_l 9,. .. TRIPURA TRIBAL AREAS AUTONOI\{OUS DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CHIEF E)GCUTryE OFFICER KHUIWULWNG: : WEST TRIPURA. ,vtt,uvt e^\..ro/v.D/zvzL/r_!/r_bJ__J-T Dated_i ol03l2o2I MEMORANDUIVJ The undersigned is directed to convey trr. eA.trl.ristrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction for an amount not exceeding to Rs. 25.56 6zz l- Lakhs (Rupees Twenty-five Lakhs Fifty-six thousand Six hundred & seventy-seven) only in favour of zDo North zone,TTAADC for the following works/project under Special Assistance to central plan scleme lBclu_9ed area) during th: y:*?qzoj?{h: works/project are given below: sl. Item ofworl Name No. a3 pet Actior of Technibally Plan & SZDO Name of work proposed with locatiou aPProves EamarLed estimate I I\/f^ D^ lRr, h Lakhl ^f uIruer uar<Ktn fJnantcrrarra 1.40909 z o Mrc. oI MoIran bari JB school of Bagaicharra under q) Bagaicharra VC. r.50022 3 a t.50022 aA o .t2 r.06283 5 G Mtc. of Depacharra JB school under Machmara Inspectorate under Machmara VC. 1.40909 E 6 l\il+^ ^f Iz. , | -: ^L ^ -^ rn , .7 a C, 1.soo22 F (! E vc. 7.soo22 8 o ltllfr af V () ya r9ut r.40909 9 l\t o 1.56014 10 o 1.56014 l1 (, I2 a i.06283 t.56014 13 o Damc Const. of Pacca bou () harra Shantipur (Damcharra) under Damcharra VC- 3.23254 t4 Naogf ang 53OOOO (A) Sub-total Rs. 25.56677 The sanction amount will be drawn by the Executive Offrcer (Finance), TTAADC from the joint Bank Account of Dy. Chief Executive officer, TTAADC and Executive offrcer (Finance), TTAADC placed at the disposal of the Zonal Development Officer North Zone Machmara, TTAADC as indicated above. The sanctioned amount should be utilized for the purpose for which it has been sanctioned observing all codal formalities and utilization certificate should be submitted after utilization of the fund along with photograph. The monthly progress report of the work should be submitted addressed to the Dy. Chief Executive offrcer-I, TTAADS, by 1* week of the every month. The sanction amount of will be met from the balance fund under special Assistance to Central Plan Scheme (D<cluded area) during the year 2o2o-2L vid,e sanction memo No.F.l7 l24gllrwlADcl2ol6/53r6-325 dated 15.06.2020, under the Head of account -2225-02-796-9l-81-47 (Revenuef demand No.19 during the year 2020-2t. This is issued with the approval of the authority vide No. f f S6IADC/ADMR/ 2O2t. Dated.O8.O3.2O2I and as per power delegated under Rule-73 of TTAADC Fund Rules_ 200s. TTAADC, Khumulwng Page 1 of 2 Copv to:- 1. The PS to the Administrator, TTAADC, Khumulwng for favour of kind information of the Administrator. 2. The PS to the Chief Executive Officer, TTAADC, Khumulwng for favour of kind information of the CEO. 3. The PS to the Addl. Chief Executive Offl-cer, TTAADC, Khumulwng for favour of kind information of the Addl.CEO. 4. lhe Dy. Chief Executjve Officer-ll, TTAADC, Khumulwng for information. 5. The OSD-I,TTAADC, Khumulwng for informauon. 6. The Chief Engineer, PWD, TTAADC for kind information. 7 . T}:e Zonal Development Officer, North Zorre, TTAADC for information and necessarv action. 8. The Executive Offrcer (Finance/Planning), TTAADC for information and necessary action. 9. The Principal officer, Education, TTAADC, Khumulwng for information. 10. The P.L.Ce11, Main Administrative Building, TTAADC, Khumulwng, for information and necessarlr action. 11. The Accounts Officer (Audit), Main Administrative Building, TTAADC, Khumulwng, for information. Dy. Chief Executive Officer-I, TTAADC, Khumulwng. Page 2 of 2 TRIPURA TRIBAI AREAS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICE. OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER KHUMULWNG: : WEST TRIPURA' No.F.aOlADC/ SACPS/ oSD / 2 o2o I b bb-a4 Dated 23lo2l2o2\ MEMORANDUM The undersigned is d.irected to convey the Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction for an amount not exceeding to Rs.53.o7oo5/- Lakhs (Rupees Fifty-three Lakhs Seven thousand & Five) only in favour of ZDO North Zone and hecutive Engineer, PWD Norttr Div. TTAADC for the fotlowing works/project under Special Assistance to Central Plan Scheme (Excluded area) during the year 2O2O-2L.T}:e works/project are given below:- sl. Item of ivork Name Technically Fund per Actlon No. rs of Name of work proposed with location approves Place Plan & SZDO estimate to Eermerked lRs. In Lakhl Const. of Kitchan room at Pandoraipara JB schooi Noa Panisagar RD block during the 2.00000 1 gang under Noagang VC o vear 2020-2I. () Mtc. of Kukinala JB school-under Damchara Sub- E zone Inspectorate of school of Damchara, TTAADC 2 o during the year 2O2O-21/replacement of GCI sheet, 2.54372 o repaiting floor, step of toilet block, siphon & pipe o line of intel, out let & vent pipe etc. () Mtc. of khudangsai JB school under Damchara sub- li o Zone of inspectorate of school of Damchara, 2.19836 o o o TTAADC durins the year 2O2O-21 o Damchara E Repairing of kalabari JB school under. o c, A k sub-Zone of inspectorate of school of Damchara, 2.27719 +'l 6) C) a trE TTAADC. qo 6 EN Major repairing of Purnaram para JB school under *,q Damchara Sub-zone inspectorate of school of EK 2.99898 vo 5 () Damchara, TTAADC/replacement of GCI sheet, tz o repairing floor, step step of toilet block, siphon & o o oioe line of intel. out let & vent pipe etc. Reang Smriti Rest house at o Mtc. of Mandida o o SH:- Mtc. of roof Treatment, N Kanchanpur / 8. 