
THE ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL or the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. OWNED AND PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Edited by PETED W. COLLINS, Grzmd Secretary 'cneral Offices: Picrik Duildin9 Sprin~field, Dl. Entered as Second.ClaB8 Matter, June 8, 11i08, at the POlt Ofilce at Sprin&,field, Ill., under the Act CJf Congreu of March 8, 1818. THE ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BltOTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Eltmf It to lISt !nIcI It SJl1IdIll, TIL, .lcI:orf1Q: tl let of COI(llll u SecllHlau )amr . sm. .. Copieo,10 Cent. Vol. VIII. No. 5 SPRlNCFIELD, ILL, MARCH, 1808 'l_y .... n. uyan_ REPORT OF OUR DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION OF BUILDING TRADES HELD IN W ASHING­ TON, D. C., FEB. 10th. TO 15th., INCLUSIVE. The Convention of the Building Trades throats compulsory arbitration. That is Department of the American Federation of one-sided, and gives nothing to· the wage Labor was called to order at 10 a. m., Feb­ earners. It is for us to unite our forces to ruary 10th, by Bro. James Kirby, of the fight them. We agreed here in this conven­ Brotherhood of Carpenters. Brother Kirby tion upon a plan to submit for your con­ explained the reasons for the building trades sideration. I sincerely trust you will give assembiing together, and read a resolution ·this your careful consideration, and not adopted at the Norfolk Convention of the think for a minute we are trying to form a American Federation of Labor bearing on branch in order to divide the movement. On the matter. the contrary, we want to unite the move­ He then introduced President Gompers ment and be in a position where we can of the American Federation of Labor, who keep the employers from forcing down our spoke at great length, and he submitted throats compulsory arbitration, or the so­ the following part of the proceedings of called "open shop," as they are trying to do the Norfolk Convention, with a request that all over the country today. I trust you will they be embodied In the minutes of the vote in favor of the report of the commit­ Convention. tee. Treasurer Lennon-I am not' a member of Discussion on Report of Building Trades the Building Trades, but I want to ask "­ Committee. question. I would like to ask the committee November 22, 1907. what is their plan as to representation or Delegate McNulty-In support of the this Section in the convention of the Amer­ proposition as submitted b ythe Building Ican Federation of Labor. I did not hear 'l'rades Committee, I want to say that for that point brought out at all. the first time in the history of the Ameri­ Delegate McNulty-If I may be allowed to can labor movement the recognized, bona answer. The idea of the resolution is mere­ fide building trades of this country have ly to create this department. I understand come to a convention of the American Fed­ it is what representation will the building eration of Labor and have united for the trades have in the convention of the Ameri­ purpose of creating a Building Trade~ can Federation of Labor? Section that wlII unite the labor move­ Treasurer Lennon-Yes. ment of this country. I hope you will not think for a movement that it Is the Inten­ Delegate McNulty-The same representa- tion of the building trades to separate our tion all other trades have. There is no labor movement. That Is far from the change whatever in that respect. idea. The purpose Is to have the building Treasurer Lennon-What is the plan to be trades and the miscellaneous trades work followed to bring about solidarity of action hand in hand in every city in the country locally between the central body as now in­ to eliminate, If possible, the continual fight­ ~tituted and the local section of the building ing of building trades over the jurisdiction. trades? In the past we have made enemies of our Delegate McNulty - No building trades friends among the employers through union will be allowed in the Building Trades fighting over jurisdiction of work. We real­ Department locally unless that local union ize that unless the bunding, trades can be is affiliated with the central body. Don't united under one head it will be impossible think for a minute we are trying to separ­ to eliminate these fights. ate this branch from the American Federa­ The building trades have agreed among tion of Labor. We want automony of cen­ themselves to forget the jurisdiction quar­ tral bodies, and questions subject to an ap­ rels, and with the assistance of the Execu­ peal to this body at any and all times. tive Council try to create a Section that President Gompers-These questions are will eliminate those quarrels and protect all of importance for our future guidance. our friends among the employers. I do not Vice President Duncan-This proposition have to point to any particular city, but