- v f m «k • VSIDATi SlSl^ITCMBBR 194S f TI m W o h t W r • 1 ^2 PAHE FOURTEEJT Manrlfpatrr lEornlttg If^rdUt Avaiaia Dally Nst Prsse Run t *< U. B. WmOm M P i . J For «IM MMth of AogM* ISM F P Ir The Mary Cheney Library wUl $1A0; 249 tnUhsla o f eueumbera ” Gibbons Assembly. C at^llM Miss Eleanor Dougan, daughter $2,315 in Sales for a high of $2.10 and a low of mt eoaoMambto d of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dougan of be closed all day Saturday and 9,243 m Ladles of Columbus. Will open lU Monday, Istbor Day. The fall 76 cents; and .19 bushels of shell tsu lg h t with BgM shswssi f A bou t T ow n new sea*)n. Tuesday evening, Sep­ 231 School street, secretary for the beans at $3.05 and a low of $2.40. IT ol tka Aadli past two years In the office of St. schedule will b^gln with Tuesday. , At Auction IVfart II shewety Wahm tember 7. with an Important bus­ The Ubrary wUl be open Monday 1 mt CUcnlatteai iness meeting at the K, of C. Mary’s Episcopal church, haa tak­ Manehdttar^A City of Villdge Charm : ■.% Mc-risn T. JeMeiwm of t en a secretarial position at the through Friday, 9:00 a. m. to 9:00 home. Plans will be made for the p. m. and Saturdays, 9:00 a. m. to The report of *01** at the Man­ Chu-i^ut •treat !• « t L4«bon, N. state Convention here. October 16 Pratt A Whitney plant. East Hart­ 1 FOR S A L E 6:00 p. m. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS for a part of h«r \'mcaUon. and 16. to be held sA Oak Lodge. ford. chester Auction Market yesterday 1 1948 STREAMLINED Adrarllolat ** 48) MANCHESTSiL CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1948 Tolland Turnpike. ahowred a total of $2,318.76. .VOL. LXVIL, NO. 287 The Yount People * SjHdety of 1 DELUXE PONTIAC The Manchester Registered Mrs. John H. Gill of Main street Sold were 1,683 half-bushel bas­ Uio Conordla Lutheran church Will 1 .. INQUIRE The famUles of A. L Post and Nurses Association will postpone and her son, F; J. Gill, left today kets of tomatoes fpr a high of I ■ b»vc a meeting thl» evening at for a few days’ visit with Mrs. Edwin J. Donaldson of Green road, Its monthly meeting from Tuesday $1.40 and a low of 75 cento; ten 1 101 CHESTNUT ST. Throng Hears Truman 7:30. are at Lake Pleasant. Speculator, evening, September 7, to Tuesday GUI’s elder son, John Edward, of half-bushel boskets ot peppers at Buffalo, N. Y., and his family. N. Y., for a week. evening, September 14. Joint Protests May Seaman ApprenUce L. C. War­ Clifford D. Cheney, ren of 95" ToUand Turnpike la lervlng with an atuck •fiuadro** of tha Navy and haa received the battle efficiency pennan^nd B Civic, Industrial for general excellence. The latter Back to School! Be Made to Soviets he may wear on hU uniform. Young people of the Covenant- Congregational church win at­ Leader Here, Dies tend the conference tomorrow eve­ Your Nicest Sport Blouse ning at 7:45 at Cromwell, and Qn Rioting in Berlin Sunday evening at the eame hour Rev. Lealle Strand of New Britain Chairman Board of Di­ will be the principal epeaker. rectors of Cheney News Tidbits Freucb Liaison Officer Representative Mra. W llll^ O. Your Now Fdl.Vrv Brothers Passes Sud­ Culled From (/P) Wires Milk Shortage Seen Protecting 27 German Crawford, Mrs. George F. Borm, president of the Manchester Re­ denly at His ~ Summer Police Threateued Ltae of moumCrs for President publican Women's Club; Mrs. John Home at Noank; ^ a s Pickles, past president, and a Bcnea four miles long through the As Walkout Effect With Death by Uni­ night . Iranian government number of the other members at­ Dressy Caldt 71 Years of Age dentified Telephone tended the box luncheon and meet- , says chief of U. S. military mis­ tag of the County Association to- i sion with Iranian Army will be Colonol Clifford D. Cheney, prqm- Caller; Western Pow- day at the home of Mrs. F. B. | Spray of curled feathers en fine fur chuiged . • State department Lack of Cardboard Con­ taent in the civic and Induatrial writes off as oaother frame-up Phone Strike Austin of Wlntonbury Avenue. feh, fits the head perfectly, tiack,' ers Study Next Step Bloomfield. Mrs. Howard Oarsden, ‘ life of Manchester for over a half Bulgaria’s ouster of American tainers Threatening president. Introduced the principal j brown, novy,:''(rey, caffe*, win*.' century, died suddenly yesterday consular official on spy charges First Serious Shortage . Revere’s city councillors Date Is Set speaker, Mrs. Edna Edgerton of . at his summer home in Noank. He Stamfo^, Republican state com-; pleiad Innooeat on rackets charge In !