University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-22-1913 Western Liberal, 08-22-1913 Lordsburg Print Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news Recommended Citation Lordsburg Print Company. "Western Liberal, 08-22-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news/785 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. RUtortcil Boctit 9 ÍVi SyíN r t W. í j ffM . in it 1 Mi, ior 'HMM viWí$M VOL. XXVI, NO. 40 LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO. AUGUST 22. 1913. Vlnfflr Copts lOevnta NOTHING MAY BE YzRY FUNNY. Cnatly ROMANCE OF A Ti.atm.nt. WESTERN LIBERAL. DRAMATIST. "I ,was troubled wit li constipation it Weedon Groeamlth Proved It to Henry and Indigestion and spent hundreds BSIG-riTEl- r TITLE? Irving'! Satisfaction. Jean Richepin'a Flight From Life of ' New Mexico Drudgery to of dollars fur medicine and treat- Lordabarg la '.'From Studio to Stage" Weedon Fame. We havo Just received a shipment of . The story of how Jeun Rlchepln ment," writes C. II. IUnes, of Whitl- Grossmith tolls us of his Invitation to ow, Ark. went to a St. Louis play Jnoquca to Irrlng's came to adopt a literary career Is pic- "I 916 Cans of Guaranteed Inspected PUULISUED FRIDAKS. Strop Ilenry hospital, alsa to a hospital In Robert Mncnlre. He says It took tils turesque. For some time he had pick- New np a breath away. Irving told him Hint lie ed precarious livelihood by doing Orleans, but no cure was effected On Floor, Household and Carriage Paints, f "odd Jobs," Including oc- aa hnd received pood reports of the young such prosslc returning home I began taking JAP-A-LA- C Entered at tk Pout Office at Lnrdsburg cupations and VARNISHES. Seoond Class Hall JlatusT. actor from Booth and Jefferson In as that of booiblnck and Chamberlain's Table!, and worked casual porter I America nnd arrunircd to pity lilin 10 on the Qnal Marseilles. right along. I used them for some TURPENTINE & OILS. One day he was engaged by a gentle- l a week If tlint would be enough. time and am now all right." Sold by-al- Anything from a half pint to 10 Oallon can. Also aoe tho I artlatlo man to carry to railway a By DON: H. KKDZIK. "I didn't lt hlra tbnt I would have the station dealers. Adv. on bow to paint Tour Homo, i played the pnrt for nothing nnd have heavy trunk. Arrived at the station, willingly given a premium to Unve there was an Instant mutual recogni- A carload of Mexican beans will be s -i- 8 Subscription Prioe. done so (If I hnd bud the I tion. Tbey were old college chums. shipped from Maxwell 'to parties in . ,,sr ..... you Thret Month! II 00 positively received 10 a w eek to bo In- "What nre doing hereF' asked West Virginia. Sir Mentha 1TB In tho by bis friend. ' structed art of the , & ' I Co. One Toar grontest actor our time! was "Carrying your trunk, 1 bcllove," said nooilKaaaoarorlll.knthiisla.m. Roliens LBaflY Hercanqlii I of It When a man sev- Jean. has suffered for . Subscription Alwam Pavahlela Advance, worth hundreds to me both from an ' artistic and a business point of view. "Why do you do thlBr eral days with colic, diarrhoea or ( INCOHPOHATKD ) JJ Tho pains and trouble Irving took with "Recatise I must." other form of bowel complaint and Is g LORDSDURO ; ; : : NEW MEXICO . 8 "Where do you live? then well by every ono over slightest were cured sound and one or m m m m m the detail a - W M mm é í j j, ; a é OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. remarkable. I admit he wns very try- "Como and see." replied Rlchepln. two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, mW The STATE ing at times, especially when I was future dramatist took his friend Clioler.i and Diarrhoea Remedy, as Is doing something quietly humorous or, to his dwelling a miserable room In often the case, It Is but natural Win. C. McDonald Governor an attic In the poorest quarter that rather, nothing nnd he would gnzo on of the he should be enthusiastic lit his K. C. de Ilaua Lieutenant Governor me very solemnly say, not town. Upon the table lay scattered Luooro Sccretury of Suite and 'That's praise of the remedy, especially JOSHUA 8. KAVNOLPS, Preslilcnt. KnOAtt W. KAVSKU. Oiahier. Antonio my boy. You heaps of manuscripts Jean's Incur- and K. W. Attoriioy-Oencrn- l funny, must do some- JAS, UKAHAM MeNAHV, WAI.TFK M. ItUTXKR.'AcKt. Cnahlor. Clancy In Is this the case of a severe attack thing funny there. sions the realms of poetry when