E1240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 2, 2013 IN RECOGNITION OF CONGRESS- JO is keenly aware of the importance of the PERSONAL EXPLANATION MAN JO BONNER OF THE FIRST Gulf to the economy and identity of the Mobile DISTRICT OF ALABAMA area. He has been an ardent supporter of the HON. DOUG COLLINS Port of Alabama. After the devastation caused OF GEORGIA HON. SPENCER BACHUS by Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina, JO mobilized IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ALABAMA the full resources of his office to bring needed Friday, August 2, 2013 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES relief to storm victims and accelerate eco- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Friday, August 2, 2013 nomic recovery. Our delegation turned to him submit the following: Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my for guidance after the disastrous BP-Deep- July 31—Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 426 on delegation colleagues—Congressman ROBERT water Horizon Oil Spill. JO’s skillful leadership HR 1911—Motion to Concur with the Senate ADERHOLT, Congressman MO BROOKS, Con- in navigating the RESTORE Act into public Amendment, I am not recorded because I was absent due to a medical emergency. Had I gresswoman MARTHA ROBY, Congressman law was a testament to his successful ability been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. MIKE ROGERS, and Congresswoman TERRI SE- to move complex legislation in a thoughtful Speaker, on rollcall No. 427 on passage of HR WELL—it is with great respect and admiration and inclusive manner. The RESTORE ACT is that we recognize the service of Congressman 850, I am not recorded because I was absent a signature accomplishment that will have due to a medical emergency. Had I been JO BONNER to the First District of Alabama, his long-lasting benefits for the Gulf Coast econ- state, and his country. A determined and ef- present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. omy and help assure the environmental pro- August 1—Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 428 fective advocate for the people of Alabama, JO tection of the Gulf waters. on the Waxman amendment to HR 1582—, I BONNER has distinguished himself through his am not recorded because I was absent due to accomplishments in office, his integrity, and JO has taken special pride in providing the best level of service to his constituents. His a medical emergency. Had I been present, I his deep humility. The members of the Ala- would have voted ‘‘no’’. Mr. Speaker, on roll- high school workshops have touched thou- bama delegation have always worked together call No. 429 on the Connolly amendment to when the best interests of our state are in- sands of students in South Alabama. A stal- HR 1582, I am not recorded because I was volved and JO BONNER has been integral to wart supporter of veterans, JO helped estab- absent due to a medical emergency. Had I our cohesiveness. We have been honored to lish the Alabama State Veterans Cemetery in been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’. Mr. serve with him as a colleague and count him Spanish Fort to honor the service of our men Speaker, on rollcall No. 430 on the Murphy as a friend. and women in uniform. He has placed an em- amendment to HR 1582—, I am not recorded JO’s calling to serve began early. The ethic phasis on open communications with his con- because I was absent due to a medical emer- was instilled by a close-knit family that valued stituents and the news media. gency. Had I been present, I would have the principles of hard work, honesty, and fair For the many of us who deeply care about voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 431 play. The many public officials and community on the Capps motion to recommit HR 1582, I this institution, JO has stood out as a Member leaders in his extended family included his fa- am not recorded because I was absent due to ther, Judge Josiah Robins Bonner of Wilcox dedicated to making the House of Representa- a medical emergency. Had I been present, I County, and his mother Imogene, who was an tives work as the American people rightfully would have voted ‘‘no’’. Mr. Speaker, on roll- Army nurse during World War II. expect. A principled conservative, he commit- call No. 432 on passage of HR 1582, I am not The decision JO made to attend the Univer- ment has been to a fair legislative process, to recorded because I was absent due to a med- sity of Alabama, where he earned a journalism bridging political divides, and to civility. JO was ical emergency. Had I been present, I would degree, began a love affair with a great institu- appointed to the important Appropriations have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. tion that has only strengthened over the years. Committee and entrusted to serve in the posi- 433 ordering the previous question on H. Res. An internship with Congressman Jack tion of Chairman of the Ethics Committee dur- 322, I am not recorded because I was absent Edwards gave JO his first intimate exposure to ing the 112th Congress. We have all gained due to a medical emergency. Had I been the U.S. House of Representatives. In a few present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speak- years, JO would return with Congressman enormously from his sound judgment and wise advice. er, on rollcall No. 434 on adoption of H. Res. Edwards’ successor, Sonny Callahan, ascend- 322, I am not recorded because I was absent ing to the position of Chief of Staff. JO will be the first to admit that none of his due to a medical emergency. Had I been Perhaps because he served for 18 years as achievements would have been possible with- present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speak- a staff member himself, JO BONNER has al- out the support of his lovely wife Janee and er, on rollcall No. 435 on HR 1897, I am not ways been known for hiring excellent people his children, Robin and Lee. We thank them recorded because I was absent due to a med- and treating his staff with professionalism and for sharing JO with us and our nation. ical emergency. Had I been present, I would respect. By doing so, he has developed a have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Now, JO will be entering a new phase in loyal and experienced team—led most re- 436 on passage of HR 2879, I am not re- public life as the Vice Chancellor for Economic cently by Chief of Staff Al Spencer—widely ac- corded because I was absent due to a med- knowledged as one of the hardest-working Development and Government Relations for ical emergency. Had I been present, I would and most effective on Capitol Hill. the University of Alabama System. His pres- have voted ‘‘yea’’. Upon his election to the House in 2002, JO ence and counsel will further strengthen an August 2—Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 437 faced enormous expectations in continuing the educational institution in which Alabamians on the Scalise amendment to HR 367—, I am legacy established by his two outstanding rightly take tremendous pride and which is an not recorded because I was absent due to a predecessors and mentors. But JO had lis- asset of incalculable value to our beloved medical emergency. Had I been present, I tened and observed closely over the years state. would have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speaker, on roll- and quickly established himself as a leader in call No. 438 on the Smith amendment to HR We will greatly miss JO BONNER as a col- our state’s delegation and the House, achiev- 367—, I am not recorded because I was ab- ing influence through his knowledge, attention league and friend, but know that he will con- sent due to a medical emergency. Had I been to detail, diligence, and ability to form personal tinue to work with all of his considerable tal- present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. Mr. Speak- relationships. ents and energy to improve the lives of the er, on rollcall No. 439 on the Latham amend- A constant passion of JO BONNER has been people of Alabama. ment to HR 367—, I am not recorded because to promote economic opportunity and thereby Our tribute today is just a small way of I was absent due to a medical emergency. improve the quality of life for citizens in the showing how much we appreciate JO and how Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’. First District and the State of Alabama. He much he has meant to us and to the institution Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 440 on the Nadler played a key role in such seminal economic to which he has devoted so much of his life, amendment to HR 367—, I am not recorded development victories as the ThyssenKrupp because I was absent due to a medical emer- the United States House of Representatives. steel complex, the Austal contract for con- gency. Had I been present, I would have struction of new ships for the U.S. Navy, and On his last day of service representing Ala- voted ‘‘no’’. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 441 the decision by Airbus to build its new plant in bama’s First Congressional District, we want on the Johnson amendment to HR 367—, I Mobile. These transformational projects will JO to know that he and his family have our am not recorded because I was absent due to provide a solid foundation for the South Ala- most heartfelt best wishes and will continue to a medical emergency.
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