from the Building Trades Committee is the only the metropoli~ city of the country first tangible action looking to concrete work where at one time the most perfect Build­ amogn them that has ever been presented to ing Trades councn existed. As we look this convention. They have had something back we realize that were It possible for us in their minds all the time along, but it to again create that body as perfectly as it never found concrete shape until now. It then existed our trades would be in better this department I~ recognized and put into condition. We have seen many of the em­ use it will consolidate the scattered sections ployers forced into employers' association and detached portions of the buildin!:' trades for protection: we have seen them form the throughout the country. Some time ago we Building Trades Council and force down our had a so-called National Building Trades TABLE OF CONTENTS. A Novel Idea ..................... 159 Financial Secretary Notes ........ 156 Correspondence ............... 171-186 Information ......•............... 158 Classified Directory of Local Unions 191 Lost ............................. 159 Deceased Members ............... 159 Labor Conventions 1908 .......... 169 Donations ........................ 160 District Council No.2 of the First Notices 158 District ........................ 161 Report of Our Delegates to the District Council No. 6 of the Sec- Convention of Building Trades ond District .................... 170 Held in Washington, D. C. 134 Directory of Local Unions .... 186-19G Report of Delegate Cot!ghlin 170 Editorial- Comments On Constitution ..... 143 Supply and Demand ............. 139 The Science of Government .... 146 Senator La Follette---The People's The Awakened Conscience ..... 147 Tribute 166 Cause of Panics ................ 147 Treasurer Lennon's Report ....... 140 Parcels Post ................... 148 The Work of a Noble Priest ..... 141 Limitations .................... 148 Direct Legislation ............. 149 The Human Side of the Labor Official Referendum Ballot ..... 150 Question ....................... 165 INDEX TO A,DVERTISERS. Benjamin Electric and Mfg. Co.... 130 Hansen, O. C., Mfg. Co ...... Hh Cover Blake Signal and Mfg. Co ... -!.th Cover Hart Mfg. Go. .............. 2d Cover Blakeslee Forging Co. The .. Hh Cover Klein & Sons, Mathias ............ 192 Boot & Shoe Workers Unlon.2d Cover Larned Carter & Co. ............ 129 Bossert Electric Construction Michigan State Telephone Co.3d Cover Co...........•......••.... 3d Cover National Carbon Co. ............. 130 . Bryant Electric Co .•..••.... 2d Cover North Bros. Mfg. Co. ............ 132 Detroit Leather Specialty Co.3d Cover Stein, Robert ............... 2d Cover 132 THE ELECTRICAL WORKER "y ANKEE" TOOLS are the tools For Electricians They are the most satisfactory and down-to­ date Labor-Saving Tools made. The No. 15 is especially constructed for Electricians' use and all classes of mechanics having a large number of smaller screws to drive. • -1 RATCHET SCREW DRIVER No. 15 (4 sizes). The knurled washer at its base allows the blade to be be turned with the thumb and forefinger until the screw is well set, then to be driven home with the ratchet. Your dealer has them. Send for Tool Book. NORTH BROS. MFG. CO .• Philadelphia, Pa. DISTB.lOT OOUNCIL OI'I'IOXU. FIRST DISTRICT. President. Secretary-Treasurer. District Council No. 1-Chas. E. P. Taylor, Raymond Clark. 147 Ridgewood Ave., Newar k. N. J . 774 E . 19th St.• Paterson, N. J. District Council No. 2-J. J. McLaughlin, M. T. Joyce. 111 SarR.toga St.• E. Boston. Mas • . 117 Howard Ave.. Boston, Mass. District Council No.3-H. W. Potter, Robert Dickson, 116 S. Peach St., W. P .. Phildelphla., Pa. 921 E. Capitol Ave., Washington, D . C. District Council No. 4-Thos. J . Cleary, J . W. Cumfer, 923 Albany St., Schenectady, N. Y. District Council No. 5--L. L. Donnelly, J. K. Pa.ckard. 2623 State St.. Erie. Pa. Lock Box. 425. Elmira, N. Y. District Council No.6-Oliver Myers, F. W. Stubenvoll, 10&2 W . Bancroft St.. Toledo, Ohio. 61 Moore Place, Detroit, Mich. District Council No. 7-J. A. Groves, E. J . McDonald, 416 Wood ,St., Pittsburg, Pa. 240 E. Main St., Connellsv1l1e, Pa. District Council No. 8-J'. A. Monje&u, J. L. McBride, 136 Spruce St.. Toronto. Onto 226 Garry St., Wlnnl~g, Man. SECOND DISTRICT. la. and Neb.-James Fitzgerald. R. E . Perrin 1924 Lyner Ave.. Des Moines, I&. 1015 9th St., Sioux City. l&. St. L.- Harry Meyers, W. H. Coleman., 928 N. 17th St .. St. Louis. Mo. 1035 Laramie St., Atchison, Kan. Cook Co.-Martin Healy, E . J. Hayes, 470 Dickens Ave., Chicago, m. 76 Aberdeen St., Chicago, m. III. and Ind.-M. McNealy, F. R. McDonald, 2901 8* Ave., Rock Island, m. 14 Cross St., Aurora, Ill. Tex. and Ark.-W. M. Graham, Frank Swor, 208 Maln Ave., San Antonio, TeL Lock Box 61, Fort Worth, Texu.
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