Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-2-1973 The BG News November 2, 1973 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 2, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2898. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2898 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Nixon nominates Saxbe for Atty. Gen. WASHINGTON (API - Prejident He said he was anxious that the new dealing with Watergate rather than the "THERE CAN be no independent regard to the special prosecutor during 1971-72 and was a friend and ad- Nixon nominated Ohio Republican Sen special Watergate prosecutor would go tapes themselves Nixon fired Cox and prosecutor without congressional without first consulting the majority visor to former president Lyndon William B Saxbe as attorney general to work "without any limitations established the prosecutor's office action. ' Stevenson said and minority leaders and chairmen and Johnson yesterday and promised full inde- While he knew his job was going to be inside the Justice Department House Speaker Carl Albert said the ranking members of the judiciary A native of Waco. Tex . he received pendence for new special Watergate difficult, he said. "I have no reluctance At a news conference. Jaworski legislation should proceed but did not committees of the Senate and the law degrees from Baylor University Prosecutor. Texas trial lawyer Leon and no doubts that I can handle it '' said: "There are no restraints. I am know what effect Jaworski's selection House and ascertaining that their con- and George Washington University He Jaworski. not prohibited from taking any action I would have. sensus is in accord with his proposed is married and has three children. The President appeared in the White BORK. announcing the new Water- might feel should be taken." Senate Republican Leader Hugh action House briefing room to announce the gate prosecutor, said the 68-year-old He said he hopes Congress will be Scott of Pennsylvania and Sen John G JAWORSKI IS a senior partner in the SAXBE. WHOM Nixon savs he has nomination of Saxbe to fill the vacancy Jaworski. a Democrat, would have all satisfied with the arrangement and Tower iR-Tex ) praised both appoint Houston law firm of Kulbnght. known for 25 years, was a speaker of caused by the resignation Oct 20 of the freedom and independence ori- that he does not see how an appoint- nients Crooker and Jaworski, where he has the House of Representatives of his Elliot L Richardson ginally promised Cox and a renewed ment could be made by any branch Tower said Jaworski's selection been since 1951. home state of Ohio and served as the He left to Acting Atty Gen Robert promise of "the full cooperation of the other than the executive. would forestall legislation "of dubious An experienced trial lawyer and stale's attorney general for two terms H Bork the announcement of Jaworski executive branch in the pursuit of his Nixon s pledge did not satisfy Sens constitutionality" on a court-appointed prosecutor, he was chief of the Nazi He has a law degree from Ohio State as "perhaps the best we could get for investigations. Adlai Stevenson .Dill and Birch prosecutor war crimes trial section of the U.S. University this very important position' of special Bork was asked if it was clearly Bayh iD-lnd >. sponsors of separate Bork said The President has given Army in the European theater after Nixon said he thought Saxbe would prosecutor understood that Jaworski would be free bills providing for a court-appointed his personal assurance that he will not World War 11 He served as president get overwhelming Senate consent to to go to court to press for additional special prosecutor exercise his constitutional powers with of the American Bar Association head the largest law firm in America " ANNOUNCING Saxbe s nomination, tapes or presidential papers if he the President said he is not only emi- deems it necessary nently qualified, he is an individual That is absolutely clear."' Bork who wants to take this position and who replied An will do everything he possibly can to Independent serve the nation NIXON GAVE his personal as- Student Saxbe. 