22008-09008-09 LibertyLiberty Game No. 17 - Jan. 19, 2009 WWomen’somen’s BBasketballasketball QQuickuick FFactsacts Liberty LADY FLAMES GGeneraleneral IInformationnformation (9-7, 3-0 Big South) NNameame ooff SSchoolchool ...................... LLibertyiberty UUniversityniversity CCity/Zipity/Zip .................................. LLynchburg,ynchburg, VVa.a. 2450224502 FFoundedounded ....................................................................................11971971 EEnrollmentnrollment ........................................................................ 111,3111,311 at NNicknameickname........................................................ LLadyady FFlameslames SSchoolchool ColorsColors ........................ RRed,ed, WWhitehite & BBluelue HHomeome AArenarena................................................ VVinesines CCenterenter UNC Asheville BULLDOGS CCapacityapacity....................................................................................88,085,085 AAfffi lliationiation ................................................ NNCAACAA DDivisionivision I (7-11, 4-1 Big South) CConferenceonference ............................................................ BBigig SSouthouth FFounderounder .................................................. DDr.r. JJerryerry FFalwellalwell CChancellorhancellor ..........................................JJerryerry FFalwell,alwell, JJr.r. VViceice CChancellorhancellor ..................DDr.r. RRonaldonald GodwinGodwin Asheville, N.C. - Justice Center - 7 p.m. DDirectorirector ooff AAthleticsthletics................................ JJeffeff BBarberarber AAthleticsthletics DDept.ept. PPhonehone .......... ((434)434) 5582-210082-2100 The Game WWomen’somen’s BBasketballasketball IInformationnformation The Liberty Lady Flames (9-7, 3-0 Big South) will conclude a quick, two-game road HHeadead CCoachoach................................................ CCareyarey GreenGreen swing with a tilt at UNC Asheville (7-11, 4-1 Big South), Monday at 7 p.m. The game at the AAlmalma MMaterater ........................ CCoastaloastal CCarolina,arolina, ‘79‘79 RRecordecord aatt SSchoolchool .............. 2222-7522-75 ((10th10th Year)Year) Justice Center. will match up the Big South’s second and third-place teams. CCareerareer RRecordecord .............................................................. SSameame AAssistantssistant CCoachesoaches What to Watch ......................AAlexislexis SherardSherard ((St.St. MMichael’s,ichael’s, ‘93)‘93) ......................HHeathereather SStephenstephens (Wyoming,(Wyoming, ‘03)‘03) Liberty and UNC Asheville are two of the Big South’s hottest teams, as the Lady .................................. AAndyndy BBloodworthloodworth (Calvin,(Calvin, ‘98)‘98) Flames have won eight of their last nine games and the Bulldogs are 4-1 in their last fi ve CCertiertifi eedd AthleticAthletic TTrainerrainer .............................................................................. MMadelineadeline BosekBosek outings. The Lady Flames will attempt to continue a run of success at the Justice Center. Not HHistoryistory FFirstirst SSeasoneason ooff BBasketballasketball ....................11975-76975-76 only have the Lady Flames won their last 11 road games at UNC Asheville, but they also AAll-Timell-Time RRecordecord ....................................................4493-40393-403 captured the 2008 Big South title at the facility. NNCAACAA TTournamentournament AppearancesAppearances .................. 1111 Liberty senior Moriah Frazee stands just eight points shy of the 1,000-point plateau. LLastast NNCAACAA AAppearanceppearance ......................................22008008 OOpponentpponent ...................................................... OOldld DDominionominion RResultesult ........................................LL/62-82/62-82 ((FirstFirst RRound)ound) Lady Flames On The Air FFinal/Highestinal/Highest RankingRanking .............................................. NN/A/A FFinalinal 22007-08007-08 RecordRecord ..............................................228-48-4 All Lady Flames basketball games may be heard LIVE on WWMC 90.9 FM “The CConferenceonference Record/FinishRecord/Finish ................111-1/First1-1/First Light.” Jamie Hall, celebrating his 15th year of broadcasting Lady Flames basketball, will SStarterstarters RReturning/Losteturning/Lost..............................................33/2/2 LLetterwinnersetterwinners Returning/LostReturning/Lost............................88/4/4 once again be handling the courtside play-by-play duties for most road games. Josh Wood NNewcomersewcomers........................................................................................6 will serve as the primary commentator for home contests and will provide color analysis on the road. AAthleticsthletics CCommunicationsommunications IInfo.nfo. AAsst.sst. AADD - CCommunicationsommunications ....................................................................................TToddodd WWetmoreetmore Lady Flames On TV SSIDID OOfffi ccee PPhonehone ........................ ((434)434) 5582-229282-2292 CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-897441-8974 Tonight’s game will be televised LIVE on SportSouth. Matt Hogue will handle the play- EEmailmail AAddressddress.............. [email protected]@liberty.edu by-play and Robin Muller will provide color analysis. The Lady Flames are scheduled to AAssoc.ssoc. DDirectorirector ..........................RRyanyan BBombergeromberger CCellell PPhonehone .......................................... ((434)434) 2221-557621-5576 play 13 regular-season games on LIVE television this season, as all 12 of Liberty’s home EEmailmail AAddressddress...... [email protected]@liberty.edu contests are televised by the Flames Television Network. AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ......................................VVincentincent BBriedisriedis CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-083941-0839 Liberty’s Probable Starters EEmailmail AAddressddress.............. [email protected]@liberty.edu AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ........................................ PPaulaul CCarmanyarmany No. Name Pos. Ht. Yr. PPG RPG Other Stats CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 2221-557521-5575 21 Amber Mays G 5-6 Jr. 8.4 2.6 3.4 apg EEmailmail AAddressddress.......... [email protected]@liberty.edu WWBBBB CContactontact ........................................ PPaulaul CCarmanyarmany 22 Rachel Hammond G 5-9 Sr. 8.3 3.9 1.9 spg AAth.th. CComm.omm. FFaxax............................ ((434)434) 5582-207682-2076 40 Megan Frazee F 6-3 Sr. 19.8 9.1 46.7 FG% WWebsiteebsite .......................................... LLibertyFlames.comibertyFlames.com 42 Moriah Frazee F 6-3 Sr. 10.5 4.9 43.0 FG% 23 Avery Warley F 6-3 R-Fr. 8.0 8.4 1.5 bpg MMediaedia IInformationnformation RRadioadio SStationtation .......... WWWMCWMC ““TheThe LLight”ight” ((90.990.9 FFM)M) Reserves PPlay-By-Playlay-By-Play ...................................................... JJamieamie HHallall 4 Jessica Nelson G 5-9 Sr. 1.7 1.3 1.0 apg CColorolor ............................................................................JJoshosh WWoodood 12 Danika Dale G 6-1 Fr. 2.4 1.7 0.8 apg TTelevisionelevision 15 Kylee Beecher F 6-4 Fr. 4.0 5.1 82.4 FT% SStationtation ......................................................................SSportSouthportSouth 25 Rebecca Lightfoot G/F 6-2 Sr. 2.3 1.7 1.0 spg PPlay-By-Playlay-By-Play .................................................. MMattatt HHogueogue CColorolor ........................................................................RRobinobin MMulleruller 30 Brittany Campbell G 5-11 Fr. 7.0 2.2 6 3-pointers SSidelinesidelines ........................................................................................ NN/A/A 32 Rachel McLeod G 5-10 So. 3.5 2.7 2.0 apg 35 Alexandria Bream G 5-9 Sr. --- --- --- 41 Molly Frazee F 6-2 Sr. --- --- --- 43 Kittery Maine F 6-4 So. 1.8 2.6 0.6 bpg 2008-09 Liberty Head Coach Carey Green Women’s Basketball Schedule/Results Record at Liberty: 222-75 (10th Year) Career Record: Same Overall: 9-7 Big South: 3-0 Eight Big South Championships: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Eight NCAA Appearances: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (Sweet 16), 2006, 2008 Preseason WNIT Four-time Big South Coach of the Year: 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008 11/14 VCU ^ L, 57-59 11/21 vs. UC Riverside W, 45-44 Three-time VaSID State Coach of the Year: 2003, 2005, 2006 11/22 at Western Carolina L, 53-73 Liberty head women’s basketball coach Carey Green, in his 10th season with the GW Thanksgiving Classic 11/28 vs. Hartford L, 39-46 Lady Flames, has instilled quite a winning tradition during his tenure at the institution. His 11/29 vs. South Alabama L, 61-65 teams have averaged more than 23 victories per year during his time at Liberty, putting his 12/2 at James Madison L, 64-77 name alongside the nation’s premier women’s basketball coaches. 12/7 No. 13/14 AUBURN ^ L, 53-64 Green has accumulated a 222-75 record on the Liberty bench, good for a winning 12/13 SAINT PAUL’S ^ W, 92-68 12/20 at Winston-Salem St. W, 55-43 percentage of .747. He entered the season ranked 10th among active NCAA Division I 12/22 at No. 19/20 Vanderbilt L, 50-67 women’s basketball coaches in winning percentage, ahead of renowned coaching names like Rutgers’ Vivian Stringer, LSU’s Van Chancellor and North Carolina’s
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