Miami Medical College

Miami Medical College

Form No. 034. 10 M. 12. '09. M. REFERENCE COLLECTION ALUMNI CATALOGUE -OF-- MIAMI MEDICAL COLLEGE , OF CINCINNATI. Including Members of the Faculty. COMPILED 'FOR THE COLLEGE BY ARCHIBALD I. CARSON, M. D. Second Edition. ~~~o -..,-#(-,--~~ 6, I NOTE. The Secretary of the College would like to be notified of any inaccuracies in the following pages. Contents. PAGE. History of the College ...................... .......... II ............... 5 Deans ..... .., ... , .......... ................................................ , .' .................... ". ...... .. 8 Faculty .................. , ........................................................... 9 Lecturers, Demonstrators and Instructors ....................... 13 Present Faculty ............... ., ... , .. e ......... , ........................ ,.).;, ....... 17 Present Lecturers and Demonstrators .. '.................. , ....... 18 Class Register ................ ... .. .. .... .. ... ........ ..... .. .... .. .................... .. .......... 21 Recapi tulation .............. 'I.... ......... ........ .......... ........... .................... ".......... 106 Alphabetical List of Alumni ................................... ' ..... 109 Officers of Alumnal Association .................................... 127 Officers of Alumnal Association for 1900-01 ........ " ......... 134 History of the College. By WM. H. TAYLOR, M. D. "The first meeting of the Faculty of the Miami Medical College, of Cincinnati, was held at the office of JNO. F. WHITE, M. D., on Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 22nd, 1852. Members present: R. D. MUSSEY, M. D. C. L. AVERY, M. D. JNO. F. WHITE, M. D. JOHN DAVIS, M. D. JESSE P. JUDKINS, M. D. GEORGE MENDEN~ALL, M. D. C. G. COMEGYS, M. D. JNO. A.MuRPHY, M. D. (JOHN LOCKE, JR., M. D., was a member but not present.) The Faculty was organized by the appointment of JESSE P. JUD­ KINS, M. D., as Dean." Such is the concise introduction to the history of Miami Medical College, on its Records. The Faculty was composed of the following: R. D. MUSSEY, M. D., Professbr of Descriptive and Operative Surgery. J. P. JUPKINS, M. D., Professor of Surgical Anatomy and Sur- gical Pathology. , CHAS. L. AVERY, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. JOHN DAVIS, M. D., Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. JOHN F. WHITE, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. GEORGE MENDENHALL, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis­ eases of Women and Children. Deans. J. P. JUDKINS, 1852 to 1853. GEORGE MENDENHALL, 1853 to 1857 and 1865 to 1873. JOHN A. MURPHY, 1873 to 1882. WILLIAM CLENDENIN, 1882 to 1885. WILLIAM H. TAYLOR, 1885 to 1893. N. P. DANDRIDGE, 1893-- Faculty. Surgery. Descrip#ve and Operative Surgery: R. D. MUSSEY, 1852-57. Operative Surgery and Surgical Pathology: WM. H. MUSSEY, 1865-69. Surgical Anatomy and Prindples of Surgery: WM. CLENDENIN, 1865-69. Descriptive and OPerative Surgery: WM. H. MUSSEY, 1869-83. Principles of Surgery and Special Pathology: HENRY E. FOOTE, 1869-71.. Prindples of Surgery and Surgical Pathology: THOS. H. KEARNEY, 1872-73. Principles and Pr,actice of Surgery: THOS. H. KEARNEY, 1874-84. WM. CLENI?ENIN, 1884-85. Gen#o-un"nary and Veneteal .Diseases: N. P. DANDRIDGE, 1880-85. Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery: N. P. DANDRIDGE, since 1885. Principles of Surgery and General Pathology: WM. H. ROTHACKER, 1885-86. E. W. WALKER, since 1886. 