VOLUME XIX. NO. 25. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16,1896. PAGES 1 TO 8. death Bhe gave birth to, a girl, and at CHRISTMAS MUSIC. A LARGE DEATH LIST. night she died from heart disease. FOUR WILLS PROBATFD. NEWS FflOM 11DDLEI0WN. * Mrs. Palmer was the daughter of Henry Grace Church trill Hold Its Christ- THE BECORD FAB ABOVE THE G. Julian and was born in New York in NONE OF THE ESTATES LEFT mas Service next Sunday.' INTERESTING ITEMS FROM BE- 1850. She married Mr. Palmer in 1875. ' • . ' . AVERAGE. ; >>•."•• ; WERE VERY lARGE. All the Red Bank churches with the YOND THE SHREWSBURY. Nine children survive jjer. exception of Trinity, St. James's and Many Aged Persons Vie—The In- Joseph Matthews. Vincent Alleman'sHouse and lot Grace churches, will hold their special Warren s. Conhlin Iteturns Home. ; crease in the Number of Deaths and His Personal Property Goes Christmas services a jveek fi'Om next Clearing Wooittttnd^-A Xew Series Due Indirectly to the Sudden Joseph Matthews of Keyport died in. to his Wife's Daughter and Grand- Sunday. TrinitychurchandSt. James's of Building and Loan Association the insane asylum at Trenton on Satur- church will hold their services on Chaiat- X3mnaesiof_Weather, t d^I)b5llO4^y^iI)ece_c_5lili,_ageO4_yeareH_He_ daughter. .' • ' . Stock. ;'•;. The number of "deaths" which"TTaye t mas_day and Grace^ehureh will hold —Warren S.-Gonklin of:NewiHomnoutB"~ had been an inmate of the asylum for TheirsTiext'Suna'ayT" ~~Q : ~" 6«CSurred in Monmouth county within thirty years. ' About nine years ago he of Red Bank, Mrs. Anna E. Stiger of As- has returned home from Ocean Grove the; past, ten days ia much, above the bury Park, Hiram Rohrer of Upper Frefi- The choir at Grace church will consist for the winter.- Mr. Conklin haa not yet showed signs of improvement and he of "Miss Sadie J. Child and Miss Catharine average. While but few of the deaths was brought to his home at Keyport, but hold and Mrs, Emeline-VanLieu of Al- recovered the use of his leg, which was are due directly to diseases caused by lentown were admitted to probate last Throckmorton, soprano; Miss Kate Ne- broken about two months ago. his malady, returned in a few months vius and Miss Editn Spinning, altos; Dr. •'•.'the weather, the doctors say that the and he was taken back to the asylum. week. John E. Williams, who owns consider- sudden ohanges affect the vitality of Vincent Alleman's will was made Jan- E. S. Morton and Frank R. Conklin, able property near Navesink, has a gang those Buffering with other diseases, and lira. Lydia A. Johnson. • uary 29th, 1889, and was witnessed by bassos; and William 6. Child and George of men clearing a ten-acre piece of render them less able to resist the in- Mrs. Lydia A. Johnson, wife of Wil- John W. Mount and D. HI "Smock. Mr. Worthley, tenors. The' music will be ground. The ground is timber land and roads of disease. Of; these deaths an liam H. Johnson, Sr., of Shrewsbury, Alleman's wife was then alive, but she under the direction of the organist of the commands a fine view of the bay. unusually large proportion, are those of died yesterday afternoon from the effects hs since^djed- Mr. Alleraan left all his church, Miss Elizabeth Valentine, The The December .meeting of the Atlantic ^ aged persons. '. '-. ",•' ' • of a paralytic stroke received about two property to his wife,- At her death half programme that will be rendered at the Highlands building and loan association . Thomas Nolan, a well-known farmer weeks ago. She was 65 years old. Her of what,waa left was to go to Teresse morning service is as follows: will be held to-night. This is the first of Middletown township, dieel at bis Habenkin, a daughter of his wife, and Organ Voluntary. .• meeting of the new year, About 125 funeral will be held on Friday morning Hymn—"Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" home on the Middletown turnpike, near from her late home at tenVclock. The the other half to Pauline Smith and Gloria Patri Wilson shares in the new series of stock have W. W. Conc-vert, on Tuesday of last interment will be at Freehold. Caroline Smith, granddaughters of his Hymn. already been taken, and more will be Week, aged 55 years. On the Sunday wife. Mrs. Alleman died several years Offertory Bolo—" The Holy Clilld " Bhelby subscribed for to-night. Mrs. Maria Itoreeu. • Kiss Kate T. Nevhis. previous to his death he was driving ago and the property will therefore go Female Quartette-" Merry Christmas Chimes ".. Last week Walter Smith of Belford home from church at Eed Bank, and Mrs. Maria Dorcey died at the home of to the other legatees at oncei' Mrs. Alle- Hymn. • swore out a warrant against .Valentine Twbile on Front street he was attacked her sonj Rev. Elijah Hammett, on Cen- man was made executor of the will, but At the service at night, which will be- Pflster on a charge of assault and bat- withc-paralySis. He was accompanied tral avenue on Monday. She was 80 as she is dead the court appointed G. P.