College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 2002 The Amicus Curiae (Vol. 12, Issue 7) Repository Citation "The Amicus Curiae (Vol. 12, Issue 7)" (2002). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 126. Copyright c 2002 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. • • The mlCUS urlae VOLUME XII, ISSUETWO TIJESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,2002 WILLIAM & MARY SCHOOL OF LAW Michael Gentry, a first year student, at­ Professor tended the breakfast and commented, "Pro­ Inside the Amicus fessor McConnell talked somewhat about ,. his area of expertise, religion and the First Letter to SBA President . ....... ... p2 Prof Alces Interview . .......... ... .p7 Amendment, but he also addressed broader McConnell issues and touched on a number of cases Newsfrom- the 5th Dimension . .. .... p3 Prof Lee Interview . .............. p9 that we have covered thus far in constitu­ tional law. It was an interesting discus­ Three Babies and a Wedding. .. p4 Te"orism Response . ....... ..... pii Delivers sion." Professor McConnell's Culter Lecture will Valentine's Day Tho"ughts . ....... .p6 Client B Top Ten . .. ..... ...... pi2 be published in an upcoming issue of the Cutler William and Mary Law Review. By Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger Virginian law legend Oliver Hill, describ­ over 600 years old and historically was a Professor Michael McConnell deliv­ ing the idealism of his work. After a lun­ guild for the woollen cloth trade. Today, ered the annual Cutler Lecture on Thurs­ cheon atSal's Restaurant and tours of the it manages various charitable trusts, with day, January 31, and spent the day at the BLSA Law· law school, the attendees watched a moot one project being the funding of two law law school, having both breakfast and court demonstration by Bushrod winner graduates, one from the University ofLon­ lunch with students. and runner-up Carl "Zeke" Ross and Ja­ don and one from Marshall-Wythe, to The Cutler Lecture series was estab­ Day son Everett. Professor Dickerson taught exchange places and get LLMs abroad. lished to provide for an annual lecture by By Katie Riley a mock civil procedure class. The attend­ The scholarship pays full tuition, trans­ "an outstanding authority on the Consti­ ees had been given reading material on the portation, and a Ii ing stipend. Although tution of the United States." Professor" On Saturday, January 19, 23 people Maplethorpe obscenity case before the there is no graduate housing for James to McConnell is such an "outstanding au­ (college students, individuals out of col­ class and were asked questions regarding live in atthe school, most William& Mary thority" as a preeminent scholar on the lege, and even a high school student) jury selection issues for such a case. The Drapers' Scholars end up living at a private Establishment Clause of the Constitution. visited Marshall-Wythe for the Black Law attendees then learned more about admis­ dorm that caters to international students. He is currently on the faculty at the Univer­ Students Association's Law Day. This sions and fmancial aid from Deans Shealy (James is still waiting to hear ifthere ·s room sity orutah College ofLaw and is awaiting was the fourteenth year of BLSA's Law and Rogers. The day erided with a Q&A for him.) Senate ~onfirmation following his nomina­ Day, a fact which demonstrates BLSA's session with current students and BLSA The Drapers' Scholar is chosen by the tion to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals longstanding presence at Marsball-Wythe. members. The student panelists further administration without any interviews. offered to n"n1~ in ~v~i l ah l e to answer an.v by President Bush. BLSA 's theme thIS year IS "Preserving J .lUl:J PS mp.rply had to submit a resume and Professor McConnell's lecture, "Es­ Our Past--Securing Our Future," and in a future questions through e-mail. a three page letterdescribing why he wilnted tablishment and Disestablishment at the letter of introduction to the Law Day at­ This ear's Law Day was chaired by to be chosen. For James, he wanted to be Time of the Founding," focused on thi! tendees, BLSA President Jason Everett Cheran Cordell(2L) and co-chaired by chosen because he reall enjoyed a si . history and circumstances around estab­ (2L) describes BLSA 's goals for the year: Lacrecia Cade (3 L). In organizing the event, week surmner program in London he at­ lished religion before and during the Colo­ "( I) increase interaction among faculty. notices were sent to colleges, pre-law ad­ tended as an undergraduate at James nial period. law students and BLSA members; (2) visors and black student associations Madison University. (In contrast, the Drap- Professor McConnell· s motiva~ion for strengthen the relationship benveen cur­ throughout Virginia, ·Maryland, and the . ers' Scholar from England, Iria Giuffrida, the lecture stemmed from a dearth of his­ rent BLSA members and African-Ameri­ D.C. area. The attendees came from e plained that their application process is torically grounded Establishment Clause can alumni; (3) wo)"k to increase the number throughout those three areas. a little more demanding. After submitting argl,lments in modem Supreme Court cases of minority students that attend the Law an application and resume, professors are addressing issues of ch~rch and state. school; (4) emphasize community service asked to give comments on the candi­ Professor McConnell noted that "estab­ projects that give back to the community." Hess NaDled dates. The pool is then narrowed to three lishment of religion" was a familiar phrase BLSA 's Law Day goes to the third goal, people for interviews before the final se­ at the time of the founding and advocated working to increase the number ofminority !ection.) Although James doesn't know an exploration of the meaning duringCo­ students attending law schools. Although Drapers' who he was up against he does know that lonial times for insight into the application the day's events did emphasize the quali­ ompetition was tough. (!ria guesses that and relevance of the clause today. ties of Marshall-Wythe, BLSA members she was up against approximately fifty Professor John Duffy stated, "In law fielded questions about law school gener­ Scholar students.) school, I took Professor McConnell's ally, both about appl ing the law school By Katie Riley Iria Giuffrida is the Drapers' Scholar course in the Religion Clauses of the First and surviving law school once t11ere. The from London studying at W illiarn & Mary Amendment, and the last lecture he gave morning began with welcoming remarks Upon graduation, after taking both the this _ ear. Originall from Italy. he at­ in that course was one of the most ambi­ by Lacrecia Cade (3 L) who is the ational Penm;ylvania and ew Jersey bars, third tended"the University of London to study law with the hope of finding an opportu­ tious and creative that I have ever at­ Recording Secretary ofthe National BLSA, year James Hess will be moving to London tended. This year's Cutleriecture reminded Dean Revelry, and Assistant Dean of for a year of study at Queen Mary College nity to study abroad. She found just such me of that class; both show·ed the work of Admissions Bennie Rogers. The attend­ of the University of London. Both his an opportunity with the Drapers cholar­ a truly brilliant and thou·ghtful academic." ees were next given an introduction to the tuition and b0ard will be paid for by the ship. Iria has reallyenjoyed her time here Approximately 100 members of Willianl LSA T by a Kaplan representative. (One Drapers Scholar hip. Although officially at\ illiam&Mary. making lots offriends and Mary conmlUnity attended the lecture, free Kaplan course was raffled off at the a student of Queen Mary College. James (a necessity for running errands since she originally scheduled for Room 127, but endoftheday.) Third, the attendees heard \\;11 also be able to take classes at four other doesn . thave a car and lives in the Gradplex . moved to Room 120 because of the de­ from Marshall-Wythe alum Viveon Kelly, University of London schools: King's Besides learning American law, she has mand for seats. currently an attorney atTroutman Sanders College, the London School ofEconomics enjoyed learning about Ameri an culture. Some students also took advantage of Mays Valentine in Richmond. She de­ and Political Science, University College Iria plans to continue living in the United the opportunity to meet for breakfast or scribedherexperienceatWilliam& 1ary, and the School of Oriental and Afrincan States after her year at Williarn & Mary. lunch with Professor McConnell. These . saying she "met her match in law school," tudies. Hehasn'tde ided\'.:hatwillbethe and will be taking the ew York bar. Ify ou gatherings in the Dean's Conference Room but was positive about her experience at subject ofhis LLM. but assumes that it will are interested in meeting Iria and learning were more informal and covered a wide Marshall-Wythe overall. She al 0 intro­ be some aspect of international law. variety of topics. duced the attendees to African-American The Drapers' Company of London is.. See DRAPER, page 9 2 === === ======= ==== ===================== =====:::::::JTuesday, February 12,2002 THE AMICUS 1994 and is currently serving in his third blind. Additionally, under the ADA, em­ term as a Commissioner. His specialty is in ployers are only required to make reason­ Staff Writer the field of employment discrimination able accommodations that do not place an against people with disabilities. In addi­ undue hardship on their business. tion to his work with the EEOC, Mr.
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