PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' COLLEGE A College of the Uniting Church in Australia KOO URRA 1991 Cover photo: by S. Angus Yr 12 14 McNeil Street, Peppermint Grove, Western Australia Tel: (09) 383 3887 Fax: (09) 383 1824 Editorial 3 Ferguson 14 Kindergarten 55 Principal's Report 4 McNeil 16 Junior School 56 Head Prefect's Report 5 Stewart 18 Dances 62 Boarding House Report 6 Summers 20 School Organisation 66 Service '91 8 Arts Report 23 Student Council 9 Music 27 Art and Literature 67 Baird JO Sports 35 Years 8-11 74 Carmichael 12 Special Events 49 Year 12 - 1991 78 Photo by: Z Turner 2 EDllORIAL 1991 has been another lively and exciting year at PLC with continuing growth and achievement in all aspects of School life. The year started on an incredibly high note when PLC finally ended St.Mary·s seven-year reign over the Inter-school Swimming, providing the entire School with a feeling of immense pride. This team success generated a number of outstanding individual achievements in the sporting arena. Michelle Telfer again made us proud with a personal best performance in the World KOOKABURRA COMMITTEE (Year 12) Gymnastics Championships held in the Back (L-R): E Rigg, S Pye, L Price, SKelly, N. Giblett, Z Turner, S Angus. United States, while here at home Centre (L-R): N Low, A Hutchison, T Johns, A Lim. Michelle's sister, Nicola, was selected for Front (L-R): SHeng, K Webb, E Keen, E ewland, A Reddin. the National Championships in the Eastern States. Other outstanding indi­ 1991 also saw the introduction of rowing We cannot begin to express our apprecia­ vidual performances came from Elizabeth at PLC. Under the guidance of Mr tion for the help and guidance given to us Shave in diving, Jenny Keen in netball, Thornton, the rowers worked tirelessly to by Mrs McMahon, Ms Lukin and Mrs Michelle Worland in both netball and ensure that rowing will become a major McArthur. Their tireless assistance and volleyball, Alison Mills in volleyball and part of PLC sport in years to come. support helped us get through the times Kerrie Crawford in hockey. All these when we believed "It will never be girls must be congratulated for their This year's Kookahurra, as always, is a finished on time!" selections for teams at national or interna­ culmination of hours of hard work by tional level. many people, and their efforts must be We would also like to thank all the recognised. Firstly, thank you to Suzy members of both the photographic and We have also seen wonderful perform­ Angus for the stunning cover photograph literary committees, particularly those ances from many PLC girls in Arts featuring Jayne Nottle on pipes - an who came in during the holidays in order activities. The two Arts Days were again integral part of the PLC tradition. Thanks to meet the deadline. We both appreciate enormously successful and the level of are extended to Meredith Olsen in the all the time and hard work you have participation was outstanding. Development Office for the many hours contributed. There were again numerous theatrical spent typing the seemingly endless Finally, we would like to wish all the productions performed outside the school. number of reports. We greatly appreciate Year Twelves good luck for the future On the Razzle was performed with Christ her hard work. Thanks also go to the and extend our best wishes to the rest of Church, and By Common Consent with Year Eleven photographic committee who the school for the continuing growth and Scotch College. This year also saw PLC helped relieve the stress placed on the success of PLC. enter a team in the Rock 'n' Roll Eistedd­ Year Twelves during exams. Mr Pedretti fod for the first time. Although PLC did has also been of great assistance with not make it to the finals, the participation photography, and Mr Leach's help with Ainslie Reddin and hard work contributed by all con­ the selection of material for the literary and Zoe Turner cerned was evident. section was also appreciated. KOOKABURRA-'- COMMITTEE (Year II) KOOKABURRA EDITORS Zoe Turner, Back (L-R): K Treloar, T Patiniotis, K Norgard, J Hocking, A Turnseck Ainslie Reddin Front: A Snowball, M Caporn, A Nielsen, K McDonough 3 Principal's Notes This year has been an extremely busy one for the School, particularly in the area of extra-curricular activities. Many girls As the school year draws to a close, it is have participated in these activities with time to say goodbye to yet another set of great enjoyment and I have been thrilled Year Twelve girls as they leave PLC for with the level of participation. There "life after school" and it is into a rapidly have been too many highlights of the year changing world that they are going. The