-gin at half-past seven ofclock, the pro- tery. Pfister was arrested, and was by his wife and two sons, James and years old. Her death was caused by Kuhl to act as executor, Mr> Alleman's taken before Justice S. T. White of At- gramme will be: 1 Thomas, who drove rapidly home and dropsy. estate consists principally of his house Voluntary, and Processional—"Onward Christian lantic Highlands, who held him on his and lot on Prospect avenue and a fine ! summoned medical assistance. He grew Mrs. Sarah if. Cojwrd. Soldiers." own recognizance for the next term of grew wprse.and death ensued two'days library of German works. * Hymn. court. later. • Mrs. Sarah -M. Covrfmf) widow of Mrs. Stiger left to her Bon, Guy P. Sti- Anthem—"Te Deum Landamus".. Baumback CharleB C. Coward, died at the home of Hymn. • . The patent for the water motor invent- Mr. Nolan was born in county Galway, Joseph O. Patterson on Shrewsbury ger, a diamond ring, and to her daugh- Offertory Solo—" That Glorious Song of Old ".... d by J. M. Quackenbush, J. N. Paddock, Ireland. About 39 years ago he emi- avenue on Thursday, aged 62 years. ter, Louise W. Stiger, all the rest of her FranK B. ConWla Percy Falkinburg and John HouBer of grated to this country and settled in estate except her money. The income Anthem—" Wlion Jesus was Boru In Bethlehem." Atlantic Highlands has been sold to Nor- Middletown township, where he lived from the money is to be divided equally Hymn. '-:.'•_ _ man A. Johns of Philadelphia, who will continuously until his death. He was a Officers of the Free Mason Lodge. among her husband, Silas C. Stiger, and OCEANIC WON'T HAVE IT. manufacture the motors fdr market. very thrifty and hard working -man, The Red Bank lodge of Free Masons her son and daughter. At Mr. Stiger's William O. Low and family have re- " well liked by his neighbors and re- held their annual election of officers last death the property is to be divided be- It Objects to Being Sivallowed Vp turned to Atlantic Highlands. About • spected by all who .knew him for his night. The following was the result: tween the two children. by Scabright. .wo months'ago Mr. Low moved to New upright character. His funeral was held Worshipful master—Richard Case. • Hiram Rohrer left all his property to The people of Oceanic are very acti re York where he thought he might get from §fc. James's church on Saturday Senior warden—Henry A. Curtis. his brother, David. S. Rohrer, who lives in opposition to the project which has work, but he says that things are worse morning and waB largely, attended. A Junior warden—Robert T. Smltli. in Philadelphia. there than at Atlantic Highlands. Secretary—Andrew It. Coleman. been put forth by the borough of Sea- requium mass was celebrated by Eev. Treasurer—Jehu P. Cooper. Mrs. VanLieu left-the income of bright, looking to the annexation of part The Atlantic Highlands glee club will ' James A. Reynolds. The interment was Senior deacon—A. M. Wise. 1,000 to four of her grandchildren— of Rumson Neck, The Oceanic people give an entertainment in Temperance at Mt. Olivet cemetery at Headden's Junior deacon—John H. Mount. Emeline B. Bobbins, Elizabeth tmlay have concluded that the best method of lall nexlrTuesday night. The members Corner. Senior master of ceremonies—Selgmund Eisner. Robbins, George Berdine Robbing and Junior raasterof ceremonies—Cbarlea H. Dennis. combating the scheme is to form a bor- have been rehearsing for the show for a Cliaplaln-Sheplierd. Kollock. Matilda B. Robbins, until they become ough of their own, taking in the village long time, and they will be aided by a William Bedle. Organist- Rev. Robert SlacKellar. of age. When they; become of age they band from New York. ' William Bedle, the oldest resident of Tyler—William J. Sickles. of Oceanic and the eastern end of Rum- are to get the principal. All her house- son Neck. Meetings were held on Satur- John Cavanaugh of Belford, a section- Keyport, died at that place on Sunday of Trustees—George O. Waterman, John B. Bergen, hold goodB, jewelry and, silverware is boss employed by the Central railroad, last week of neuralgia of the heart. He Henry 8. White. day night and Monday night, and the After the election refreshments were also to go to these grandchildren.
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