Circulation 14,000 Free April 6, 2018 Justice Finally Served in 1986 Rape Case By Linda Cicoira Khalil Mohammed Muslimani, 71, of himself for a half hour before Judge Fred- name, Stacey Johnson, on Facebook, so This horrendous story is not just about Robins Lane in Onancock, which is at erick Lowe finally stopped his ranting people will know how to find her. a girl being “controlled and abused” for Schooner Bay, was sentenced last Friday and handed down the terms. Lowe said “They say, ‘let the punishment fit the her stepfather’s “sick pleasure.” It is in Virginia Beach Circuit Court to life he had “no words to describe how despi- crime,’” she wrote in a victim impact about a woman’s strength in seeking jus- plus five years in prison for raping and cable” Muslimani’s actions were. letter that was submitted to the court. tice, her inspiration for others to do the taking indecent liberties with his step- The victim, Stacey Spione, now 44, “That is impossible, especially for a same and the gain in making the commu- daughter in 1986. gave permission for her name to be man who sees no wrong in what he did nity a safer place. The defendant attempted to justify used in this story. She uses her maiden to me. Therefore, I ask the jury and the court to give the highest sentence on each charge in accordance to the law.” “In my eyes, because of the life he took from me, and all he killed in me, Khalil Mohammed Muslimani is a kill- er and should be sentenced as such.” “No one can ever begin to under- stand what I lived through and what I continue to live with,” she wrote. “My stepfather killed so much of me, stole my life with no remorse or regret. He was proud and pleased with himself. It is a daily struggle trying not to let 13 years of sexual, mental, and physical abuse consume me. Images haunt me when I sleep and when awake. With- out trying, I relive the abuse in sight, sound and feeling as if it was still hap- pening. The effects of the abuse have not only scarred me but have also af- fected my health, physically.” “This man admitted in a trial in 1989 that he knew what he was do- ing was illegal but because I was like ‘a little mother’ taking care of my younger siblings he became at- tracted to me and wanted me for his wife,” Spione wrote. “My stepfather’s actions were deliberate. He knew ex- actly what he was doing. As long as he Photo by Linda Cicoira got what he wanted, that was all that mattered … through his own choos- Waiting for Barbeque Season ing, (he) brought himself to this posi- This barbecue pit pig, that can be seen on Maddox Boulevard, on Chincoteague Island, waits anxiously for barbecue season to arrive. Oink! Oink! (Continued on Next Page) 2 • EASTERN SHORE POST • APRIL 6, 2018 to do that to me because I was not ed to the home. My stepfather would ~ Justice ~ (Continued from Front Page) his child,” she said. “He made threats take me into rooms at the motel. Ad- constantly (for me) not to tell anyone. ditionally, he would take me with him tion of punishment and to face what about her health, I didn’t want her to They made me wear baggy clothes, to his doctor appointments, appoint- he has done to me,” she wrote. suffer … in prison.” But Spione said she told people I was gaining weight (and) ments with his lawyer, in addition to Spione says Muslimani, who is was not aware that Carpenter took the reduced the amount of food. I wasn’t running errands. My stepfather would nearly 30 years older than she is, is the Alford plea and she is not sure why she allowed to come out of my room after pull over on the way to and from these father of all four of her children. The doesn’t want Carpenter to suffer. getting further along in the pregnancy appointments and errands in parking oldest child’s DNA proved that allega- Carpenter testified in December that where it was visible.” lots and have intercourse and oral sex tion and was the only one needed for Muslimani acted like a father figure to “Carpenter is my birth mother, which with me.” the conviction. Muslimani pleaded not the girls. When Spione got pregnant at is all she has ever been,” Spione said. They moved east when Muslimani guilty to the charges. 12, “She wasn’t allowed to go to any doc- “She never loved me, took care of me, or owned the former Twin Towers in Poco- Just after the sentence was hand- tors,” the woman said. “She wasn’t al- even protect(ed) me. She did things in moke, Md. “The occurrences of all forms of ed down, the Eastern Shore Post lowed to go anywhere. He didn’t want life for her gain and selfish desires … in abuse became harsher and more violent.” reported it on Facebook and people anyone to know anything … the entire my eyes, it was her mission to make sure She became pregnant for the first time at began to cheer the judge’s decision, time I was threatened he was going to I knew she did not love me nor did she age 11. That child was aborted in South which was based on a jury’s recom- take my other kids to Israel and he had ever want me. For most of my childhood, Carolina, where Muslimani and Carpen- mendation. They also wished worse the money to do it,” she said. I do not know where she was. It seemed ter made her lie about her age. The two things for Muslimani. The name listed as mother on Spi- like she was not around, always gone adults drank champagne and feasted on Her mother, Ruth Ann Carpenter, one’s child’s birth certificate was Ruth somewhere … she would pack some of steak and lobster after the first visit to 61, fared much better. In exchange Muslimani. The DNA test showed my clothes in paper grocery bags or gar- the doctor, Spione said. for her testimony against Musli- there was a 99.99 percent chance the bage bags (and) tell me she was going In 1986, they moved to Onancock. She mani, she got suspended sentences parents were Muslimani and Spione. to drop me off somewhere so I could be became pregnant again and gave birth for her crimes. Retired Investigator Gerald Goga of put up for adoption. Once when I was in February 1987, when she was 12. She “Even going back to when I was 4 the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office 11, she packed some of my clothes in a was enrolled at Mary Nottingham Smith years old, my birth mother knew my worked the case and also testified re- paper bag, told me to get into the car and Middle School in September of that year. stepfather, her new husband, was sex- garding taking buccal swaps from the she drove me to a social services office in But before the term was over, “I became ually abusing me, and physically abus- mouths of the three. He, Lt. Anthony Pocomoke, Md. It was closed, as were the pregnant again by my stepfather, as a re- ing me. But she did nothing to stop it.” Bright and retired social services worker surrounding businesses … she left me sult, this would be my last year of school.” Carpenter pleaded guilty in Ac- Gail Walker told the court that Musli- sitting on the ground, leaning against She was in the eighth grade. comack Circuit Court in December but mani admitted to them he had a sexual the building with my bag and drove off. I Carpenter and Muslimani divorced took an Alford plea, which means she relationship with the young Spione. have no idea how long I was there. All I in 1988. Carpenter took one of her conceded there was sufficient evidence “In the summer of 1986, it was remember was she came back telling me five girls with her. “I was pregnant a for a conviction. She did not admit guilt. discovered that I was pregnant,” Spi- that my stepfather wanted me home.” second time and raising my first son Commonwealth’s Attorney Spencer one testified. “I had been missing my “I can honestly say I cannot remem- along with my three half-sisters. … Morgan amended felony counts of rape monthly cycles. My stepfather had ber a time she was around and ever My life was what my stepfather made and indecent liberties against Carpen- vaginal intercourse with me. It was al- wanted anything to do with me,” Spione it. Controlled and abused for his sick ter, to misdemeanor charges of being most daily … in the house, in a guest said. “When she did come back home she pleasure, to put it mildly. By the time I an accessory after the fact. He recom- house there on the property, in the van would bring me a doughnut or a shirt as was 17, I was a mother of four and still mended 12 months each for those and that he had … He would come into my if that would make everything ok. It was mothering half-sisters and taking care 10 years for felony child neglect with room and force himself upon me with as if she thought giving me something of the house and meals.” all time to be suspended.
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