ZO — MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 1989 HELP I HOMES I HOMES I CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE Ig^^NySCELLANEOUS FOR RENT SERVICES Back-to-school bus routes, calendars ... pages 20 to 22 BOLTON - Beautiful Gar­ EAST HARTFORD - Spa­ MALLARD VIEW lo- COVENTRY - 3'/2 room, rison Colonial located cious 2 bedroom, 1 both cated on a private pro­ sunny, spacious, VII- GSL Building Mainte­ on cul-de-sac. Three mobile home In Colon­ tective cul-de-sac, this nance Co. Commercl- RN/LPN Iqge Colonial al/ResIdentlal building Now taking ippllcatlona lor years old, 3 carpeted ial Park - very attrac­ new subdivision of $560/month. 456-0064 or part time, Immediate poal- bedrooms plus play tive Interior with open quality 3 bedroom 742-6715. repairs and home Im­ tlona available. 7AM-3PM, room, 3 baths with floor plan cathedral townhouses and du­ provements. Interior celling - all window MANCHESTER - 5 V2 and exterior painting, Monday thru Friday (N o lacuzzi, tile In kitchen plexes await your In­ room apartment. Fire­ W e ekan dt). and bath, hardwood treatments, lighting spection. Kitchens light carpentry. Com­ place, parking In yard. plete lonltorlal ser­ Please call; floors, alarm system, fixtures & kitchen ap­ have oak cabinets, Updated kitchen and fenced yard, applian­ pliances stay. Call Val­ range, oven dis­ vice. Experienced, rel­ Director of Staff erie Huestls, RE/MAX bath, oversize closets. iable, tree estimates. CLEANING SERVICES Dovolopmont ces, central vac, 2,600 hwasher, refrigerator $625 monthly, plus se­ LAWN CARE plus sa.ft. Exterior East of the River, 647- and bullt-ln microwave 643-0304. 9AM-3PM Monday-Friday 1419 or 645-8293.0 ovens. FIreplaced liv­ curity and lease. Call Crestfiold clapboard and brick. 649-4981. ing rooms, 1'/2 baths JACKIE’S HELPING Convalosceiit Home, Full deck and lands­ SPARKLING Beauty - WE DELIVER YARD MASTERS caped yard, walk out Mr. & Mrs. Spic and with full vanities, se­ MANCHESTER - Modern For Home Delivery, Call Manchester, CT parate full basements, 4 room apartment In a 4 Trees cut. Yards cleaned. HANDS 643-51S1. finished basement, 2 Span hate to leave this I would like to help you car garage with open­ beauty. Immaculate 2 zoned baseboard family house. Applian­ 6 4 7 -9 9 4 6 Lawns, Truck & Backhoe ces and parking In­ Monday to Friday. 9 to 6 with your cleaning needa. ers. $272,000. Call Gerry and charming Interior. heating systems, An­ work available. Reasonable rates. General dental office as­ dersen permashleld cluded. $500 plus utili­ iManrlipatpr Ipralft ot 644-8332.__________ Park like grounds. sistant, flexible time. ties. 647-1113 after 6pm. Training using your COVENTRY - Top notch Walk ta Martin School. thermopane windows, 643-9996 Call 647-1990 skills. 649-9287.______ construction Is the Im­ Asking price $186,500. luxurious wall to wall MANCHESTER - One and pression you will get Call Barbara Wein­ carpeting and attached two bedroom apart­ FURNITURE DON’S LAWN RN/LPN Immediate from this 2 year old berg, RE/MAX East of garage! Come see the ment. Has appliances Medical Care Center of the River, 647-1419 or h. mode for tomorrow. and 1 bath. Call 646- SERVICE Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1989 redwood clapboard ONE swivel rocker and 1 Lawn mowing HONEST Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstanid Price: 35 Cents Manchester has a full­ sided Cape, 3brs, 2'/2 6 4 3 -0 8 4 4 .D ______ You own your own lot 1218. Ask tor Phil or velour wing chair. Ex­ hardworking couple time opening for a and house. No associa­ Suzanne.__________ Hedge and Bush Trimming baths, 2 car garage COZY Dollhouse. cellent condition. Both Dependable work will dean your home mwz. KtiTmitif' 'OvsNiiaWb' nsBiM nwnm n nurse with recent acute with loft, located on a tion fees. True value. Thirty Locust Street. 4 $125. 568-8259.________ or ambulatory care ex­ $128,500. Large, beauti­ $141,9(X). Blanchard & for you. Call 643-8215 l '/2 acre on a quiet ful country kitchen, room heated apart­ BEER Barrel Table, 4 646-7011 perience. Interested country road. $224,900. otrlum door to 12x24 Rossetto Realtors," ment 1st floor. Secur­ ask for Michelle or applicants call Kim at We're Selling Houses" beer barrel chairs, Azadph. Manchester 721 -7393. M o n d a y Philips Real Estate, deck. Completely done 646- 2482.0 ity. No pets. $650 $150. Queen size sleeper 742-1450.0___________ Inside and out. Bowers monthly. 646-2426.9am- sofa, $150. Bond dinette CARPENTRY/ through Frdlday. 