06 June 2021 Queenship of Mary Church The Most Holy Body Northampton, PA and Blood of Christ PARISH WEEKLY Rev. Patrick H. Lamb, Pastor ext. 103 Msgr. John S. Campbell, Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Michael J. Chaback, In Residence Deacon Michael W. Doncsecz ext 101 Mrs. Maureen Tancin, Secretary ext 100 Mrs. Stephanie Kalavoda, PREP ext. 104 Cemetery office ext. 107 THE CELEBRATION OF MASS Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 10:30 AM Mon.Tues. M Wed. 8:00AM Thurs. NO MASS Friday: 9:15AM (SCHOOL MASS) HOLY DAY MASSES 6:30AM, 9:00AM, 7:00PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM Sunday: 10:00 to 10:25 AM I will take the cup of Other times by appointment salvation, and call on the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM name of the Lord. Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month. A prebaptismal workshop is required for par- ents, who are expected to be active members for at least three months. Please call Deacon Mike to make RECTORY all arrangements. (6102622227) 1324 Newport Avenue Northampton, PA 18067 HOLY MATRIMONY Phone: 610 2622227 A minimum preparation time of six months is required Fax: 610 2624192 for the couple by the Diocese for the proper celebra- Email: [email protected] tion of the Sacrament. Please call Father Lamb to Website: queenshipofmary.weconnect.com make all arrangements. (6102622227) RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 3:00PM WE WELCOME Friday: 9:00AM to 2:00PM NEW PARISHIONERS Please introduce yourselves to Father Lamb CONVENT PHONE or Deacon Mike after Mass. (610) 4400134 CONVENT ADDRESS PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN 1314 NEWPORT AVE. OfLice of Safe Environment NORTHAMPTON PA 18067 Pamela J. Russo, M.S.W, M.S. Secretary, Youth Protection and RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Good Shepherd Catholic School (6102629171) Catholic Human Services Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) P.O. Box F, Allentown, PA 18105V1538 Contact the Rectory. (6102622227) 610V871V5200 ext. 2204 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST SANCTUARY MASS INTENTIONS LAMP will be lit this week MONDAY JUNE 07 8:00 AM Susan Henn Santucci Family TUESDAY JUNE 08 IN HONOR OF 8:00 AM Bobby Miller brother Dale & family WEDNESDAY JUNE 09 8:00 AM Joseph Kalavoda Jim & Stephanie ANN PALUDA Kalavoda One word easily describes the THURSDAY JUNE 10 parishioners’ response to the NO MASS Northampton Food Bank Drive FRIDAY JUNE 11 phenomenal! The cenacle’s first drive, *9:00AM Robert Transue Family as a corporal work of mercy, proved to be a winwin for the donation recipients (mass starting at 9:00 last school mass) as well as those who so willingly donated SATURDAY JUNE 12 much needed food items. One cenacle 4:00PM Frank & Irene Kedl son Frank & family member is from a sister parish and could SUNDAY JUNE 13 not believe our parishioners response. It 8:00AM Rose & Bob Daughter Barbara & family really was a success as a pickup truck 10:30AM Yolanda Garcia Itala Kearns and cars were loaded with boxes and taken The Boy Scouts along with the Catholic War Vets have placed the flags in our to the food bank for cemetery for our veterans. If you distribution within know of any we missed you may call the community. On Bruce at 4843309342 behalf of the food bank and the Cenacle of the Divine Mercy, SUNDAY COLLECTION a sincerest, and May 30 - will be in next week humblest “thank you.” May God bless your generosity! We at Queenship of Mary have moved to a new Youtube channel. The link is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUlueNhapVOqSZ2EwNC6HVA When you go on the new channel please “subscribe” to it. Thank you. 2 06 JUNE 2021 St. Willibald Bishop and missionary. A native of SUNDAY READINGS Wessex, England, he was the brother of June 06, 2021 Sts. Winebald and Walburga and was Exodus 24:3–8 related through his mother to the great St. Boniface. After studying in a [Moses] took the blood and splashed it on the monastery in Waitham, in Hampshire, he people, saying, “This is the blood of the cove- went on a pilgrimage toRome(c. 722) nant which the LORD has made with you.” with his father, who died on the way at Hebrews 9:11–15 Lucca, Italy. Willibald continued on He entered once for all into the sanctuary, not toRomeand then to Jerusalem. Captured with the blood of goats and calves but with his by Saracens who thought him a spy, he own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. was eventually released and continued on to all of the holy places and then Mark 14:12–16, 22–26 toConstantinople(modern Istanbul, [Jesus said,] “This is my blood of the covenant, Turkey), where he visited numerous which will be shed for