AI Magazine Volume 25 Number 3 (2004) (© AAAI) Calendar OCTOBER 27–28 Training 2004. Houston, TX USA Calendar of Events ■ Sponsor: NASA Johnson Space Center ■ Contact: Alyssa Mueller Advanced Technology Integration Group 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, TX 77058 USA Voice: 281-123-4567 OCTOBER 11–14 E-mail: [email protected] October 2004 LISA Forum Europe, Automating URL: advtech.jsc.nasa.gov/t4t04.asp Global Business Processes. Paris, OCTOBER 2–5 Marne-la-Vallee, France Seventh International Conference on ■ November 2004 Discovery Science. Padova, Italy Sponsors: Innodata Isogen, SDL International, ■ Sponsors: NOVEMBER 1–3 IBM, ENLASO, CLS Communication Department of Information Engineer- The 2004 IEEE International Confer- ■ ing of the University of Padova, Yoko- Contact: ence on Information Reuse and Inte- hama National University, Research Elina Yutelite gration. Las Vegas, NV USA LISA Events Management Institute on High Performance Com- ■ Sponsors: 7, rte du Monastere puting and Networking of the Italian IEEE Systems, Man and Fechy 1173 Switzerland National Research Counsil (ICAR-CNR) Cybernetics Society Voice: 41 21 821 3210 ■ Contact: Fax: 41 21 821 32 19 ■ Contact: Einoshin Suzuki E-mail: [email protected] Eric Gregoire Yokohama National University URL: www.lisa.org/events/2004paris/ CRIL CNRS Electrical and Computer Engineering index.html rue Jean Souvraz SP18 79-5, Tokiwadai, Hodogaya Lens F-62307 France Yokohama 240-8501 Japan OCTOBER 11–14 Voice: 33-321791785 Voice: +81-45-339-4148 Carnegie Mellon University Robotics E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +81-45-339-4148 URL: www.cs.fiu.edu/IRI04/ E-mail: [email protected] Institute Twenty-fifth Anniversary URL: www.slab.dnj.ynu.ac.jp/DS04/ Celebration: Grand Challenges of Robotics Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA NOVEMBER 5–7 Accelerating Change 2004: Physical OCTOBER 2–8 USA Space, Virtual Space, and Interface Dialogues 2004. Padova, Italy ■ Contact: (AC2004). Stanford University, Palo ■ David Bourne Contact: Alto, CA USA Massimo Melucci Carnegie Mellon University ■ Sponsors: University of Padova Robotics Institute Department of Information Engineering 5000 Forbes Avenue SAP, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Via Gradenigo 6a, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 IPv6 Summit Inc. Padova 35131 Italy USA ■ Contact: Voice: +39-0498277927 Voice: 412-268-5977 Jerry Paffendorf E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 412-268-5569 Institute for the Study of Accelerating URL: thepadovadialogues.dei.unipd.it/ E-mail: [email protected] Change (ISAC) URL: www.ri25.org 2227 Amirante Drive OCTOBER 9–11 San Pedro, CA 90732 USA International Conference on Enter- OCTOBER 21–24 Voice: 908-343-1981 prise Integration and Modelling The 2004 AAAI Fall Symposium E-mail: [email protected] Technology. Toronto, ON Canada Series. Washington, DC USA URL: www.accelerating.org/ac2004/ ■ Sponsors: ■ Sponsor: IFIP WG 51.2 on Enterprise Integration, American Association for NOVEMBER 9–10 CIMOSA Association, Interop Network Artificial Intelligence Robosphere 2004. Mountain View, CA USA of Excellence, Europe ■ Contact: ■ ■ Contact: AAAI Conference Coordinator Sponsors: Mark Fox AAAI NASA Ames Research Center, Carnegie- University of Toronto 445 Burgess Drive Mellon University (West), QSS Inc; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Menlo Park, CA 94025 AIAA 5 King’s College Road USA ■ Contact: Toronto, ON M5S3G8 Canada Voice: 650-328-3123 Silvano P. Colombano Voice: 416-978-6823 E-mail: [email protected] NASA Ames Research Center E-mail: [email protected] URL: www.aaai.org/Symposia/ Computational Sciences URL: www.eil.utoronto.ca/ICEIMT04 symposia.html NASA Ames Research Center, MS 269/2 FALL 2004 93 Calendar Moffett Field, CA 94035 USA Voice: 650-604-4380 February 2005 May 2005 Fax: 650-604-3594 E-mail: [email protected] FEBRUARY 14–16 MAY 16–18 URL: robosphere.arc.nasa.gov/work- IASTED International Conference on The Eighteenth International FLAIRS shop2004 Artificial Intelligence and Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL Applications (AIA 2005). USA NOVEMBER 17–19 Innsbruck, Innsbruck ■ Sponsor: Symposium on Methods of Artificial ■ Sponsors: Florida AI Research Society Intelligence (AI-METH 2004). Gli- IASTED, WMSF ■ Submission Deadline: wice, Poland ■ Contact: October 22, 2004 ■ Contact: IASTED Secretariat ■ Contact: Wojciech Moczulski IASTED Conferences Diane Cook Silesian University of Technology at #80, 4500 16th Ave. NW University of Texas at Arlington Gliwice Calgary, AB T3B 0M6 Computer Science and Engineering Fundamentals of Machinery Design Canada Box 19015 Konarskiego 18A Voice: 403-288-1195 Arlington , TX 76019 USA Gliwice PL 44-100 Poland Fax: 403-247-6851 Voice: 817-272-3606 Voice: 0048-32-237 10 28 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 817-272-3784 Fax: 0048-32-237 