1 2354 6 o of Toilet block, o Plastering, Furniture & construction o septic tank etc. Construction of Pucca boundary arrounding the 7 o Mandida Smriti Tribal rest house at Kanchanpur 9.98687 E tlensth= I 1 O. O0 mtr) . Vang of Mtc. of rest house at Vanghmun / SH:- repairing 9.01246 6 hmun buildine. internal wiring and furniture etc. (A) Sub-total Rs. 39.L+lL2 pucca boundary arrounding the Giral Const. Of EE Damc hostel at Pandiram para (length=180'00 mte., 9 13.92893 PWD hara column=7O+10 fioint colomu)=8O nos' (2'4O mtr North C lC ll column (C 1) for entrance gate Div. (B) Sub-total Rs. 13.92893 Grant total (A+B) Rs. 53.O7005 The sanction amount wili be drawn by the Executive Officer (Finance), TTAADC from the joint Bank AccOunt of Dy. Chief Executive Officer, TTAADC and Executive Officer (Finance), TTAADC placed at the disposal of the Zonal Development Oflicer North Zotre, - Machmara and Executive Engineer, PWD North Div. TTAADC as indicated above. " The sanctioned amount should be utilized for the purpose for which it has been sanctioned observing all codal formalities and utilization certifrcate should be submitted after utilization of the fund along \Mith photograph. The monthly progress report of the work should be submitted addressed to the Dy. Chief Brecutive Officer-I' TTAADC, by 1"t week of the every month. Page 1 of 2 t'l -l:- The sanction amount of will be met from the balance fund under sp""i] (p<cruded area) during the year 2o2o_2t *::::H:ji:T1,'",r::,::::::sanction m em o No.F. I z Tw vial l24s | | / ADcI zol 6 / s 3 I ;:;; l..;. il. #;#::;r.: -222s-o2-zs6-sL-8L-42 (Revenue) rT: ;;;3;i.account demand No.le during the year This is issued with the approval of the authority vide Dated L9.O2.2O21 No. 1066/ADC/ADMN/ 2O2r. and p"r-io*.. delegated under 2005. ". Ruie_73 of TTAADC Fund Rules_ =\p' --\ 't (Usha Ranjan o.AKr7^^, TCS, SSG), Dy. Chief Executive Offrcer_I. I TTAADC, Khumulwng ' Copv to:- ' ps 1' The to the Administrator, TTAADC, Khumulwng for favour of kind information the Administrator. of 2. The PS to the Chief Executive Officer, TTAADC. Khumulwng for favour of kind information of the CEO. The 3. PS to the Addl. Chief Executive Officer, TTAADC, Khumulwng for favour of kjnd information of the Addi.CEO. 4' The Dy. chief Executive officer-Il, TTAADC, Khumulwng for information. 5. The OSD-I,TTAADC, Khumulwng for information. 6' The chief pwD, Engineer, TTAAD. for kind information. 7 The ' zonal Development officer, North zone, TTAADC for information and necessary action. 8' The Executive ofhcer (Finance/Planning), TTAADC for information and necessary acuon. 9' The Principal offrcer,Education,TTAADC, Khumulwng for information. 10' The P'L'cell' Main Administrative Buiiding, TTAADC, Khumulwng, for information and necessar5r action. 11' The Accounts officer (Audit), Main Administrative Building, TTAADC, Khumulwng, information. ,for Page 2 of 2 TRIPT'RA TRIBAL AREAS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIYE OFFICER KHI,MULWNG: : WEST TRIPURA. No. F.40 /ADc/ sAcps / osD / 2 o2o / qa4 - 715 Dated o,1l02l2o2r MEMORANDUM The undersigned is directed to convey the Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction for an amount not exceeding to Rs.'102.266431- Lakhs (Rupees One creore Two Lat hs Tbenty-six thousand Six hundred & Forty-sixf only in favour of ZDO*Iit'grth Zone, TTAADC for the following works/project under Special Assistance to Central Plan Scheme (hcluded area) during the year 2O2O-2L..The works/project are given below:- sl. Item of worl Name Technically rr per Actlo! No. of Name of proposed aPProves Plar & SZDO work with location Eemarked estimate lRr, Ia Lalhl Up-gradation of road from PWD road point to Nagendra Nath house under South Laljuri V/C,/SH:- Providing & I 9.56076 Laying of 480.00 Mtr. Brick Soling & inclined surface drain etc. Up-gradation of road from Babakul Tripura house to Nandaram Reang house via Pamatilta JB School under z 9.86886 South Twisama nV/C,./SH:- Providing & Laying of 510.00 Mtr.
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