THU118X)AT, M A T 14, im . AViaUOB DAILY OBODLATION The seeoad the pre-school The PolUh Woman'! Allience win et tor aMWanm el April, IMS toreaaal a« 0 . & W as checkups will be halo a. the Hollis­ preaent a M othefa D ay proftmm and Don’t Let Pests and Hartferi TOWN ter street school tomorrow after foUow It with a banquet Sunday, D m J Jfr.ilA L’M COM noon at 8 o’clock. Mothers are urg­ U a y 17 a t 3:80 p. m. in Pulaski ball, yaqium Qeaner MMNHiann come Blight Destroy-Your Thursday Evening SPECIES 5.846 Gkoly toSawaS by M| ed to bring their chlldiw who i : wen-baby ecnferenee win taka North street Hiss Bemlee Jankow­ Member of the AwSt night or s o ^ Satar ski and Hra Barbara Malek are lb to enter school for the arst time in Trees and Crops tomorrow at S o^doek at the Boreaa ef OIreolafleae. eeoler Saturday. September to this clinic, unless they Fresh and Smoked Center on Haynea atreet. charge. - Repairs When a Thorough plan to have them examined 1^ FRIDAY 3 TO 6 MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM their family physician. In this way Spra^ng Job Will remedial defects may be attended SPECIALS I AdvsiUaing oa Fago 18.) Protect Them. SHOULDERS W, VOL. L V , NO. 194. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 15.1936. (EIGHTTEBN PAGES) PRICE THREE Pioehunt— ^Dial 4151 to during the summer sc that no time will be lost when the children IM Io gg’n W e specialize in destroying If yea ease to moke fresh fnilt salad . Flnehnrst has every- begin school. Chuck Roast * V thhig yea need to moke It . KIpe Pineapples, ISo ea.) beauttfal elm tree beeties arid all in­ ripe yellow Bananas; California Oranges, 8 for lOo, and ripe Members of the Toung People’s CORN sects affecting apple trees. Starhembergr and Machine Gunners of His *Trivate Army** society of the Concordia Lutheran POLITICAL BIG Pears, S for ISo. church are reminded of the dog FLAKES SENATORS ABANDON JAPANESE SOLDIERS Mrawberrlea are now boing shipped by track to Hartford from roast to be held tomorrow evening, tlw OaieillBaa . price tomorrow will be from 30o to 35o qt> rain or ahlna They are requested H a r r y iT S w e e t POPULAR MARKET GUNS THUNDER 855 Main Street to meet at the church promptly at Special Forester and 'fiee Expert- Rubinow Building 8:80, and a pleasant surprise Is in ROOSEVELT’S PLANS MARCH INTO CHINA store for all who do so. In case of Vacuum cleaners adjusted Examined and Certified by Vegretables Send in your coupons early for the Roast Beef (6 lbs.) A L L ^ U . S . rain the picnic will be held at the or repaired at a small cost. State of C<mn. ___. ................. - ..........hun. 1 2t4e church. Jack Frost ligh t Brown Friday, and 10 Chickens Saturday. Don’t Delay! Cords can be replaced with or Dark Brown 1 FrankUn St. Tel. 7888 Leaders Shelve His Sugges­ Trinity Past Noble Qrands associa­ smooth rubber cords that IN A SUDDEN MO TOWNSENDISM Borah, Hoover, Knox, Farley 1 Fresh Peas .. .......................... 2qts. 19c tion will hold its May meeting In will not pick up lint ’ Rockville Tuesday, May 38. SUGAR tion That Corporations Be on Platforms; Borah Says Tomatoes I Oarrots NORTON BIG HGURE IN Cneombers Tbs choir of the Swedish Congre­ Taxed Only On the Undis­ Foreign Legations Notified 1 Radishes, Be bunch. gational church of Bprlngfleld, E l e c t r i c a l HVE CARLOADS Green Beans 2 J 1 Roreripee, 8 bonchea 6o. Mass., w ill give a sacred concert He’D FoDovir His Monopoly 1 Rhubarb, X pounds So. INSTRUMENT CO. O R E G ^ TESTS Action After It Had New Beets, 13o bnnch Saturday'evening at 7 o’clock at the tributed Profits. Swedish Congregational church on Billiard street Phone 4000 Van Oamp’a Issue “Anywhere.” OF ARMS FOUND AGAIN SATURDAY--BROILER SPECIAL AT PINEHURST. Spruce street. MILK M ' f L ) Woeblngton, May 15.— (A P )—Ad­ No' Presidential Contest in Susrar • • • 10 lbs. 51c | Butter.. .2 lbs. 63c Memorial Temple, Pythian Sisters, ministration leaders in the Senate Washington, May 15.—(AP) — MEXIMUND will hold Its regular meeting this Chinese See It A s have abandoned President Roose­ evening in Odd Fellows hall, post­ Primaries Bat Nmnerons Prom the far Northwest to the At­ To serve with Pinehurst fresh Fish, we offer fancy N a­ poned on account of the district cans velt's suggestion that corporations lantic seaboard campaign arguments be taxed only on tbelr undistributed M ore in Conquest of tive Asparagiu at 15c bunch, and Native Spinach at 21c meeting. A social will follow the and speechroaldDg echoed today as One Said to Have Been Sent business. Refreshments w ill be prollts and are battling now to save Congress Candidates War the pre-convention drive entered its peck. served and a good turnout of the what they term the pbUoaopby o f hts final stage. Comitry. members Is hoped for. revenue program. With the Republican convention from Hartford; Four The Senate finance committee was R^th Pension Weapons. Fresh HaUbut o f June 0 less than four weeks away, determined today to retain the pres­ pronouncements came from tevet^ Fresh Salmon MACKERELr— Mrs. J. H. Finn has returned to ent corporate tax structure Instead 'Hentsln, China, M ay IS. ( A P ) i 2.95 prominent members of that party. Cubans Arrested As Probe Fresh BUCK SHAD— her home In Troy, N. Y., after a of aboUsbing it as suggested by Mr. Filet of Sole Portland, Ore., M ay 15.