\etv York City Berlin, Sept. 7.— The was 71 years old. .< . New Massachusetts law re­ mlttee woman. j western Military governors^ Chairman of the Board of Direc­ quires paid entertainers to reveal Equipment Workers to tors of Cheney Brothers and a di­ their tm e IdentHiea beginning to­ New York, Sept. — considered today joint pro-' Mra. WllUara Roeber of Perti- $3-98 to $6-®* rector of the Pioneer Parachute day . British adviser to Re Part of a throng of an eaUmated 120,000 persons masses In OtdUIac Square, Detroit. Mlcl^ to hear New York’s truck strike en­ W alk Out Sept. 17; tests to the R ussUu m against sklll, N. Y , la visiting her slater, Company which he helped found, President Tmmnn Oddresa n Labor Dny turnout sponsoicd by the CIO and .%FL. ’The President la on Mra. Julius Bolonlk, and her son, public of Indonesia’s Foreign Of­ tered its seventh day today Parleys Deadlocked Communist-led riots which and of the Hartford Gas Company. fice says popular disillusionment the pintform under ling nt left. (A P wirephoto)._________________________________________________ Gustavs Luther l i Middle Chlonel Cheney also served his with a lack of cardboard milk have disrupted blockaded Turnpike West. NICE SELECTION OF with U. S. State department’s town and hla country In numerous policy toward Indonesia is almost containers threatening to (3iicago, SepL 7— —‘The CIO Berlin’s civil government. A other ways. A t the time of hls eatlririy responsible for recent up' cause the first serious short­ Association of Communication French liaison officer who ia death he was stlU a member of surge of Communism there . Dewey Silent age in the metropolis. The Equipment Workers today sst Hose and Ladder Company No. 1 Seeks Way to Unite Sept. 17 for a strike wlUcb It said protecting 27 German police' Parents of French quadrupleU of the western aone ia the dty FENDER AND BODY of the South Manchester Fire De­ American Can Co., m ajor would cripple service oveft' the na­ Children’s Felts at $2'^^ their one room home will no hoU was threatened with death by partment, which he helped to On Speeches maker of the containers here, tion. WORK found and In which he had alwasrs longer be adequate . .Eighteen said it would decide soon whether an unidentified telephone «— as year old Nellie Koss pays her en­ Labor, Farm Groups Announcement of the otrike date the western powers studied their maintained a strong interest. to eUminate the portion of its pro­ trance fees at Olenville SUte col­ was made by Dan Harris. Port­ next step. Th* 27 poUe* remained SeIbBMM and Plan . lae. Millinery— Second Floor Served In Worid War 1 duction used in the metropolitan land, Ore, vice preeldent of the lege, W. Va.. with 2,121 dimes she Sidesteps Comment on •A hidden in the city hoU, which Is to n r Osates a m e t He was prominent in the early area. union. He said negotiations be has been saving for years .... Breokij’n Plant Cloeed the Russiaa sector. Nlastoea oth­ nctiviUss of Troop B Cavalry and Talks by Truman on Truman Seeking Formu­ tween the union and the Western ers were seized yesterday. Vienna leports Russians have ar­ Wallace Raps The concern already haa shut Electric Manufacturing company served with that unit at the Mexi­ rested two owners of textile firm. can Border and later, as World His Labor Day Swing la After Opening Cam­ down its Brooklyn plant. Under are deadlocked. 'The three western military gov­ W ar X developed, he went over­ New York hotel night manager consideration la the closing down Harris said the strike would pull ernors. Gen. Lucius D. CSoy, Unit­ TfxJWIULCcOM shot to death as he failed to con­ paign Skirmish Into ^ L a b o r Stand of half of the output at iU Jersey ed States, (ton. Sir Brian Robert­ seas. Albany, N. T., Sept. 7 — (fl't — out 25,000 members of th* union Surv«yor Hls friendly and co-operative at­ vince bandit he did not know safe City plant. son. Britain, sad Gen. Piarre manchistM Comm* Gov. ’Thomas E. Dewey today side­ Michigan and Ohio working in 3,200 Bell Telephone titude toward alt Of his townsmen combination . Traditional Miss LitUe hope was held for a company locations In 43 of tjie 48 Koenig. France, met briefly. Thai C iv il was a factor that gained him a host America pageant on at Atlantic stepped comment on I*resldent Asserts Leaders Back­ quick end to the walkout al­ states. they went into their seventh ooa- City .
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