NIGHT . y ■: ■ th e w eath er NET PRESS RUN State Library Conn. refMpM AVERAGE DAlIiY CIRCUIiATION Jlcw Hlava* OP THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1927 R ain t(«i| d tt; W e d n e ^ y parOy^ 5 ,0 4 0 dondy. Classified AdTerttolng oa pageiS MANCHl^TER, CONN.rTUBSPAYv OCTOBER 18, 1927. (TEN PAGES) VOL. XLlI., NO. 15. ASK SELECTMEN liACK OVER THE NORSE TRAIL m CRAFT TO APPROVE OF SOND.WMOVIK IN OIL “ CHOP YOUR OWN WOOD; Willard B. Rogers Makes Re­ WARM YOURSELF TWICE” RUTHISONWAY Box Filled After a Day and a , Hartford, Conn., Oct. 18.— Half of ExamMtion of quest For Local Theaters; * '' ^ ........ ....... “ Chop your own wood and warm yourself twice.’’ TO PARIS TODAY So urges the State Forestry Veniremen— Ages of Jury Tabled; Judge Hyde Town Department under Austin F. Hawes and to aid Connecticut citizens in carrying on under Average 40 Years— ^Boft Counsel, the slogan Mr. Hawes is form­ To SaH to Lisbon and There ing a state wide woodchoppers club. To make sure that mem­ Defendants Present— FaD bership in the club will not be Take An Airplane Flight The Board of Selectmen in their limited to the small boy of the regular mcftithly meeting last night rural district, the State Forest­ To French Capital. Is Not Well. were aslied to give their approval •ft ry Department is planning a to Sunday afternoon motion picture series of wood chopping bees to be held in the state forests, with Washington, Oct. 18.— Two at­ shows in Manchester. The request the' first gathering set for next Horta, The Azores, Oct. 18.—^ tractive young women hnd ten^ men ii’ was placed before the board by Saturday afternoon in the Bidding farewell to this little port Willard B. Rogers, police commis­ of mature age will determine the people’s forest at ^arkhamsted. and to its inhabitants who fairly sioner, who represented local thea­ The person who cuts the most fate of former Secretary of Interior outdid themselvea to welcome her ter interests last night. The Select­ wood “ until the snow fliesj’ is Albert B. Fall and Harry P. Sin­ to get a prize. in royal fashion. Miss Ruth Elder, men took no definite action, merely clair, millionaire oil magnate, on NEA with Captain George Haldeman, tabling the request with the infer­ trial here for criminal conspiracy was on her way today to Paris. ence that it might better be acted • This rather queer looking contraption is the powerful Sikorsky amphibian plane in which Frances Grayson hopes to fly hack over the trail to defraud the government of naval upon if a group of 20 citizens peti­ NorsemL sailed a thousand years ago. The attempt to fly to Denmark marks the first usage by American flyers of a plane that can land on The Portuguese' mail - steamer, liima, carrying the two American oil reserves. tioned the board for a hearing on either earth or water in trans-oceanic flights. _____________ *_____________________ __________ ^_______ ____________ BUTLER DEMANDS the question. flyers, pulled out of the harbor After a day and a half of inten­ Local Option. here at daybreak,.bound for Lisbon. sive examination of veniremen, for­ Sunday afternoon motion pictures REAL SHOW DOWN From there Miss Elder will contin­ ty of whom were questioned, gov­ were left to the discretion of town Rfxth Elder Makes Hit ue to Paris. ernment and defense announced I ■■ governments by the last General INSANITY PLEA WINDS DELAY Miss Elder and Haldeman board­ Assembly. The Selectmen in a town ed the Lima last night and were satisfaction and Owen J. Roberts, are given the right to approve the, With Viennese Actress given a hearty farewell by the gov­ of Federal oousel, launched into his action but if they refuse the thea­ President of Columbia Wants ernor and all the inhabitants of opening address in which he out­ ter interests have a right to appeal H AY SAVE LIFE GRAYSON HOP Fayal. Before retiring. Miss Elder lined the nature of the govern-, to a town meeting vote. told the International News Serv­ meht’a case. Some of the Selectmen present at BY PEGGY WARD. ation for her unerring courage, her Presidential Candidates to ice: last night’s meeting were opposed W G E O . REMUS I. N. S. Staff Correspondent tsuave, agreeable and loving disposi­ TO DENMARK “ I love Fayal, but I am longing The Jury to the suggestion, but none of them Horta, Azores, Oct. 18.— From tion, and her kindly interest In our j to be in Europe.” was willing to vote definitely one one daring woman unafraid of the own accomplishments.” i ’ Discuss '"Real Issues/’ On the jury, in addition to Mrs. Original Destination Annella Bailey and Miss Bernice way or the other until some expres­ perils of trans-Atlantic flying to a Became Finn Frieds. m i II y When Ruth embarked, she set sion of opinion from the towns­ sister who has proven her lack of The Viennese actress, who has so W p iHi^n H V e r 0 0 0 H e r W e W Heaton, respectively piano store New York, Oct. 18.