Toff and German elected new SGA leaders FSRST-YEAR LEADS By KAITLIN McCAFFERTY Both Taff and German served as received 451 votes. James and the trust of many of the candidates. We .5- NEWS EDITOR commons leaders their sophomore Shanahan had 444 votes. We really enjoyed thought a lot of their decisions were POLICE ON A 17 year. Taff was abroad in Australia last Campaigning throughout the pri- biased, irresponsible and contradicto- Derek Taff '04 and Josh German '04 semester and German was abroad at the mary election and during the run off getting to know the ry," German said. have been elected to next year's CBB program in London. was fierce. Knowing that the race other candidates... There were also some voting com- MILE CAR CHASE Student Government Association lead- "We really enjoyed getting to know would be a close one, supporters for plications during the primary election. ers. the other candidates and hearing their many of the candidates sent out cam- We are looking for- The ballot was not available to stu- By KAITLIN McCAFFERTY Taff and German won the election ideas," German said. pus-wide e-mails raising questions ward to the oppor- dents studying abroad and as a result NEWS EDITOR Wednesday, March 19 after a close run- "We are looking forward to the about the efficacy of election guide- students abroad had to. had to e-mail off election against Emma James '04 opportunity to get moving on our plat- lines and procedures. tunity to get their votes, which caused a minor Gene Kafka '06 led the Waterville and Kearney Shanahan '04. In the ini- form," Taff said. According to election commission moving on our delay in tallying the votes. Also, a link police on a 17.5-mile car chase from tial election, a five-candidate race held Taff and German competed against guidelines, campus clubs and organiza- to the ballot was not provided on the Waterville to Skowhegan Sunday, March 17, neither team received a 3 other running mates, not including tions may endorse candidates provided platform. College Web page, leaving many stu- March 9. majority of the votes. James and Shanahan, in the original that "they do not contribute to the can- dents confused about where and how He was arrested and charged with Taff and German's campaign plat- election. Mickey Cooper '04 and didates' campaign expenses or materi- Derek Taffand Josh German to cast their vote. refusing to stop for an officer and form promised to uphold and further Matt Forlizi '04, Jeff Wong and als." There are no explicit guidelines SGA president and VP-elect "I was really disappointed to see all assault and was later summonsed for the College's diversity initiatives, Shannon Hopkins '04 and Charles concerning individual student endorse- the damage done to candidates materi- driving the wrong way on a one-way improve academic and residential life, Data and Piri Kutluoguku '04 each ments. Disagreement arose over stu- permissible. als and posters," current SGA vice- street and operating with a license that increase SGA accountability and won a portion of the electorate. In the dent endorsements because it was "We thought that the election com- president and election commission had been expired since November 23, ensure safety on campus. primary election Taff and James unclear what sort of endorsements are mittee did not do their job and violated chair Jill Gutkeunst '03 said. 2002. "I'm not sure what his exact .quote was," Waterville Sgt. Daniel Ames said, "but when we asked him why he SPB adopts new and Students celebrate St. Patty's Day had failed to stop he made reference to 'having a bad night.' That was his only excuse for not stopping for a police improved constitution officer." scrutiny and investigation. SPB mem- The chase began at 5:25 a.m. when By MICHAEL WIDDERSHEIM bers and Associate Dean of Residential Ames saw Kafka driving in the wrong ' STAFF WRITER Life Ronald Hammond said that elimi- direction down Lower Main Street, a nating the position of commons leader one-way street. Putting his lights on, The Student Programming Board does not represent a phasing-out of the Ames attempted to pull Kafka over. recently adopted a new constitution. Commons system. Kafka did not pull over; he continued The new document formalizes last The changes were made to allow driving north on College Ave. Ames year's divorce between the Student SPB to function more smoothly. One followed in pursuit. Government Association and the SPB of the largest challenges SPB current- "He looked back at me, so I knew he and outlines the replacement of the ly faces is lack of student interest. had seen me," Ames said. commons leaders by a six-committee Few students were interested in serv- Kafka stopped at a red light in system: the Social Events Committee; ing on SPB, and there was little com- downtown Fairfield, but once it turned Cultural Events Committee; Special mitment to programming on campus, green quickly accelerated, and the pur- Events Committee; Concert