U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1988 HOMES HOMES APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE FDR RENT FURNITURE EAST Hartford. B«autl- MANCHESTER. Ready TWO 8i three room apart­ O N E Year old Queen-size Truancy B ig lo ss fullv maintained, for on offer. Cleon, % Soecioli^JPcftf! ments for rent In M an ­ woterbed, waveless move-ln condition Co­ aluminum sided and > w chester. 529-7858 or mattress. Oak frame. lonial In desirable area trim, 6 room Ranch. 563-4438. Paid $250. Asking $150. Study is ordered A doctor who died offers you 3 spacious Near Buckley School. MANCHESTER. Two Com plete package. $14X900. Coll Dove, 649- bedrooms, eat-ln kit­ IK9^GLEAHIH8 PAIHTIH6/ ^ MMCELLANECUB MMCELLANECUB bedroom Townhouse, Coll 646-5511 otter 5pm. for his patients /20 chen, family room,for­ S048.T.J.Crockett,643- IVj baths, washer/d- of new proposal/3 mal dinina room, walk­ 1577._______________ SERVICES PAFERIH8 8EHVICE8 8ERVRE8 ryer, air conditioning, MUSICAL out basement, sun N E W Listing In South rec room, great loca­ porch plus patio lead­ Manchester near NAME your own reaso­ GSL Building Mainte­ tion. $750 plus utilities. ITEMS nable price. Father 8, HAWKES TREE SERVICE nance Co. Commercl- ing you to a fenced-ln Country Club. Athentic SOUTH BOLTON Buokst, truck S ohippsr. Atump 643-8519.____________ private yard. Call to­ Son Pointing and Pap­ al/ResIdentlal building BA N JO with case and G a r r is o n Colonial, CLEANING SERVICE. removal. Free sellmstst. BO LTO N . Lovely 4>/2 Instruction books. Ex­ day I Realty World, beautiful Insode and ering. Removal. 291- repairs and home Im­ 8567._______________ Special oonsidsratlon for provements. Inferior room apartment In two cellent condition. Ask­ Benoit, Frechette As- out. Three bedrooms, INC. family house. Stove, soclotes, 64e-7709.p Commgroltl / Reeldenllgl •Idsriy and handicapped. and exterior pointing, ing $100. Call Gene, 1.5 boths, 2 car garage. refrigerator, washer, 633-6164. $249,900. Dave, 649- Fully Inturad A Banded. Renovation^Pluii light carpentry. Com­ MANCHESTER. Check CuMlOfn Initrior 4 Exttrlor 647-7SS3 dryer, heat furnished. this out I Very roomy 8048, T.J. Crockett, 643- plete lanltorlol ser­ 0 4 M 5 4 S PalnUng • CaWng Mapalr M Mantw $650 per month plus V/» six room older Colonial 1577._______________ vice. Experienced, rel­ PETS AND • 0«ek« A UgM Carptntry iable, free esflmofet. months security and with a 2 car garage MANCHESTER. Spring SUPPLIED • EsWnwiw • Inmtnd Top Sell ScrMEeA Lm m 6434004. references. Adults pre- located Inxi nice family Street. Spacious Colon­ • Btntoe Ohoounf Any anwia dsEwed Aleo. M terred. Coll 643-0445. FALL Gutter cleaning. 2 year old AKC registered neighborhood. Formal ial on lovely lands­ grwal, atone and bek, mUch. MANCHESTER. Three living room and dining caped corner lot. 7 6 4 6 -2 2 5 3 Boboal, beokhoe a loadrianlaL Coll Paul of 643-8760. neutered male dach- UWNCARE room apartment, shund Free 647-7149. room, eat-ln kitchen, rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 HOL i' d a Y House, reflre- available November danrhrBtrr Ifrali DAVIS CONSTRUCTION three bedrooms, walk- baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 ROOFINB/ menf living, ambula­ 1st, Stove, refrigera­ FREE to good home. Vh up attic with loads of car garage, large pri­ SIIHN6 872-1400/659-9555 tory, home-llke tor, furnished. $450 per year old Collle- storage. Hordwood vate screened porch. PHIL’S UWN CARE atmosphere. Coll 649- month plus utilities. 1'/3 Shepard pup. House- floors odd charm Immaculately main­ 2358. months security. Ref­ broken, all shots, loves throughout, along with tained. $225,000. Fall clean-up and Scraanad Loam, Gravel, erences required. 643- children. Coll 742-1294, Golden Oaks Realty, M S Procastad Gravel, Sand, S 8 S Framiag the large wrap-around anow ramoval. For free 0445._______________ otter 5._____________ Thursday, Oct. t3 ,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Viliage Charm 30 Cents porch. Call Susan Do­ 646-5099 or coll Tom, estimates, call todayl Stone & Fill. nahue for your per­ 649-9664. RENOVATIONS • AddHIant • asraest • Porch EAST HARTFORD. One Commtrelil t Rsefdemfa/ For Dellvariaa Call and docks bedroom, appliances, MI8GELLANEDU8 sonal showing. call Phllat;742.7476i • Blots Llosnssd $159,900. Sentry Real Siding, gutters, llbarglaat George Griffing e Fully Inturad wall to wall carpeting. FDR DALE Estate, 643-4060.O ahinglat, slats, aingla ply. $500/month plus utili­ Fully Inturad, free Call 6484821.845-1757 ties. 568-1054. EIGHT month old water- MANCHESTER. New to BOLTON Lake. Four 742-7886 Evenings room Ranch, masonry . ectimataa. Call MANCHESTER. Two bed, $325. Courthouse market. This Ansaldl CARPENTRY/ One Gold membership, built seven