The Sources of Agriculture Agriculture Conference at the Goetheanum 2012 WEEKLY JOURNAL FOR ANTHROPOSOPHY DAS GOETHEANUM No 17 · APRIL 28TH 2012 · ENGLISH VERSION SECTION FOR AGRICULTURE ALLIANCES FOR OUR EARTH Theme of the year – 2012/2013 We want to contribute with the alliance partners. And then the art to make good use of the existing potential of After the departure marked by the Confe- of federalist cooperation needs to be learned. cooperation, from person to person, at the rence 2011 and the deepening realised on Everyone is welcome in his uniqueness and regional and global levels. the Conference 2012, now we want to fol- can contribute something to the alliance that low with the third step, to be worked with is oriented towards a specific goal. Everyone as the theme of the year 2012, and leading is as outlandish and special as he is – what Suggestions for the practical work into the Conference 2013. The third step is others certainly think of us biodynamic far- on the theme of the year mers – but this shall not be a handicap, but to increasingly take on our responsibility for • Anyone can ask himself the question: what current and global questions of our time, by enable us to connect and cooperate in our is an issue that affects me personally at an actively drawing on our biodynamic impul- common willing. We want to be interested existential level and where am I driven to se and bringing it in to shape the future; in in learning the art of federalist cooperation. the work with personal contacts, regional join forces with others to do something in partnerships and global networks. The for- To what questions can we contribute? the public sphere to help shape the future? ming of alliances needs to be encouraged We do not want to remain on a general level • Every person and every group can ask itself and learned. What is my and our responsi- and solely learn the social techniques. Instead where it already has experiences in federative bility for the planet Earth? What is my and we want to work with and on concrete sub- cooperation. our responsibility now and in the coming jects, in which we are able to form alliances. years? What does the contemporary situation The following technical and factual themes • Groups and organisations of different regi- demand of me and us? We have discovered have emerged as topics in which we do have ons and countries can ask themselves: are we that these questions do not only come from something to contribute: the outside towards us, but that they also isolated or sufficiently connected? Who are belong to our inner burning issues. We have • Bees: what are the bees telling us? our partners in civil society? Are we standing found that these questions are not alien to the • Land-sharing - versus land-grabbing: what for specific goals in any alliances? biodynamic impulse, but on the contrary, be- shall the future of land ownership be? • Where can we find interesting examples, long to its very core. We have also discovered • Regional currencies: how and where can that we have inspirational pictures, new ho- in history, the literature, or personalities, of money be re-coupled to the real economy? rizons, deep insights of Rudolf Steiner, that functional alliances, that manage the art of we cannot view as reserved for the biody- • Regional culture and marketing; forming combining the independence of the indivi- namic movement alone, but that we would and contributing to social and economic dual agents with the commitment required alliances in our region like to share with others. Let us then fully to achieve a goal? engage with the current, diverse civil society. • Urban farming: are there biodynamic street • One can study the suggestions that Rudolf and roof gardens? How can we contribute? Steiner gave for federative cooperation. How How can we contribute? • Seeds and breeding: who shall own the do I engage, freely and in sovereignty, but How can we realise such cooperation? Star- seeds? Sowing the future; ting with a question that does move one deep fully in service to the cause, out of the res- • What can we contribute to develop solidary inside, we can unite in all modesty with other ponsibility I have to respond to the demands economies: such as CSA and AMAP; individuals, who are touched existentially in of the current time? For this there are plenty • Research concerned with life: such as the the same way by the problem. This would be of indications by Rudolf Steiner, from the a first step on the way to form alliances. Wor- Université du vivant; individual schooling path, to the collegial king together in the public sphere in partner- • Free education and training: such as the cooperation – see for example the foundation ships and alliances for a specific goal needs Biodynamic Ambassadors project; to be learned. It would be naive to want to of the research circle at Koberwitz – up to the • Agricultural policies: business as usual is share everything and be always in consensus threefolding of the social organism. not an option. with the partners. It would be similarly nai- • To the theme of the year also belongs the ve to believe that one can reach something, In several countries and on several topics without forming alliances. What matters is there are already alliances and there are next Michael letter of 15 February, ‹Gnosis to define a common goal, a common posi- successful examples. The point is therefore and Anthroposophy›, with leading thoughts tion and agree on a common plan of action also to strengthen embryonic alliances, and 159 to 161, GA 26. EddA NEHMIZ OPEN THE DOORS! Welcome to the Agriculture Conference at the Goetheanum No nature without people had time to reflect on what he was going to the moment of meeting as open as possib- I am very pleased to welcome you, on the one let himself in for or what he had let himself le. The meeting then takes place, one shares hand because it is so nice to have a full house, in for. There was extra time for ‹digesting›. one’s views, things happen – and then I need but also because I have a soft spot for farming. It is different for me. I mostly leave the spa- to find the moment to bring the visit to this In my twenties I had opportunity to work on tial dimension. Space plays no part. I tend to island to a close by making an inner deci- move in a space of time consciousness. I seek a biodynamic farm in Wales during several sion. I step back, look back briefly on what out various islands of awareness every day summers. It helped me to understand a bit has been done, trusting that, when I return where I interact and take decisions. Being to this island, I will find easy access to it. In better what we human beings are because I detached from space gives me more opportu- this way, a wide landscape of such islands Iearned about animals. It dawned on me what nity to string one event to the other without emerges that I can really encompass with plants essentially are and what the earth is. transition. I do this continuously, and that my consciousness. And the order created al- This brought home to me that we are differ- is exhausting because everything that has lows me to see more clearly what is essential. ent – we are rational beings who work and happened remains in my mind. As a result create actively out of consciousness. I also things melt together and become blurred. realized that our relationship with nature No day without meditation will change radically. Soon, it will no longer The approach described is similar to what be nature that calls us into being, but we will Rudolf Steiner wrote about meditation. In be responsible for whether there will be any Could it be that I have to define meditation I also enable myself to have en- nature. I will have to create conditions that counters: with the essence of a thought, a my spaces of consciousness more allow nature to be there. Can I do justice to verse or an image. I would like to end by ask- such a major task in times that are as hectic clearly because the spatial dimen- ing a question: to what extent do the exer- as ours? sion is receding today and the cises which Rudolf Steiner gave us and which relate primarily to our inner life, form our dimension of time takes over? We live in a time without space foundations today for coping with everyday life? Many of the tools used by previous gen- We live in a time where there is no time. erations to deal with their reality are not ap- Every working person knows that. Often If, on the other hand, I keep a degree of order propriate for us. We need new tools that allow we don’t even have the time to keep order in in my life I can also bring peace to it and space us not only to come to terms with reality but our lives. Why has nobody taught us to deal will emerge again for inspiration so that I can to generate spaces for what is essential. May with time in a healthy way? Why did no-one differentiate between what is essential and our work over the next days be fruitful and provide us with the right tools? If I look at what isn’t.
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