Scientific paper/ Artículo científico THE DAIRY COW:UNDERSTANDING THE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION pISSN:1390-3799; eISSN:1390-8596 http://doi.org/10.17163/lgr.n33.2021.02 PRESENCE OF HEAVY METALS IN RAW BOVINE MILK FROM MACHACHI,ECUADOR PRESENCIA DE METALES PESADOS EN LECHE CRUDA BOVINA DE MACHACHI, ECUADOR Francisco de la Cueva1 , Alexandra Naranjo1;2 , Byron Puga Torres*1 and Eduardo Aragón1 1Faculty of Veterinary and Zoological Medicine. Universidad Central del Ecuador, Jerónimo Leyton s/n y Gatto Sobral, Av. Uni- versitaria, Quito, 170129, Ecuador. 2 Trouw Nutrition Latam. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Article received on May 9th, 2020. Accepted, after review, on September 15th, 2020. Published on March 1st, 2021. Abstract The presence of heavy metals in milk is an indicator of local environmental contamination. The objective of this in- vestigation was to test raw milk from Machachi, Pichincha Province, Ecuador for the presence of lead, mercury, and arsenic. Fifty eight samples were collected from twenty nine dairy farms with extensive grazing systems located up to one kilometer from the Municipality of Machachi. Machachi is a site of industrial activity and is located near the Panamericana Sur highway. The samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry with a hydride generator (mercury and arsenic) and a graphite furnace (lead). All analyzed samples indicated the presence of lead, with an average abundance of 0.208 mg kg−1 (range between 0.0016 to 0.719 mg kg−1). Of these samples, 98.28% (57/58) contained lead at levels higher than the maximum allowed by the NTE INEN 9, 0.02 mg kg−1. Mercury was detected in four samples with a mean abundance of 0.00009 mg kg−1 (range between 0.00 to 0.002 mg kg−1); and arsenic was detected in two samples with a mean abundance of 0.00003 mg kg−1 (0.00 to 0.001 mg kg−1). Although these levels are very low, they remain worrisome because these carcinogenic elements are capable of accumulating. Based on these results, it can be concluded that lead contamination has occurred in the studied area. Furthermore, the detection of arsenic and mercury, two highly toxic substances, warrants continuous monitoring of the regional milk supply and a search for possible sources of contamination. Keywords: Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, raw milk, Machachi LA GRANJA: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida 33(1) 2021:21-30. 21 ©2021, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador. Scientific paper / Artículo científico THE DAIRY COW:UNDERSTANDING De la Cueva, F., Naranjo, A., Puga-Torres, B. and Aragón, E. THE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION Resumen La evaluación de metales pesados en la leche puede considerarse como indicador de contaminación ambiental de un lugar, por lo que el objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la presencia de plomo, mercurio y arsénico en leche cruda de Machachi, Provincia de Pichincha-Ecuador. Se recolectaron 58 muestras provenientes de 29 fincas lecheras con sistema de pastoreo extensivo y ubicadas hasta máximo un kilómetro a la redonda del Municipio de Machachi, donde existe actividad industrial y está cerca de la Panamericana Sur. Las muestras fueron analizadas mediante la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica por generador de hidruros (mercurio y arsénico) y con horno de grafito (plomo). Todas las muestras analizadas mostraron niveles de plomo, con una media de 0,208 mg kg−1 (rango entre 0,0016 a 0,719 mg kg−1), de las cuales el 98,28% (57/58) contienen niveles superiores a los máximos permitidos por la NTE INEN 9 de 0,02 mg kg−1. También se detectó mercurio y arsénico en cuatro y dos muestras de leche, res- pectivamente, encontrándose en el primer caso en una media de 0,00009 mg kg−1 (rango entre 0,00 a 0,002 mg kg−1) y en el segundo caso un promedio de 0,00003 mg kg−1 (0,00 a 0,001 mg kg−1), y aunque los niveles son muy bajos, los mismos son bastante preocupantes ya que son capaces de acumularse y ser potencialmente cancerígenos. Con los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que se ha detectado contaminación por plomo en el área estudiada, pero sobre todo por dos sustancias altamente tóxicas (arsénico y mercurio), para lo cual es necesario un monitoreo continuo en la leche, y sobre todo para buscar posibles fuentes de contaminación. Palabras clave: Plomo, Arsénico, Mercurio, leche cruda, Machachi Suggested citation: De la Cueva, F., Naranjo, A., Puga-Torres, B. and Aragón, E. (2021). Presence of heavy metals in raw bovine milk from Machachi, Ecuador. La Granja: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida. Vol. 33(1):21- 30. http://doi.org/10.17163/lgr.n33.2021.02. Orcid IDs: Francisco de la Cueva: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2671-0329 Alexandra Naranjo: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6442-0982 Byron Puga Torres: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4444-0054 Eduardo Aragón: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5142-0721 LA GRANJA: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida 33(1) 2021:21-30. 