12th AsiA-PAcific ProgrAmme for senior militAry officers (APPSMO) ConferenCe REPORT 5–10 August 2010 SINGAPORE 12TH ASIA-PACIFIC PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR MILITARY OFFICERS (APPSMO) ConferenCe REPORT WORKSHoP ADMInISTrATOR: PAULINE LIeW rAPPORTUERS: ADrian Kuah, AMos Khan, CUrIe MaharAnI, Diane Russel Ong JUnIo, Nur AzIemah, Nur IrfAnI, Ong Weichong, Samuel Chan, VerrA, VInAy Kumar Pathak and WAng PengxIn eDITeD By: Iqbal SIngh SeVeA 5–10 AUgust 2010 SINGAPORE InSTITUTE OF DEFENCE AnD STrATEGIC STUDIeS S. RAJArATnAM SCHOOL OF InTERNATIONAL STUDIeS (rSIS) nANYANG TeCHNOLOGICAL UnIVERSITy, SINGAPORE About the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in the Asia-Pacific region. It produces cutting-edge (RSIS) was officially inaugurated on 1 January 2007. security related research in Asia-Pacific Security, Conflict Before that, it was known as the Institute of Defence and Non-Traditional Security, International Political and Strategic Studies (IDSS), which was established ten Economy, and Country and Area Studies. years earlier on 30 July 1996. Like its predecessor, RSIS was established as an autonomous entity within Nanyang The School’s activities are aimed at assisting policymakers Technological University (NTU). to develop comprehensive approaches to strategic thinking on issues related to security and stability in the The School exists to develop a community of scholars Asia Pacific and their implications for Singapore. and policy analysts at the forefront of Asia-Pacific security studies and international affairs. Its three core functions For more information about RSIS, please visit www.rsis. are research, graduate teaching and networking activities edu.sg. Contents About the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies 2 Background and Aims of the Conference 4 Opening Remarks 5 Opening Address 6 Lecture Session 1: New Dimensions in International Security 8 Panel Discussion 1: Fighting Small Wars in the New Century 9 Panel Discussion 2: Securing the Seas 12 Panel Discussion 3: Terrorism in South and Southeast Asia 15 Lecture Session 2: Media and International Conflict 17 Lecture Session 3: The Ethics of War in the 21st Century: 18 Military Robots and the Battle Space of the Future Singapore Technologies Engineering Distinguished Dinner Lecture: 19 Intelligence and National Security in the 21st Century Lecture Session 4: Al Qaeda’s Strategy of Attrition 20 Distinguished Lunch Talk: Strategic Uncertainty 21 Lecture Session 5: China and Energy Security in East Asia 22 Conference Programme 23 List of Speakers, Chairpersons and Participants 25 This report summarises the proceedings of the conference as interpreted by the assigned rapporteurs and editor of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. Participants neither reviewed nor approved this report. This conference adheres to a variation of the Chatham House Rule. Accordingly, beyond the speakers and paper presenters cited, no other attributions have been included in this report. Background and Aims of the Conference The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) of the world were invited to address subjects such as new the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), dimensions in international security, fighting small wars Nanyang Technological University, has been organising in the new century, maritime security, terrorism in South an annual Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior Military and Southeast Asia, the media and international conflict, Officers (APPSMO) every August since 1999. In 2010, the ethics of war in the twenty-first century, international programme ran formally from 5 through 10 August, with security and strategic uncertainties, and intelligence and a welcome dinner on 4 August. Fifty-two senior military national security. officers from the Asia Pacific and Europe participated in the programme. Besides discussing policy-relevant issues, the officers also participated in a number of social activities. These The academic aspect of the programme was designed included visits to the Changi Naval Base and a tour to stimulate the participants to consider policy matters of historic and iconic landmarks of Singapore. These from both theoretical and practical perspectives. activities gave the officers opportunities to interact with Distinguished speakers from Singapore and around one another and build relationships. 4 12TH ASIA-PACIFIC PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR MILITARY OFFICERS (APPSMO) Opening Remarks Ambassador Barry Desker In his opening remarks, Ambassador Barry Desker, range from military transformation to the challenges Dean of RSIS and Director of IDSS, highlighted that over posed by the new media, from fighting insurgencies to the years, since its inception in 1999, APPSMO has seen securing sea-lanes, from understanding the ways in which increasing numbers of country participants. He also intelligence communities are adapting to contemporary noted that APPSMO has expanded to cover the realms of security challenges to grappling with the implications of both traditional and non-traditional security issues. competition for energy resources. The latter is becoming more salient, Ambassador Desker noted, given the Ambassador Desker emphasised that our understanding increasing competition for energy resources. It should be of security has undergone a radical transformation. remembered that access to energy resources is intrinsically Fundamental to this is the widening of the security linked to a state’s national security and a potential source agenda. As the security instrument par excellence, this of conflict. The week’s discussions will also encompass increasingly means that the roles that military institutions the accountability of militaries as institutions and the have to undertake will also increase. No longer can development of conflict management mechanisms. military organisations only focus on the defence of the realm from external military challenges, these institutions Ambassador Desker highlighted that a central objective also need to begin to focus on the new challenges in of APPSMO continues to be to facilitate exchanges and the new security agenda, as well as begin to understand the development of personal relationships among senior the processes that underpin the emergence of these military officers in the region and beyond. The role of new security challenges. The militaries of today not only APPSMO in providing the necessary platform for useful have to handle the challenges of counter-terrorism, and thought-provoking discussion in an informal setting peacekeeping and disaster relief operations, but also would serve to make discussions on security both candid globalisation and its more unconventional challenges to and honest. the security of states. In closing, Ambassador Desker thanked the sponsors— Bearing the above in mind, this year’s APPSMO focuses on Singapore Totalisator Board and ST Engineering—the the transformation of security and what this, therefore, speakers and the participants for making APPSMO means for the military organisation. The programme will 2010 possible. 5 12TH ASIA-PACIFIC PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR MILITARY OFFICERS (APPSMO) Opening Address Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo This year’s APPSMO, Deputy Prime Minister Teo noted, Chee Hean delivered the opening speech. He noted that was taking place against a backdrop of new security APPSMO provided a much-needed opportunity for senior challenges, with recent reminders that we cannot take military officers to understand current security issues regional stability for granted. While bilateral relationships and engage in frank exchanges of views in a friendly and between several of the key countries remain stable, informal setting. the rising tension on the Korean peninsula provided a reminder of how irresponsible acts of provocation could Deputy Prime Minister Teo stressed that the global destabilise the entire region. The recent differences in the financial crisis, which had accelerated the shift in global U.S.-China relationship also bear watching. economic weight towards Asia, will concomitantly result in shifts in the strategic situation in the region. The rising Apart from short-term developments, there are some Asian powers will have new and expanded interests key security challenges in the Asia Pacific which will such as access to energy, trade routes and markets, and require concerted and collective effort to manage. First will seek to safeguard them. In some instances, this will is the safety and security of sea lanes of communication. lead them to seek cooperation with others who share Deputy Prime Minister Teo emphasised that these the same interests, but there is also the potential for sea lanes are vital to long-term regional stability and increased competition and friction both with one another prosperity, and states need to work together to keep and the more established powers. This heightens the risks access to them open, safe and secure for all. The principles of misunderstanding and miscalculation as states adjust of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea or UNCLOS to these new realities. provide a useful basis to guide the way that various claims to maritime zones and jurisdiction over sea areas can Apart from traditional security challenges, regional peace be resolved. He stressed that all states have an interest and prosperity also remain vulnerable to many new types in ensuring that the international norms in
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