room, V/i on 2'/i lots, 2 storage bedroom Townhouse Town may pay top dollar for manager REMOOELINB 646-1590 12'/2 months left tor both custom Colonall Is buildings, private HANDYMAN and with fireplace. All ap­ beach, appliances, gas 871-7SU sr 528-2857 pliances, heat, hot wa­ $450. Compared to reg­ situated ono beautiful HAUUNG LANC8CAPINB ular price of $700 plus. said he believed Weiss has been $70,000. Director Stephen T. Cas- wooded lot In one of heat. Reduced to ter, carpeting, air con- heavy fire this past year because members would do so at their Maloney today. Hartford had the Any job — Anytime dltlonlng. Nice Eric 649-3426.P_______ By Andrew Yurkovsky sano had said that the a salary of Manchester's niceset $144,000. 649-1794. FMRAND REMODEUMI of a botched revaluation, which hrst meeting, which he hopes will highest salary — $81,000 — for a underpaid. Room additlone, deoks, rooting, locotlon! Coll 649-5240. POOL Toble-Seors. Good Manchester Herald at least $70,000 would be in order areas. The first floor 291 Porter Street. 7 room Call Gary OREGORY WARRICK'S had to be discarded, and a costly be scheduled early next week. community of over 50,000. Weiss declined to comment on family room features a Colonial. Full of sMIno, wlndoert and gutters. I ELECTRICAL condition. $300. Coll af­ any aspect of the manager for someone with a finance Beokhoe and bulldozer setviea TREE WORK ter 3:30pm or leave It’s going to take top dollar to dispute over the town’s failure to cathedral celling, a full charm, new furnace, 8 7 5 -3 4 8 3 Fotiuring (KINDDMINIUMS ’The directors earlier this year Manchester has a population of search, saying it was a matter for background. Director Ronald avallebla. Cell Bob Farrand, Jr. RESIDENT'lALfuseellm- messoge. 568-1903. get a top-drawer town manager to get a wetlands permit for work on wall brick fireplace, new energy saving win­ Trss Rtmoval • Pruning for FDR RENT had turned down a proposed 51,100. the Board of Directors to handle. (teella had said that a salary as Inotlon, ctrcuf break­ 7" Reel to Reel topes. the town’s sewage treatment and french doors lead­ dows, modern kitchen, Bm . 647-8S09 ers Installed. Addi­ Health a Bsisly • Prunnlng replace Robert B. Weiss, town $4,000 increase that would have high as $75,000 might be needed to Most recorded on. $1.50 The CCM figures include only Director Mary Ann Handley ing to on oversized 2 full baths, patio and 3 Rat. 645-6849 tional wiring and small Dead Wood and Slubc • MANCHESTER. Two directors agree. plant. raised Weiss’ salary to $72,000. attract top candidates. deck. The carriage bedrooms. Must be i m Pruning for Wind RssManos bedroom Ranch style each. Coll Jack Ber­ those communities that answered said that the salary would proba­ repairs. Top quality Those directors who were inter­ " I t ’s going to have to be in the 70 DiRosa said the search com­ style garage has loads seen to be appreciated. RELIA8LE M8VING • Pruning for Beauty and condo. Central air, ap­ trand at 643-1262. (thousand) o ro ver range, maybe Figures compiled by the Con­ a query from the organization, bly have to be around $70,000. work of affordable pri­ Grass Growing viewed today said that the town mittee should be able to put of extra room and Please call 643-9233 af­ 4 SEASONS ces. Coll 646-5253 or pliances, eat-ln kit­ SURDIAC Coal Stove. necticut Conference of Munici­ Maloney said. ter 6;00pm. Principals Low, Low Rstst. ruKy kwwW • Smlor CWiOT IMwounl would probably have to pay more higher,” said Mayor Peter P. “ It certainly seems to be that advertisements for the position in could be an In-law si­ REMODELING residence at 646-0612. chen. $850 per month.'' Top of the line. $475. palities for fiscal year 1987-88 tuation or even a great only. Short notics moves. One year lease plus than the $68,000 that Weiss is DiRosa Jr., who is a member of a we’ve got to be at least competi­ national management journals in Additions e Decks 645-1973 (BflMrSpm) Coll 646-4773.________ show that Glastonbury had the Director Geoffrey Naab said workshop. Don't miss M O V E Right In. Won't a Roofing e Trimwork Insured. Dependable security deposit. Coll currently making. committee appointed to carry out tive with the market,” she said. two weeks. He said he hoped the HEATNIB/ TWO Courthouse One the highest manager salary — that he expected the town would this one I $222,900 Give last I New Insulated Small Jobe welcomed. 24 Years sxpsrience in for Rick, 649-0795. Gold Memberships. Weiss, who has been manager the search for a new manager. Sentry a coll today. have to pay more than Weiss now Last week directors on the advertisements could appear be­ windows, new vinyl S»mlor Clllwn DUcounI PLUMBINB moving One year each.
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