Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection THE HOSPITAL REVIEW. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE SICK AND SUFFERING AT THE EOCHESTEE CITY HOSPITAL TELEPHONE 656. I WAS SICK AND YE VISITED ME." AMBULANCE CALL 656 VOL. XXXIV ROCHESTER, N. Y.. SEPTEMBER 15, 1897. No. 1 Board of Directors of the Rochester Managers of the Rochester City City Hospital. Hospital. Samuel Wilder, President. Miss A. S. Mumford, President Erickson Perkins, Vice-President. Mrs. Oscar Craig, 1st Vice-President. Henry S. Hanford, Secretary and Treas- Mrs. Arthur Robinson, 2d Vice President. urer. Mrs. Wm. H. Perkins, Treasurer. Julius M. Wile, Mrs. H. G. Danforth, Assistant Treasurer Chas. P Ford, Mrs. H. F. Huntinton, Recording Sec.'y. W W Mumford, ; Executive Mrs. Charles H. Angel, Cor. Sec'y Erickson Perkins, Committee. MANAGERS. IT. G. Danforth, Miss A. S. Mumford, j Mrs. Wm. H. Perkins, C. F. Pond, Mrs. H. H. Morse, '.Executive Jas. Brackett, Auditing Committee. Mrs. John H. Brewster, ( Committee. S. J. Arnold, Mrs. Oscar Craig, Rufus A. Sibley, D. W. Powers, C. C. Mrs. Max Landsberg, Morse, G. IT. Perkins, L. P Ross, J. J. Mrs. Myron Adams, Mrs. Henry F. Bausch, A. S. Hamilton, W. IT. Gor^ine, Smith, Mn. James C. Hart, Mrs. Arthur S. Samuel Sloan, Max Landsberg, John Hamilton, Mrs. L. S. Chapin, Mrs. Arthur Greenwood, William Bartholomay. Robinson, Miss Clara Wilder, Mrs. Charles Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection THE HOSPITAL REVIEW. H. Angel, Mrs. E. S. Martin, Mrs. Ellen The nurse who has had charge of the J. Cuming, Mrs. Rudolf Hofheinz, Mrs milk station on Hudson avenue has re- H. B. Willis, Mrs. Wm. £. Hoyt, Mrs. F turned to the Hospital, as the stations are P. Allen. now closed for the season. Dr. Goler hopes, in establishing several SUPERINTENDENT OF HOSPITAL, new stations next year, to have the assist- Miss Sophia A. Palmer. ance of nurses from all the hospitals in the city ; only two have been represented Hospital Notes. thus far. Between 7,000 and 8,000 bottles of milk The Out-Patient Department, during have been sold, and the decrease in the August, cared for 390 patients, who made mortality of children is supposed to be 398 visits, and received 431 prescriptions, largely due to the use of sterilized milk dressings and treatments. among families of the poorer classes. The contagious pavilions have been open Two of the ambulance horses have been all summer, and are now filled with cases disabled of late, and the service would of scarlet fever and diphtheria. have been seriously crippled but for the kindness and courtesy of Sister Marie of A cordial invitation was received a few St. Mary's Hospital, who placed one of weeks ago from the managers of the In- the horses from St. Mary's farm at the fants' Summer Hospital at Charlotte, offer- disposal of the City Hospital for a week. ing accommodations to any convalescent Dr. Drinkwater most kiridly donated his patients from the City Hospital who might services in caring for the horses while they desire a few days* outing at the beach. were unfit for work, for all of which favors Several women and children were permit- the Managers are sincerely grateful. ted to enjoy the benefits of this kind offer, and the managers of the Hospital desire The nurses on duty have been kept busy to make public acknowledgment of the during the past month, having had an un- kind thought which prompted the invitation. usual amount of special nursing during the absence of some of their associates The Rev. M. R. Webster, who was for who were on vacation. five weeks an inmate of the Hospital owing to a serious trolley accident, has now en- Miss Sanford, former night superintend- tirely recovered, and is able to resume his ent, who has been engaged in private nurs- duties. ing for some time, has returned to her old place in the Hospital. Miss Gates, who The Training School term began on held the position during her absence, has September 1st, and the first lecture was left the Hospital for other work. The given by Dr. Rose on the 9th. Two lec- position of night superintendent is very tures will be given each week—one for the arduous and carries with it a great respon- senior and one for the junior class—by sibility. Miss Gates has taken this place members of the staff, in addition to the most satisfactorily for the past year. regular class work under the supervision of Miss Palmer and her assistant, Miss Smart. Miss Palmer has returned from her vaca- tion. A trip up the lakes, and a visit to The calls for the District Nurse during Toronto during the Council Meeting of the month have not been many, but the the American Society of Training School cases are reported as being of an unusually Superintendents, on Sept. 1st, made the serious nature. month a restful and interesting one to her. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection THE HOSPITAL REVIEW. The committee were delightfully enter- Report of Training school. tained in Toronto. Miss Dock, of New AUGUST, 1897. York, secretary of the society, and author BY SOPHIA F. PALMER, Superintendent. of " Materia Medicafor Nurses," so widely Applications for circulars 21 used as a text-book in Training Schools, Applicants for admission 9 returned with Miss Palmer for a short Number of pupils in training 35 sojourn at the Hospital. Visits made by district nurse 26 Amount of special nursing in Hospital, by pupil nurses—Private patients in private There are at present six cases of typhoid wards, 12 hours' service, 182 days $260 fever in the wards and private rooms. Charity patients in public wards, 12 hours' service, 2)4 days. ••• •*•> The Mary Bed. Ambulance Report. We now have $602.51 toward our fund AUGUST, 1897. for endowing a bed in the Children's Pavil- By EDMOND C. BODDY, M. D., Amb. Surgeon. ion. We wish that this fund could be in- Total number of runs during August 90 Transferred to Rochester City Hospital 53 creased more rapidly, as it has taken six " " other hospitals 9 years to raise this amount. Still, if we can " " homes or stations 15 collect on an average $100 a year and are Cases not taken or treated 13 Number of ordinary calls 50 ultimately successful we need not feel dis- " hurry " 40 couraged. Remember that this fund is •*» made up of subscriptions given " in me- moriam " of a Mary, by Marys, or given Report of Surgical Pavilion. for one having the name of Mary. AUGUST, 1897. By CHAS. O. BOSWELL, M. D., House Surgeon. Miss Carter P. Pomeroy $ 1 00 Number of operations during August 51 Balance on hand _ 601 51 " " operators " " 13 Total - $602 51 This includes only cases needing a general September, 1897. anaesthesia. Subscriptions for the Mary Bed should Cases treated in Accident Room and not in- cluded in above report, or in report of be sent to Miss Mary Wright, 282 East ave Out-Patient Department 31 ••• Secondary dressings, walking cases only, not Treasurer's Report. included in report of Out-Patient Dept. 15 Endowment Fund for Crippled Children, Mrs. LewisLee $ 5 00 Died at Rochester City Hospital. Previously acknowledged 2,811 44 Total $2,816 44 August 11—Philip Schwab aged 47 years 11 12—Frank Wiley " 24 " MRS. W. H. PERKINS, Treasurer. MRS. H. G. DANFORTH, Asst.-Treas. " 21—Bernard J. Schreimer_. " 35 " ••• " 22—Mrs. Bertha Des Roche " 32 " " 24—Chris Schneider " 10 " Hospital Report. " 27—Samuel Moran " 27 " " 20—Arabie Lorch " 6 " AUGUST, 1897. Number of patients in Hospital Aug. 1, 55 ••• Admitted during August 104 Contributions. 159 Number discharged during August 75 AUGUST, 1897. Deaths during August 7 W. C. T. U., Mendon Center-Flowers, twice. Number in Hospital September 1 77 St. Paul's Church—Flowers. -^— 159 Mrs. Milbaum—Old cotton. Lowest number during August 52 Judge Danforth—Second-hand shirts. Highest number d uring August 71 Charlotte Wilson—Paper dolls, picture books, Daily average number during August... 60 for children Number of hospital days during August. -18G4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection HoSPJtAL Roslia Thome—Paper dolls, picture books, for Blanche E. Brusie, Fillmore, N. Y.—Basket of children. flowers. Mrs. Isengarten—Magazines. Miss Hastings—Flower3. Miss Hastings and Mrs Gott—Flowers. E. G. Ztegler, North Greece—Flowers. Dr. Hastings—Magazines. S. A. Hosmer—One crate blackberries. Miss Winney Sperry—Flowers. A Friend—Old liuen. Dr. A. Drinkwater, V.S.—Professional services S. A. Hosmer—Four baskets blackberries. for August, donated, $6.50. Eli Milburn—Books for children. ' St. Mary's Hospital—Donation of use of a horse Mr. Buell—Old linen, second-hand clothing. for one week. Erastus Darrow—Magazines. Mrs. Yule—Flowers. No one is useless in this world who St. Paul's Church—Flowers. Mrs. George Ellwanger—Flowers, second-hand lightens the burdens of it for anyone else. undergarments, magazines. CHARLES DICKENS. Directory ol the Magne Jewell Me- Diseases of the Nervous System—Dr. Cook. morial Out-Patient Department, Monday, Thursday ; 4 to 5. Rochester City Hospital. Diseases of the Skin and Genito Urinary System—Dr. Roseboom. Tuesday, Fri- The Magne Jewell Memorial Out-Pa- day ; 4 to 5. tient Department is divided into eight sec- Orthopedic Surgery—Dr. Weigel. Monday, tions, whose names, with the days and Thursday ; 4 to 5. hours for consultation, follow : Diseases of the Throat and Nose—Dr. Man- deville. Monday, Wednesday, Friday ; Diseases of the Eye and Ear—Dr. Rider 4 to 5.
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