f PAGE FOUR-Section Two FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6,1935 *HE RAHWAY REfSj day. They turn their, boys over to their Scoutmasters By PERCY CROSBY Honeydale-50 Minutes put. The JRahwayjRecord and expect them to make men of them without any V v J. n. MAnPLE, Pabllahn assistance at home. We will wager that half of the WAI.TEn P. MAItPLE, RH>IHF» Mn parents of Scouts in the city don't even know what HOWAIID C. WOODRUFF, BilUor Always First Thin \m>pai>fr wim Founded nnd la Mnln<nlnrd Tpon top Principle of " the Boy Scout movement is. It is marvelous that our Always Fair Clrnr. Conrlar nnd Unbin»eil Prcntntntlon of All the Int«T*»llnir -NeiT» of Scouts have made the outstanding records they have the- City, nnd Tpon the Bnala of a ProBrewdve EdUorinl Pollcr. ^^^ and that we. don't have more juvenile delinquency. Published Tuesday Noons It is no wonder that we have bicycle theft rings, THE PAST IS GONE WE FACE and Friday Mornings juvenile shoplifters and copper thieves in our city VOL. 113, NO. 2727 S5i£2Vo£& PRICE THREE CENIS today. ....:'.• Truth and Poetry RAHWAY, N. jr., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10,1935 FRIDAY GOOD MORNING DEC. 6, 1935 Ding, in his Record column, has been urging for- mation of a Juvenile Crime Bureau, here and the sug- )cal Crime In Command Again Reveals School Plans Favors Police Board Mc[ntyre's Orders gestion •h'a"s^¥e'hnsTd6pte"d"by"the"VeferanT"6fTomgn' Jail-Sentence- Ihreejailed Wars and the Junior Chamber of Commerce.. Some- Orders issued by Chief Mclntyre ordering his thing will be done along this line shortly. It is too Changing W Final Topic Given Farber For Robbing men to stop speeding and improper parking in thebad that some of our politicians and our chief of police city are to be commended : couldn!tJiave-MtJupon^this^idea_as-the-best_soliition4 Of Meeting Tavern Here To Enter Not Everyone knows that there is too-much-fast of the local problem. But then, our politicians are Hot Stuff, 1Q1Q •' ,T.iiy,g*- ~ driviri^~WlJur~atyinx^ tool5usy"furtheringlheir own"petty"~causi§s to QiinkT Jlahway Speakers Cite section where fast driving invites accidents and in-of the youth of the city. Former Patrolman To Rahway Men Picked Up juries. Jliere_iir^ajiiinihez-oiLlargeltrucks,_which arA ro^ib Problem Facing City As Serve Three Years In By.Police Shortly After makinki g a spppdwah y nff IIrvini g .street,_.narroyvlanclttd_ Commissioner-Cook-be-madea-member.- Respond- CohfefeticeEnlls ~~ State Prison Burglary— — Guilty Pleas 4^fT44ted4h^iil A young y ma ||< g^7y were commenUnmmenUns aabout Mrs. Little Defends Held In $1,000 Bai a large red tank affair with the letters "Eisenbud" ing to throw the facilities of the local Boy Scouts they hahadd wn earlier Court Cites Fact That yrf! And! AlbersPu^'ToTte Arraigned! i "lfirPolice"ConrrHe"re' painted in large letters, has been noticed as an habit- open to aid the program if he can get some assist- Police; Cites Needs Offender Was Patrolman ual offender? "Yes I know him—1 In Elizabeth Friday On Charges Of ance. He says there is room for as many as 100 boys school rtthii -The city's first crime Three Rahway men ' We will wager fhafTiFTvrcIntyre will place a man in_the Iocaljnovement_ and no doubl .fi_e_will make ference came to a close A three-year term in charged with the theft of Non-feasance And False Swearing; in Irving streeTtcTs'fop" thesertfucks,~\varn" the~driy- State Prison, the maxi- room for more if- more is needed. lin the high school audi- i money, two quarts of Dunphy Again Acting Chief ers or give thenfa summons, that in a short time this Thus, these boys who need it most will be~3is- mum sentence for the whiskey and a gallon of [torium Friday night with j j offense, was meted out to dangerous practice will be stopped. Improper park- couraged from being members of gangs that will Just So You Know • ; speakers discussing the city's wine from the tavern of Fred Th» real originator of th>». ! Nathan E. Farber, former Rahway Cherublna, 326 St. George avenue Placed under suspension by Mayor Barger Fri- ing is not such a great evil but it is one which can lead them to lives of crime and will be encouraged to It 'was decIdeaTo pre- Acting Chief Dunphy \ patrolman, by Judge Lloyd Thomp. jam traffic, especially during the rush hours. It is manent wave is the nt the facts of the conference early Saturday morning, were com- Councilman John L. Markey day night after their indictments had been handed becomereaLcitizensthroughJiieir.. affiliation _with^a • ; son Friday, Farber will begin his mltted-tathe.countyJalLxesterday: I down-by-the-elisor-Grand-Jury-earlier-in-the-day^— well that the chief has declared war on this