SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR NESQUEHONING BOROUGH CARBON COUNTY, PA. THE PREPARATION OF THIS SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WAS FINANCED IN PART BY A GRANT FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE BOROUGH OF NESQUEHONING COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF NESQUEHONING MICHAEL CABOT ASSOCIATES, COMMUNITY PLANNERS ADOPTED FEBRUARY 26, 1997 LIST OF OFFICIALS I BOROUGH OF NESQUEHONING. PA. I JUNE, 1996 I MAYOR I Joseph Staivecki I BOROUGH COUNCIL Eugene Rutch, President I Stephen Yurchak, Vice President Frank Jacobs Eugene Hrebik I John Coniglio R. Mickey Angst Gary Porembo I I BO R 0 UGH PLANNING C 0 MMI SS IO N I George Pauff, Chairman Stephen Brunda Isabel Zickler I Sarnetta Sabol Robert Starosta Helen Applegate I 1 STAFF PARTICIPATION ._ZONING HEARING BOARD I Joseph G. Greco, Jr., Barbara Greco, Chairperson Borough Manager, 'Thomas Ouly Secretary-Treasurer Ben Arthur I Karl Pecha Shawn McConnon Gene Kennedy, Zoning Officer I Robert Yurchak, Borough Solicitor I I I I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I PAGE NO ORDAININGCLAUSE ........................................ 1 I ARTICLE 1 . GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.100 Legislative Authority ................................. 2 I 1.200 Application ........................................ 2 1.201 Jurisdiction and Purpose ........................ 2 1.202 Interpretation ................................ 2 II 1.203 Grant of Power to Borough Council ................. 2 1.204 Effect of This Ordinance ........................ 2 1.205 Recording of Approved Plan ....................... 3 1 1.206 Status of Recorded Plans ....................... 3 1.300 Severability ....................................... 3 I 1.400 ShortTitle ........................................ 4 1.500 Repealer .......................................... 4 1 ARTICLE 2 . PLAN SUBMISSION PROCEDURES 2.100 General Procedure Applicable to the Submission of All Plans ...... 5 I 2.101 Sketch Plans ................................ 5 2.102 Required Plans ............................... 5 2.103 County and Other Agency Reviews ................. 6 I 2.104 Consideration of Plans ......................... 6 2.105 Action and Notification ......................... 6 2.106 Public Hearing ............................... 7 I 2.1 07 Recording of Final Plan ......................... 7 2.200 Fees ........................................... 7 I 2.300 Plan Applications .................................... 7 2.301 Sketch Plans ................................ 7 I 2.302 Preliminary Plan .............................. 8 2.303 Final Plan .................................. 10 1 2.304 Conditional Approvals .......................... 12 2.400 Recording of Final Plan ................................ 12 2.500 Plans Exempted From Standard Review Procedures ............ 13 I 2.501 Minor Subdivisions ............................ 13 2.502 Agricultural Parcels ............................ 13 I 2.503 Other Exemptions ............................. 13 I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) I PAGE NO I ARTICLE 3. DESIGN STANDARDS 3.100 Application ........................................ 14 I 3.200 Design Standards Detail ............................... 14 3.201 Conformance With Other Requirements ..............14 3.202 General Design Standards and Comprehensive Plan I Requirements ............................... 14 3.203 Environmental Protection Requirements and Standards ... 15 3.204 Street System Layout and Desigri Standards .......... 18 II Table I - Minimum Street Width Requirements for New Street Construction ..................... 19 3.205 Street Intersections ........................... 21 I 3.206 Cul-de-sac Streets ............................ 22 3.207 Lot Design Standards .......................... 23 3.208 Blocks .................................... 23 I 3.209 Off-street Parking and Loading .................... 24 3.210 Driveways.. ................................ 24 3.21 1 Storm Drainage .............................. 24 I 3.212 Easements ................................. 25 3.21 3 Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities ............... 26 3.214 Other Utilities ............................... 27 I 3.21 5 Erosion and Sedimentation Contrcil .................28 3.21 6 Additional Non-Residential Requirements .............28 3.21 7 Solar Orientation and Energy Conservation ............29 I 3.21 8 Large Scale or Planned Unit Developments ............29 I ARTICLE 4. MOBILE HOME PARKS 4.1 00 Design Standards ................................... 30 I a. Zoning Requirements ............................... 30 b. Landscaped Buffer Areas ............................ 30 c. Size and Location of Mobile Home Park:; ................. 30 I d. Foundation Anchors and Enclosures ..................... 30 e. Off-street Parking ................................. 