— Republican out for her original destination— employe and long distance instruc­ people could be secured. The board His Lawyer to Tour Country fear of the same circumstances— far completed 900 miles of her • Paris. Her sailing last night was Party circles were stirred again to­ tor, are an auto sales manager, a prefers that a hearing on the ques­ admiration! flight from Germany to New York, another stage of her journey to tion be requested and then it can This was the impression left with and Miss Elder became firm friends day by President Nicholas Murray department .store floor manager, a To Procure Evidence For At Odds Over Time of France which started out so well leather worker, a route supervisor, better determine what the feeling me today by Lilli Dillenz, Viennese as soon as Ruth arrived here and Butler of Columbia University, who when her plane, American Girl, in Manchester is toward the after­ actress, who is to he a passenger they have spent inany hours to­ a retired bricklayer, a cable splicer, noon picture shows on Sunday. It gether relating their air experi­ has come forward with a demand rose out over Long Island, and an ice company sales agent ,a tire Defense of of Boot­ aboard the Junker plane when it Star^-They Are Impa­ wWch almost ended .in tragedy is probable that such a petition will sets off across the Atlantic for New ences. Fraulein Dillenz is a tall, that presidential candidates put salesman, a tailor and clerk. come before the Selectmen soon. York. Fraulein DillenV was speak­ handsome woman, with dark eyes thMuselves on record on the “ real when the plgne fell Into the Atlan­ As against the Fall-Doheny “ boy Hyde Towm Counsel. leggers ” ing of Miss Ruth Elder when she and dignified mein. Asked for her tient, It Is Said. tic ocean. 'She and Haldeman. were jury,” the present jury presents an issues” tot^ 1928— such as prohibi­ saved by the Dutch tanker Baren- Judge William S. Hyde was ap­ said: tion, international co-operation for average age of forty.. The youngest pointed town counsel last night by “ I must acknowledge true admlr- (Contihaed on Page S) d/echt which brought them here. is Gardner Grenfell, an electric world peace and farm rqjief. When the daring girl flyer who the Board of Selectmen. The ap­ “ We are approaching a national cable splicer, who is 26. The oldest Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 18.— Rep ^ Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Oct. captured the hearts of the residents is Charles T. Holt, 63, retired pointment to this office was defer­ election and already there Is abun­ red at the first m,eeting of the Se­ resehtatives of George Remus, boot­ 18.— Adverse winds along the shore of this port reaches Lisbon, she bricklayer. The young ladies, one legger, facing trial for the slaying coupled (With a disagreement over dant evidence that individuals, will be met by an airplane which would 'judge, are between 27 and lectmen because of the serious ill­ C H A R T E REVISION POLITICAL BOSSES groups and interests are maneuver­ ness of Judge H. O. Bowers who of Ipiogene * Holmes Remus, his the question of the lifting power of Haldeman .will pilot to Paris. 30. tjlq . trapa-Atlantic plane “ The ing for position,” said Dr. Butler Three bald heads are In the box has acted in this capacity for sev­ wife, today were ready to start on Ruth's stay here ended, In a eral years. Howover^ ^iaee Judge .,,^1MKn.’Xdau80d M».-Francea .Wllaon. in an-address before the Institute Toond'.^-entertainments and -f«n- and one man with grey hair. Bowers will probably be unable to a toiir of the country for fragmi^ts W OiailffiM Y. Grayson today to again postpone 6! Arts and' Sciences. wells. Among the.^Ust to bid them Not Locked Up. return to his office for a period of of the story Of Remus’ wrongs at the take-off for Copenhagen, Den­ The Real Issues ' ^ good-bye was the crew of the Ger- No move was made by the gov­ months it was deemed advisable to the hands of Imogene Remus and mark. “ There would appear.to be an al­ 'man; Junker plane-who are waiting ernment to have them locked up. name Judge Hyde as counsel. Franklin L. Dodge, Department of “ The Dawn” may hop at the next most concerted effort to creep up to good weather before hopping off Roberts went into detail to fam­ The application for the renewal Justice agent.
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