. .......*. <j"5>t3"?'*3*r3»'9*<fe >rHr'^r 'f '? > *v ?"8"i' £» Kidney Trouble J. < For Five Months Completely XVIL >morrow - - LIntil 1 PJ Cured by Seven Dottles of \ Only 1 THE Prime Minister 1 \ i Warner's Safe Cure Asquith. i j eckwear as illustrated ^^2^5 S» Note that Saturday BRITISH lundreds of Lace Dutch ^fl|ggjg| holiday here during tli "okcs and Jabots; also ffJ months-.and that tl Royal earns your mori Xet Bows, Mull Tics, > CRISIS FREDERIC J. HASKIN i ping hours with spec |j ies are 25c and up to »j 10c tions in prices and wit L_. orrow's price, 10c. ly courteous attention. LONDON, July 11. Herbfrt Henry | e rnmental policy, about which George * "nost probably knew and ' f Asquith, primp minister and head of nothing about rhich Winston knew a great deal. * The most famous the government of Great Britain .since ^ Three fur the middle-class, * ! 4 April, 1i#»s, is the first * * of 25c Laundered ft#* non-conformist, democratic premier * Mr. Asquith. even in battling for the | |IIA ^$i I ^ s% R o-^i \>^Z R r e ot ore-, . H I IIP has ever had. His predecessor, E I I 11 Linen Collars.the Englandcause of essentia! democracy, even in at- f was democratic, * 31" * Campbeil-Bannerman, j tacking the <I I UU Black-Stone. J 2^C. All >izcs. es- privi- hut his wealth and his landed * ji^gLi^l;^^^ j jjack Of Defections leges of the land- * tate caused him to be classed with * «* the , "the Balfour ami Salisbury IsTc DueTtna totft li; lords, clergy \ I gentry." Him. and the brewerJ(. were of Cecil blood, "born with tne gov- ; :«L p ven in upon the . $115.00 Switchles. $7.50 insisting practical aboli- Swi1 $4.49 f instinct." Foseberv was and is | $5.00 :ches, $2.49 $9.00 Switches, | erning t ion of tlie house t of lords, will not by di- *» * «* -v an aristocrat to the of his (Greatest Hair Sale i>t" the 'S W orth for Littl c More lhan .. VV," ,. T tips Hikers. riectness of phrase or boldness of car.$5.000 Si.poo. + and he now to in *ack- adjective appears repent j vround the sensitive which 1 nost luxuriant hair. A sh cloth and ashes the fact that once he was respectability j' The he;ivy Tresses arc from France, where grows the world's delayed j, ! the mental cuticle of Briton of' ^ Brittany, the leader of the democratic hosts. Glad- every rcac^ed Xevv York, when the elite >a ere all away, and the Palais al was fortunate eno t lie upper classes. It is to Mr. Asquith ' t% latC,y Roy; representative stone, a radical democrat by conviction, t hat the radicals must credit tlie fact j acquire $5,000 worth of this hair for little more than Si.000. was yet an aristocrat in instinct and t hat the defections of moderate liberals I a n«l \o ^10 .lofTorson feeling. It never can be forgotten tbatt aristocratic democrats have been so fo r the Xcw Cluster Puffs.. In All SIlades. Mr. Adolf K S'vrinc of ew during the two $1.59 he first entered parliament as a hoy, tempestuous years Toledo. Ohio. ith i'\|n ri»*ii« H this remarkAtoT"^. f his premiership. And yet when 1 this new of th<? hair.which can he taken down ; tlie beneficiary of a corrupt nomination lais Royal is first in Washingtoi with arrangement .» #' imji<' iMitrs a* follow*.: *1 ha«i kidi»'*y ind ^ speeches are analyzed they Asuith'sare and a corrupt election, under the patron- found to be quite as radical and thout the least trouble. ! .'dd«T Iroiihh' and was ill atwmt too month?. equally age of a notoriously corrupt duke. a s socialistic as any of those utterances sold outside of a few exclusive in New York.excepting hci e. ? t' si \#»ra! kidney rrnmd s. »!*"» >01110 medielne Gladstone was like Jefferson in that the vrhich are "hillingsate" from Lloyd shops lie ^or *v>ew h- Pinaud's Famous Kri!- i Trarinformation to go all . Cluster Cutis. <:c ni a w as no r°1iof whntrfrr. volcanic of his and tJeorge and from Winston' ordinary *'ie Was f dorfor. lull fhore tires political phi- "anarchy" AGhn for liair aroun rl the head : twelve losophical democracy were hot enough C'liurchill. clusters, able Hair Rolls, for liantjne. T)^/- il'.') slnRlp J th* n Iv ar«J of Warrior's Safe t'ure through an That is I containing ve (12) sin- which the standard tra d"* puffs, etc.; .Vic size.. **all shj stand- curls; standard at to set a nation ablaze, but not fierce Asquith so radical is cause f% iwel ard attdos^ #»*. friend of nt no t»ut I did tv»t iipf to try it. to destroy his personal aris- For surprise, for in the days When Lord I <5- g|p puffs; all silades. price is Jl.CO: a" shades, j enough F a t ;*^ afraid of r.ncni m«'ilirines; hut I found toeracy. And. like Jefferson. Gladstone toseberv w&s tlie leader of the liberal ' le standard thereby earned front his enemies the dis- Party and liead of the government, I $3.48 J1?.!! 