PORTLAND D A T T A Terms $8.00 per annum, in atlrance. '■lie roniana iwny rm» « nAHTBU IIUTEL8, miscellaneous. _ I'roin a SiauniK r licnon. Is published every day (Sundays excepted) by THE DAILY PRESS the Boy Wanted. Pavilion Hotel, SEA-SIDE RESORT. DAILY PRESS. Wollboro*, N. Portland Publishing Co., Work in a Wholesale Dru* Store. to STATEMENT OF THE H., Aug. 10, 1870. j Apply CONDITION BUSINESS DIRECTORY. To the Editor TO W. HlCRKiNS .V 0 fOBTLANI- of the Press: 109 Exchange Portland. st. At Street, jyl2-d3t* SC Commercial I think iu my last letter I made some remarks summer" -OF THE _. Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. retreat, the Hide Advertising Agency. upon delicious coolness of this favorite Girls Wanted. S»uth of Peak’s Island. ATWELL & 174 Middle Street. Saturday summer HF.NUY M. CO., Morning, Aug. 18, 1870. rc?orf, informing your readers that the State Press Gaiter Boot Stiicliers wanted ;U S. Newcomb BRACKETT, Proprietor. Tlic Dliiinc & Go’s No II South Street, Ruble lor Genteel average temperature was between 70 and 80 TKN Shoe Factory, Open Boirders—three miles irom Port A Seeds. ford. augl2dlw S. NEWCO.viB & CO. land—within thirty lods of the ocean—with Agricultural Implements The This has the Thursday Morning at good Pleach nl Her/. been case iu all preceding years, Is published every opportunities for Fishing. Sea Buttling, and water SAWYER & WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. if in at HOME but the week has $2.50 a year; paid advance, $2.00 a Girl Wanted. excursion?. Steamer Gazelle leaves Portland daily INSURANCE Cwietpouilcnre of the N. Y. Timec. past proved that we were not at a. 2. P. tor tho COMPANY, 9, 10} M., M., Islands. Jun25 -2m fated to the year. _ Auctioneer. escape heated of this wonder- acquainted with hook-binding. Metz, Sunday, July 24,1S70. spell LOK1NO, SHORT HARMON. C. W. No. 327 Congress St. Auction Sales 1 iiI summer. Ou last the Hates of Advertising.—One inch of ONIC HOLMES, Metz, which at the Sunday mercury space, augl2d3t CAPE COTTAGE. OF NEW every Evening. Private Sales the dav. present moment may be _ OOJNIV., during in length of constitutes^ HAVEN, stood at and the guests uf the house found column, “square.” considered as the centre of the movements of $1.50 per square first week. 75 cents Wanted. comfort in in the shadiest daily This fuvoiite Sea-Side House and Sum- the only sitting quiet week three and Agencies for Sewing Machines, French Army of the in per after; insertions, or less, $1.00; Drug Prescription Clcik who has hail four Resort, the finest on tho Maine Coast, Rhine, prcsenls spot could and siuce then the ther- 50 experience wants a w ill be tor W. 188 Middle St .over H. II. All they find, continuing every other after first week, A joirs’ permanent situation open transient and {•erroanent S.DYER, Hay’s. times of the of a day In a ON THE FIRST DAY kinds of peace ordinary appearance mometer has drug store in a small town. Hood relcrences company, on the 15th iust. First-Class ac- OF JULY, 1870. Machines fur sale and to lot. Repent intj. indicated more than 80° every cents. French given. Address, O W. SHELDON, commodations in every M. & G. H. garrison town; but within the last Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; Imer appointment. WALDEN, 54 Middle Street, over day. “Life's but a vapor" is a trite axiom, but aiigH iltw"Watertlllo Maine. VAN VALIvENBUKGH & Lock. M.serve .V one week, 50 cents week after. CO., Co. (Improved /Intrr.) few weeks it has as it such it $1.00; per Proprietors. undergone, were, should be changed to read, “Life’s but a Special one third additional. Notices, Wanted. Portland, June 8, 1*70. juu9tt a complete transformation that a vapor bath” this at least. Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per Bakers. foreigner year COMPETENT MAM CASH In three insertions or less $1.50. to take charge of a set ot CAPITAL..$500,01!0,00 W. C. No. 12 entering the gates at the present moment my last I forgot to a word about the square per week; Books tor COBB, Pearl Street. say inserted in the “Maine A a short time. Enquire at this office Advertisements Aug 10-d1«r OCEANHOIJSE. would think tiiat the Mossins and the Mes- difficulties standing in the way of those Port- has a circulation ASSETS. State Press” (which large Boots-and Shoes—Gents landers who This popular summer resort will be Custom Work. sines—such are the denominations to its would like to visit Wolfboro. If in every part oi the State) lor $1.00 per square given opened for transient and com- Real Estate, $720,000.00 WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. >u take