designed to help those who nation.
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