W. L. TOOLBV. t. W. O. Parirent Auditor when life Is threatened. Try O. T, MOOItK, Asst. Cashier Howell Ernost, TruvcliiiK Auditor "I proved to him, however, on the the more prosaic duties of the day it when In neod O. N. Man-oi- l . Treasurer first night that sitting perfectly still were over. Looking through them, his of such a remedy. It never THE was K. P. Ervlen... Commissioner Pulillo Land on the staircase looking tho picture of friend astounded at their quality. fails. Sold by all dealers. Adv. Allan N. White Supt. Public Instruction misery was decidedly funny; at least "Why do you carry trunks and blacken Cantaloupes are ripening Tor-tale- s Huku H. Williams, Clin. Corp. Com. the audience thought so so boots when you can do work like and much so growers M. 8. Qrorea, ,, that the great chief said to me after- this?" ho asked. Rlchepln bad never are already making ship- O. L. Owen ,, - National Bank ward, 'What wero you doing on the given the matter a thought lie had ments. First durance J. ltnberts. Chief Justlco Sup, Court never deemed thoso products of Idle How ' ltlcuurd H. Ilanna, ,, staircase that made tho audience the Trouble Starts. laugh so much?' hours worthy of publication. Tub-llshe- d Constipation Is cause of many Frank W. Parker, , the EL PASO, TEXAS "'Nothing.' I replied. they were, however. In a very ailments and disorders J, 1. Sena Clerk that make life CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS 800,000 "'All right, ray boy; do again fow weeks and created an Immense Tal-let- it be miserable. Take Chamberlain's IJKPOSITS 4,000,000 COUNTY. answered."' sensation. From t lint moment Jean keep your Rlchepln never looked back. West- bowels regular and VanT. Manville Commissioner lnt District you will avoid these distases. For TTnlted States 3Depcr3itor3r f ,. minster Gazette. E, 8. Ed ward 2nd DEAD AIR IN THE LUNGS. sale by all dealers. Adv. B. U. Own by 8rd 4 percent, interest paid on Savings Accounts. II. J. McOnith Sheriff . New. Mexico will When You Yawn You Expel It, So Don't SPLIT ON A TOOTHBRUSH. output the largest CorrcRpomlonco Is Invited (rom t lioso who contoniplitto opening Initial or additional M. K. Downs. Treasurer crop of cantaloupes James A. Shipley Assessor Be Afraid to Yawn. this season In Its accounts In El Paso. Hym n Abrahams Probato Jud o With ordinary breathing the lungs Their Points of View Couldn't Agree! history. - - - K. II. Venable County Clerk are not completely Oiled with air, nor Hence the Clash. Remarkable Cu.e ot llysentery Assets $6,000 000 Isabellu Eckles Superintendent of Schools are they entirely emptied every time When the tall girl found the mistress 'I was attacked with dysentery V. L. Cox, Surveyor you exhalo during natural respiration. of the six room fiat washing dishes she about July 15th, and used the doctor's Deposits made by mail are promptly acknowledged. asked what had happened to Mary. FEDESAL- - This leaves a qunntlty of dead air In medicine and other remedies with no "Mary has left." said the housekeep- the lungs, generally away down in the relief, only getting worse all the time, Ooorire Curry Mouiber Congress lower lobes. This is called "residual" er. "I insulted her yesterday morning 11. I was unable to do anything and my II. Fergusson ., air, and after it stays there awbllo and at 10 o'clock, and at 11 she packed her W II. Hopo .' udge weight dropped from 145 125 District Court becomes foul naturo casts about for trunk and skipped. to Harry Lee, Clerk "We had a row over pounds. 1 suffered for about two U some means to moke you get rid of It toothbrushes. S. Davis. United States Attorney Mary an unparalleled months when I was advised to use CM. C. 8. The yawn Is the thing, so nature exhibited Interest Forakor Marshal In Every Colic, John W. March Survovor-Oeneru- l makes you yawn. You open your toolhbriiKhes. brush she Chamberlain's Cholera and Ik.-ar-y up P. llurJ-shu- r Internal lie v. Colloctor mouth to its fullest extent, throw back came to wiih taken and turned over Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bot- your head, strain with tho back mus- nnd over and commented on admiring- tles of 16 and It gave me permanent . PHE0IN0T. cles of the Jaw, and you can then feel ly or the reverse. relief," writes B. W. Hill of Snow M.W.MjOnitü or Poaoc your lungs move as they force out all "Finally she cam o to mine.
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