5? who already had an- surance that he would not fire the new Voice nounced that he would not seek another special prosecutor as he did Archibold THG term in the Senate, said he understood Cox without getting approval from he was taking on the job in difficult congressional leaders of both parties times when the country is in a crisis Cox refused to accept a summary of Bowling Green, Ohio of leadership taped White House conversations Friday, November J, 1973 BG news Volume 57 Number 31 AAeir urges new cease-fire line WASHINGTON (API - Prime for a lasting Middle East settlement was a principal Israel foe in last on Egyptian tanks and infantry that Minister Golds Meir of Israel Until now. the Arabs have never been month's war The meeting presumably moved out of the circle of Sinai Desert yesterday suggested after meeting willing to have such face-to-face talks would be held here before Kissinger in which Israel has cut off the with President Nixon that Egypt and leaves Monday for Cairo and other Egyptians, the Israeli military Israel negotiate a new cease-fire line MEIR IS visiting the United States Arab capitals command said. in a way that would involve "moving seeking assurances that her country's forces on both sides of the Suez Canal " interests will be safeguarded as the HOWEVER, in New York, the Syrian But the incident apparently did not The proposal, made at a news United States and the Soviet Union minister told a reporter "I know of no upset the general calm prevailing on conference, could provide a way of oversee exploratory talks designed to meeting with Kissinger" Syrian the Suez Canal front A UN supply freeing an estimated 20.000 Egyptian enforce UN. cease-fire agreements officials reiterated earlier in the week convoy continued to ferry food and soldiers trapped by Israeli forces on and pave the way for negotiations on a that they would not negotiate with medicine across the canal to the third the canal's east bank. lasting peace agreement Israel and that the only solution to army, an Egyptian and Israeli army As Meir put it. the lines should be Egypt. Syria and other Arab foes of Middle East problems is a complete officers met again to discuss the pri- "straightened out" and "large the Jewish state have consistently- withdrawal from all occupied soner of war question, a military numbers of people moved" without opposed direct negotiations with it territories. spokesperson said jeopardizing the cease-fire or harming U.S. officials in reporting such talks In another development. Robert J the political positions of either Egypt were in the offing would not say where McCloskey. a State Department or Israel. they would be held or even whether the spokesperson, said the United States Meir spent an hour and 20 minutes at Arabs had specifically agreed had discussed in meetings with Meir Weather the White House with the President, Meanwhile, as the diplomatic pace and Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail who described their discussion as accelerated, thse officials indicated Kahmy the possibility of opening a Mostly cloady today with chance "very constructive" as he saw her to that Kissinger may meet with corridor to the Egyptian 3rd Army of rain. High today la the lower her waiting black limousine Secretary Mohamed Zakana Ismail, the deputy encircled by Israeli troops on the east Ml. Partly cloudy and cooler of State Henry A. Kissinger said the foreign minister of Syria bank of the Suez Canal. tonight sad tomorrow. Low talks went very well." Washington has no diplomatic McUoskev said neither Egypt nor tonight IS lo 40 High tomorrow la relations with Damascus, but any Israel has agreed. The proposed the middle to apper 41s. LATER. AT the 45-minute news substantive agreement between Israel corridor would allow supplies to reach Probability el preclpltatloa M per conference. Meir stoutly denied and her neighbors would have to the trapped Egyptians ceat today sad 2* per ceal toalgkt. several times that the President was include Syria, which along with Egypt, Israeli forces opened fire yesterday applying pressure on her country to give up positions when the first Oct 22 UN. cease-fire agreement failed to halt the fighting between Israel and m Egypt New.ehele k, J~.ph Oiklt She added that Washington attached no conditions to the massive arms Ik. Peter M. Hutchinson spoils yesterday an the shipments that helped Israel through transportation problem in the ghetto and methods of the Yom Kippur war. increasing employment opportunities for the poor. Dr. Meanwhile, U.S. officials said they Hutchinson, assistant professor of economics, is a specialist in have a "firm understanding" that urban and regional affairs. Israel and the Arab states eventually will negotiate directly with each other University still burning coal; effects of energy crisis felt By Marcla Sheerr we had been using before, even though to help alleviate the energy crisis, he Stall Reporter it does cost about $3 more a ton." said Scheuerman said. "The major effect the energy crisis The University was able to purchase "Some suggestions are things like is having on the University is that it about 200.000 gallons of oil in order to lowering the temperature on the keeps us a pollution-producing test the new heating equipment.
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