and Live Leanne Burnham, assistant director of suit continued through Fairfield, into Music Committee; Coffeehouse Student Activities and SPB advisor, Hinckley. In Fairfield, Police Officer Committee and Publicity Committee. said. Paul St. Amand picked up the chase, Each committee will be comprised One of the reasons students were joining s Ames..and ..Waterville Police of a chairperson ahd-five to' 10 repre- dissatisfied with SPBrwas an inade- • Officer Richard Cutliffe/' AH" ttireie sentatives. In addition to the commit- quate division of labor, Burnham were in their cruisers. tees, an SPB president and a joint said. For example, a committee Kafka traveled at varying speeds; at treasurer/secretary will handle admin- member may not have had any inter- one point driving 62 miles per hour in istrative tasks and serve as liaisons to est in a planning a live music event, a 30-m.p.h. zone, but for the majority other campus clubs and groups. but would have still been expected to of the chase he was not traveling above It is only a coincidence that the JON SILBERSTEINLOEB/THE COLBY ECHO Commons system is currently under Continued on Page 2 Dressed in green and full of cheer, Colby students gathered to celebrate the luck of the Irish this past Saturday. Continued on Page 3 Students vote down SGA Spectrum housing survey under consideration October. scope of Presidents' Council," "One of the concerns of the TWG," constitutional referendum By LIZ BOMZE Usually when motions are pro- Kassman said. Groggel said, "is that they don't want FEATURES EDITOR Council to make changes to the con- posed, they pass through what Dean "This may be the first time in the to survey the students too often By KAITLIN McCAFFERTY stitution without consulting the stu- of Students Janice Kassman calls "the recent past that there has been such a because then it isn't as effective, and NEWS EDITOR dent body." Student Government At the Feb. 24 Presidents' Council CAC, Presidents' Council and Dean situation [of reconsideration]," they already did the social life survey. A referendum to the student gov- Association president Gretchen meeting a motion proposed by Emma triumvirate," meaning they are Kassman said. That survey has been analyzed to see if ernment constitution was voted down Groggel said. James '04 requesting the College reviewed and then endorsed or reject- Before Presidents' Council passed there is any helpful information that Monday, March 17. The current constitution prohibits a Affairs Committee conduct a campus- ed by the three bodies. the spectrum housing motion, the would pertain to the spectram propos- The three major changes contained constitutional referendum unless the wide survey polling the sentiment on "It is the responsibility of SGA to issue of surveying the student body al." in the referendum included limiting proposed amendment has the support spectrum housing passed by a majori- make sure that the secretary routes it regarding multicultural housing had "Rather than look independently dorm presidents' room incentives, of the majority of the members of ty vote. [the motion] to the particular commit- already come up in the TWG. [at these topics], we're looking at changing the criteria for constitutional Presidents' Council or is backed by a Since then the motion has been tee or individual , and the student co- "We have already discussed the whole assessments of student life out- referenda in the future and incorporat- petition with at least two-thirds major- moved from the CAC to the Trustee chairs on the committees should know possibility of surveying the entire stu- side of the classroom," Kassman said. ing previous constitutional bylaws ity of the student body. According to Working Group, which has been about the motions," Kassman said, dent body and will come to a conclu- As an intermediary between the into the constitution. the referendum, passage of a constitu- charged with assessing the spectrum Spectrum housing, however, "did- sion on whether we want to do this at campus and the Board of Trustees, the Many students voted against the tional amendment would have housing proposal, as well as the n't take that route," because those our next meeting," SGA president and TWG is comprised of Kassman; four referendum because they believed it required the support of 70 percent of results social life survey, the bodies alone "don't have province TWG member Gretchen Groggcl '03 trustees; two faculty members, would curtail their power. those members present and voting. Commons system, alcohol use on here," she said. said. Margaret McFaddcn, chair of the "I nm not in favor of the changes to "Anyone who actually read the pro- campus and renovations to Cotter SGA has authority over three ele- "It is possible," Kassman said, American studies department and the constitution because if it passes it posed constitution would have seen Union.
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