22 ©2021, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador. Presence of heavy metals in raw bovine milk from Machachi, Ecuador 1 Introduction cause even low levels of heavy metals incorporated into a diet can lead to chronic illness (Miclean et al., In 2018, Ecuadorian milk production reached ∼5 2019). Thus, monitoring locally-produced raw milk million liters per day, with more than 70% of that for the presence of heavy metals is a useful indica- being produced in the inter-Andean alley. Pichin- tion of environmental contamination in the region cha is the largest milk-producing province, with (Miclean et al., 2019). its milk accounting for approximately 16% of the total Ecuadorian milk supply (INEC, 2019). The Lead (Pb) is frequently produced by the radioac- Canton Mejía has historically been the largest dairy tive decomposition of uranium and actinium, and in Pichincha Province, and in all of Ecuador, lar- can be found in the soil (Silva et al., 2010). Ho- gely due to its climatic and soil conditions, which wever, lead can also be introduced into the envi- are very favorable for livestock development (CIL, ronment through other avenues such as the use of 2015). Ecuadorian Technical Standard (NTE) INEN lead-containing equipment, chemical fertilizers and 9 (INEN, zC5C) and Codex Alimentarius (Codex- pesticides, or lead-contaminated water (Litter et al., Alimentarius, 1995) set environmental standards Jl6s). Lead is one of the most frequent intoxicants for raw milk, and set the maximum permitted level of cattle; even more so in young calves since these of lead (Pb) at 0.02 mg/kg. NTE INEN 9 does not in- animals lack a functional rumen microflora (Perrin dicate the maximum permitted levels for mercury et al., 1990). In the case of arsenic, it can be distri- (Hg) or arsenic (As); but NTE INEN 1108, which buted in water, air, and soil. Arsenic is very toxic in deals with drinking water, sets a maximum limit of its inorganic form, and can cause skin changes and 0.006 mg/L for Hg and 0.01 mg/L for As (INEN, even cancer citep{WHO2018. The presence of mer- 2011). cury is also a matter of importance due to its abi- lity to contaminate and damage the trophic chain. The presence of heavy metals in food is a critical Chronic exposure to this metal can result in asym- public health concern since these elements cause ptomatic toxicity (Rodríguez et al., 2010). Mercury a number of health problems in humans, animals, is the only volatile metal, so it is easily absorbed and agricultural crops (Anastasio et al., 2006). In through the skin and lungs. Its presence in the en- humans, heavy metals disrupt the functions of the vironment is mainly due to human activity, and is nervous system, the liver, and the kidney; while al- commonly introduced by heating systems, mining, so promoting mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. In and other industrial processes (WHO, 2019). animals, heavy metals can cause a loss of appetite, anemia, reproductive disorders, cancer, and tera- Air pollution is composed of fine particulate togenesis. All of these effects decrease production matter that can combine and transport other to- yield in the long run (González-Montaña, 2009). xic substances, such as heavy metals. This enables The primary source of heavy metals is environ- transportation of these metals through the air and mental pollution due to the presence of various allows them to be deposited in irrigation water, industrial activities (Zhou et al., 2019). These indus- agricultural soils, and grass (Dergham et al., 2012; trial activities pollute the soil (Ashraf et al., 2019), Alloway, 2013; Yilmaz et al., 2009). In the context of the water, and the air; and eventually reach peo- dairy cows, if the animal forages on heavy metal- ple and animals through the food chain. Thus, this contaminated materials, those toxic metals are in- pollution greatly harms the health of consumers troduced to the animal and eventually are passed (Karasakal, 2020). Currently, this contamination is into its milk (Miclean et al., 2019). It is essential to measured through the use of biomonitoring, within study this process (de Oliveira et al., 2017) in order which the surveillance of animal products plays an to estimate toxicological effects (Samiee et al., 2019) important role (Scaramozzino et al., 2019). In the and safeguard public health (Miclean et al., 2019). case of dairy farming, heavy metals can contami- Thus far, few studies have investigated the presen- nate the water and food of dairy cows, eventually ce of heavy metals in raw milk from Ecuador, des- being transferred to their milk (Zhou et al., 2019). pite the utmost importance of this monitoring pro- This constitutes a major public health problem, es- cess in order to prevent food contamination (Kim pecially for vulnerable populations like children et al., 2016) and the transfer of heavy metals to con- (Chirinos-Peinado and Castro-Bedriñana, 2020), be- sumers (Hashemi, 2018).
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