10 FACULTY. Physiology. Physiology vnd Pathology: WM. H. TAYLOR, 1865-73' J. C. MACKENZIE, 1873-81 . Physiology: C. G. COMEGYS, 1852-57. Jos. EICHBERG, 1882-94. O. P. HOLT, since 1894. Assistant, W. A. DUN, 1884-86. rIateria Medica and Therapeutics. JOHN A. MURPHY, 1852-57. E. B. STEVENS, 1865-74. WM. B. DAVIS, 1874-88. DAN MILLIKIN, 1888-93. E. W. MITCHELL, 1893-19°0. J. H. EICHBERG, since 1900. Assistants, JOHN L. DAVIS, 1884-86. CLARK W. DAVIS, 1887-88. Ophthalmology and Aural Surgery. E. WILLIAMS, 1865-87. Emeritus, 1887-89. ROBERT SATTLE~, since 1887. Assistant, ROBERT SATTLER, 1884-86. Clinical Professor of O/ology: C. R. HOLMES, 1893-1900. Professor of Otology: C. R. HOLMES, since 1900. Chemistry and Toxicology. JOHN LOCKE, JR., M. D., 1852-:-53. H. E. FOOTE, M. D., 1853-57. FACULTY. II C. B. CHAPMAN, M. D., 1865-68. SIDNEY A. NORTON, M. D., 1869-73' J. B. HOUGH, M. D., 1873-79. J. F. JUDGE, M. D., 1879-81. WM. L. DUDLEY, .1880-86. DAN MULLIKIN, M. D., 1886-88 ... KARL LANGENBECK, 1888-91. W. DICKORE, since r89I. Assistants, J. C. CULBERTSON, M. D., 1866-68. C. P. DIVAN, M. D., 1868-70. Anatomy. CH'A~. L. AVERY, 1852-55. Adjunct, JOHN DAVIS, 1852-55. JOHN DAVIS, 1855-57. HENRY E. FOOTE, 1865-69. WM. CLENDENIN, 1869-84. F. \V. LANGDON, 1884-90. Adjunct, CHARLES E. CALDWELL, 1888-90. Assistant, KONN B. SAYRES, 1885-88. Surgical Anatomy: F. W. LANGDON, 189°-1895. Descriptive Anatomy: CHARLES E. CALDWELL, 1890-95. J. C. OLIVER, since 1895. Topographical Anatomy: I C. E. CALDWELL, since 1895. Medicine. Principles and Practice: JOHN F. WHITE, 1852-57. JOHN A. MURPHY, 1865-81. Emeritus, 1890-19°0. J. C. MACKENZIE, 1881-94. Jos. EICHBERG, since 1894. Clinical Medicine: JOHN A. MURPHY, 1881-90. J. C. MACKENZIE, 1894-99. Emeritus since 1899. 12 FACULTY. Obstetrics and Women and Children. GEORGE MENDENHALL, 1852-57. Obstetries: GEORGE MENDENHALL, 1865-73, Emeritus, 1873-75. WM. H. TAYLOR, since 1873. Assistants: G. M. ALLEN, 1884-86. L. S. COLTER, 1892-96. A. J. WOODWARD, 1892-95. Women and Cht1dren.- B. F. RICHARDSON, 1865-77. BYRON STANTON, 1877-1900. Gynecology: R. B. HALL, since 1900. Clinical Professor of Gynecology: R. B. HALL, 1893-1900. Paediatrics: E. W. MITCHELL, since 1900. Medico-legal Jurisprudence, DAN MILLIKIN, 1893-99. Emeritus, since 1899. Laryngology, Clinical Professor: J. A. THOMPSON, since 1894. Nervous Diseases, Cllnical Professor: F. W. LANGDON, since 1895. Lecturers, Demonstrators, and Instructors . .Demonstrators of Anatomy: JOHN DAVIS, 1852-54. J. T. WEBB, 1854-55. WM. CLENDENIN, 1855-57. WM. T. BROWN, 1865-66. C. P. WILSON, 1866-68. CHAS. P. JUDKINS, 1868-71. W. K. PERRINE, 1868-71. J. L. CILLEY, 1871-78. CHAS. "V. MATHERS, 1879-80. THOS. H. KEARNEY, 1880-82. E. W. LANGDON, 1882-84. E. E. SATTLER, 1884-88. KONN B. SAYRES, 1888-91 J. C. OLIVER, 1890-95, WM. L. MUSSEY, 1890-96. W. MACMILLAN, since 1896. E. S. GATES, since 1898. Assistants: F. F. HELLMAN, 1880-8r. F. W. LANGDON, 1881-82. S. M. HART, 1881-84. J. A. THOMPSON, 1885-88. WM. L. MUSSEY, 1888-90. W. MACMILLAN, 1895-96. C. H. MEYERS, since 1898. F. SCHEERER, since 1899 . .Demonstrators of Normal Histology: Jos~ EICHBERG, 1881-83 . W. A. DUN, 1883-85. F. O. MARSH, since 1885. Assistants: J. S. CALDWELL, 1884-8,8. GEO. F. SUDHOFF, since 18-91. 