1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 5513 placed Persons Act of 1948, as amended; to H.J. Res. 453. Joint resolution proposing PETITIONS, ETC. the Committee on the Judiciary. an amendment to the Constitution of the 1447. A letter from the Acting Attorney United States providipg for a 4-year term Under clause 1 of rule XXII, General, transmitting copies of orders en­ for Representatives and limiting the Presi­ 736. Mr. TAYLOR presented a petition of tered in cases where the ninth proviso to dent to one term; to the Committee on the residents of West Chazy, Chazy, Mooers, section 3 of the Immigration Act of Febru­ Judiciary. 1'.1:ooers Forks, Ellenburg Depot, Ellenburg ary 5, 1917 (8 U.S. C. 136), was exercised in By Mr. PICKETT: Center, and Altona, Clinton County, N. Y., behalf of such aliens, pursuant to section H. Res. 643. Resolution providing that the for favorable consideration of H. R. 2188, 6 (b) of the act of October 16, 1918, as briefs and oral arguments for the Govern­ which was referred to the Comn:ittee on amended by section 22 of the Internal Se­ ment, et al., in the steel seizure case pending Interstate and Foreign Commerce. curity Act of 1950 (Public Law 831, 81st in the Supreme Court of the United States Cong.); to the Committee on the Judiciary. shall be printed as House documents; to the •• .. ... •• 1448. A letter from the Acting Attorney Committee on House Administration. General, transmitting a letter relative to By Mr. RANKIN: SENATE the case of Barbara Ann Koppius, file No. H . Res. 644. Resolution providing for the A-7910011 CR 36631, and requesting that it consideration of the bill (H. R. 7656) to pro­ TuESDAY, MAY ·20, 1952 be withdrawn from those before the Congress vide vocational readjustment and to restore and returned to the jurisdiction of the De­ lost educational opportunities to certain <Legislative day of Monday, May partment of Justice; to the Committee on persons who served in the Armed Forces on the Judiciary. or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such 12, 1952) 1449. A letter from the Acting Attorney date as shall be fixed by the President or General, transmitting a letter relative to the Congress; to the Committee on Rules. The Senate met, in executive session, the case of Jose Manuel Tejera Y Gutierrez, H. Res. 645. Resolution providing for the at 12 o'clock meridian, on the . expira­ file No. A-6720441 CR 35357, and requesting consideration of the bill (H. R. 7656) to pro­ tion of the recess. that it be withdrawn from those before the vide vocational readjustment and to restore The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Congress and returned to the jurisdiction of lost educational opportunities to certain Harris, D. D., otiered ·the following the Department of Justice; to the Commit­ persons who served in the Armed Forces on prayer: tee on the Judiciary. or after June 27, 1950, a c-_ d prior to such 1450. A letter from the Acting Attorney date as shall be fixed by the President or Our Father . God, in a violent world General, transmitting copies Of orders of the the CongrEss; to the Committee on Rules. filled with sights that sadden and prob­ Commissioner of Immigration and Naturali­ By Mr. ROSS: lems that perplex, may our hearts be zation suspending deportation as well as a H. Res. 646. Resolution authorizing the strengthened by the realization that ours list of the persons involved, pursuant to the Committee on Agriculture to conduct an is also a time of splendid challenge, Act appi-oved July 1, 1948, Public Law 863, as investigation and study of the shortage of amended; to the Committee on the Judiciary. bright with promise as we stand at the potatoes, and for other purposes; to the portals of beckoning tomorrows. May Committee on Rules. the crashing of outworn things that are REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB­ falling to earth not hide from our eyes LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS the glory of a new era struggling to PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports birth. of committees were deJ.ivered to the clerk Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private We give thanks with humble yet kin­ for printing and reference to the proper bills and resolutions were introduced dling hearts that we are privileged to live calendar, as follows: and severally referred as follows: and give in such a time. If this fallible By Mr. ALLEN of California (by re­ flesh of ours, hemmed by foes, should Mr. BRYSON: Committee on the Judiciary. quest): fear or falter, keep us firm and stead­ S. 968. An act granting the consent and ap­ proval of Congress to an interstate com­ H. R. 7911 . A bill validating certain