City of Ramsey Agenda Regular City Council Tuesday January 10, 2012 7:00 pm Council Chambers, 7550 Sunwood Drive NW 1. Call to Order 2. Presentation 1. Update on Nowthen Policing - Chief Jim Way 3. Citizen Input 4. Consent Agenda 1. Cash & Investments for Period Ending December 31, 2011 2. Receive November 2011 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds 3. 2011 Building Division Month End Reports: October and November 4. Note the Following Commission and Boards Meeting Minutes: Environmental Policy Board meeting minutes dated October 3, 2011 Environmental Policy Board meeting minutes dated November 7, 2011 Board of Adjustment meeting minutes dated October 6, 2011 Planning Commission meeting minutes dated October 6, 2011 Planning Commission meeting minutes dated November 3, 2011 Economic Development Authority meeting minutes dated October 13, 2011 5. Approve the Following Council Meeting Minutes: 1) City Council Work Session, November 22, 2011 2) City Council Work Session, December 6, 2011 3) City Council Work Session, December 13, 2011 4) City Council Regular Session, December 13, 2011 6. Approve License Applications 7. Approval From Exemption for a Gambling License for Minnesota Waterfowl Association - Rum River Chapter 8. Approve License Agreement for Pictometry Aerial Imagery Web Access 9. Authorize Response to City of Anoka Comprehensive Plan Amendment 10. Consider Award of Contract for Comprehensive Utility Plan Updates and Associated Rate Studies 11. Authorize Response to City of Andover Comprehensive Plan Amendment 12. Adopt Resolution #12-01-XXX Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 8, 2011, through December 22, 2011 13. Adopt Resolution #12-01-XXX Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 23, 2011 through January 4, 2012 14. Adopt Resolution #12-01-XXX Approving the City of Ramsey's 2013 Budget Calendar 15. Adopt Interfund Loan Agreement Resolution for TIF District #2 (Funding for Northstar Rail Station) 16. Adopt Resolution to Enter into a Residential Recycling Program Agreement to Receive SCORE Funds for 2012 17. Consider Resolution Requesting Funding From the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for Improvements Associated with the Armstrong Boulevard/Trunk Highway 10 Interchange 18. Report from Public Works meeting dated December 13, 2011 5. Approve Agenda 6. Public Hearing 7. Council Business 1. 2012 Council Organization 2. Municipal Center Advertising Monitors and Display Areas Policy 3. Consider Revisions to the City's Septic System Repair Policy 4. Consider Use of the City's Septic System Repair Policy to Replace a Failing On-Site Septic System at 14760 Bowers Drive NW 5. Adopt Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of Right-of-Way and Drainage and Utility Easement Adjacent to and on 14241 Fluorine St NW; Case of City of Ramsey 6. Authorize Application for Metropolitan Council Transit Oriented Development Grant 7. Sprint / Nextel Explanation of Monthly Billing 8. Discuss Mayor's Recommendations of Desirable Changes and Improvements 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input 9. Adjournment CC Regular Session 4. 1. Meeting Date: 01/10/2012 By: Diana Lund, Finance Information Title: Cash & Investments for Period Ending December 31, 2011 Background: Report on the City's cash and investments for the period ending December 31, 2011. Cash balances graph reflects the changes in cash balances on the city's major funds for the period ending December 31, 2011 (these numbers are unaudited and prior to several year-end journal entries) in comparison to year-ending December 31, 2010. December 2010 numbers reflect final audited numbers. Council Action: None required. Informational only. Attachments Cash & Investments for Period Ending December 31, 2011 Cash Balances on Major City Funds - December 31, 2011 Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Kurt Ulrich Kurt Ulrich 01/04/2012 05:26 PM Form Started By: Diana Lund Started On: 01/03/2012 07:41 AM Final Approval Date: 01/04/2012 CASH BALANCES FOR PERIOD ENDING December 31, 2011 Major City Funds 12,000,000 10,000,000 10,394,095 8,122,462 7,811,537 7,171,047 7,171,047 7,159,501 7,159,501 8,000,000 7,151,871 6,000,000 5,430,327 4,877,391 4,000,000 3,244,670 2,738,153 2,021,123 1,879,912 1,429,748 1,376,222 1,326,482 1,315,229 1,279,473 1,211,156 2,000,000 1,183,604 958,383 632,331 575,905 0 General Fund Tax Increment EDA HRA Public Water Fund Sewer Fund Street Light Fund Storm Drainage Landfill Trust Park Improvement Financing (TIF) Improvement Fund Trust Revolving (PIR) December 2010 Dec-11 **Significant Change in Water Fund: Internal Loan for Municipal Center - $1M CC Regular Session 4. 