31 f. Required Improvements ............................. 31 0 g. Other Utility Requirements ........................... 31 h. Special Design Features ............................. 31 I ARTICLE 5. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS 5.100 Application ........................................ 33 I 5.200 Summary of Required Improvements ...................... 33 - Table 2- Required Improvements ........................ 33 I I I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) I PAGE NO 5.300 Required Improvement Details ........................... 34 I 5.400 Environmentally Sensitive Areas ......................... 34 1 ARTICLE 6 . PLAN REQUIREMENTS 6.100 Application ........................................ 35 1 6.200 Plans ........................................... 35 6.201 Plan Information .............................. 35 6.202 Plan Presentation ............................. 36 1 6.300 Sketch Plan ....................................... 36 6.301 Purpose of Sketch Plan ......................... 36 6.302 Plan Information .............................. 36 I 6.303 Other Sketch Plan Requirements ...................37 6.400 Preliminary Plan .................................... 37 6.401 Purpose of Preliminary Plan ...................... 37 I 6.402 Plan Information .............................. 37 6.500 Final Plans ........................................ 40 I 6.501 Plan Information .............................. 40 ARTICLE 7 . INSTALLATION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS I 7.100 Improvements To Be Provided by Subdivider .................44 7.200 Method of Providing Improvements ....................... 44 I 7.300 Financial Security for Maintenance ........................ 45 7.400 Development Agreement .............................. 45 7.500 Release from Financial Security for Improvements ............. 47 I 7.600 Release from Financial Security for Maintenance ..............48 7.700 Exemptions for Small Subdivisions ........................ 48 I ARTICLE 8 . DEFINITIONS 8.100 General .......................................... 49 I 8.200 Specific Terms ..................................... 49 8.201 Access .................................... 49 8.202 Agricultural Purposes .......................... 49 I 8.203 Alley .................................... ; 49 8.204 Applicant .................................. 50 8.205 Block ..................................... 50 1 8.206 Bona-Fide Bid ............................... 50 8.207 Borough ................................... 50 I 8.208 Borough Engineer ............................. 50 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (C:ont.) I PAGE NO ARTICLE 8 . DEFINITIONS (Cont.) 1 8.209 Building Set-Back Line .......................... 50 8.210 Cartway ................................... 50 i 8.21 1 Commission ................................ 50 8.21 2 County Planning Commission ..................... 50 8.21 3 Comprehensive Plan ........................... 50 1 8.214 Council or Borough Council ...................... 50 8.215 County .................................... 50 8.216 Cul-de-sac .................................. 50 1 8.217 Dedication ................................... 50 8.218 Developer .................................. 51 8.219 Easement .................................. 51 1 8.220 Engineer ................................... 51 8.221 Financial Security ............................. 51 8.222 Frontages .................................. 51 1 8.223 Gravity Railroad ............................. 51 8.224 Land Development ............................. 51 8.225 Lot. ...................................... 52 1 8.226 Mobile Home ................................ 52 8.227 Mobile Home Lot ............................. 52 8.228 Mobile Home Park ............................ 52 1 8.229 Municipality ................................. 53 8.230 Official Map ................................ 53 8.231 Plan ...................................... 53 1 8.232 Planner .................................... 53 8.233 Public Notice ................................ 53 1 8.234 Reverse Frontage Lot .......................... 53 8.235 Right-of-way ................................ 53 8.236 Setback or Building Line ........................ 54 I 8.237 Sight Distance ............................... 54 8.238 Street ..................................... 54 8.239 Subdivider .................................. 55 I 8.240 Subdivision ................................. 55 8.241 Subdivision Officer ............................ 55 8.242 Surveyor ................................... 55 I 8.243 Travel Trailer ................................ 56 8.244 Undeveloped Land ............................ 56 1 I I I I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) I PAGE NO I ARTICLE 9 . ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 9.100 Administrative Action ................................
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