o^*, —'I COLLEGE HAMMERMILL LIBRARY 16546-W01 Last Dance For Class of' 96 Susan D'Ambrosia Merciad Contributing Writer Student Activities Committee ner, a slide show, dancing and a senior at the college. put together the annual Senior chance to laugh at every seniors The Senior Class would like to Dinner Dance this past * Friday baby picture. give special thanks to Katie M, Photos by Gagan Suri night an the Sportsmen's Club. Students w e r e disappointed with Mary Sloan and all of the SAC This night w a s an opportunity for the DJjat the dance. Some stu- members who contributed to this seniors to be together as a class dents complained that he played special occasion. Although it is Left: from left to right: Jason Giffen, Seth Carl, one last time beforejtheir walk too many slow numbers and c o u n - 'always sad to watch another se- Gabe Paulick at the dance I down State Street on May 19. try songs. "I wish the music was nior class leave, we wish the best Right: From left to right: Tiffany Kraus, Teresi The Seniors dinner was prepaid mo red a nceo d e n t e d . I had a great of luck t o everyone. A s the souve- W i t k o w s k i . Melissa Brown at the dance through Student Government f e e s . time and hope all the others did nirs given away at the dance stated, The evening consisted of din- too" said Gagan Suri, an HRIM "Mercy World to Realworld." Psychology Club Visits Lecture Series Continued i Graduate Program tity in the D'Angelo Performing M S G Ready to By Gagan Suri Merciad News Editor Aits Center. Vere's thesis was By David DauseyJ that Shakespeare was actually Hand Over Reins m Merciad Contributing Writer Last week on Thursday, Edward de Vere, the 17 Earl ol Charles de Vere delivered a lec- Oxford, and a nobleman in the The Mercyhurst Psychology Queen's court. "Most p e o p l e think Club visited the graduate program ture on Shakespeare's true iden- By Dan Hilfiker Also on Saturday, there will be a Shakespeare was William of of the University of Pittsburgh Editor-in-Chief Softball game between MSG rep- Stratford," but de Vere put for- last weekend. The main idea of resentatives and an area radio sta- ward a logical argument supported the trip was to give psychology by facts to prove that this belief is The newly elected 1996/1997 tion. All are*encouraged to at- majors a chance to see Gist hand Mercyhurst Student Government most probably wrong. what they will be doing in gradu- tend. The lecture was attended by representatives sat in on the April The idea was brought up to start ate studies. Students were able to 29 meeting of MSG. The new more than 40 students, and some a food and clothing drive at the visit 1 laboratories dealing/with reps do not have voting power faculty and staff members. Dr. end of the year. Students will be such areas as health psychology, until next week, but wereallowed William P. Garvey, president of developmental psychology, and encouraged to bring all of their to sit in and get acquainted with the college, was present* that psychoneuroimmunology. ^ left-over food and old clothing to evening. the process. the Union at the end of t h e school The director of the psychology A motion was made by George year, rather than just leaving it in graduate program at Pitt, Dr. Pe- Burich to approve the revisions to their apartment or throwing it ter Moshein, said "I'm glad to see the MSG constitution that were away. undergraduates with such an in- made by the constitution commit- In Student Activities Commit- terest in their future plans .... Look- tee. The vote w a s unanimously in tee news, President Brian ing at graduate programs can help favor of the motion. ;4: Marshall announced that this students decide if they are ready MSG President Jessica Cuffia weekend wil 1 be the annual Spring for such an endeavor. Moshein announced that over $300 was Activities weekend. The spring helped arrange the visit for the raised at the formal Monte Carlo formal will be on'Friday at Mercyhurst students. It was night that was held in the student Sabella's of Union Station. Sat- Photos by Gagan Suri planned for students to meet with union last Saturday. Car bashing urday, there will be the activities graduate students and their men- will be the final event of the fund on the football field. T e a m s , com- Charles de Vere tors. }'. raiser this year. The car will be pnsed of four men and four lecturing at D'Angelo fTht students began their visit located outside the