2. Meeting Date: 01/10/2012 By: Diana Lund, Finance Information Title: Receive November 2011 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds Background: Brief summary of actual revenues and expenditures to date in comparison to adopted budget for the funds of: General, Water, Sewer, Street Lighting, Recycling and Storm Drainage. Council Action: No Action Required. Informational Only. Attachments November 2011 General Fund Financial Report - Budget to Actual November 2011 - Enterprise Funds Financial Reports - Budget to Actual Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Kurt Ulrich Kurt Ulrich 01/05/2012 08:58 AM Form Started By: Diana Lund Started On: 01/03/2012 07:42 AM Final Approval Date: 01/05/2012 CITY OF RAMSEY Period Summary - General Fund Reporting Period: 1/1/2011 - 11/30/2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 Expenditures By Dept Head Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Com Dev 557,272 459,384 597,419 504,117 824,350 734,942 Fire 749,783 545,415 748,713 540,652 764,766 545,736 Finance 471,420 484,446 518,175 501,824 511,814 483,055 Admin 1,344,287 1,322,982 1,488,890 1,269,695 1,512,148 1,253,741 Public Works 2,711,681 1,903,350 2,669,548 1,851,443 2,718,718 1,843,472 Police 2,919,369 2,477,276 2,863,561 2,376,803 2,772,287 2,339,058 Council 141,156 128,467 144,236 100,533 166,360 127,271 Legal 117,000 99,427 122,000 108,402 131,000 88,108 Transfers out - - - - - - Debt Service 260,934 - 252,647 - 37,724 37,724 Contingency 33,898 10,898 68,002 - 93,792 - 9,306,800 7,431,643 9,473,191 7,253,469 9,532,959 7,453,108 - - - - - - 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 Revenue Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Taxes 7,037,127 3,422,656 7,034,194 3,562,820 7,532,034 3,831,148 Business Licenses/Permits 71,200 60,228 69,500 71,999 78,000 65,552 Non-Business Licenses/Permits 367,532 290,189 330,750 316,465 398,400 292,720 Federal Intergovernmental 6,000 - 6,000 - 6,000 358 State Intergovernmental 299,300 312,740 277,100 314,108 277,100 339,866 Local Intergovernmental - 1,793 - 20 - 16 Charges for Services 823,875 378,996 700,451 341,445 785,588 301,148 Fines and Forfeits 112,500 92,387 120,000 73,202 120,000 96,372 Miscellaneous 19,000 22,925 45,000 12,409 2,000 10,144 Interest 100,000 - 150,000 - 240,000 - Transfers in 612,866 16,622 965,046 - 257,687 398,620 9,449,400 4,598,537 9,698,041 4,692,469 9,696,809 5,335,945 PREPARED BY: FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF RAMSEY Period Summary - General Fund Reporting Period: 1/1/2011 - 11/30/2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 Capital Outlay Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Com Dev - - - - - - Fire 32,000 43,010 10,800 8,490 31,600 32,427 Finance - - - - - - Admin 16,000 5,900 33,000 31,080 17,400 16,681 Public Works - - 87,200 80,886 21,000 20,865 Police 94,600 83,669 93,850 92,513 93,850 88,869 Council - - - - - - Legal - - - - - - Transfers out - - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - - Contingency - - - - - - 142,600 132,578 224,850 212,969 163,850 158,842 - - - - - - 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 Expenditures Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Personal Services 6,275,744 5,628,763 6,559,765 5,717,761 6,643,206 5,908,532 Supplies 724,837 651,057 710,972 511,572 749,309 498,910 Other Services & Charges 2,045,285 1,151,823 1,949,807 1,024,136 2,102,720 1,007,942 Transfers out - - - - - - Debt Service 260,934 - 252,647 - 37,724 37,724 9,306,800 7,431,643 9,473,191 7,253,469 9,532,959 7,453,108 - - - - - - Revenue (9,449,400) (4,598,537) (9,698,041) (4,692,469) (9,696,809) (5,335,945) Expenses 9,449,400 7,564,221 9,698,041 7,466,438 9,696,809 7,611,950 PREPARED BY: FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF RAMSEY Budget to Actual Revenues YTD thru November 2011 8,000,000 2009 YTD Actual 7,000,000 2010 YTD Actual 6,000,000 2011 YTD Actual 5,000,000 2009 Budget $4,000,000 2010 Budget 2011 3,000,000 Budget 2,000,000 1,000,000 - Taxes Business Non-Business Federal State Local Charges for Fines and Misc. Interest Transfers in Total Licenses/ Licenses/ Intergovern- Intergovern- Intergovern- Services Forfeits Permits Permits mental mental mental 2011 Budget 7,037,127 71,200 367,532 6,000 299,300 - 823,875 112,500 19,000 100,000 612,866 9,449,400 2011 YTD Actual 3,422,656 60,228 290,189 - 312,740 1,793 378,996 92,387 22,925 - 16,622 4,598,537 2010 Budget 7,034,194 69,500 330,750 6,000 277,100 - 700,451 120,000 45,000 150,000 965,046 9,698,041 2010 YTD Actual 3,562,820 71,999 316,465 - 314,108 20 341,445 73,202 12,409 - - 4,692,469 2009 Budget 7,532,034 78,000 398,400 6,000 277,100 - 785,588 120,000 2,000 240,000 257,687 9,696,809 2009 YTD Actual 3,831,148 65,552 292,720 358 339,866 16 301,148 96,372 10,144 - 398,620 5,335,945 2011 YTD % of Budget 48.64% 84.59% 78.96% 0.00% 104.49% #DIV/0! 46.00% 82.12% 120.66% 0.00% 2.71% 48.66% PREPARED BY: FINANCE DEPARTMENT
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