1 -"i.-.-'.rt.- - ft - ^foih'day. Evening, WORLD Donaldson's • III • III 1 »ll)-l I I \ i I I 7* FIELD DAY FOB TONOPAH EDITOR TOMORROW'S GMMATORS AT TONOPAH JEFFRIES' SHABE ] MICHAEL KELLEY CAUSES TROUBLE t MUST BE $30,000 15.1 Voted Back Salary and Offered Refused Extra Passes and At­ • ; . - \ Champion Becomes Independent ^ a $4,000 Job by the tempts to Queer Gans- and Demands Fortune to > - Cantillons. Herman Fight. " - Re-enter the Ring. By O'Loughlln. Journal Special Service. Journal Special Service. , Minneapolis interest in the annual Tonopah, Nev., Dec. "31.—Bring your San Francisco, Dec. 31.—-There is meeting of the American association lunch basket with you, filled, if you come to see the Herman-Gans fight. doubt whether Jeffries will stand by at Chicago, yesterday, centered solely the match Delaney made to fight in the final disposition of the Kelley The cooks and waiters in all.the ho­ Squires of Australia at ,Rhyolite in case. Prom this morning's news it tels and' restaurants have been-on strike April. Dispatches from Los Angeles •would appear that Joe and Mike Cantil­ for over a week. There is only one lon have told the anti-Kelleyites of the i estaurant in town open to the public, say Jeffries will repudiate the, match organization to keep hands off; that but Manager Riley said it was his inten­ -with Squires and it. looks as if'Mana­ they -were going to settle the Kelley tion to convert the training quarters of ger Eiley of Tonopah. has secured the case themselves. They started to do Gans and Herman into temporary eat­ champion for a series of matches.-which- this, when Joe Cantillon wired Mike ing establishments and he belioved no are to be held at Tonopah. ; , Kelley today an offer of $4,000 per one would go hungry. Jeff says Delaney'assumed he could annum to look after the Cantillon in­ Late last night telegrams began pour­ go ahead as in the' past and make the terests at Des Moines in the Western ing in from all over the country saying match, but that he gave Billy no legal league. the tip was out that the fight was to be authority to sign for him. Jeff adds: Kelley has the offer under considera­ a fake. Back of this there was a ' The sagebrush miners are looking for- tion, and expects to talk over the mat­ story. The editor of a Tonopah news­ advertisement and they are getting it, ter with Josephus and Michael when paper Saturday sent in a request for but I want the public to understand I they arrive here later in the week. The four times as many tickets as any will not fight unless my share pf the Cantillons declare that Kelley is not other paper in the district asked for. urse nets $30,000,'.'• . Jeff is to go to blacklisted by the recent action of the Biley told the editor his paper could ?onopah to discuss the matter with' association, and that they will hire him have as many tickets as other papers "Manager Riley. and show that he is not on the bad here. The newspaper envoy then %i list. This looks like a big dig in the brought back a bill for $1,500 for ad­ eye of Ban Johnson by the Cantillons, vertising the fight in the form of local MINNEAPOLIS SKI' the Banlet having declared that Kelley stories. Riley retaliated with a bill was virtually out of organized base­ for $2,000 for expert press services. ball. If the Cantillons intended it as Then the editor began sending his fake JUMPER TO COHIEST such a slap in the eye, it will add queries over the country. Everyone "reatly to their popularity among the here is laughing at him'. s'inneapoli s baseball following. Elling Diesen will represent the Min­ Salary to Be Paid. neapolis Ski club at the tournament at Munising, Mich., tomorrow, under The association also ordered the pay­ MAROONS TO HAVE the auspices of the Viking Ski club of ing of the $1,000 back salary due that city. Mr. Disen is clever on the Michael for his services in the Gus skis and -last' year -won seven prizes Koch coop beneath the grand stand at NEW INDOOR BALL in eight tournaments in which he en- the close of last year. Taken alto- etred. He is expected to acquit him­ gether; it was something of a field day Journal Special Service. self in a manner to reflect credit on m for Michael. Chicago, Dec. 31.—A new baseball of the club and on Minneapolis. Love and harmony was smeared all the regulation outdoor size, but made The "Vikings have made great prepar­ around. According" to the veracious of soft material, has been devised bv 'KID" HERMAN. JOE GANS. ations for the tournament, and have cbroniclings of the reporters two bot­ Coach Dickinson of the University of provided a splendid hill, as well as tles of $8 wine set the meeting in such Chicago baseball squad, for indoor hung up a number of valuable cash a good humor that it voted life fran­ <$>- ' . • . :• .