con­ fast as we put on the whole armor of pact relating to mutual military aid in an veyances heretofore made by Central Pacific faith and hope and love. May we play emergency; with amendment (Rept. No. Railway Co., a corporation, and its lessee, our full part. as Thy faithful servants Southern Pacific Co., a corporation, involving in history's crowning hour. We ask it 1945). Referred to the Committee of the certain portions of right-of-way, in the Whole House on the State of the Union. county. of Alameda, State of California, ac­ in the dear Redeemer's name. Amen. quired by Central Pacific Railway Co. under the act of Congress approved July l, 1862 (12 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Stat. L. 489), as amended by the act of Con­ THE JOURNAL Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public gress approved July 2, 1864 (13 Stat. L. 356); On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by bills and resolutions were introduced and to the Committee on Interior and Insular unanimous consent, the reading of the severally referred as follows: Affairs. Journal of the proceedings of Monday, By Mr. BARTLETT: By Mr. CROSSER (by request): May 19, 1952, was dispensed with. H , R. 7912. A bill to authorize the Secre­ H. R. 7906. A bill to amend the Interstate tary of the Interior to sell certain land on Commerce Act, as amended, and for other Beach Lake to the Alaska Sportsmen's Associ­ purposes; to the Committee on Interstate ation, Inc., of Anchorage, Alaska; to the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ and Foreign Commerce. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. APPROVAL OF BILLR By Mr. JAVITS: By Mr. D'EWART: H. R. '1907. A bill to establish an Office of Messages in writing from the Presi­ Government Investigation; to the Commit­ H. R. 7913. A bill authorizing the issuance dent of the United States were com­ tee on Expenditures in the ExecutiVJ of a patent in fee to J. J. Galbreath; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. municated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, Departments. one of his secretaries, and he announced By Mr. JENKINS (by request) : H. R. 7914. A bill authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to James Brown; to the that the President had approved and H. R. 7908. A bill to amend section 10 of signed the following acts: the act of October 15, 1914, commonly known Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. as the Clayton Act; to the Committee on H. R. 7915. A bill authorizing the Secretary On May 16, 1952: the Judiciary. · of the Interior to sell certain inherited In­ S. 569. An act for the relief of May Hosken; By Mr. REED of New York: dian lands; to the Committee on Interior S. 1121. An act for the relief of Matsuko H. R. 7909. A bill to amend title II of the and Insular Affairs. Kurosawa; Social Security Act to increase old-age and H. R. 7916. A bill authorizing the Secre­ S. 1697. An act for the relief of Sister Maria survivors insurance benefits, to preserve in­ tary of the Interior to sell certain inherited Gasparetz; and surance rights of permanently and totally Indian lands; to the Committee on Interior S. 2672. An act for the relief of Elisabeth disabled individuals, and to increase the and Insular Affairs. Mueller (also kno·vn as Elizabeth Philbrick). amount of earnings permitted without loss By Mr. IKARD: On May 17, 1952: of benefits, and for other purposes; to the H. R. 7917. A bill for the relief of Ag111ss S. 853. An act for the relief of Dr. Ying Committee on Ways and Means. Ishikawa and Shirai Moriyama; to the Com­ Tak Chan; By Mr. SCUDDER: mittee on the Judiciary. S. 1798. An act granting the consent of H. R. 7910. A bill to provide that former By Mr. LESINSKI: Congress to a compact entered into by the Presidents of the United States shall re­ H. R. 7918. A bill for the relief of James I. States of Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico · ceive compensation at the rate of $25,000, Smith; to the Committee on the Judiciary. relating to the waters of the Canadian River; and shall be available to advise and con­ By Mr. SHELLEY: and sult with the then President; to the Com­ H. R. 7919. A bill for the relief of Jeffrey S. 2102. An· act for the relief of Alcide mittee on the Judiciary. Hung; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Orazio Marsell! and Angelo Bardelli. 5514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE May 20 · On May 19, 1952: ing to the postal service, and for other pur­ sideration of the nomination of James s. 171. An act for the relief of Mrs. Hilde­ poses; P. McGranery to be Attorney General. gard Pielecki Kennedy.
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