PAGB FOUR THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY. AUG. 5th. 1950 ^ Louis May Fight Cliaries In Sept Sugar Ray Refuses Record Crowd Expected For Net To Sign Contract Championship Play, August 21st Tieing Him To IBC Wilberforce, Ohio Visitors and vacationists can exi)eet a New Yi>rk I'itv ■. ‘ .NSi sey ( ')ty on Aii'rust !Mh. week of thrills and upsets when Sufrar H«y Mill He has since been assured the imtiomil championships of Satchel Paige Versus Cubans las own sugar iiuiin y, tliank vou that the National Boxing As­ the American Tennis Associa­ He has refused to sell him­ sociation will either force La tion get Underway at the Col self into slavery for 15 per 1 M^tta to meet him or vacate lege of Education and Indus cent. So the know it alls can I the middleweight title, trial Art.s at Wilberforce Aug Features Polo Grounds Twin Bill stop thinking it’s the price ^inJrrrfTe\ eiiiit'erelli'es oVer 21 to 2(i inchi.sive iiiir the Uohinson-Knsari that’s stopping Ray from sign­ Xew York Xew Yorkers will Mig l/<“agues, the two Poston number of players to the big to tclevisidu are under IxH'al ortieials report that re- ing a title bout with Jake La- be treated to a double treatment j Clubs and the Xew York (Hants are Hank Greenberg and Gene waV It' both parlies ajiree, scr\'Jitions for lodging aceoni- Motta. He okayed 20 per cent. of cliLss lA baseball at the Polo art* said to have made him of­ Hermanski. Sii^'ar l{a\ will collect .'{() p er­ modations in<li<'ate an overflow The catch is the “exclusive” (j rounds on Thurstlay night, fers; but the “ .Mighty M an” The Homestead Grays have cent. lie is Kfttiii^ only .I*], for attendance. Large state deleixa- contract which says "you can August 10 for the first Negro claims Ik; can make more in the always been popular here and the fi^dit itself, as his 40 per­ tion are requesting reservations fight only for the' Interna­ American Ix'ague arc-light con- Xegro League getting paid on a every where they go because of cent goes to the |)aniuii Dunyon for a floor of rooms in some of tional Boxing Club.” t(‘st of the .season here. I)cr diem basis. tlreir superior hustling type of Cancer Fund. the eommodius dormitories. I'm not froiiig' 1<> si’ll inyNcit’ Kpeidal train accommodations ex Poinp>%\vith a flare of Paige has been mighty effec­ baijeball, which enabled them to body anil suiil lor three yenrs. Because of the charity angle, will bring delegations from New showmanship hasN;arded a twi- tive this season boasting of a reign supreme in the Negro leagues for more than two de­ That kind <jf tliiu;jr wont out New York ticket brokers are York, New Jersey and Penn. night doubleheader featuring fine earned run average of less when lxH‘ surrenderftl ” siiid selling tickets to the battle at Seven national singles clmm- Satchel Paige and his Phila. than two runs per game. His cades. Robins()n bef<irr _ h>- left t'oi' face value, eliminating the 75 pionshijis and four national Stars against tlie XVw York fast ball still retains its hop. The Cubans continue to hold their own and proudly boast the Charley Fiisari fi^jht in .]<t cent service charge. doubles championships will be Cubans. It has been often said that New York City' (C X S )— .loc g(K)d chance. There are two In adilition to the sensation­ the Bushwicks are better than of having sent more stars to or l>laye<l off. Iji addition the na­ Louis has, at last, set up camp things in his favor to start with. al Satchel, the tuitionally fam­ at least a half a dozen big lea­ ganized baseball than any oth­ tional intercollegiate champion­ in West Baden, Indiana to start He ain’t been laying dead like ous Bushwicks fi'oni De.xter gue clubs and they have tinii' er sepia baseball club. ship will be defended again by training. H e ’ll figlit K/zard Park will engag,- the e<jually r(>- and again demonstrated their Presenting sparking the Ijat sonu' of the other champions who Foul Play Suspected As George Stewart, South Carolina Charle.s in Septeiid^er at the nowned Homestead C ray in th'- superiorit\- over all classes of ins attack are Edmundo Amo came back and he likes to train. State A. and M. College student. Yankee Stadium in one of the first game of the double bill. eluUs that they encounter. rose, .357; Pedroso Diaz, .348: If he is laying dead all this This year all entries officially biggest bouts in fi.stic hi.story. Satchel