for me to mention them all here. You will phrase "life wasn't meant to be easy" has find them elsewhere in this publication, taken on real meaning as the future holds but perhaps I should mention our new many question marks for all of us. What venture into rowing, providing yet another will be the issues of the twenty-first opportunity for girls to participate in a co­ century? I suggest that some of the main operative venture where working together issues will be - nuclear threat, the popula­ is all-important. tion crisis, the use and abuse of the I know that all girls would want me to environment, the increasing gap between thank all my Staff for their efforts. Their developed and underdeveloped countries, level of commitment makes me very the importance of Asia to us in Western Mrs Hazel Day. proud to be associated with them. They Australia, the shrinking of the world manage change. We have encouraged provide good role models for our girls as through technological advances, the them to have global vision, rather than a they work hard, achieve well, co-operate return of the importance of ethics, educa­ personal one, to see the larger picture with and help each other and provide tional reform, unemployment, the use of rather than focusing only on specific valuable support for all the girls that they increasing free time for many people, and issues, to have ideas and be able to teach. A very special thank you goes to a spiritual revival. communicate them to others, rather than Mrs Temby, who has been Director of the My Staff and I have tried hard to make merely be the spokesman for others, and Junior School for the past two years and our students aware of these issues and to to co-operate to solve problems. I hope will now take some well-earned leave. give them the confidence to face the we have also encouraged them to be of To Head Prefect, Liz Easton, her prefects future with optimism. This has been service to the community, to help others and other student leaders, well done! Best achieved in many ways as we have given less fortunate than themselves, and to see wishes to all the girls leaving PLC this them opportunities to be flexible, to take the PLC community as a very special year. Keep in touch! risks in a sheltered environment, to community to which they belong. Annual School Service of hope with his charge for the future. sized that in the future the School will be The Choir also sang while the offering endeavouring to learn from the experience On the 18th of August, almost seventy­ was collected for the Mission and Service by working together to implement a policy five years to the day after the School's Fund of the Uniting Church. After the of austerity. The Hon. June Craig spoke of first birthday, Senior School students and dedication of the offering, Mrs Day led the history of the School and its develop­ teachers arrived at SI. Andrew's Uniting the congregation in prayers of interces­ ment over the years and gave her best Church in Perth for PLC's Annual sion. wishes for good luck to the Year Twelves. School Service. The congregation then sang the final Ms Dixie Marshall, a former PLC School The Service began traditionally with the hymn, after which the official party left in Sports Captain, then presented an enter­ official party entering while the school procession - a traditional ending to taining speech about her school days and hymn, Land ofour Birth, was sung by the another memorable service, one of the her career. This was quite inspiring to congregation. Reverend Zayan wel­ highlights of the School's calendar. students, in particular to the Year Twelves comed all present and led the prayers of with journalistic ambitions. thanksgiving and confession. The final speech was that of the Head As at the previous year's Service, the Speech Night Report Prefect, Tanya Davies, who reflected on sermon was replaced by a Liturgy of the past year and thanked the Year Hope. Read by Reverend Zayan, Speech Night 1990 was again a very Twelves for their support. During the Catherine Murray and other Year Twelve successful and entertaining evening, second part of the evening, various students, the liturgy, entitled Australia, providing the Year Twelves with fond, musical performances were presented and Land ofLight, Colour and Contrast, final memories of PLC and the remainder were enjoyed immensely by all. Espe­ took us through the theme of the service, of the School with encouraging thoughts cially appreciated were the combined Pipe which was a general message about hope for the year ahead. and Concert Bands' Devils' Dance and a Beatles' arrangement performed by the for the future.
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