1917. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~EN ATE. First Lieut. Clark Kittrell, Corps of Engineen, vice Capt. CONFffiMATIONS. Robert S. Thomas, promoted. · · ·. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate July 20 (legi8· First Lieut. Samuel R. II'win, Corps of Engineers, vice Capt. lati,;e day of July 18), 1917. I Roger G. Powell, promoted. CONSULAR SERVICE. First Lieut. Henry Hutchings, jr., Corps of Engineers, vice Capt. John N. Hodges, promoted. Maxwell Blake to be agent and consul general at Tangier, Morocco. APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. CUSTOMS SERVICE. MEDICAL CORPS. James F. C. Griggs to be collector of custom for customs To be first lieutenants, to fill original vacancies. collection district No. 18, with headquarters at Tampa, Fin. First Lieut. Frank C. Griffis, Medical Reserve Corps, to raii'k REGISTER OF LAND OFFicE: from July 14, 1917. Francisco Delgado to be register of the land office at Santa First Lieut. Frederick B. Mills, Medical Reserve Corps, to Fe, N.Mex. rank from July 15, 1917. POSTMASTER.. First Lieut. Henry C. Bierbower, Medical Reserve Corps. to rank !rom July 16, 1917. MINNESOTA. First Lieut. Val E. Miltenberger, Medical Reserve Corps, to Robert K. Brough, Alexandria. rank from July 17, 1917. First Lieut. Edgar F. Haines, Medical Reserve Corps, to rank WITHDRAWALS. from July 18, 1917. Executi,;e nominat·ions 1oithdrawn July 20 (legislative day of APPOINT::ME..~T, BY TRANSFER, IN THE ARMY-. July 18), 1911. FIELD ARTILLERY ARM. Lieut. Col Francis C. Marshall, Cavah·y, to be colonel. First Lieut. Ray W. Barker, Cavalry, detached officers' list, to Maj. Benjamin B. Hyer, Cavalry, to be lieutenant colonel. be first lieutenant of Field Artillery, with rank from July 1, Capt. Alvan 0. Gillem, Cavalry, to be major. 1916. PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY. SEN.ATE. Medical Insp. George T. Smith to be a medical director in the Navy from the 23d day of May, 1917. · SATURDAY, July ~1, 1917. Medical Insp. George A. Lung to be a medical d.irecto!" in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1917. (Legislati·ve day of Wednesday, July 18, 1917.) Julius F. Neuberger, an assistant surg~n in the Medical The Senate reassembled at 10 o'clock a. m .• on the ~-ation Reserve Corps of the Navy, to be an assistant surgeon in the of the recess. Navy from the 7th day of July, 1917. Mr. TRAMMELL. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a The following-named citizens to be dental surgeon.~ in the quorum. Navy, for a probationary period of two years, from the 3d day The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. of July, 1917: The Secretary Called the ron. and the following Senators an­ Louis 1 . Snyder, citizen of South Dakota, swered to their names : James C. Lough, citizen of California, Ashurst Johnson, Cal. Nelson Shields Glen S. Phillips, citizen of Pennsylvania, Chamberlain Johnson, S.Dak. N('W Simmons John E. Herlihy, citizen of Massachusetts, Colt Jones, Wash. Norris Sm1t.h. S.C. Cummins Kellogg Overman Smoot George C. Fowler, citizen of District of Columbia, Curtis- Kenyon <.>wen Sterling Guy E. Nichols, citizen of Maine, Dillingham King Page Stone Travis F. Epes, citizen of Virginia, Fernald Kirby Penrose Sutherland France Knox Polnd~xter Swanson Sldney M. Akerstrom, citizen of Massachusetts, Frellng.huysen La Follette Pomerene Thompson Francis S. Weir, citizen of Washington, Gronna Lodge Ransdell Tillman Jerold l\L Siegel, citizen of l\Iichigan, Hale McCumber Reed Trammell Harding McKellar Robinson Warren Russell A. Henry, citizen of Pennsylvania, Hardwick MeLea.n Shafroth Watson Lindsay H. Brown, citizen of Oregon, Hollis McNary Sheppard Weeks Charles C. Bockey, citizen of District of Columbia,· Rusting Martin Sherman Williams Leon C. Frost, citizen of Ohio, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN.. I wish to announce that my' col­ Deane L. Chamberlain, citizen of Colorado, league [Mr. HuGHES] is absent on account of illness. Errol W. ·wmett,. citizen of Oregon, Mr. RUSTING. I desire to announce the unavoidable ab­ Clark E. Morrow, citizen of Missouri, sence of the senior Senator from Kentucky [Mr. JAMES] on offi­ Louis M. Benepe, citizen of Minnesota, cial business. ~ w·miarn R. Taylor, citizen of Minnesota, Mr. CURTIS. I wish to announce that the senior Senator Anthony A. Norkiewicz, citizen of Pennsylvania, and· · from Idaho [Mr. BoRAH] is absent on official business for a few Robert Van Patton, citizen of Pennsylvania. hours. Lou C. Montgomery, a pharmacist's mate, second class, in the Mr. SUTHERLAND. I desire to announce the absence of my Navy, to be a ,dental surgeon in the Navy. for a probationry colleague, tb.e senior Senator from West Virginia [l\1r. GoFF], on period of two years, from the 5th day of July, 1917. account of illness. I ask that this announcement may stand for Passed Asst. Paymaster Graham M. Adee to be a paymaster In the day. the Navy from the 20th day of August, 1913. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. OVERMAN in .the chair). Passed Asst. Paymaster Thomas J. Bright to be a paymaster Sixty Senators have answered to their names. There is a q.uorum in the Navy from the 22d day of October, 1915. present. Passed Asst. Paymaster Emory D. Stanley to be a paymaster CONSERVATION OF FOOD AND FUEL. in the Navy from the 2d day of August, 1916. The Seli.ate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con­ Passed Asst. Paymaster Brantz Mayer to be a paymaster ln sideration of the bill (H. R. 4961) to provide further for the the Navy from the 29th day of August, 1916. national security and defense by encouraging the production. con­ Asst. Paymaster He·man G. Bowerfind to be a passed assist­ serving the supply, and controlling the distribution of food prod­ ant paymaster in the Navy from the 20th day of September, ucts and fuel. 1915. Mr: CHAMBERLAIN. I believe the pending amendment is Asst. Paymaster Lawrence A. Odlin to be a passed assistant the substitute for section 12, to which, so far as I recall, two paymaster in the Navy from the 22d day of October, 1915. amendments have been offered, one by the Senator from Kansas Asst. Paymaster Richard S. Robertson to be a passed assistant [Mr. CURTis], who desires to add, after the words "No. 1 paymaster in the Navy from the 2d day of August, 1916. northern," 'the words " or its equivalent." So far as I am ad­ Asst. Paymaster Chnrles V. McCarty to be a passed assistant vised and so far as I am able, I am willing to accept the amend­ paymaster in the Navy from the 29th day of August, 1916. ment to the amendment. Ensign Richard R. Adams to be an assistant naval construc­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the adop­ tor in the Navy from the 30th day of June, 1917. tion of the amendment offered by the Senator from Kansas [Mr. DeWitt C. Emerson, a. citizen of California, to be a dental CURTIS} to the amendment? . - . surgeon in the Navy, for a probationary period of two · year~, Mr. PENROSE. What -is the amendment to the amendment? from the {)th dny of July, 1917. The PRESIDING OFFICER. It will be stated. 5336 OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SEN ATE. JULY 21, The SECRETARY. On page 2, line 9, after the words "No. 1 In<?dhern wp~at, and therefore we ,ask that the amendment to .northern," insert the word&" or its equivalent." . · the· amendment be adopted. It can do no harm and it will pro- 1\.ir. HOLLIS. Mr. President, I hope the amendment to the teet those who raise wheat in the west~rn part of the country. amendment will not be-adopted. Section 12 was carefully drawn ~r. SMOOT. It can do harm if we are to adopt two standards in such a way as to give one definite standard by _which all instead of one, and that is what we will be doing if we under­ other grades of wheat might be imposed. It does not make any take to amend the amendment by inserting the words "or its difference whether you take No. 1 northern or No. 2. northern equivalent." or any other one grade, but it seemed advi able to take the lli. REED. 1\Ir. President, I am very sure that if Senators highe t grade that is generally known. If there is any other understoo(!. the wheat business a little better there would not that is better than that, there is no harm in taking it; but when be a single objection to the amendment offered by the Senator one grade is fixed at one place, then the price of all other grades filom Kansas. No. 1 northern is one of the standard grades of at all other primary markets will be fixed under rules and wheat, and it is a very high standard. That is the kind of wheat regulations by the food commission. It would be just the same that is raised in· the northern part of our country, the spring as saying that the standard value in this country shall be the wheat. There is another standard grade of wheat just as much gold d9llar or its eq~ivalent. Then some one must go to work a standard grade as No.1 northern, and that is No.2 hard winter an9 discover what is the equivalent of the gold dollar. If there wheat. There are two or three other grades of wheat, each sub­ is an equivalent to No. 1 northern, the food commission will stantially the equivalent of the other, but a wheat that is rai ed know it. The food commission . may say the price of No.
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