Paige has just turn- Mon'over, they have sent up any Amando Yvanes, .327; and Jose time, he will have too much closed 8 days prior to the date' In aiuiouncing his plans of­ Burned Bodies Found Fernandez, .301. weight on his shoulders and of the draw and must be nmiled etl ilown three offers from the leagues, most noteil of W’hoiH ficially' ,Ioe said. “ I ’m getting when you got weight on your to Exeeutivfc Secretary Bertram tired of exhibitions, it’s a lot shoulders,”trtssv^ry hard to take L. Baker, 399 -Tefferson Avc tougher than actually fighting it off your belly. But he hasn’t In Car Near Tarboro nue, Brooklyn, NTew York, not btJcause y o u ’re always travel­ got that weight, and, like I said, later than August 12, 1950. Black Yanks Will Oppose ling and don’t nearly as nuich Tarboro— Foul play \va« sus- identified. It was found in the he likes to rain. You should think This is election year. All rest.” But the main reason for j^cted here in mystery of two front seat of the automobile. a fellow who has done as much A TA ofticers will be elected at charred bodies found in a burn­ Betrand’s body was discover­ the comeback is that the bout training as he would get sick the annual business meeting to will settle Joe’s income tax ed 1941 sedan on tlie Norfolk ed in the rear seat of the car, and tired of looking at a Gym­ be held Wednesday, August --i. Dixie Nine In All-Star Tilt just like anyone else and fight braneh of the Atlantic Coast completely burned, except for nasium. Lots of them do. But Representatives of 1.50 clubs Line right of wa. about tliree his feet which were protrud­ ing Charles seems like the best not him. and state a.s.sociations are ex­ Detroit — On the strength of way to do it,” Joe said. miles from here. ing from the open right rear pected to participate. their superlative play this sea “ So he wants fo fight and he Sheriff Tom Bardin’s office door of the auto. He was Meanwhile, Mannie Seamon, ATA officials have announced son as an indenpendent unit of is busy at work trying to solve identified by a pair of un­ who trains Joe, was heading for likes to train and when he quit the following schedule for busi­ the Xew York Mlaek Yankee the mystery of the burned burned sandals which he was Will Pep Fight West Baden where h e ’ll meet he was the best fighter in the ness meetings during the tourna­ Travelers have beeir selected to known to have purchased. the former heavyweight champ. world, so why shouldn’t I give bodies. ment week: Sunday, Aug. 20 — play against the South All Stars Although the fire destroyed He took a trunk load of Joe’s him a good chance? I ain’t kid- Sheriff Bardin said that the pjxecutive Committee, .Ioii*t at Greensboro, X, C. on Suiiday position of the bodies and the the interior of the auto without training clothes. Joe will set up <liug myself. I know Charles is meeting of the Executive ('om- afternoon, August 6 at the War intnese heat of the fire seemed damaging tlie outside or tiie Saddler? Still camp at Smith’s Hotel, former­ a good fighter and he is fast mittee and Tournament Com­ Memorial Stadiuin. grass under and around it, only ly' W ad d y ’s, where the ex-champ but I see Joe catch those fast to indicate that foul play had mittee, Official Draw — Tues. the charred seat springs and the This All Star contest is the has done his preliminary' train­ fellows. I see him in some of been committed. Aug. 22, Meeting of the Hoard The fire charred the two steel trim m ed steering wheel re- South’s outstanding attrac­ ing many times. these exhibitions and the way of Trustees — Wed., Au^. 2!{. bodies badly, rendering one maiued of the interior. tion and is only excelled by $64 Question Asked how he felt about Joe’s he looks to me, if T am C harles’ Annual Business fleeting — Every other bit of the interior chances with Charles, Seamon manager 1 do not want him in of the bodies unidentifiable, Thurs., Aug. 24, Executive the famous East-West Classic was destroyed by the flames. that is held in Chicago each Xew York City (CNS) ~ out on October 29,1948. (Wil- said ‘ ‘ I think he’s got a very there with Joe.” but did not harm the exterior Committee Meeting — Satur­ of the car nor did it even The fire was .so hot that it melt­ summer. The game is expect­ What do you do when you’re he took the title back by de­ day, Aug.
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