13 60 URL: www.iasted.org/confer- E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ences/2005/innsbruck/aia.htm URL: ranger.uta.edu/flairs05/ URL: www.ai-meth.polsl.gliwice.pl/ FEBRUARY 14–16 MAY 19–21 IASTED International Conference on The Third International Conference December 2004 Databases and Appliations (DBA on Active Media Technology (AMT 2005). Innsbruck, Austria 2005). Takamatsu, Japan DECEMBER 16–18 ■ Sponsors: ■ Sponsors: Model-Based Reasoning in Science IASTED, WMSF Information Processing Society of and Engineering: Abduction, Visual- ■ Contact: Japan, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cyber- ization, Simulation (MBR04). Pavia, IASTED Secretariat netics Society Italy IASTED Conferences ■ Submission Deadline: ■ Sponsors: #80 November 12, 2004 University of Pavia, University of 4500 16th Ave. NW ■ Contact: Siena, CARIPLO Calgary, AB T3B 0M6 Hiroyuki Tarumi ■ Contact: Canada Kagawa University Lorenzo Magnani and Voice: 403-288-1195 Faculty of Engineering Nancy Nersessian Fax: 403-247-6851 2217-20 Hayashi-cho University of Pavia E-mail: [email protected] Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0396 Japan Department of Philoosphy and Com- URL: www.iasted.org/confer- Voice: +81-87-864-2214 putation Philosophy Laboratory ences/2005/innsbruck/dba.htm Fax: +81-87-864-2262 Piazza Botta 6 E-mail: [email protected] Pavia 27100 Italy URL: www.eng.kagawa- Voice: 0382-506279 April 2005 u.ac.jp/AMT2005/ Fax: 0382-23215 E-mail: [email protected] APRIL 18–21 URL: www.unipv.it/webphilos_lab/ International Conference Integration June 2005 courses/progra1.html of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS ‘05). Waltham, MA JUNE 13–16 DECEMBER 19–22 ■ Sponsor: Intelligent Information Systems: New Fifth International Conference on IEEE Boston Trends in Intelligent Information Knowledge Based Computer Systems. ■ Submission Deadline: Processing and Web Mining. Gdaòsk, Hyderabad, India December 1, 2004 Poland ■ Contact: ■ Contact: ■ Submission Deadline: KBCS-2004 Secretariat Leonid Perlovsky October 18, 2004 C-DAC Mumbai (formerly NCST) Air Force Research La ■ Contact: Knowledge Based Computer Systems SNHE Michal Ciesioka Division 80 Scott Drive Institute of Computer Science Raintree Marg, Near Bharati Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 Polish Academy of Sciences Vidyapeeth USA Department of Artificial Intelligence Navi Mumbai 400614 India Voice: 781-377-1728 Ordona 21,Warsaw 01-237 Poland Voice: 91-22-27560013 Fax: 781-377-8984 Voice: +48 22-8362841 Fax: 91-22-27560004 E-mail: Fax: +48 22-8376564 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] URL: www.ncst.ernet.in/kbcs2004/ URL: www.ieeeboston.org/kimas05.htm URL: iipwm.ipipan.waw.pl 94 AI MAGAZINE Calendar Adam’s Mark Hotel Clearwater Beach, Florida In cooperation with the American Association for Artificial Intelligence The 18th International FLAIRS Conference seeks high quality, original, Larry Holder, University of Texas at Arlington unpublished submissions in all areas of AI, including, but not limited to, [email protected] neural networks, autonomous agents, case-based reasoning, computer Diane Cook, University of Texas at Arlington vision, data mining, expert systems, genetic algorithms, intelligent user [email protected] interfaces, intelligent tutoring systems, knowledge representation and management, learning, automated reasoning, multi-agent systems, Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford natural language processing, planning, uncertainty reasoning, robotics, [email protected] semantic web, speech recognition, temporal reasoning, AI and the Web, Zdravko Markov, Central Connecticut State AI applications, AI and education, and verification/validation. University [email protected] The FLAIRS conference offers a set of special tracks, and authors are encouraged to submit papers to a relevant track. All submissions will be Todd Neller, Gettysburg College handled via the FLAIRS web submission system, available through the [email protected] conference website. Please consult the conference web page for details on paper Paper submission deadline: submission. Questions regarding submissions should be addressed to Author notification: the program co-chairs. For general conference information, contact the Camera-ready copies: general conference co-chairs. http://ranger.uta.edu/flairs2005 JUNE 22–25 JULY 19–23 Eighteenth International Conference July 2005 Fifth International Conference on In- telligent Processing and Manufactur- on Industrial and Engineering Appli- JULY 9–13 ing of Materials. Monterey, FL USA cations of Artificial Intelligence and Twentieth National Conference on ■ Expert Systems. Bari, Italy Artificial Intelligence and the Seven- Submission Deadline: October 15, 2004 ■ Sponsors: teenth Innovative Applications of ■ Contact: International Society of Applied Intelli-
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