many.” lauras, monasteries, and hermitages. Upon his return to Italy, he went to Mon- WEEKDAY READINGS te Cassino where he stayed for ten years, serving as sacrist, dean, and porter. June 07-12 While on a visit to Rome, he met Pope St. Monday, Weekday: 2 Cor 1:1–7 / Mt 5:1–12 Gregory III (r. 731741), who sent him Tuesday, Weekday: 2 Cor 1:18–22 / Mt 5:13–16 toGermanyto assist his cousinSt. Wednesday, Weekday: 2 Cor 3:4–11 / Mt 5:17–19 Bonifacein his important missionary en- Thursday, Weekday: 2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3–6 / Mt 5:20 deavors. Boniface ordained him in 741 –26 and soon appointed himbishopof Eichs- tatt, in Franconia. the Site of Willibald's Friday, The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Hos 11:1, 3– most successful efforts as a missionary. 4, 8c–9 / Eph 3:8–12, 14–19 / Jn 19:31–37 With his brother Winebald, he founded a Saturday, The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed double monastery at Heidenheim, naming Virgin Mary: 2 Cor 5:14–21 / Lk 2:41–51 Winebaldabbotand his sister Walburga abbess. Willibald served asbishopfor some four decades. His Vita is included in Willibald's father wasSaint Richard the the Hodoeporicon (the earliest known Pilgrim, and his motherSaint Wuna of English travel book). An account of his Wessex. His brother wasSaint journeys in the Holy Land was written by Winibaldand his sister wasSaint a relative of Willibald and a nun of Walburga. Willibald was welltravelled Heidenheim. and the first knownEnglishmanto visit Saint Willibald(Latin:Willibaldus; c. 700 M theHoly c.787) was an 8thcenturybishop of Land.His EichstättinBavaria. shrine is at Information about his life is largely drawn theEichstätt from the Hodoeporicon (itinerary) of Saint Cathedralin Willibald, a text written in the 8th century Germany, byHuneberc, anAnglo Saxon nun from where his body Heidenheim am Hahnenkammwho knew andrelicsfrom Willibald and his brother personally. The his text of the Hodoeporicon was dictated to journeys are Huneberc by Willibald shortly before he preserved. died. 3 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST CALLING ALL 2021 GRADUATES If you are a high school or college student graduating this year, please join The Queenship of Mary parish family senior recognition day You have worked hard and we are so proud of all our seniors. Date: June 20, 2021 Time: 10:30 mass Rsvp by June 13, 2021 Please fill out form, drop it into collection or at rectory Hope to see you there!!! Name:___________________________________ Senior at:____________________________________ Future college or aspirations :______________________________ Parish activities (altar server, choir, picnic, youth group etc. ) _________________________________ Hope to see you there!!! 4 06 JUNE 2021 Jesus’ Amazing Gift By Fr. Mark Haydu, LC The beautiful painting, Lament Over the Dead Christ by Giovanni Bellini, shows the great care and reverence with which Joseph, Nicodemus, and Mary Magdalene place the body of Christ in the tomb. Yet it is also a symbol of the delicacy and devotion with which we should receive Jesus, who comes down to us on the altar at Mass. His Body and Blood were shed to create a New Covenant, a new pact of love between God and people. In the Old Testament, God ordered that the blood of sacrificed animals be sprinkled on the people as a way to seal a pact with him, thus gaining forgiveness of their sins. As if to say, may I be as this calf or goat if I ever fail to obey and live up to your commands. In the New Covenant, God sent his own Son to be the sacrificial victim to seal our covenant of love with the Father. Before the blood was sprinkled, we consume his Body and Blood in the Eucharist as Jesus commanded: Do this in memory of me. Take this, all of you, and eat. Take this, all of you, and drink. If goat blood could express a covenant in the Old Testament, how much more powerful to unite us with God is the blood of his only begotten Son! How much more powerful to forgive us and communicate God’s overpowering love! Jesus lays down his life sacramentally again in this Mass. Let us receive his Body and Blood with purity and devotion, aware of the amazing gift and the miracle that happens in our presence. + Christ’s Body and Blood were shed to create a New Covenant, a new pact of love between God and people. How well do I prepare my heart and mind to receive Jesus in the Eucharist? Do I take time to visit him in the tabernacle or at adoration to show him my love and gratitude? The Pope's Monthly A Word from Intention for June. Pope Francis The Eucharist satisfies The Beauty of Marriage our hunger for material things and kindles our desire to serve.
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