0 clusters, ^or *wo lir Danderine Hair Tonic: Puff s. 4 and « in s«t; all Pin Curls of Fret »V:»r 1 w a*. mistak«'ti. h"« ;iu^* as >oon n>- 1 had honoring epithH "demagogue." d was his closest friend. Even thenAsuith 1? comprising twirnty - four Ne's: made of r< al bottles for *731)/* shade:«: standard at in all the shade; » seton aiml AtV'iy 7.V . need on»' 1 «tfIo I was r»diev»*d. I used Of all Air. Asquith s predecessors per- ' losebery was wavering in his faith in Y (24) puffs; all silades. hair: standard at 2.T»c eai h. only $1.0 standard at ';. 25c x ' he <g> b t1»*s in all and I was entirely our^d in loss the one whose origin was closest to cause of democracy and there was _> haps a «3> popular was . f than four months. 1 have never l^cu troubled the pcop'.e was the tory Disraeli. The impression that Asquith « r a. father of the primrose statesman was a ut tlie eclio of his chief. Indeed, Rose w ?li nir kidneys «»r bladder siner." £^ in to ery, * struggling author, and the efore entitled retiring, sought drop his Summer Qiirl Jewelry, 15c. Warranted Five Years, 25c. + Wnrner. Safo t'uro i*. made froni the fresh to rank in the out 11lantle upon the shoulders of Asquith. hut professional class, 1 I "Hi77v" art to ttrnr^lp nnwarrt airninst lie distrustful party would not have it a «. | roots. handful of these with those in the nntli«-«f jrathcrocl so. The Display rings jewelers* X % the disadvantages imposed by his Jewish worthy but mediocre At the little the range from $1.00 to $3 a' ih' season in Tariotis of th" ^ g jewelry shops prices proper quarters birth and actual poverty. But, whatever assumed the leadershipCampbelllannerman ndows.and you could not be certai n which were real and which * slebe. \|.-n -k illetl in liolanr ami eheinistry his origin, Disraeli certainly cannot be 0 there was no natural leader, andbcause for this 1 arc lots at ^isquith continued to work in the ranks, if* jewelry. It's because they supplied in little remembered as a of democracv.' e'nntponnd it i'ni no <n ai< ami 51.on sizes and champion tut long before Campbell-Bannerman's !rc imitations. Facsimiles of the re;al, guaranteed for five years, * w>ld by druggists everywhere. etirement was announced cent:s we take the ntak everybody prices. Only fifteen (15) here.because arc for n-ilips:imi ai><l biliousness take Warner's I new that Asquith would be his successor. esc rings adopted by milady wlicn she leaves home, relicv- X Pills. vegetable. free Mr. As«)uith came to his present The prime minister was born in a Safe purrlr absolutely . of in entire balance of summer stock Choice of Pearl Horseshoes, B< her of all of f t,| 11, j11> ion- -whsiami's, a perfert laxative. of supreme power from a youth of Yorkshire 1852. When he wasviljgeg g anxiety either z detected or robbed. position1 welve old his father beitij being ThoT <l<> ni't gripe or l".ivr any bad after elfeets. poverty. He sprang years died, leaving and young Asquitli came to % Bars, Cluster EfFects. Link Cuff Hat F ic stores ask 2."' pruts a l»>\. an othing, knots, Long Buttons, little. specialty $1.00 to $3.oo-r-an(l give you a His Years from humwe d to live with an uncle. He enteredLon011the % To eonvime ' verr sufferer from iIIsmsm of the Early middle-class family c"ity of London School, and there won kHners liver that WARNER'S .SAKE t'l'UE and Shirt Waist Sets and Shirt Waist for the little ?agcr variety. All the sett here, at for choice. * and Spent m Poverty. cngaged in the , wo scholarships, which enabled him to ^ Rings fin; Tiffany ings 25c ti ill ahs'tl-i.trlr cure a sample bottle and a ;o to trade. He had no money, he got 8 Oxford, where he entered Baliol boy ..f XTarm-r's Safe Pills will la* samptpsent clothing loliege. His career at Oxford was a PR EE »>l I'llAIItiK. postpai'l. to any one who his education by winning scholarships, j ^rilliant one, and after lie left the will write WARNER'S SAKE I I RE CO.
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