14 LECTURERS, DEMONSTRATORS, AND INSTRUCTORS. Demonstrators of Pathologz'cal Histology: O. P. HOLT, since 1889. Assistant, ARCH I. CARSON, since 1892. Demonstrators of Bacteriology: O. P. HOLT, 1'891-92. D. L WOLFSTEIN, 1892-95. S. E. ALLEN, since 1895. Assistant, ARCH 1. CARSON, 1891-92. Demonstrators of Chemistry: G. M. ALLEN, 1881-86. C. H. CASTLE, 18'8S-88. KARL LANGENBECK, 1888-91. W. DICKORE, 1891-94. G. B. TWITCHELL, 1894-95. S. C. NORRIS, 1896-99. Assistants: C. R. HOLMES, 1885-86. H. E. MCVAY, 1889-90. GEO. B. TWITCHELL, 1890-91. Lecturers on Mental Diseases: WM. H. DEWITT, d~76-80. J. P. SAVAGE, 1881-82. A. B. RICHARDSON, 1891-92. F., W. HARMON, since 1892. Lecturer on Dlseases of the Nervous System: E. E. SATTLER, 1884,-86. Lecturers on Diseases of Women: BYRON ST:ANTON, 1876-77. R. B. HALL, since 1892. Lecturers on Dermatology: A. RAYOGLI, 1884-89. E. H. SHIELDS, since 1896. Lecture,s on Pathologz'cal Anatomy: F. F. HELLMANN, 1881-82. WM. A. ROTHACKER, 1884-85. LECTURERS, DEMONSTRATORS, AND INSTRUCTORS. ' IS Lecturer on Diseases of Chilaren. B. P. GOODE, 1879-81. Lecturer on Minor Surgery and Bandaging: G. M. ALLEN, 1886-88. Lecturers on Phatmacy: JOHN L. DAVIS, 1882-85. J. H. EICHBERG, 1896-1900. Lecture, on Hygiene and Medical Jurisprudence: DAN MILLIKIN, 1885-86. Lecturers on Di'seases 0/ the Nose and Throat: A. D. BENDER, 1879-84. J. A. THOMPSON, since 1892. Lecturer on Dz'seases of the Eye and Ea,.: ROBT. SATTLER, 1879-84. Lecturers on Surgical Dressings: C. A. LEBoUTILLIER, 1880-81. R. D. MUSSEY, 1881-83. Lecturer on Diseases of the Abdomen: GEO. HUNNERT, 1881-82. Lecturer on Physical Diagnost's: G. F. SUDHOFF, since 1894. Lecturer on Syphilt's: W. L. MUSSEY, 1894-96. E. H. SHIELDS, since '1896. Instructors in Bandaging: ARCH I. CARS?N, 1891-98. F. SCHEERER, 1898-99. 16 LECTURERS, DEMONSTRATORS, AND INSTRUCTORS. Instructor in Intubation : W. L. MUSSEY, 1892-95. Instructors in Clinical Obstetrics: A. GAITHER, since 1898. G. L. BAILEY, 1898-99. Instructor in Materia Medica: R. IN?RAM, since 1899. Instrue/or in Physiology: G. L. BAILEY, since 1899. Instructor in Chemistry: F. SCHEERER, since 1899. Instructor t11 Surgery: ARCH 1. CARSON, since 1899. Present Faculty. J. C. MACKENZIE,M. D., No. 20 West Seventh Street. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Medicine. DAN. MILLIKEN. M. D., - - Hamilton, Ohio. Emeritus Professor of Medical Juftsprudence. BYRON STANTON, M. D., - No. 931 Dayton Street. Emeritus Professor of Dzseases of Women and Children. W. H. TAYLOR, Ph. D., M. D., Treasurer, - No. 553 W. Seventh Street. Professor oj Obstdrz'cs and Cllnz'cal Midwifery. N. P. DANDRIDGE, A. M., M. D., Dean, :, No. 422 Broadway. Professor of Practz'ce of Surgery and of Clinical Surgery. JOSEPH EICHBERG, M. D., - 1105 E. McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Professor of Theory and Practice of Medidne. E. W. WALKER, M. D., - - No. 30 West Eighth Street. Professor ofPrlnciples of Surgery and General Patho'ogy and CHnical Surgery. ROBERT SATTLER, M. D., The Groton, Seventh and Race Streets. )Professor of Ophthalmology and Clzieical Ophthalmology: CHAS. E. CALDWELL, M. D., - The Groton, Seventh and Race Streets. Proftssor of Topographical Anatomy. W. DICKORE, Ph. D.,. No. 236 East Fifth Street. Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. E. W. MITCHELL, M. D., -' Main and Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Professor of DIseases of Children. OLIVER P. HOLT, M. D., Secretary, No. 134 West Ninth Street.

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