Mathematics Calendar This section contains new announcements of worldwide meet- 2 – 2 The Fourth Midwest Women in Mathematics Symposium ings and conferences of interest to the mathematical public, Location: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, including ad hoc, local, or regional meetings, and meetings IL and symposia devoted to specialized topics, as well as an- Motivated by the successful WIMS in Southern California, the nouncements of regularly scheduled meetings of national or University of Illinois at Chicago launched the first Midwest international mathematical organizations. New announce- WIMS in 2013. Previous symposia were held at the University ments only are published in the print Mathematics Calendar featured in each Notices issue. of Notre Dame and Dominican University and they were well received. The 4th Midwest WIMS intends to recognize and An announcement will be published in the Notices if it contains a call for papers and specifies the place, date, subject (when advocate collective achievements by female mathematicians applicable), and the speakers. A second announcement will in the Midwest, and to stimulate collaborations, networking, be published only if there are changes or necessary addi- and mentoring relations. The symposium will bring together tional information. Asterisks (*) mark those announcements female mathematicians in the Midwest at all stages of their containing revised information. careers. In general, print announcements of meetings and confer- URL: math.illinois.edu/wims/ ences carry only the date, title of meeting, place of meeting, names of speakers (or sometimes a brief statement on the 2 – 3 Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium program), deadlines for abstracts or contributed papers, Location: The University of Texas at Austin and source of further information. If there is any applica- Annual rotating conference between Rice, UT Austin, and tion deadline with respect to participation in the meeting, Texas A&M on algebraic geometry, interpreted broadly. Inter- this fact should also be noted. ested participants can apply for funding on the conference The complete listing of the Mathematics Calendar is available website. at: www.ams.org/meetings/calendar/mathcal URL: www.ma.utexas.edu/users/hwilliams/TAGS2016/ to the Mathematics Calendar should be done All submissions index.html online via: www.ams.org/cgi-bin/mathcal/mathcal- submit.pl 8 – 8 Columbia-Princeton Probability Day 2016 Any questions or difficulties may be directed to mathcal@ams. Location: Columbia University, New York, NY org. Main Speakers: Rick Kenyon (Brown), Joel Lebowitz (Rutgers), Allan Sly (Berkeley), Peter Winkler (Dartmouth); Junior Speak- March 2016 ers: Guillaume Barraquand (Columbia), Hao Shen (Columbia). Registration is free on the probability day website. 18 – 22 CRM Nirenberg Lectures in Geometric Analysis URL: www.math.columbia.edu/department/probability/ Location: Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de cpday16/cpday16.html Montréal, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, 2920, Chemin de la tour, Montréal (Quebec), CANADA 11 – 15 Advanced Course on Piecewise Smooth Dynamical Systems Three lectures to be given by Gunther Uhlmann (University of Location: Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain Washington): Harry Potter’s Cloak via Transformation Optics, This course will give a postgraduate level introduction to Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Seeing Through piecewise smooth (or nonsmooth) dynamical systems. We Space-Time cover the central concepts and key methods for maps or URL: www.crm.umontreal.ca/Nirenberg2016 flows with discontinuities, from the fundamental theory to recent advances. The advanced course is part of the Intensive April 2016 Research Program being held at the CRM (Intensive Research 1 – 3 2016 Redbud Topology Conference Program: Advances in Nonsmooth Dynamics). Location: University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK URL: www.crm.cat/en/Activities/Curs_2015-2016/ The Redbud Topology Conference is a regional conference in Pages/ACPSD.aspx topology and related areas, with participants from the Uni- versity of Arkansas, the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma 14 – 16 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED MATHEMAT- State University, and elsewhere. The theme of the 2016 Red- ICS AND NUMERICAL METHODS (ICAMNM) bud Topology Conference will be centered around current Location: Department of Applied Mathematics, University of topics in geometric group theory and low-dimensional topol- Craiova, Romania, Craiova, Romania. ogy. Invited Speakers: Tarik Aougab (Brown), David Cohen The event is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Romulus (U of Chicago), Thomas Koberda (Virginia), Kathryn Mann Militaru (1968-2015). Invited speakers: Mihai ANASTASIEI, (Berkeley), Denis Osin (Vanderbilt), Piotr Przytycki (McGill), Vladimir BALAN, Aurel BEJANCU, Ismail Naci CANGUL, Doina Jenya Sapir (UIUC), and Robert Young (Courant). CIORANESCU, Mircea CRASMAREANU, Jean-Marie CROLET, URL: www.math.ou.edu/redbud/ Horia ENE, Calin-Ioan GHEORGHIU, Anca Veronica ION, Marin MARIN, Sorin MICU, Costicǎ MOROSANU, Gheorghe 458 Notices of the AMS Volume 63, Number 4 Mathematics Calendar MUNTEANU, Bogdan NICOLESCU, Grigory PANASENKO, Mi- science. We are particularly interested in presenting methods, hai POSTOLACHE, Radu PURICE, Vicentiu RADULESCU, Ana both normative and descriptive, that offer a gestalt or RIBEIRO, Mircea SOFONEA, Claudia TIMOFTE, Sanda TIGOIU, structure-first approach to culture analysis and that provide Victor TIGOIU, Constantin UDRISTE a multi-layered summarization of these phenomena suitable URL: cis01.central.ucv.ro/ICAMNM/ for exploration at multiple scales. These models are applied URL: to various datasets such as social and information networks, www.ucv.ro/departamente_academice/dma/ICAMNM2016/ social media, narrative and story detection in texts, group home.php dynamics or behavior, and collaboration and competition leading to emergent behavior. The application deadline for 15 – 17 Eastern Illinois Integrated Conference in Geometry, Dynam- funding is March 14, 2016. ics, and Topology URL: www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/workshops/workshop- Location: Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL iii-cultural-patterns-multiscale-data-driven- Integrated conference featuring the involvement of un- models/ dergraduates, graduate students, and leading faculty re- searchers. 9 – 13 Advances in Geometric Representation Theory URL: https://ux1.eiu.edu/~gdt/2016.html Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI This conference will showcase results spanning the current 15 – 17 41st Arkansas Spring Lecture Series in the Mathematical landscape of geometric representation theory. Some travel Sciences: Submanifolds in Contact Topology support is available for graduate students and junior re- Location: Fayetteville, Arkansas searchers. Applications for funding must be submitted by This year’s Spring Lecture Series will be headlined by John March 6. Etnyre and with a public lecture by Reviel Netz. The conference URL: www-personal.umich.edu/~snkitche/Conference/ will focus on “Submanifolds in Contact Topology” and recent results broadening our understanding of contact structures 14 – 15 Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and both in dimension three and higher dimensions. There will Topology be a graduate workshop on Thursday, April 14th. Location: Temple University, Philadelphia, PA URL: comp.uark.edu/~jv002/sls.html This conference aims to expose graduate students in algebra, geometry and topology to current research, and provide May 2016 them with an opportunity to present and discuss their own 7 – 8 77th Midwest PDE Seminar research. It also intends to provide a forum for graduate Location: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio students to engage with each other as well as expert faculty The Midwest PDE Seminar has run semiannually since 1977, members in their areas of research. Most of the talks at bringing together researchers to share and discuss the the conference will be given by graduate students, with four latest analytical and numerical results on all aspects of given by distinguished keynote speakers. partial differential equations. All interested researchers are URL: math.temple.edu/events/gscagt/index.html encouraged to attend, and junior researchers can apply for 16 – 20 New Challenges for the Calculus of Variations Stemming travel support. From Problems in the Materials Sciences and Image Processing - In URL: math.uc.edu/midwest-pde/ Honour of the 60th Birthday of Irene Fonseca 9 – 12 Simons Conference on Random Graph Processes Location: Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Location: University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA Montréal, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, 2920, Chemin de la tour, This workshop, funded by the Simons Foundation, is the third Montréal (Québec), CANADA in a series of meetings organized at UT Austin on related Much work in the contemporary calculus of variations is topics, alternating yearly in an emphasis on mathematics one directly driven by current problems in materials sciences year, and on network applications the next. The 2016 work- and computer vision. In addition, variational approaches to shop will again be on the mathematics of stochastic processes these problems have proven very fruitful, for example, in and graphs, this time focusing on the studies of processes in, rigorously deriving reduced models that can be readily ad- and on, large graphs. Our aim is to bring together a diverse dressed computationally. Examples include the mathematical set of eminent researchers
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