for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for RENT permanent inhabitants—were on the eve of a y the early train from Portland you WANTED. pany on Saturday, May 28,1870. gigantic each insertion. BANK STOCKS. reach Dover about 8 1 2 A. M. There have subsequent iny27dtr foie. Tricolor are from almost ev- you Address all communications to or six Booksellers and Stationers. flags flying rooms, within ten minutes walk of the to wait an hour and a hall for the train that tor a small New ery banners PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. FIVECity Hall, lamily. Ifeut not to ex- 300 Shares Yale National Bank, Haven, $35,000.00 HOYT. FOGG & BREED, 92 Middle Street. window, bearing inscriptions such ceed $200, Addrcia Pitres as conveys you to Alton Bay. If you wait over “H," office, auglOlt Adams House 210 Shares National New Haven Bank, 28,350.00 “Dieu protege hi France!" Vice I'armee 150 Shares New Britain National Bank, New 80.ti00.00 fertile 8 40 train you must remain in Dover Bent Critain, 17,250.00 Book-Binders. Francoisef’ Ac., are stretched across CARDS Wanted. the till 2 40 P. M. In other BUSINESS Me* of words, every arrange- llie Western part of the a Temple Street, Portland, SMALL * SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plain Street. streets, many the houses are city, tor family of STATE AND UNITED STATES BONDS. bung with ment is made for the convenience of Boston- INtwo persons. Call on nr address laurel rooms in the or » J. JOHN SAWWIK, Piwprieiwr leaves, !<oteK "j0r hut none for The J. II. LAMSON, P. SMITH, United States 5 20, Bonnet and Ilat i‘*us, Portlander*. comple- aulOdiwfoil st. 77,500 $87,187.50 Bleachery. sleeping aceonimo<’at' , Kxehaege H. j„. tion of the road from Portl and to Rochester PIIOTOGRAP 11E R, This new first-class business Hotel if now 30,776 Virginia State Bonds, 25,559.32 E. UNDERWOOD, No. 310* Congress Street. open ed with the utmost u South Carolina State Bonds <nj will therefore bo hailed with the resi- From Philadelphia. To Let. to the public. All the appointments are new and 20.000 17,800.00 joy by Alabama State tables d'hote are so crowded with dents of the Pine then lias oiicncd a new and completely appointed part of House No. 1 Quincy St. Eight the location, within a tew roils of both the Middle st. 10.000 Bonds, 7,700.00 Coal and Wood. military of- Tree State who may LOWERrooms. 'aulldtf aud 20.000 Tennessee State PAUL PRINCE & foot of ficers that a Congress st. cats, is one of the most convenient Bonds, 13,200.00 151,446,82 SON, Witmot street. civilian looks quite strange among visit this delightful spot without suffering the in 50 Shares New Haven Safe Company, GALLERY I ttie city. Deposit 5,000.00 so many sons of Mars, and of an an discomforts entailed by an annoying suspen- FIRST-CLASS Partner Wanted, Cash on hand and in Bank of evening, IN Tho Hotel routains ar- City Montreal, 16’274114 Cabinet Furniture Manufacturers. PORTLAND, a nice genleel, money-making business. A for- torty rooms, conveniently Cash in hands of hour or two before midnight, when the cafes sion of their journey. Then, again, the mail tune tor the right or Agents, THEO, JOHNSON & No. Union Street. JN person. Enquire address ranged in suites. The Propiietor has had experi- 130[000JK) CO., 13* are No. 152 Middle St., cor, Gross St. NEW YORK Loans on are illuminated with arrangements very imperfect. It takes two GALLERY, ence in tor the and ex- Mortgages, 22,85o!o0 many-colored lanterns anlOili w 109 Middle providing public, confidently on for the Press to reach Motto—Good Work and Moderate Price?. st., Portland. Loans Stocks and Bonds, letters some days Wolfboro by mail, acts to welcome all his old triends who come to Idiooc.SO Carpenters and Builders. bearing expressing patriotic vowr, feb21dtf tM/ ANTED.—A LADY in Town in the Call Loans, while a passenger, who leaves Portland tbo __ every Portland and to make a host of new'ones. Every 1,003.20 W HITNEY & MEANS. Pearl st, opposite the Park. soldiers, the slrtets in the by Ww Slate ot Maine to canvass tor icq! through direc- a new Medical attention will be given to the wantsoi guests. Agency Supplies, estimated, early morning train, can a in his Work v 5,000.00 bring copy it. e. cooper & co., entitled »Womi and her Thirl VroN Ju*y 27. dll Interest and Rents tion of the barracks or the camp in a state of accrued, and which he ou Pilgrimage.” A b^ok of great value to to every 15,792.32 Clothing Furnishing Goods, pocket may read the piazza of woman in the Agents’ Balances and intoxication, singing the chorus of the Mar- Country.
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