Maintenance women, must sign Up at the union Performing Arts with Dr. Thomas W. Kamarck, building on Saturday, May 4 at 4 desk. Also on Saturday, there will Center who does work with the p.m. For one dollar, people have be inflatable^fun outside the li- biobehavioral correlates on car- the chance to bash a car with a brary starting at 2 p.m. diovascular d i s e a s e . Kamarck dis- sledge hammer for thirty seconds. •£ t cont pg 2 ft r m PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD May 2,1996 cont from p g 11 cussed his latest research with the MSG Update Gamble it All Away students and introduced them to a graduate student and a post-doc- By Gagan Suii 'The event was very success- toral student w h o are his research By Gagan Suri from the SAC, prizes worth Merciad News Editor ful and many students gambled assistants. The students ended Merc iad News Editor $ 1,000 were given a way that night from the SAC account, plus there that!evening. The SAC raised their tour with a discussion di- Last week was busy for SAC/ The college Student Activity were many donated gifts that w e r e $300 from the sale of the fake rected by Dr. Andrew £ Baum's MSG at the college. On April 25, Committee (SAC) organized this distributed. All the winners were money," said Marshall. re search assistants, who deal with Coyote Joe, a country band, year's "Monte Carlo Night" for present there during the raffle re- The money raised was donated chronic stress and its effects on played at the Athletic center. The the students and the Mercyhurst sults. There were no absentees. to the Mercy Center for Women. well-being. The labsofDr.Celia band played popular c o u n t r y tunes Community on April 27. Monte Brown, Dr. Daniel S. Shaw, Dr. for half an hour and then the stu- Carlo Night is an event where Saul Sh iff m a n , and Dr. Celia dents present were taught differ- students can g a m b l e all they want Browne 11 were also visited. ent styles of line dancing by Keri with the fake money they pur- The experience for all the stu- Sui. More than 100 students at- chased, and then buy raffle tickets dents was rewarding and the club tended the line dancing. The event for Garvey dollars at 1,000 a piece. plans *to visit another graduate was coordinated by Missi Ma t h i s , At the end of the night the lucky program next year. Junior psy- a student at the college. winners get the prizes. Usually chology major, Sue Ackley said, April 26, the same day the col- the event is free and each student uI found the trip very worthwhile lege had its Senior Dinner D a n c e , gets 3,000 Garvey dollars at the and I would suggest that any stu- SAC organized the StarStruck door, but this year students had to dent, whether considering Videos in the athletic center. All pay $3 to obtain the fake money. ajp graduate school or not,at least students who participated were Non-students had to pay $10 for visit a program and see what is given a copy of their personal the same fake money. out there." Any student inter- video with their choice of graph- According to Brian Marshall ested in the Psychology Club next ics and music recorded specially term can contact David Dausey at for them. The event was attended 2830. byjl50 people. REMINDER TO ALL SENIORS DON'T FORGET TO HEAD OVER TO STUDENTS ACCOUNTS THIS WEE TO COMPLETE YOUR $200 HOUSIN DEPOSIT REFUND FORM I , •^iBUS'iAHBHB^^HM Photos by Gagan From a few concerned seniors Students gambling it away at the Student Union ! Df A n g e l o News By Nina Napoleone Ryan arranged for an extensive Groves, Maureen Leigh, Cindy chamber Music Society of Lin- world's most acclaimed conduc- The Mercy h u r s t College and interesting lineup o f a variety Lutz, Madoka Matsumoto, | coin Center and just recendy the tors, instrumentalists, and solo- D'Angelo school of music pre- of v o c a l pieces. These ranged from Victoria Proctor, Ainsely Ryan, Julliard String Quartet of the ists including Luciano Pavarotti sented its Opera Chorus Concert excerpts in "Carmen," T h e Mar- Julie Mason, James Strouse, Rick widely acclaimed Julliard School and Placido Domingo. She has on Friday April 26 at 8 p.m. A- riage of Figaro," V'TThe; Magic Warner, James Foley, Mike Hem- of M usic are j ust some of a long appeared on the stages of many Conducting the Choral Con- Flute," to "La Boh erne," and many mer, Gary Johnson, Jonathan list of professional performers.
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