•,-r ., ., •<$> prizes. A gold medal, a loving cup work. The ball is now being made up SERIES FOR THE WORLD'S BASE- I m chises, gave Milwaukee Joe O'Brien a and is to be ready for use when the BOWLERS SETTLE LOCALS vm sues and $400 in cash is expected to attract boost in salary and a three-year lease, squad begins its work this week. Dick­ BALL CHAMPIONSHIP. I the best ski jumpers in the northwest. named Papa Bryce a director, called inson expects the ball to prove a suc­ TUESDAY, OCT. 8, Mike Cantillon vice president of the cess, as in a well-lighted gymnasium ON MEETING DATE . NATIONAL LEAGUE GROUNDS. HI HOCKEY MATGH circuit, and put him with Tebeau and there will be no difficulty in seeing the ' "•'."•' •'> Runs. Hits. Errors. Bryce on the schedule committee. Had ball, while it will accustom the menJourna l Special Service. .wnitesox .'.'. -*.V. _•' -.fiv. —4 -1- AERO CLUB MAI another bottle been opened, it is proba­ thruout their training.to the regulation Cubs •„•. V........>...,..i ., *• 2 The Eagle hocker team of Minneapo­ St. f Louis, Dec. 31.—The executive Batteries—Whitesox. Alt'rock aaa * Sulli­ lis defeated tie Chitiooks! of St. Paul on ble that they would have voted the ball without causing all broken win­ committee of the American bowling dows. van; cubs, Browa and Kiiag. the latter's rink Saturday night by RACE IN ST. LOUIS Columbus quitters the world's cham­ congress decided yesterday that the WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10; a score of 6 to 3. .Bobby Marshall and pionship pennant and crowned Sweet first meeting of the committee in con­ AMERICAN LEAGUE GROUNDS. Knocke; both Minnesota football play­ Stephen Kane the queen of May It Runs. Hits. Errors. Journal Special Service., '.,' ^ ; ,' junction with the national bowling tour­ Cuba''.: ': ;':.'•.-.".v. .\..1 10, 1 ers,, were opposed to.each'other, and the must have been a gorgeous affair with BOWLERS READY nament would be held at 2 o'clock Whites©* ..:... .v.".... .1 2' " S- feature of the game was their outbursts St. Louis, Dec. 31.—The committee the lamb-like Watkins thrusting his March 17, 1907. .-.Batteries:—Cubs, Reulbacfe and KHng; Of -"brotherly- feeling. Both m'eii seemed of the.Aero Club of America, which is head into the mouths of the lions, Len- The members attending • todav were Whitesox, White, Owen and SuUiTan. to think it was up to;him'to outdo his to decide whether the start of, the in­ non and Havenor. About the only one FOR BIG TOURNEY President E. II. Bryan, Indianapolis; 1HLRSDAY, OCT 31 opponent, and both left the ice satisfied ternational balloon race for 1907 shall who chdn 't get anything, to judge from Secretary Samuel Karp, Dayton, Ohio; NATIONAL LEAGUE GROUNDS that he had the better of the argument. be made from St. Louis, arrived from the reports, was Bill Armour—perhaps Treasurer-F. L. Pasdeloup, Chicago; Runs Hits Eriors New York last night. The committee Whitesox 3 5 1 The first half was close and ended is composed Of Cortlandt Field Bishop, he cut in on the $8 wealthy water. Entries for the bowling tournament to Third Viee President P W. Gosewich, Cubs 0 8 1 with three goals for each team. The begin next Wednesday, closed Saturdav St. Paul; J. H. Haager, Louisville; J. Battel ies— Whitesox, Walsh and Sulli­ Minneapolis boys braced up m the last president of the Aero Club of Ameri­ Other Proceedings. W. McCormick. Toledo; P. G. Hills, van, cubs, Pflester and Kilns ca; Augustus Port, secretary; Alan R. night. More than forty local bowlers half and by strong team work made Hawley and J. C. McCoy, directors; It was decided to stick to the 154ar e booked. Cash prizes have been put Cleveland, and M. A. Phillips, St. Louis. TRIDAY OCT 12 three more goals, winning the game by By action of the executive commit­ Aeronauts lieo Stevens and Frank S. ame schedule and to start the monkey up by the management and divided on AMERICAN LEAGUE GROUNDS , a comfortable margin. The Seeger Lahm of Paris, foreign representatives. Eouse proceedings on April 17, and close a percentage basis. tee the secretary of the local organi­ Runs. Hits Errois brothers and Knocke- starred for the zation has filed with the American Cuba .. 17 1 The principal consideration in the selec­ on Sept. 16, if all of the money is in Following are the entries: Whitesox" ' 0 2 1 Chinooks, while Marshall, Jennison, tion of starting >point, it is stated, is the box office by that time.
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