— (A P ) — For the moment, Postmaster-General Ths Japanese army landed visit with her sister, Mrs. John J, GOOD Accident Roosevelt The President’s lleuten- Filet of Haddock, 22c lb. or Whole Had- 1 O Unopposed Presidential slates left Farley bore the burden of the Demo­ troops from tour transports Hillman of 65 Spruce atreet. Mrs. LOUIS S. JAFFE ■ ants were seeking to add a surtax on Gets Under Way. Congressional nominees and the cratic stump speaking, but other SUced Cod dock. lb. ..... i Z C Hillman who has been ill for the 891 Main S t Phone 8893 undistributed profits and were facing In a movement described by U Boston Bluefish past four weeks is improving. Insurance a stiff fight even on this compro­ Townsend movement as the major New Dealers were preparing for nese os part ot a campaign, eai action. mise. Issues in Oregon's primary election Laredo, Tex., Biay 16.— (A P )—A Registered Is Necessary Senator Borah, hinting o f a poaal- aged by the Italian selxurs o t Mons-Tpres Auxiliary will bold a One member of the committee ,a today. ble bolt, served notice that "no party mysterious ehipment o f munitions, opia, fo r ultimate conquest ot bingo and setback party at the These Days Republican, forecast that the entire A total o f 478,182 persons— 271.- alignment" would stop his pursuit of consigned for entry Into Mexico, The troops ware daetlned li home o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert BInks Optician administration plan would be dis­ 145 Republicans and 198,822 Demo­ Btely tor strengthening Ja], *INEHURST GROCERY Inc. on Cooper street Friday evening at carded, but most Democrats said Its crats— were eligible to vote. the monopoly Issue. This sharply was held up here today while au­ Feand by the Austrian rovemment as a potential source of trouble because of loyalty to Prince von Star- garrisons in the North China PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Sen. William E. Borah, Idaho, and revived speculation on the future S02 Main Street Manchester, Conn. 7:30. Prizes will be awarded and essence would be retained in the hember^. He leader, disarmament of the well-equipped Fascist Helmwchr is threatened by Chancellor Schusch- thorities questioned four (Cubans. at Tientsin and Peiping. JOHN L. JENNEY William Bennett, New York, were moves of the Idahoan. refreshments served. Members of We have a selection of the new­ form of a surtax above the present nlKK* following ouster of Starhemberg from the Cabinet. The prince is shown (right) watching machine Officials of the M ^oan govern­ A portion ot the reinfi 10 Depot Square Fhone 6850 alone on the Republican ballot for In a speech at Newark, N, J., Bor­ Mons-Yprea Command and Auxil­ est style frames. flat taxes on net income of corpora­ gunners of his “private army** go Into action during recent maneuvers. ment annoimced no permit bad been proceeded Immediately to Pel] We Specialize In Accident Iniurance President and Vice-President and ah continued his attacks agalnet the iary and friends are Invited. Complimentary Adjuatmenta. tions, granted for Importation of the strengthen tha Japanese gan President Roosevelt and Vice-Presi­ leadership In hie party. Insure In Btany Suggeattoni arms, and on invasttgatlon was that ancient (Thinaee e ^ t o l , A dozen different plans for rais­ dent Garner occupied similar unop- Would “ Go Anywhere.** Mrs. Fannie Sedllk, widow, of Use Your Credit! THE TRAVELERS. Hartford. Oonn. Uunebsd to datermlns tha aourca lag the number of troops " ing the 8620,000,000 o f permanent pbsed positions on the Democratic Should the RepublRon national Manchester, and Stephen Bolzch, and destination of ths war materi­ 500. Weekly Payments revenue asked by President Roose­ ticket. convention Ignoro tbe monopoly Is­ widower, of Ellington, applied today als. Tha main body o( the a No Carrying Charge velt were before the committee to­ Voters were privileged to write In CABINET CHANGES sue, the candidate declared, "no pai^ Just Look A t This Assortment O f at the.
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