9am- PEACHY Keen! This su­ 4pm. We also have ANDOVER - 4.86 acres of School area. Great 5pm weekdays. set-white formica ta­ REMODELING S&L bailout per 4 rm Townhouse Is woman gets part-time hours availa­ privacy surround this buy. Call Anne C. Dore­ MANCHESTER - Three ble, 2 chairs, $50. Mag- mus, RE/MAX East of lust ready and waiting navox Stereo, In Wal­ ELECTRICAL ble In our Manchester newer Contemporary for a new owner. Two bedroom apartment and East Hartford home, cedar siding, 2 the River, 647-1419.Q with appliances. $750 nut cabinet, $50. Call FARRAND REMODELING top post In bdrms, I'/j baths, de­ Room addltlone, decks, roof­ offices._____________ full baths, lacuzzi tub In LIVING Well Is.. What per mnth. Security re­ 643-7840. master bath, large luxe cherry kitchen, quired. 649-0931. ing, tiding, wlndovrt and gutt­ SALES - Hartford Des­ you will be doing In this ers. All types of remodeling and DUMAS ELECTRIC country kitchen to private basement, am- SPORTING Service changes, patch - Allied Van 7 room Colonial with ple parking, low M AN CH ESTER - Two I repairs Call Bob Farrand, Jr. Washington Lines. Combine our oversized deck, cus­ large eat-ln kitchen, monthly fee! Beauti­ bedroom. In duplex, GOODS additional wiring and could need Bus. 647-8509 strong reputation with tom window treat­ den with enclosed fully maintained. Im­ west end of town. $600 repairs on existing ments, corner fire­ porch, finished rec per month. Call Dan GOLF Clubs. Used starter Rei. 645-6849 By Nancy Concelman your ability to sell. mediate occupancy! homes. Quality work at t Manchester Herald Substantial earnings place, cathedral room, fireplace, etc., $114,500. Jacksan & 643-2226 or 646-9892. and full sets. $25 to $95. affordable prices. ceilings, located near etc. $199,900. Anne Also miscellaneous possible for you. In- Jacksan Real Estate, MANCHESTER - Three ISLAND Entirely owner operated. the-home counseling of Bolton town line. Miller Real Estate, 647- 647- 8400.□_______ room apartment. Heat clubs. 649-1794. A former Manchester resi­ $239,900. Philips Real 8000.g______________ CONSTRUCTION 27 years exp. Call clients to win their IT'S Your move! $159,900. and hot water. $475 dent is serving as a presiden­ Investment In our mov­ Estate, 742-1450.0 A cut above! $204,900. monthly. Lease and PETS AND All types of home Joseph Dumas more funds See this large contem­ I Improvements from tial adviser on telecommunica- ing and storage servi­ ANDOVER - 4.86 acres of Three bedroom con­ porary two-unit Town- references. 649-4820- 646-5253. privacy surround this temporary Raised SUPPLIES concrete floors, steps, fions. mass media and ces. Pre-set appolnt- house with 2 master 646- 4412.________ patios, etc. to complete information policy for the Bush ments and newer Contemporary Ranch, family room bedroom suites, cen­ VERNON. For limited FREE German Short remodeling. Also decks By Dave Skidmore with the cleanup, said Tuesday telemarketer support home, cedar siding, 2 with fireplace. En­ MMNVILLE ELECTRIC Administration. tral air and 2'/2 baths In time only enloy a free Hair Pointer puppies, and window and door ProfssslonsI t)seli1e«l eodi done. The Associated Press your sales. Draw full baths, lacuzzi tub In closed screened porch Janice Obuchowski. 38, the $50 billion won’t cover much a lovely country set­ color television with looking for a home. replacement. Tiling Updats that old tuao panel to more than 500 failed S&Ls. The against commission, master bath, large off dining room, pri­ ting. Anne Miller Real signed lease. Modern 647-8000 days or 643- interlor/exterior. drouH braakara. daughter of Chester and car allowance. Insu­ country kitchen to vate yard with In- Lendscape and Interior W ill do all typaa of alaottloal WASHINGTON - The $50 agency now has 264 insolvent Estate, 647-8000.O spacious 1 bedroom 9505 evenings. w o rk. Wanda Obuchowski of 2.'5 Park rance benefits. Send oversized deck, cus­ graunci pool. Anne apartment. Eat-In kit­ design services St,, has been appointed assist­ billion savings and loan bailout S&Ls in its control after closing resume tor appoint­ tom window treat­ Miller Real Estate,647- HONEY! Honey! $94,500. available. Call lor fraa astimats signed by President Bush this Immaculate 2 bed­ chen, large bedroom, 847-7282. ant secretary for communica­ seven this month. ment to Sales Man­ ments, corner fire­ 8000.D private balcony, stor­ MISCELLANEOUS month probably isn’t large ager, Hartford Des­ place, cathedral room, 2 bath first floor Call Barry at tions and information, and “If it gets up to .500, it will NOTHING Could be condo In private and age, large poal, heat FOR SALE enough, federal regulators are probably be awfully tight. I can patch Moving and ceilings, located near finer! $249,900. Gra­ and hot water Included. 646-2411 administrator of the National Starage, P.O. Box 8271, Bolton town line. quiet complex. All qp- indicating after a look at new tell you that," Cooke told repor­ cious center hall Co­ pllonces qnd air condi­ Starting at $495. Call Telecommunications and In­ East Hartford, CT $239,900.
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