practice. gang that is to be encouraged. Random Thought Siture consideration in drafting term-immediately. Arthur L. Perry to await Grand Jury action. Judge The Record stands squarely behind Chief Mcln- j , local program. Farber was arrested February 19 Ward, hearing the cases in police Police Chief George Mclntyre, Jr., and Captain James . There Is somethinj trajit •» Mayor, Brokaw!on a charge of having been "ringer :ourt, set bail at $1,000 each. To Ask New Bids tyre in. his commendable efforts to stop these im- comical, about the - •- *o programs were presented. Albers will plead not guilty when they are arraigned : was the plan for co-ordlnat- man" in the hold-up of Floyd W. Tipsy Driver Is The trio was charged with bur- just between _ ther who steps iron Huggins' jewelry store at 16 Cherry glary. They are Garland Carter. in Elizabeth, probably Friday. Neither officer has proper practices. We hope that the patrolmen and at tha Vanetrt are under and then goes Into a locai organizations to work On Construction kith "he police and admlnistra- street eleven days previous. A gang 23, of 10 West Scott avenue; John yet been served with a capias, the order which will ' police court will co-operate whole-heartedly. About financial cbi't^aiions to Young Curb's (btbtr, result of Junior's roller Judge Contestl of four men and one woman ob- Held After Chase r. Schaefer, 34, of 13 West Milton you and me having been left m |Saa to combat Juvenile delln- demand their presence to enter a plea. a year ago, Chief Mclntyre started a drive on im- e, . tained $450 in cash and $2500 In .venue and Joseph Carter, 32, of OfPostoffice Sally felt She didn't dare re fuse to accept tune place. while the other was The Jewelry Mclntyre is charged with non-feasance in not re-, proper parking and while a number of summonses by ding ray Record suggested pro I Named By Junior Cham-^ - And Mishap Here 9 Seminary avenue. Garland Car- Junior's invitation to the Ponce. Famous Last Words « i of police organization on aj 1 er pleaded guilty but the other porting the implication of Nathan E. Farber, dis-; were issued, few cases came to court. Mclntyre is Continued from Page One~— ber To Deride Lighting : 22Farbe by a rJur way sbefor convictee Judgd eNovembe Thompr- wo'denied their guilt. Lowest Bid Received Is Incharged patrolman, in the Huggins' robbery February. "Your name and addres hot a-poh'.ical basis. Prank C.j p jiotlfl-bJ ame_tQii_thejfailure_oi_thk_cainp.aign. __Eyi-.I T_ " ~~the Juvi'uUel -Exhibit-Winners— lasting n ftrly Carter Has Becord_ •8 until Fehruary-19 jyhile Alhpra "<« larteret -Man -Pursues The Carters are not related, Excess Of~Appropria-— dently, orders came from above to allow a number vacancy occur ft noutrnil fcr Mulvey-Dltmars Post. V. week. The charge was that he charged with false swearing in service for the city and he has my respect as well as immediately. , W.. :he sponsoring organiza- Announcement is made (. ,! conspired February 5 with Frank Other Car Into Field roseph Carter was exonerated of a tion Of $85,300 Farber's recent trial in Elizabeth. of tickets to be quashed and the result was that the iSlca of Carteret to rob the store. kidnaping charge after he and a The charge against Albers alleges that~of other citizens. However, if Gettings could And Then Flees (Sprrlnl to Thr IlKTird) Alert Officer Mayor Barger will head the com-isica turned state's evidence against :ompanion had taken an automo- that he gave false testimony when drive fizzled. Washington, D. C.—Revision of issued. postpone resigning from his Council-position until these persons and with disgust the support of menSmeathers, faculty advisor; E. H. Walter, physical! Perry Ciloi Flan mittce of judges selected to award \ Farber. saying the patrolman sug- bile from in front of the Greven's he said he was not in the room in Another alleged-dmnltpn -driver Hotel1n~Cherry slieetrlast-August [plans and specifications for the New York police headquarters, should be returnable on the date specified and that after the. police investigation, I think KirchgasiieF notoriously unfit for public trust"" director; U. H.~Roder, assistant coach. the prizes in connection'with the'Bested the^Hugginsestabllshment was arrested by police at 9:25 p. m. proposed Rahway postoffice build- Nab&Imbiber " j Christmas Lighting Contest which'" wouI.d •*eas y to rob and good for with a five-year-old Elizabeth boy when Frank Sica, Carteret leader could too. If you will recall, Kirchgasner got the plnne Friday, thus boosting this years' asleep in the rear seat. At that ing may be necessary before a con- otthe hold-up gang, said that Far-; none of them be killed.
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